VPNAVY Address

VP Logos VP-2 PatchesVP Logos

VP LogosLOGOs: VP History ThumbnailCameraVP-2 Patch
Naval Aviation News July 1957 "...Naval Aviation News - July 1957..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1957/jul57.pdf [11AUG2004]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-2 Logo ThumbnailCameraVP-2 Logo Logo Contributed by Ernie Fillipucci afillipucci@bellsouth.net

UPDATE "...Designated: 1 September 1948 Former Designation: VP-ML-2 Approved: 6 November 1956 Photo No: 111 Significance: On a blue disc with white border, the figure of Neptune, white haired and bearded, crowned yellow, clothed in flowing red toga. The right arm extended forward, the left hand grasping a yellow trident, Neptune is astride a black torpedo fimbriated white above the top portion of a blue globe with longitude and latitude lines outlined in white. In an arc at the top of the sheild, three white stars, two above the extended arm and one behind the figure. On a blue scroll in white capital letters, the inscription "PATROL SQUADRON TWO." Record Location: Wash. Record Center Job No: 72-A-101 File: VP-2 Box: 2 of 5..." Contributed by Mick Nussbaum (Insignia Historian) T45_nditech@yahoo.com

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-2 Patch ThumbnailCameraVP-2 Patch Contributed by William T. Larkins [10SEP98]
Books U.S. Navy Aircraft 1921-1941, U.S. Marine Corps Aircraft 1914-1959: Two Classics in One Volume [Appendix D Squadron Insignia] by William T. Larkins "...Patrol Squadron Two, in line with its name, adopted a patrolman chasing an imaginary enemy. Colors: Black and white, with exception of face and hand which are flesh color; buttons and shield are yellow. VP-2F to VP-31..." [10SEP98]

VP LogosLOGOs: VPB-2 Patch ThumbnailCameraVP-2 Patch Logo Contributed by Brian WebSite: WWII Squadron Patch Website http://www.fly.to/WWII [06OCT99]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-2 Logo ThumbnailCameraVP-2 Patch "...Circa October 1949..." Contributed by Gene VanStaalduine genevans@home.com [23MAR2000]

"VP-2 Summary Page"