VP-48 History
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY:  NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam "...Bullet holes in VP-48 BUNO: 154595 P-3..." Contributed by MAYO, AO3 Mike Fisheye44@aol.com [23MAY2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-48 Aircraft "...VP-48 aircraft taxis 75 miles after crash..." Contributed by CASTILLO, Ruben ruben.castillo6@worldnet.att.net [10APR2001]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VP-48 We wore custom fitted flight suits during the winter because of the extreme cold temperature off the coast of Korea. This suits were designed to prevent a person from freezing if he had to ditch and was in the water, with out it life expectancy was seven minutes. The picture I am submitting was taken after returning from a patrol. L to R Castillo, Jackson, Howell, Bollenbacker..." Contributed by CASTILLO, Ruben ruben.castillo6@worldnet.att.net [10APR2001]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-48 Sub Picture "...Shot is a C/V that we caught running on the surface through the Straits of Malacca..." Contributed by Mark Smetana m0smetana@gmail.com
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...This is Headquarters at Sangley, with 6 aircraft in formation..." Contributed by AX2 Lee (Andy) Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com [20SEP99]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Osaka, Japan, picking up our aircraft..." Contributed by AX2 Lee (Andy) Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com [20SEP99]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...As stated by our PPC, " We are now the World's largest single engine Seaplane..." Contributed by AX2 Lee (Andy) Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com [20SEP99]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...SF-1 and AV-7 in Buckner Bay, Okinawa..." Contributed by AX2 Lee (Andy) Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com [18SEP99]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...I think this picture was taken at Cam Ranh Bay, Viet Nam..." Contributed by AX2 Lee (Andy) Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com [18SEP99]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...One of the highlights of my career took place with this squadron in a Sea-Air Rescue. Out of Guam, my plane/crew was the last mission to attempt to locate two fishermen and their small boat. I, (AW Chief), did locate a small 'blip' on the radar, just as the mission was ending, and it was, in fact, the lost fishermen!! It made me feel great to think that I contributed toward saving several lives. We vectored a boat in the area to them to rescue them. I had several ''lows'' in my career also - one was losing my crew 3 in Argentia, Newfoundland, with VP-8 just weeks after tranferring to NATTC Millington, Tenn. for AT"B" school. Ten wonderful men, I will never forget, nor the losses their families, who I knew well, faced. and the other was the fruitless search for the "USS Scorpion", the sub found off the Azores, while, for some reason, we searched off the coast of North Carolina..." Contributed by Bill Bryan AWC (Ret) goodroosterjunior@yahoo.com WebSite: B & D Custom Caps & Tees http://www.vpnavy.com/luckydog.html [WebSite Updated 30DEC2000 | E-Mail Updated 11JAN99]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VP-48, first squadron to go operational w/P3-C's. Isabell Trophy Winner 1971, w/Battle E (in Gold), and Maintenance E. Highest Decorated squadron Pacific Fleet that year. We flew at the same time, same base with B-52's out of Guam and Thailand..." Contributed by Jim Hunter jim.hunter8@verizon.net
"VP-48 History Summary Page"