VPNAVY Operation Poppy by Captain Edward M. Brittingham
VPNAVY Address

Books VP-31 MiscellaneousBooks

BooksBOOKs: VPNAVY BookTitle: "VPNavy! USN, USMC, USCG and NATS Patrol Aircraft Lost or Damaged During World War II" by LCDR Douglas E. Campbell, USNR (Retired) dcamp@aol.com "VPNavy! USN, USMC, USCG and NATS Patrol Aircraft Lost or Damaged During World War II" Thousands of hours of research have culminated in this First Edition of U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard and Naval Air Transport Service patrol aircraft lost or damaged during World War II. Within these 600+ pages can be found more than 2,200 patrol aircraft across nearly 300 squadron designations; the majority of the aircraft complete with their stories of how they were lost or damaged or simply Struck Off Charge (SOC) and removed from the Navy’s inventory. Of interest to the reader may be the alphabetical Index to the 7,600+ names of Officers, aircrewmen and others mentioned in the book. Squadrons, etc. mentioned include: VB/VP/VPB, FAW, VD, VH, VJ, VMD, VR, NATS, NAS, etc. You may purchase as copy through: Lulu Press, Inc.. Contributed by LCDR Douglas E. Campbell, USNR (Retired) dcamp@aol.com [26FEB2018]

BooksBOOKs: VPNAVY Book Title: MARTIN P5M MARLIN by Capt Richard Hoffman USN (Ret) dickdot@san.rr.com.

The lineage of Martin and the flying boat can be traced back to the PBM-4 of 1941. Navy last flying boat and the end of a long era of seaplanes in the US Navy. This book covers the squadron that used them and parts of the pilot handbook and maintenance manual. Squadron and crew patches. Photos of the catwalks and some of the hazard of working on a seaplane over the water. There are also section on the US Coast Guard and French use. The Marlin losses and a list of Casualties. 168 pages, 273 photos, 50 drawings 1 page of models colored front and back cover with 12 colored photos. Also 2 pages on the P6M and advanced seaplanes. Squadrons Mentioned: VP-30, VP-31, VP-40, VP-42, VP-44, VP-45, VP-46, VP-47, VP-48, VP-49, VP-50, VP-56, VT-31 and VX-1 to mention a few! ORDER NUMBER - NF74 $34.95 - ISBN 0-942612-74-4 WebSite for ordering a copy: http://ginterbooks.com/NAVAL/NF74.htm [17MAY2007]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "US Navy PBY Catalina Units of the Atlantic War" by Ragnar J. Ragnarsson. Squadron's Mentioned: VP-31, VP-32, VP-33, VP-34, VP-45, VP-51, VP-52, VP-53, VP-63, VP-71, VP-72, VP-73, VP-83, VP-84, VP-92, VP-94, VP-6 (Coast Guard), VFP-1 and VFP-2]. [08OCT2006]

VP ModelsMODELs: Model VP Aircraft ThumbnailModel Airplane: P2V-SF Neptune - Navy, Gray/White - VP31 BUNO: 131408...Brand: Aircraft Model...Category: Collectible Wooden Airplane (AM241-AR Regular Price: $138.00 Depot Low Price: $124.20) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/1st-class-gift-depot/am241-ar.html "...Shipmates can write a short note with their order, I will make sure to give them a 5% discount to show our respects to them...Spencer/OPD to1stclassgiftdepot@yahoo.com..." [19AUG2002]

VP ModelsMODELs: VP-31 P2V-5F ThumbnailP2V-5F Neptune - VP31 BUNO: Unknown (Pacific Products Gallery Home) http://www.pacprod.com/cgi-bin/hazelnt.exe?action=serve&item=/planes/am241-ar.htm

VP ModelsMODELs: Decal Kits ThumbnailModel decals, VP Aircraft, etc. are available for: VP-4, VP-6, VP-8, VP-14, VP-31, VP-42, VP-45, VP-67, VP-47, VP-49, VP-50, VP-60, VP-64, VP-69, VP-60, VQ-1, Plus more! (MIKE'S HOBBY SHACK) http://mkhobbyshack.bizland.com/ [12AUG99]

MuseumAIRCRAFT ON DISPLAY: Western Aerospace Museum P.O. Box 14264, Airport Station Oakland California 94614 415-638-7100 P-3 BUNO: 150520 [23JUN99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "PBY: The Catalina Flying Boat" by Creed, Roscoe. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1986. 351 pp. This definitive study, first published in 1985, pulls together in a single volume all of the aircraft's fascinating facts. The author carefully analyzes the PBY's dual use in the war as a plane of mercy and as a bomber, and he chronicles the flying boat's contributions in peacetime. Squadrons mentioned include: VP-2, VP-5, VP-6, VP-7, VP-9, VP-10, VP-11, VP-12, VP-14, VP-21, VP-22, VP-23, VP-24, VP-31, VP-32, VP-33, VP-34, VP-41, VP-42, VP-43, VP-44, VP-45, VP-51, VP-52, VP-54, VP-61, VP-62, VP-63, VP-71, VP-72, VP-73, VP-74, VP-81, VP-83, VP-84, VP-101, VP-102, FAW-3, FAW-4, FAW-5, FAW-7, FAW-9, FAW-15, FAW-16, FAW-17, CPW-1, CPW-2, CPW-3, CPW-4, CPW-5, CPW-7, CPW-8, and CPW-10. [29MAR2001]

BooksBOOKs: Title: VP-31 Disestablishment 26AUG93 Hangar ONE NAS Moffett Field, California 33 Years of Service 1940-1993[16JUN99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: Sub Busters: Countering the Submarine Threat (Osprey Aerospace Series) [VP-19 Pages 8-33...VP-68 Page 38...VP-31 Page 39-41] [26APR99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "PBM Mariner in Action Including the Martin P5M Marlin, JRM MARS and P6M Seamaster Number 74" [VP-7, VP-14, VP-16, VP-17, VP-18, VP-19, VP-21, VP-26, VP-31, VP-32, VP-45, VP-47, VP-48, VP-50, VP-55, VP-74, VP-202, VP-206, VP-211, VP-216, etc.] [23DEC99]

"VP-31 Summary Page"