VP-40 Crew
Crew 1
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-1 Patch "...VP-40 Crew 1's 1994 deployment to NAS Misawa, Japan..." Contributed by STUBBS, Chris "Stubby" stubbsac@hotmail.com [06JAN2004]
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-1 Patch "...Represents our trip to Australia (note how "down under" was mis-spelled "dawn under") Oh well!..." Contributed by STUBBS, Chris "Stubby" stubbsac@hotmail.com [06JAN2004]
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 1 "...I flew in Crew-7 with the XO CDR Harry Hinden when he became the CO (and became Crew-1). This photograph was taken at NS Sangley Point, Philippines Circa 1965..." Contributed by LOPEZ, AMS3(AC) Manuel H. vp40airman@hotmail.com [30MAR2008]
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 1 "...1967: Standing: (L - R) Valett ADR1, LT(jg) Sorrick, LT Vincent, CDR Smolinski, LT(jg) Boling, LT(jg) Buie. Kneeling: (L - R) Wetherly AX3, Gardener AMH3, Smith AO3, Potter AX2, Plaugher AX2, Barth AE3, Renoud AX3..." Contributed by BARTH, Bruce D. bbarth1@austin.rr.com [19SEP2001]
Crew 2
LOGOs: VP-40 Crew 2 Patch "...OEF-OIF - Masirah-Dodge-Bahrain 2003..." Contributed by Tom Grannis grannis1@earthlink.net [17MAY20004]
LOGOs: VP-40 Crew 2 Patch Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [20NOV2002]
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-2 Patch "...Designed by LTjg Matt Pottenburgh..." Contributed by LTjg Matt Pottenburgh Mattbo6294@aol.com [23MAY99]
Crew 3
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 3 "...VP-40 Crew 3, circa 1964 (+/-), in front of the NAS Sangley Point, Philippines nose dock. The wingtips of two P5M-2 Marlins are visible in the background. Crewmembers are: Back Row - Lt Bigley (me) Copilot); Lcdr Cooper (PPC); Ltjg Svendsgaard (Tacco); Ltjg Hampt (3rd pilot/Nav). Front Row: AX2 Martensen (Jez); AO3 Shelton (Ordnance); ADR3 Kaubel (Plane Captain); AMS3 Delisle (Metalsmith); AX3 Stallsmith (Radar); AX2 Barrows (Julie)..." Contributed by Tom Bigley, Cdr, USNR-TAR (ret) bigleytl@earthlink.net
Crew 5
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 5 "...VP-40 Crew 5, circa 1964...Front Row...Left to Right: AO2 GREEN (ORD), AX3 HICKMAN (1ST RADIO/JEZ), ADRAN HALL (2ND MECH), AX3 JACKSON (2ND RADIO/JEZ), AE3 CORWIN (ELECT), AMS2 MUNOZ (METALSMITH)...Back Row: AT2 DOUGHTY (RADAR), LT WICKWIRE (PPC), LT LINK (CP), LTJG HANSON (NAV/3P), and AM2 BANKS (PLANE CAPTAIN)..." Contributed by AWC Ken Jackson (Ret) Ken@score.com
Crew 6
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 6 "...VP-40 Crew 6, circa 1963-1964...Front Row...Left to Right: ADR2 GRAHAM (PLANE CAPTAIN), LCDR...SCHERMERHORN (CP), LCDR FARRIS (PIL), LT VINSON (TACCO), AMS3 WEST(METALSMITH), ATR2 LITTLE (RADAR), AO3 CHAMBERLAIN (ORD), AX3 JACKSON (RADIO/JEZ), AE3 REGAN (ELECTRICIAN), and ADR3 SELTZER (2ND MECH)..." Contributed by AWC Ken Jackson (Ret) Ken@score.com
Crew 7
LOGOs: VP-40 Crew 7 Patch Contributed by Tom Grannis grannis1@earthlink.net [09MAY2004]
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 7 "...VP-40 NS Sangley Point, Philippines - Photo taken between 1959-10/1961. Possibly Crew 7. Back Row Middle: LTjg Donald Stebbins. Some of the others in the picture could be: David Weber (aircrew), LTjg William Westlake , LTjg Jay Josselyn , Don Ditch (radar), and Dumbrowski (plane captain). Perhaps someone can help me identify the other crewmembers?..." Contributed by STEBBINS, LCDR Donald J. c/o His Son Craig Stebbins castebbins@hotmail.com [25OCT2002]
Crew 8
LOGOs: VP-40 Crew Patch
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-8 Patch "...Crew Patch..." Contributed by George Morrow gdmorrow@dallasnews.com [15MAY2002]
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-8 Patch "...Crew Hat..." Contributed by George Morrow gdmorrow@dallasnews.com [15MAY2002]
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-8 Patch "...Designed by LT Matt Pottenburgh..." Contributed by LT Matt Pottenburgh Mattbo6294@aol.com [04JUL2000]
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 8 "...VP-40, Crew 8, "Charlie Able 8". The photo was taken in August of 1955 at NS Sangley Point, Philippines. It amazes me that after 50 years I can still remember each of these guys names. The aircraft is a P5M-1...Front row from left to right. Lt(jg) Bazzuto, Co-pilot, Lt (LCDR) Lamert PPC, Lt(jg) Inman, Lt(jg) Myrick. Back row, left to right. Kaiser, AL2 1st radio, Thurmond AO3, Byser AD1 Plane capt., Buesking AM3, Endy AT3 2nd radio. Two other members of the crew were not present for the photo, Booth AT2 radar, Baumgartner AT3 ECM..." Contributed by ENDY, AT3 Thomas H. tendy@socal.rr.com [23MAY2005]
Crew 9
LOGOs: VP-40 CAC-9 Patch "...Designed by LTjg Matt Pottenburgh..." Contributed by LTjg Matt Pottenburgh Mattbo6294@aol.com [23MAY99]
Crew 10
LOGOs: VP-40 Crew 10 Patch Contributed by Tom Grannis grannis1@earthlink.net [09MAY2004]
Crew 12
CREWs: VP-40 Crew 12 "...VP-40 Crew 12, circa 1952...Standing Left to Right: LT Foote (Pilot), LTjg Lewis (Co-Pilot), ENS Sundburf (Navigator), Neilson (Plane Captain), Yount (1st Ordnance and Waist gunner), Cox (1st Mechanic and Waist Gunner), and White (1st Radio) Front Row: Wietzel (Radar), Hyman (2nd Mechanic), Ferguson (Stru Mechanic and Tail Gunner), Cassis (2nd Ordnance and Bow Gunner), and Rogers (2nd Radio)..." Contributed by Dick Ferguson [07MAR2000]
Crew 13
CREWs: VP-40 CAC-13 "...This was during our deployment to Japan in 1972 (I think). The names that I remember are on the picture..." Contributed by ARKON, AC1 Steven Retired sarkon@twlakes.net [05DEC2002]
"VP-40 Summary Page"