VP-30 History
Circa 1996
A BIT OF HISTORY:  ID: DNSC9600848 "...A view, looking east, showing the new Patrol Squadron 30 (VP-30) P-3 training squadron hangar under construction. In the background is hangar 1000, the primary P-3 hangar. Location: NAVAL AIR STATION, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA (FL) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) - Camera Operator: PH3 CHRISTEN VIERA Date Shot: 13 Jul 1996..." WebSite: Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/ [03FEB2006]
Circa 1995
A BIT OF HISTORY:  Circa 1995 "...Looking back to October 27, 1995 - A Lockheed P-3 Orion assigned to Fleet Replacement Squadron VP-30 is about to touch down on Runway 090 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. For many residents who live along the river - and in the station's flight path - the drone of the aircraft's four turbo-prop engines is a signature sound of freedom in their neighborhoods - Thursday, June 25, 2009..." WebSite: JaxAirNews http://www.jaxairnews.com/ [26JUN2009]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  ID: DNSC9501852 "...A view of the entrance to the construction site of the new hangar for P-3 training Patrol Squadron 30 (VP-30). Location: NAVAL AIR STATION, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA (FL) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) - Camera Operator: LT. JEFF HILTON Date Shot: 1 Apr 1995..." WebSite: Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/ [03FEB2006]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  ID: DNSC9501853 "...A view of the new hangar for the P-3 training Patrol Squadron 30 (VP-30) under construction. Location: NAVAL AIR STATION, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA (FL) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) - Camera Operator: LT. JEFF HILTON Date Shot: 1 Apr 1995..." WebSite: Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/ [03FEB2006]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  ID: DNSC9501854 "...A view of the new hangar for the P-3 training Patrol Squadron 30 (VP-30) under construction. Location: NAVAL AIR STATION, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA (FL) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) - Camera Operator: LT. JEFF HILTON Date Shot: 1 Apr 1995..." WebSite: Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/ [03FEB2006]
Circa 1994
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command, Disestablishment, Etc. - Naval Aviation News - January - February 1994.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1994/jf94.pdf [12NOV2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...28 OCT 94 - Ground was broken for a hangar that would become the new home of VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville, Fla. The fleet readiness squadron trained Navy pilots, naval flight officers, airborne systems specialists and ground maintenance personnel in the operation of the P-3 Orion patrol aircraft. VP-30 became the sole Navy P-3 fleet readiness squadron in October 1993 upon the disestablishment of VP-31 on the West Coast..." http://www.history.navy.mil/avh-1910/PART12.PDF [28MAY2003]
Circa 1993
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command, Records, Etc. - Naval Aviation News - November - December 1993.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1993/nd93.pdf [12NOV2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command, Records, Etc. - Naval Aviation News - September - October 1993.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1993/so93.pdf [12NOV2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Maritime Patrol FRS Consolidation On Track - Naval Aviation News - July - August 1993.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1993/ja93.pdf [12NOV2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...09 SEP 93 - NAS Jacksonville, Florida, VP-30 merged with VP-31 based at NAS Moffett Field, California, to form the Navy's largest aviation squadron. The consolidation was the result of the military's downsizing. It enabled the Navy to train all P-3 aircraft crews in Jacksonville..." http://www.history.navy.mil/avh-1910/PART12.PDF [28MAY2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "28APR93--NNS327. Maritime Patrol FRS Consolidation on Track WASHINGTON (NNS)...Patrol Squadron 30 (VP-30), the Atlantic Fleet P-3 Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS), has been consolidating with its Pacific Fleet sister squadron, VP-31, since December 1991. VP-31 is due to disestablish in November 1993 and VP-30 will assume the full responsibility for fleet replacement training for the maritime patrol force. Jacksonville, Fla., VP-30's home since 1975, will become the single VP FRS site by October 1993. VP-30 currently trains U.S. Navy pilots, naval flight officers, airborne systems specialists and ground maintenance personnel in the operation of the P-3 Orion aircraft. In addition, the squadron provides training for foreign maritime patrol communities transitioning to the P-3. "The maritime patrol force has taken the initiative in FRS consolidation and it will save millions in manpower and operating costs while achieving efficiency and maintaining quality training," said CAPT E. L. Morris Jr., commanding officer, VP-30. As of January 1992, VP-30 was assigned 690 instructors, ground maintenance and administrative personnel, as well as 18 P-3 Orion aircraft. Over the past 15 months, the number of staff personnel has grown rapidly and will eventually reach a manning level of approximately 1050 in August 1993. Upon consolidation, VP-30 will be maintaining about 32 P-3's required to train the increased number of replacement personnel to meet fleet needs..." http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/news/navnews/nns93/nns93032.txt
Circa 1992
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Awards, Change-Of-Command, Etc. - Naval Aviation News - September-October 1992.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1992/so92.pdf [11NOV2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Base Closures, Change-Of-Command, Records, Etc. - Naval Aviation News - May-June 1992.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1992/mj92.pdf [11NOV2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command, Safe Flying, Etc. - Naval Aviation News - January-February 1992.." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1992/jf92.pdf [11NOV2004]

Circa 1990
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History - Naval Aviation News - January-February 1991..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1991/jf91.pdf [24OCT2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History - Change-Of-Command - Page 8, 9 and 32 - Naval Aviation News - November-December 1990..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1990/nd90.pdf [22OCT2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History and Change-Of-Command - Page 6, 29 and 31 - Naval Aviation News - May-June 1990..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1990/mj90.pdf [22OCT2004]

"VP-30 History Summary Page"