VPNAVY Operation Poppy by Captain Edward M. Brittingham
VPNAVY Address

Books VP-40 MiscellaneousBooks

BooksBOOKs: VPNAVY Book Title: Crew Eleven [Kindle Edition] by CDR Robert Bartron (Retired) - Do you like a good airport or beach read, preferably something about the Navy, P-3 flying and courage? I invite all my VP Shipmates to check out my new book (about VP-40) that is now available on Kindle at Amazon - Crew Eleven [Kindle Edition]. If you don't have a Kindle Reader, you can download Free Kindle Book Software for your Personal Computer (PC), Notebook or SmartPhone. I served with VP-40 and VP-50 during the cold war. Contributed by CDR Robert Bartron (Retired) bobbartron@hotmail.com [21MAR2011]

BooksBOOKs: VPNAVY Book Title: MARTIN P5M MARLIN by Capt Richard Hoffman USN (Ret) dickdot@san.rr.com.

The lineage of Martin and the flying boat can be traced back to the PBM-4 of 1941. Navy last flying boat and the end of a long era of seaplanes in the US Navy. This book covers the squadron that used them and parts of the pilot handbook and maintenance manual. Squadron and crew patches. Photos of the catwalks and some of the hazard of working on a seaplane over the water. There are also section on the US Coast Guard and French use. The Marlin losses and a list of Casualties. 168 pages, 273 photos, 50 drawings 1 page of models colored front and back cover with 12 colored photos. Also 2 pages on the P6M and advanced seaplanes. Squadrons Mentioned: VP-30, VP-31, VP-40, VP-42, VP-44, VP-45, VP-46, VP-47, VP-48, VP-49, VP-50, VP-56, VT-31 and VX-1 to mention a few! ORDER NUMBER - NF74 $34.95 - ISBN 0-942612-74-4 WebSite for ordering a copy: http://ginterbooks.com/NAVAL/NF74.htm [17MAY2007]

Aircraft PostCard WebSite
Linkhttp://www.johnfry.com/postcards.html Postcards VP-40 PostCard Aircraft Sample "...I publish the airplane postcards sold in most of America's air museums. I do have VP cards -- PBY, PBM, P2V-7, and P5M's...The VP-40 SP-5B is taking off from San Diego Harbor enroute to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland on 12 July 1968. The pilot is LCDR Don McGarrigle..." Contributed by John Fry mail@johnfry.com [08SEP2000]

VP LogosLOGOs: Purchase Information: Buy PatchesVP-40 Patch Buy Patches features a large selection of Military related Patches, Aviation Art Prints, Military Caps and more. Free Shipping Worldwide*. VPNAVY will get 5% commission on all purchases! Contributed by Dave Duckworth dave@militarybest.com [17OCT2000]

MovieMOVIE: "00XXX59--OPERATION, "SKYNET"...Control Number: NWDNM(m)-428-NPC-21385...General Material: Motion picture films...Description Unit: Item...Record Group: 428...Series Designator: NPC...Item Designator: 21385...Title: OPERATION, "SKYNET"...Date: 1959...Format: unedited...Scope & Content: 1) A-G CU PAN along port side of a merchant ship at sea.G2) A-G CU Same.3) A-G ELS Submarine underway on surface. G4) LA ECU Navigator on the P5M-1 taking in sighting on periscope sextant during maneuvers off San Diego during "Skynet". VG5) ECU Side view: Navigator plotting course and figuring course on map while on flight. VG6) CU Navigators hand holding pencil while tracing course on chart.7) MCU Two VP-40 crewmen launching sonobuoys through port door on P5M-1 during Skynet operation; one man throws smoke-flare marker other throws sonobuoy. G8) CU Rear view: VP-40 I.C.M.-M.A.D. crewmen keeping vigil on equipment during flight. VG9) ECU VP-40 radarman watching pip appear on radar scope and recording it. F10) CU Crewmen filling plate with food. G11) HA CU Radarman with food before him.12) HA ECU Mans hands cutting food. G13) MS Two crewmembers of the R.C.A.F. Maritime Patrol Squadron *407 checking tail section of the P2V before take off at N.A.S. North Island. G14) CU Sonobuoy being hand launched out door in port side of P5M-1. NG15) ECU VP-40 navigator plotting course during "Skynet" flight. VG16) A-G ECU PAN across bow of USS HORNET CVS-12); S2F-2"s parked next to island structure; camera aircraft PAN"s around strbd. side. VG17) A-G ECU USS HORNET underway at sea. VG18) A-G CU Same.19) A-G ECU PAN along port side of HORNET. G-F20) HA MS Stern view: S2F-2 being catapulted from cat.21) G-A MS Stern view: Four S2F-2"s of VS-38 flying over HORNET after returning from mission (VV). G22) HA MS Front view: S2F-2 approaching for landing.23) HA MCU S2F-2 taxiing up deck to parking area, plane folds its wings. G24) HA MS HSS-1 helicopter touching down on flight deck; flight director gives signals. G25) HA MLS Three HSS-1 helicopters aft on flight deck. G...Subject Ref.: .../OPERATION, "Skynet"; AERIALS, A-G, ship; SHIPS, merchant; SUBMARINES, underway; PLANES, P5M-1, in flt., water; PLANES, in flt., water; NAVIGATION, planes (navigator); SUBS, pts., periscope; NAVIGATION., sextant; MAPS/..., misc.; INSTS., physical, pencil; ELECTRONICS, sonobuoy; PYROTECHNICS, smoke flares; ENL'D. MEN, USN, RD; RADAR, scope; FOOD, misc. (abd CVS); H.B., hands; PLANES, P2V, take-off; PLANES, take-off, water(P2r); NAVAL ACT., MAS, North Island; HORNET, USS (CVS-12); AIR. CARRIERS, CVS, scns. abd.; PLANES, S2F-2, parked; PLANES, parked (CVS); SHIPS, pts., island(CVS); PLANES, camera; AIR. CARRIERS, CVS, under way; PLANES, catapulted, CVS; PLANES, taxiing, CVS; PLANES, fold wings, CVS; HELICOPTERS, HSS-1, land; HELICOPTERS, land, CVS; AIR CARRIERS, pers., flt. director...Geographic Ref.: harbor San Diego...Use Restrictions: Other. Department of the Navy, Naval Photographic Center...Contact: Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch (NWDNM), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 PHONE: (301) 713-7060 FAX: (301) 713-6904..." NARA ARCHIVAL INFORMATION LOCATOR (NAIL) http://www.archives.gov/index.html

VP ModelsMODELs: Model VP Aircraft ThumbnailModel Airplane: VP-40 P-3C Orion...Brand: Aircraft Model...Category: Collectible Wooden Airplane (AM119-AR Regular Price: $138.00 Depot Low Price: $124.20) http://shop.store.yahoo.com/1st-class-gift-depot/am119-ar.html "...Shipmates can write a short note with their order, I will make sure to give them a 5% discount to show our respects to them...Spencer/OPD to1stclassgiftdepot@yahoo.com..." [19AUG2002]

VP ModelsMODELs: VP-40 P3 ThumbnailP3 Orion - VP-40 BUNO: 161765 (MIKE'S HOBBY SHACK) http://mkhobbyshack.bizland.com/ [12AUG99]

VP ModelsMODELs: VP-40 P5 ThumbnailP5M Marlin - VP-40 BUNO: 5502 (World-class airplane models) http://www.warplanes.com/Props.htm

VP ModelsMODELs: VP-40 P5 ThumbnailP3 Orion - VP40 BUNO: Unknown (World-class airplane models) http://www.warplanes.com/Props.htm

VP ModelsMODELs: VP-40 P3 ThumbnailP3 Orion - VP40 BUNO: Unknown (Wings America) http://www.wingsamerica.com/des1119a.htm

BooksBOOKs: Title: "The Martin P5M Marlin" the end of an era in naval seaplane aviation...by Bruce D. Barth bbarth1@austin.rr.com Mail ISBN 0-9636332-1-X (NOTE: Contains the history of VP-40)

BooksBOOKs: Title: "Patrol Squadron Forty cruise book, 1966-1967." Imprint [S.l. : s.n., 1967?] Physical Description [100] p. : chiefly ill., ports. ; 31 cm. WebSite: Navy Department Library http://www.history.navy.mil/library/ [Link Updated 24APR2001 | 30JAN99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "Patrol Squadron Forty, Far East cruise, 1969." Imprint [S.l. : s.n., 1969?] Physical Description [76] p. : chiefly ill. (some col.), ports. ; 28 cm. WebSite: Navy Department Library http://www.history.navy.mil/library/ [Link Updated 24APR2001 | 30JAN99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "Patrol Squadron Forty : WestPac deployment, Iwakuni, Japan, 1 February 1974 - 1 August 1974." Imprint [S.l. : s.n., 1974?] Physical Description [98] p. : chiefly ill., ports. ; 28 cm. WebSite: Navy Department Library http://www.history.navy.mil/library/ [Link Updated 24APR2001 | 30JAN99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "Patron 40, 1970." Imprint [Bangkok : Craftsman Press Ltd., 1970?] Physical Description 102, [4] p. : chiefly ill. (some col.), ports. ; 23 x 29 cm. WebSite: Navy Department Library http://www.history.navy.mil/library/ [Link Updated 24APR2001 | 30JAN99]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "PBM Mariner in Action Including the Martin P5M Marlin, JRM MARS and P6M Seamaster Number 74" [VP-7, VP-14, VP-16, VP-17, VP-18, VP-19, VP-21, VP-26, VP-31, VP-32, VP-45, VP-47, VP-48, VP-50, VP-55, VP-74, VP-202, VP-206, VP-211, VP-216, etc.] [23DEC99]

"VP-40 Summary Page"