VP-48 History
Circa 1979
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History - Page 22, 23, 27, and 32 - Naval Aviation News - September 1979..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1979/sep79.pdf [10OCT2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History - Awards - Change-Of-Command - Page 24 and 27 - Naval Aviation News - June 1979..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1979/jun79.pdf [10OCT2004]

A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History - Awards - Page 3, 23, 26 to 27 - Naval Aviation News - May 1979..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1979/may79.pdf [10OCT2004]

Circa 1978
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-48 P-3 BUNO: 158221 "...From my first deployment to NAF Misawa, Japan in 1978 with SF-1 VP-48. As you can see, NAF Misawa, Japan was pretty far north and would get some serious snow in the winter. These shots of SF-1 were taken in the AM before we got it ready for a long flight. They had to de-ice it before it flew that day..." Contributed by DUNBAR, AT2 Jeff jdunbar1@cinci.rr.com [01JUL2007]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History - Awards - Page 4, 5 and 31 - Naval Aviation News - July 1978..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1978/jul78.pdf [09OCT2004]

Circa 1977
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command - Page 25 - Naval Aviation News - July 1977..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1977/jul77.pdf [08OCT2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command and History - Page 30 and 31 - Naval Aviation News - February 1977..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1977/feb77.pdf [08OCT2004]

Circa 1976
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Change-Of-Command - Page 31 - Naval Aviation News - July 1976..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1976/jul76.pdf [06OCT2004]
Circa 1975
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...People Planes And Places - Page 38 to 39 - Naval Aviation News - January 1975..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1975/jan75.pdf [02OCT2004]
Circa 1974
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-48 History "...1974 WestPac Deployment..." Contributed by Mark Smetana m0smetana@gmail.com [31MAY2007]
Circa 1971
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Pacific E's Are Awarded - Page 3 - Naval Aviation News - November 1971..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1971/nov71.pdf [25SEP2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Picture of a bullpup. This occurred during the VP-48 WestPac cruise of 1971. The pilot of the P-3 was Lieutenant James Conn, "JC's Disciples" Crew 5..." Contributed by Ted Bird tedandpat@iwworks.com [13JUL2000]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...00XXX71--Anyone remember a P3-A (not from my squadron), upside down in Subic Bay..1971. She was from the squadron who relieved us with much hoopla after the crash/1-fatality...More would have perished, except for the outstanding flying & ditching procedures of the pilots, and the Flight Engineer, due to a catastrophic maintenance glitch. A new guy to P3's serviced all 4-engines w/MIL-H 5606 (hydraulic fluid) instead of 23699 engine oil. Wrong fluid in the wrong bauser. I was a witness to the crash, and I still get the willys everytime I picture it in my mind. This VP-site is a spectacular idea, and my hat is totally off to the principles, and all who served..." Contributed by Jim Hunter jim.hunter8@verizon.net
"...The Cubi Pt. crash in 1971 was caused by cleaning fluid being put in the water/alcohol injection tank instead of the proper mixture. The containers had not been properly identified on the line, so it was a collosal error. The "water" injection lasted for about 2 minutes for heavy load take-offs in hot climates. Nedles to say, all four engines flamed out right after lift-off and the pilot did a great job of putting it in. The sole fatality was the navigator who was crushed by the fuselage fuel tank which came up on impact and basically met the roof at the nav station. The TACCO in that crew was a ground school instructor at Corpus a couple of years later (he had quit flying after the accident.)..." Dick Zeisel (Capt, USN, ret) eldoz@msn.com [E-Mail Updated 05FEB99]
Circa 1970
A BIT OF HISTORY:  Meritorious Unit Citation "...Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Meritorious Unit Citation (Gallantry Cross)..." Official U. S. Navy Records (National Archives and Records Administration) via Fold3 http://www.fold3.com/ [14DEC2012]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...On Patrol - Page 24 - Naval Aviation News - April 1970..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1970/apr70.pdf [17SEP2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Fleet Air 'E' Awards Announced - Page 3 - Naval Aviation News - April 1970..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1970s/1970/apr70.pdf [17SEP2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Circa 1970...Flying the PBM, VP-731 reported to COMNAVAIRPAC for active duty on 2 October 1960. The Squadron completed two WESTPAC tours and began a third during the Korean conflict. For its operations in the Korea and Formosa patrol areas, VP-731 was awarded the Korean Presidential Unit Citation. On February 1953, VP-731 as redesignated VP-48. Presently, the primary mission of VP-48 is to conduct prompt and sustained all-weather ASW operations, seek out and destroy enemy submarines, protect friendly surface units at sea, and protect fixed geographical water areas. The Squadorn's secondary mission is to conduct aerial minelaying, pro-submarine operations, naval reconnaissance, and limited commerce destruction. VP-48 changed home port to NAS Moffett Field, California on 1 November 1966, and began transition to the P-3..." Contributed by Jan Hartman [23MAY2000]
"VP-48 History Summary Page"