VP-48 Shipmates
ABBOTT, ADJ2 James S. Jim.Abbott@nimet.com "...VP-48 '74-77, ADJ2, 2nd Mechanic..." [17JUL2001]
ADSIT, ATR2 Robert R. bvadsit@sisna.com "...I served with VP-48 from 4/63-7/64..." [28JUL2001]
ADKINS, AWC Thomas H. (Tom) Retired tandjat105@aol.com& "...Nice to see a few "old buddies" at this site. I served with VP-48 from 1968-1972, NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee as an Instructor in "AWA" school from 1972-1976, HS-9 from 1976-1979, NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee from 1979-1982, USS America from 1982-1985, and finally FTG NAS North Island, San Diego, California from from 1985-1987 when I retired as an AWC. Still got fond memories of VP-48, NS Sangley Point, Philippines and Utapao..." [E-Mail Updated 15OCT2002 | 13SEP2000]
AGEE, AZCS Mike Retired mike.agee@boeing.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1970-1974 as an AZ3 & AZ2. I served with VP-45 from 1979-1983 as an AZ1..." [25JUN2007]
ALLEN, Phil pallen@rtcol.com "...I served with VP-48 (1969-1973) with a deployment to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. I still wear the cheap Timex in Caviti City!..." [E-Mail Updated 20SEP2014 | 23MAY2004]
AMES, REAR ADMIRAL Christopher Conlan http://www.transcom.mil/bios/tcames.pdf "...Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Christopher Conlan Ames is the director of Plans and Policy (J5), United States Transportation Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. Prior to reporting to USTRANSCOM, the admiral was commander, Amphibious Squadron THREE. During his 26-year career, the admiral was the assistant navigator, USS AMERICA (CV 66); Commanding Officer, VP-16; Commanding Officer, Amphibious Assault Ship USS TARAWA (LHA-1); and deputy for operations, United States Pacific Command. He is a Naval aviator with more than 2,000 hours in the P-3C aircraft. EDUCATION: 1976 Bachelor of science, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 1991 Masters in public administration, The John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. June 1976 - August 1976, student, Naval Aviation Schools Command, Pensacola, Fla. 2. August 1976 - February 1977, student, VT-2, NAS Whiting Field, Milton, Florida. 3. February 1977 - February 1977, student, Naval Aviation Schools Command, NAS Pensacola, Florida. 4. February 1977 - July 1977, student, VT-31, NAS Corpus Christi, Texas 5. July 1977 - November 1977, student, VP-31, NAS Pensacola, Florida. 6. November 1977 - January 1981, instructor pilot/senior NATOPS pilot evaluator, VP-48, NAS Moffett Field, California. 7. February 1981 - March 1982, Joint Chief of Staff intern, Strategic Planner, J5 Strategy Division, Plans and Policy Directorate, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 8. April 1982 - October 1982, aide and administrative assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Plans, Policy and Operations, OP-06, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 9. October 1982 - December 1983, flag lieutenant, Third Fleet, Pacific 10. December 1983 - April 1986, assistant navigator, USS AMERICA (CV-66), aircraft carrier, Atlantic 11. April 1986 - May 1989, maintenance officer, VP-30, then operations officer, VP-24, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. 12. May 1989 - July 1990, assistant Washington placement, Naval Military Personnel Command, Washington, D.C. 13. July 1990 - June 1991, student, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 14. July 1991 - February 1994, executive officer, then Commanding Officer, VP-16, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. 15. February 1994 - May 1994, executive assistant to the commander, CPW-11, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. 16. May 1994 - August 1994, under instruction, Senior Officer Ship Material Readiness Course, Newport Naval Station, R.I. 17. August 1994 - December 1997, executive officer, then commanding officer, USS TARAWA (LHA 1), Amphibious Assault Ship, Pacific 18. December 1997 - July 2000, deputy for Operations, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii 19. August 2000 - April 2002, commander, Amphibious Squadron THREE, San Diego, Calif. 20. April 2002 - present, director of Plans and Policy (J5), United States Transportation Command, Scott AFB, Ill..." [24JUN2003]
AMUNRUD, Larry amunrudlarry@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California from 1967 to 1970..." [17MAY2010]
ANDERSON, AOC Jim Retired jaoc18@carolina.rr.com "...I reported to VP-48 sometime in June 1955 in NAS Iwakuni, Japan from the USS Midway. At the time I was AA and went into the Ordnance shop. The Division Chief was Joe Conquest. I flew with Crew#8 for a time. I transferred to shore duty at NAS Brunswick, Maine as AO3 1957, and after that to VAW-33 at NAS Pomona, NJ. I retired as AOC in 1976..." [26DEC2002]
ANDERSON, AMS2 Johnny M. jo-vo@classicnet.net "...I served with VP-48 from 1966 to 1969. Started out as a AN2 on the Pig Boats at NAS North Island, San Diego, California and ended my tour as an AMS2 on the P-3. As an Aircrewman with the squadron I amassed over 2000 hours flight time at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, NAS Moffett Field, California, NAS Iwakuni, Japan, and NAS Adak, Alaska. I also worked maintenance and inspections my last year or so. I was at NAS Iwakuni, Japan on that ill-fated date of January 15, 1968 when we lost F Troop, Crew-11 to a mountainside as they were returning home from a mission. I was second FE with Crew-4, Holman's Heros during this time. What memories I have from all the places we were. I can attribute all my dead brain cells to guys like Rich Trask, Skip Seirks, Bill Smith, Ray Littlefield and Bob Lange, just to name a few. After I got out of the Navy, I went to college and was commissioned into the Army upon graduation. I finished my career in the Army and retired as a Major. It would be great to here from some of my old Shipmates and I'll always be thinking of the great times with VP-48..." [E-Mail Updated 08DEC2007 | 21APR99]
ANDERSON, AX2 Lee "Andy" vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com "...I served with VP-48 (1963-08/1966) with two deployments to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. The first tour was spent working in the Avionics Shop, and the second was spent flying with Crew 1 as Jez, and 2nd Mad/Rad, with CDR Shaver as PPC. I am still married to my WesPac Widow Kathy, and we have two grandchildren. I currently maintain the VP-48 Roster that covers the years from the late 1950's through the 1970's. Always looking for past VP-48 Shipmates from the P5M era!..." [E-Mail Updated 09JAN2013 | E-Mail Updated 29NOV2007 | E-Mail Updated 30NOV2005 | E-Mail Updated 22SEP2004 | BIO Updated 07APR2002 | BIO Updated 18SEP99 | 13DEC98]
ANDREWS, AMS2 Tom W. tomandrews48@gmail.com "...I served with VP-48 (1978-1981) while they were deployed to NAS Misawa, Japan. What a great little town. It was also the site of my first Earth quake! I was duty driver, it was about 9 pm. and I was indisposed in the john. The quake hit. You never in your life saw anyone get his act togather quiker in your life! I was sure the old bullet riden hangar was comming down on my head! I made two NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan deployments made it to Dodge, the PI, Osan and even 23 hrs in Thailand. But I can safely say none topped 30 terrifing seconds in an old pre-WWII hangar in Japan. Well, even tho I was a ground pounder. From one Boomer to another....Madman, Madman, Madman!..." [E-Mail Updated 16FEB2011 | 16JUL99]
"...ATKINSON, LT(jg) Richard...LT(jg) Richard Atkinson (VP-48 1964-1967) passed away January 23, 2007. He was a fine Officer and a Gentleman, and spent his life as a veterinarian in Virginia...Lee Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com ..." [12FEB2007]
ATKINSON, LT Richard N. (Dick) rmatkinson@prodigy.net "...I served with VP-48 from 1964-1967. I left as a LT. Made two trips to WestPac. Am presently a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Have a practice in Charlottesville, Va. Was able to make the Reunion in Las Vegas and had a great time. Unfortunately I missed the last one but have every intention of making the next one..." [17APR2002]
ATWELL, AOC Charles W. Retired chief.iyaoyas@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-31, VP-48, VP-9 and retired in 1987. I am now retired from my second career and living in Santa Fe, NM..." [15JUL2013]
ATWOOD, ATN2 Gary L. gaart@roadrunner.com "...I served with VP48 (1965-1968)..." [26AUG2019]
AUSTIN, Bob Aaustin457@aol.com "...I was a LTjg in VP-48 from 1957 to 1960 and a LT in VP-23 from 1961 to 1963..." [13AUG2001]
AXSOM, ADR3 Jack jlaxsom@sbtc.net "...I served with VP-48 January 13, 1959. Many good memories of ole freinds and some that were like brothers..." [14OCT2002]
BACON, CDR Leon R. http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-1/xo.htm "...CDR Bacon graduated from the University of Phoenix in 1985 with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration. He received his commission from Aviation Officer Candidate School in March of 1986 and was designated a Naval Aviator in January 1988. Upon completion of Fleet replacement training at NAS Moffett Field, California, he reported to VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California in 1988. After the decommissioning of VP-48, he transferred to VP-40 also at NAS Moffett Field, California. While assigned to VP-48 and VP-40, CDR Bacon served as the Operations Schedules Officer, Aviation Safety Officer and Pilot NATOPS Officer. He received his warfare designation as a Patrol Plane Commander, Patrol Plane Mission Commander, and Instructor Pilot in the P-3C UIII. He completed deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska; NAS Cubi Point, Philippines; and NAS Misawa, Japan. After completion of his first operational tour, CDR Bacon reported to VP-31, at NAS Moffett Field, California, where he served as an FRS staff instructor pilot and the Operations Flight Officer. In July 1992, he was selected to serve as Assistant NATOPS Evaluator for Commander, Patrol Wings U.S. Pacific Fleet stationed at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. In July 1995, CDR Bacon reported to USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70) as an Aircraft Launch and Recovery Officer. In May 1996, the USS CARL VINSON deployed to FIFTH and SEVENTH Fleet AORs in support of Operations DESERT STORM and SOUTHERN WATCH. The crew of the USS CARL VINSON was awarded the Battle Efficiency for 1996. In December 1997, CDR Bacon reported to VP-4 in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, where he served as the Assistant Maintenance Officer and Operations Officer. In December 1998, VP-4 deployed to NSF Diego Garcia, BIOT, and to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operations DESERT STORM and SOUTHERN WATCH. In December 1998, CDR Bacon flew multiple combat missions in support of Operation DESERT FOX. In November 1999, CDR Bacon reported to the OPNAV staff at the Pentagon where he worked in the Strategy and Policy Divisions (N51), and was subsequently chosen to serve on the Navy's Quadrennial Defense Review team. In October 2001, CDR Bacon reported to BUPERS Sea Duty Component, Arlington, VA. CDR Bacon has been awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3), Navy, Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2), and Meritorious Service Medal..." [02JUN2003]
BALERIO, YN Roy yorkie21@cox-internet.com "...I was a Yeoman and served with VP-48 from 1976 until Jun 1980. I am currently employed by E. I. DuPont as a Production Supervisor. Got some good training from folks like Chris Ames, CDR Duval S. Woodford, LT Greg Wiles and my Chief Dave Tomlin. I went to NAS Adak, Alaska, NAS Misawa, Japan, and Okinawa, Japan with VP-48. Also got to go to NS Subic Bay, Philippines and NAS Cubi Point, Philippines as well as Osan, Korea for some R&R. Anyway, if any of you folks remember me taking care of your service records, TDY reports, I would love to hear from you. Oh, and I can't forget my buddy Bob Lang. Bob and I served as Yeoman under Chief Tomlin..." [09NOV2003]
BALL, Charles chazball55@cs.com "...VP-48 (76-78) AO1 Crew 2 aka "The Polish Brigade" or later "The Loose Duce". Hey, AD1 "Snapper" McGee I still have the scars for our trip to National City. I have cruise books from the 1977 NAS Adak, Alaska and 1978 NAS Misawa, Japan deployments. I'd like to hear from any who remember and would like to drop a line..." [12SEP99]
BARBER, CSCM Richard C. (DICK) Retired dicbarber@aol.com "...Reported to VP48 June of 1996 from a tour of duty in country Vietnam. The squadron was homeported NAS North Island, San Diego, California and still flying the P5M Marlins. We transitioned to the P-3A at NAS Moffett Field, California in 1967 and later that year deployed to MCAS NAS Iwakuni, Japan. There were high points, advanced to CSC (E7), and lows; the loss of one of our aircraft and Crew-11. Also made the deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska '1968 and NS Sangley Point, Philippines/ NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in 1970 as Command Counselor. Served under COs CDRs Childers; Tetrault; Anderson; and Pitts. Enjoyed the flying time (w/o pay) and the great people, have many fond memories as a black shoe serving with the squadron. Would like to hear from any of the Shipmates I served with..." [09FEB2000]
"...BATTAGLIA, David Anthony...David had a dynamic early life, starting with baseball and later developing a passion for motorcycles. Some of his fondest memories were spent with his grandfather at the Russian River, where he could always be found at the rope swing on Hacienda Bridge, indulging in his love for fishing, hunting, and playing tennis. He worked in restaurants and aspired to become a saucier before enlisting in the Navy during the Vietnam war, where he specialized in Aviation Electronics. He had flight crew training at NAS Moffett Field, California and served with VP-48 in Southeast Asia. His enjoyment in flying P-3 aircraft, inspired his younger brothers Pete (VP-47) and Tim {VP-4 and VP-22} to become flight crew in Navy patrol squadrons. Following his military service, David pursued an English major at the University of San Francisco. He embarked on a career in electronics and later flourished in sales, traveling across the United States and building enduring friendships. During one memorable Christmas visit, he fell in love with Martha Bronson, his friend's sister. They married in 1982 and were blessed with a daughter, Mattie Trigo. The family resided in Sonoma County before settling in San Joaquin County. David's enthusiasm for life extended to his love of golf, and he achieved a remarkable feat at La Contenta Golf Course by making two consecutive hole-in-ones on the same hole. Affectionately known as "Bagg's" by friends, David embraced every aspect of life with intense optimism, whether it was food, family gatherings, sports, or his passion for all things electronic. In his final weeks, David moved into an assisted living facility in Stockton, California, where he found joy akin to "being at the Marriott Suites," forming meaningful connections with his caregivers, doctors, and nurses..." Contributed by Tim Battaglia unclemtb@gmail.com [07AUG2024]
"...BAXLEY, CMC Frank ...Frank Baxley, 64, died Feb. 12th, 2006 at his home in Lexington Park, Md. Frank is the son of the late John Lester Baxley Sr and Marguerite Brown Baxley of Marion Sc. Frank has worked for the government since 1961 - first as active duty Navy, and then as a civil servant at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. He joined Navy in 1961 and went through boot camp in San Diego. He attended Anti-Submarine Warfare electronics technician, advanced electronics training in NAS Millington, Tennessee. Followed with flight crew operator training in NAS Norfolk, Virginia and P2V specific training in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Frank's I first duty station as an operator was with VP-56 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Deployments included NS Rota, Spain, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and detachments in NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, Crete, Greece, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. While assigned to VP-56 Frank logged 5000 flight hours in 5 years. I After his arduous duty with VP-56 during the Cuban missile crisis, Frank transferred to VP-30 to attend 16 weeks of factory training for computer and data processing systems. After returning to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland he attended In-Flight Technician (IFT) training at NAMTRADET, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. As an IFT with VP-24 he made four deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. He was then assigned to NAMTRADET NAS Jacksonville, Florida as P-3C IFT and Weapon Systems Technician instructor. He also taught community college electronics theory and all related math necessary to get a First Class Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license. He then transferred to NAS Moffett Field, California VP-48 serving as the Maintenance/Material Control Senior Chief and Command Senior Chief when he retired from the NAVY. After retiring in 1982 from the NAVY he continued supporting the Maritime Surveillance Aircraft RM&S department for Naval Air Systems Command. In 1985 he then accepted his first Government Service position as Engineering Technician, Antisubmarine AlC Test Directorate for NATC serving as manager of the airborne advanced signal processor being developed for incorporation into the P-3 Update IV aircraft. With the initiation of the P-7A development in 1989, his duties expanded to include the oversight of concurrent integration of the Update IV avionics suite into the P-7A airframe design. 1993 he was promoted as an Engineering Technician, Force Warfare Aircraft Directorate, NAWCAD as the Technical Lead for the P-3C Anti-surface Warfare Improvement Program (AlP). He developed the groundbreaking acquisition strategy based on the extensive use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf/Non-Development Items. He led the technical integrated program team through program concept definition, requirements and location to a successful ACAT II P-3C Update IV mission avionics upgrade program. I 1996 assisted the P-3 PMA office coordinating staffing of issues with Program Executive Offices and Financial Management offices. 1997 until his Government service retirement, September 2005 he managed the P-3 AlP, BMUP, FMS, and P-8A MMA , Mission System logistics. Frank was an active member of the Lion's Club of Lexingiton Park and enjoyed volunteering his time at historic St. Mary's City. Frank and his family call St Mary's County home since his retirement from the Navy in 1982...St. Mary's Today Sunday, February 19, 2006..." WebSite: St. Mary's Today http://www.stmarystoday.com/ [19FEB2006]
BEATY, Mike "Sugarbear" coffee@pobox.alaska.net "...was in VP-28 when we bombed the already sunk Stevan Foster, got my CAR in VP-48, did IFT duty in VP-4, and NIT while in VP-6. I enjoyed over 12 years in the VP community. While the rest were fun, i will be a "Kanaka Hacker" 'til the day I die. "Rig hard, Gig hard"!! I would like to hear from anyone that can remember, some of those days (and nights) are a little fuzzy to me. P.S. I know how to contact A.K. Young (FE) and Ab "Pappy" Ross (AT)..." [E-Mail Updated 03FEB99 | 25AUG97] [ICQ# 10702952]
BELL, ADR3 Robert captbell@tampabay.rr.com Circa 1959 "...I served with VP-48 from December 1957 to July 1962. I was an ADR3 and flew as a second mechanic on crews 2 and 10..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 10APR2008 | 08FEB99]
BENTLEY, AVCM Don Retired donnybentley@hotmail.com "...I served in VP-4, VP-22, VS-33, VP-48, VP-47 and CPW-10 with three tours of Instructor Duty at NAS Memphis, Tennessee and RAG time with VP-31 in my thirty year career. I have found numerous friends and Shipmates comments in your squadron Guestbook entries. I do have the duty to inform his many Shipmates that may not have known, that LCDR Craig Fenn Melio died in June of 1996 and is buried in Barancas National Cemetery in Pensacola, FL..." [E-Mail Updated 20SEP2000 | 15SEP2000]
BENTON, Bruce lbbenton@coosnet.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1961 through 1964 including a deployment to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. I left the Navy and returned to graduate school for a year, then on to dental school at K.C., Mo. I continued to fly in reserve squadrons (P2Vs) for another ten years from all over the midwest and finally NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I have practice dentistry in Coos Bay, OR for 31 years, but also got Merchant Marine Masters papers (limited tonnage) and run commercial and charter fishing boats all up and down the west coast. I retire from dentistry in April of 2003..." [09APR2002]
"...BENTON, Laurence Bruce...VP-48 Laurence Bruce Benton, D.D.S. - From Mikel Benton, daughter of Dr. Bruce Benton: My father passed away Friday. Although he had been ill for some time, his death came as a surprise. For the most part, my father enjoyed his time in the service, and speaks fondly of those that he trained and served with. He often has shared with us the photographs he took during those years, of his squad members, as well as the places he went and the people he saw. Those experiences shaped much of his adult life. I have included a copy of his obituary, in case you wish to run something in your publication. Mikel Benton LAURENCE BRUCE BENTON, D.D.S. Bruce Benton died in Coos Bay, Ore., Oct. 17, 2003, of congestive heart failure. At his request, no services will be held. Dr. Benton was born in Ramsey Co., Minn., April 7, 1937, to Paul C. Benton, M.D., and Mary Hunt Benton. He graduated from Will Rogers High School in Tulsa, Okla., in 1955, and from the University of Oklahoma in 1959. In 1960, he was commissioned as an ensign in the United States Navy, at Pensacola, Fla. He was graduated from the University of Missouri at Kansas City Dental School in 1969. After practicing at Taft State Hospital in Muskogee, Okla., for two years, Dr. Benton moved to Coos Bay, where he opened a practice in 1971. He retired in 2002. In addition to owning Ocean Fishing Charters for four years, Dr. Benton was involved in a number of organizations, including the International Order of Odd Fellows, Rotary International, Southwestern Oregon Dental Society, the Western Rivers Girl Scout Board, Sea Scouts, Pacific Child Treatment Center, and the National Rifle Association. Dr. Benton is survived by his wife of 44 years, Marie Landriault Benton; his daughters, Mikel Marie Benton and Eileen Benton Anderson, of Seattle; his granddaughter, Samantha Benton Douglas; sons-in-law, David R. Douglas and Greg W. Anderson; and sister Barbara Benton, of Minneapolis...Lee Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com ..." [21OCT2003]
BERG, Randy randy.berg@imfb.navy.mil "...I served with VP-48 from 1974 to 1978 and AIMD NAS Whidbey Island, Washington from 1978 to 1980. I spent my Navy time repairing ASW gear (i.e. AQA-7, etc.). I spent the last 24 years working Comms on SSN/SSBN's. Any former Boomerangers out there?..." [12AUG2004]
BERNARDIN, AMS2 Tim 61olds88@gmail.com "...I served with VP-48 (06/1981-01/1985)..." [E-Mail Updated 17JUN2012 | 14MAY2001]
BERNARDY, AE2 Daniel "Saint" rescuesaint@comcast.net "...I was on active duty from '80 - '84 stationed at NAS Moffett Field, California serving in AIMD for NAS and then for VP-48. Had a ball and made many lifetime friends. I took one tour to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan / NAS Misawa, Japan with VP-48 in '83. Upon returning home to Minnesota after active duty it didn't take long to miss the P-3 community. I joined VP-90 out of NAS Glenview, Illinois and finally earned my wings. I flew as a flight engineer with CAC 13 until the squadron was decommissioned. I will never forget the awesome people, the training, the airlifts, or the missions. No matter where life takes me, nothing will compare to the experiences I had in the VPNavy. Thanks for the memories! I'm still in the Twin Cities, working in the fire service, and am soon to be a grandpa! Take care all!..." [02NOV2004]
BEUSE, AK3 Peter U. karaokepete@msn.com "...I was stationed at NAS North Island, San Diego, California with VP-48 as we made the transition from flying boats to P-3s. Stationed at NAS Moffett Field, California and NAS Iwakuni, Japan from 1966 to 1968. Would like to hear from LT Roy L. Ring at that time..." [03MAY2007]
BINGHAM, MCPO Roger Retired rogerbingham39@gmail.com "...My first squadron after AT(AN) school in NAS Memphis, Tennessee was VP-19 (1959-1962), Worked in the AT shop and later became an aircrew man. Was the First Tech in Crew 11 and was the first Alpha Crew in VP-19. Reenlisted and went to Advanced B school NAS Memphis, Tennessee, Assigned to FAETUPAC (1963-1966), used my advanced training to help build a flight deck simulator (P2V and P-3) to train TACCOs on the Airborne Display System, and flew as an onboard instructor with VP-31. While at FAETUPAC I had the privilege to train the last TACCO in the P5M Seaplane. Assigned to VP-47 (1966-1969), as an AX1 I flew as an alternate crewmember, I advanced to Chief when the squadron was deployed to NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan with side detachments to U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand. We deployed the next year to NS Sangley Point, Philippines with detachments to NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. I remember some great people and great times. Then the AW rate started, I remained AXC and was assigned as a Navy Recruiter in Brainard, Minnesota (1970-1975). Advanced to Senior Chief (AXCS). Assigned to VP-46 (1975-1978), worked as Avionics Division Chief and later as Maintenance Chief, Deployed to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan; NAS Adak, Alaska; and NAF Misawa, Japan. Transferred across the field at NAS Moffett Field, California to VP-31 as FRAMP Training MCPO (1978-1981). Retired from VP-48 (1982-1985) as Command Master Chief...." [BIO Updated 25DEC2013 | E-Mail Updated 18NOV2008 | E-Mail Updated 28MAR2004 | 02APR2001]
BIRD, Ted tbird69@suddenlink.net "...I served with VP-48 (1971) with deployments to NS Sangley Point, Philippines / NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. I flew with Crew 5 and Crew-12..." [E-Mail Updated 27MAY2014 | E-Mail Updated 18NOV2009 | E-Mail Updated 10AUG2002 | 15JUN2000]
BLACKMON, CDR Larry Retired av8usn@starpower.net "...Preflight class 33-62, commissioned (May 1964), VP-22 (November 1964 to October 1967), VP-31 (October 1967 to November 1969), NWAL (November 1967 to May 1970), CPW-8 NAS Moffett Field, California (May 1970 to September 1971), USNPGS (October 1971 to June 1975), VP-48 (September 1975 to December 1977), NAVELEXSYSCOM (December 1977 to September 1979), NAVPERSCOM (September 1979 to September 1981), NAVELEXSYSCOM (October 1981 to June 1983), and retired June 1983 Still working! Chief Pilot and clerk for private company in Richmond, VA..." [E-Mail Updated 17FEB2004 | Updated 07MAR99 | 00XXX97]
BLAIR, Terry airblair@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California from 1973 to 1976. I would be interested in getting in contact with some of the guys from my squadron..." [E-Mail Updated 11JAN2003 | 20FEB2001]
BLAS, CWO-2 John jocarm01@yahoo.com "...Hello fellow Boomers (VP-48). I was in the squadron from 1983-1987, made the NAS Misawa, Japan- NAS Adak, Alaska, NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, and NAS Adak, Alaska deployments. Went to the Fighting Marlins (VP-40) from 1995-1999, made the Dodge, NAS Misawa, Japan- NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan, NAS Misawa, Japan- NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan deploments. Would love to hear from fellow Boomers. I'm currently with COMAEWWINGPAC NAS Point Mugu, California. If your in the area stop by so we can chat. Commissioned CWO-2 in March 2002 along with John Kukahiko, going through knife and fork school in P-Cola with both of us going to HC-5 Guam..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 21APR2002 | 28JAN2000]
BLEECKER, James S. bleecker@ix.netcom.com"...Served as pilot in VP-48 from 1953 -1955. Like to hear from anybody of that era...."
BLUESTEIN, CDR Keith A. Retired keith@bluestein.net "....I served VP-48 (September 1985 to July 1989), VP-31 (July 1989 to February 1992), VP-40 (January 1996 to December 1997) and VP-47 as Executive Officer and Commanding Officer (May 2000 to May 2002). I am now retired and working as a government civilian..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 23JUL2008 | E-Mail Updated 11SEP2000 | BIO Updated 10SEP2000 | 01MAR98]
BOERSMA, AO2 Brian bboersma@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-48 from 1983 - 1986 with crew 7. We had a split deployment to NAS Adak, Alaska/ NAS Misawa, Japan then a full 6 months at NAS Adak, Alaska. Then I moved on to NRD Chicago until summer 1990 when I departed Uncle Sam's Navy. I currently reside in the Chicago area. I would like to hear from any Shipmatesand any AO's who know how to work a computer!..." [E-Mail Updated 04MAR2003 | 11FEB99]
BOLERJACK, Bob rbolerjack@cox.net "...I served with VP-50 from 1955 to 1958, VP-48 from 1960 to 1962 and back to VP-50 from 1965 to 1967 ..." [E-Mail Updated 09JAN2009 | 15NOV2001]
BOLIN, LCDR Jim jim.bolin@navy.mil "...I served with VP-31 NAS Moffett Field, California as an IFT in 1986, VP-48 from 1987 to 1991, a short stay at BUPERS SDC and then to OCS. Commissioned by CDR Deon Harkey in 1994. After the NFO pipeline I went TACAMO (E-6A) with VQ-3 from 1996 to 1997. I transitioned back to VP in 1997 and went to VP-16. I am now in VX-20 Air Test and Evaluation squadron NAS Patuxent River, Maryland DSN 757-9886 COMM 301-757-9886. I would love to hear from any former Shipmates..." [11JUN2004]
BOLTON, ADAN George Herman Jr. ghboltonjr@gmail.com "...I served with VP-48 with a deployment to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan as a T-56 AD-6418 Turbo Fan Jet Technician..." [24MAR2014]
BOREN, Darwin dbslm44@hotmail.com "...Served in VP-48 from 1961-1964 as an AE and flight crew member. Flew as Julie/ECM and was designated as the first "ALPHA" crew in 1963. Many good friends and memories were established in the my time in the VP Navy. Was the begining of a long period of time flying for the Navy..." [21DEC2004]
"...BOYD, Jim...Jim Boyd (served with VP-1, VP-17, VP-22, VP-48, and VP-50), 58 years of age, passed away at 12:31 on July 18, 2003 at the hospital. He had Sepsis and his whole body just shut down. The funeral will be on Monday, July 21, 2003 - at 10:00 A.M. and will be held at the Hartman Funeral Home in McComb, Miss. Cards may be sent to: James Boyd Family, 1037 Golf Lane, Summit, MISS 39648. Forwarded by Lee Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com ..." [19JUL2003]
BOYD, Jim (Deceased) chiefjb@netdoor.com "...My patrol squadron career began in 1966, I reported to VP-48 from B school in Jacksonville, the were flying SP5B's out of NAS North Island, San Diego, California and NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. I made one detachment as a maintenance electrician an returned to NAS North Island, San Diego, California; we were selected for transition to new P-3's, my first flight experience was in pig boats. I remained in VP-48 until 1972 transferring to NAMTG 1012 at Moffett. I was a flight engineer on the NAS Iwakuni, Japan and NAS Adak, Alaska deployments, both deployments were fun, however, we lost "F" troop: a tragedy I will never forget. I was also assigned to Patron VP-50, VP-17, VP-1, VP-22, and VRF-31, with numerous TAD'S throughout the Pacific fleet. I retired as a Senior Chief Aviation Electric out of NAMTG Headquarters, NAS Memphis, Tennessee. My career also include tours of duty with the Iranian Airforce and the United States Navy Senior Enlisted Academy..." [Deceased 19JUL2003 | 13FEB2000 | 20NOV99]
BOZIN, REAR ADMIRAL Stanley D. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/people/flags/biographies/bozinsd.html "...Rear Adm. Stanley D. Bozin, a native of Union, New Jersey, graduated from Rutgers College of Engineering at New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1974 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering. He received his commission in November of 1974 through the Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate Program and was designated a Naval Aviator in December 1975. Following flight training, he reported to VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California. Achieving designation as a Patrol Plane Commander, Mission Commander and Instructor Pilot, he deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska and NAS Misawa, Japan. While attached to VP-48, he served as Communications Officer, AW Division Officer, Schedules Officer, Flight Officer and Assistant Operations Officer. In October 1979, Rear Adm. Bozin reported to the Naval Air Development Center in Warminster, Pennsylvania. There he served as the Schedules Officer, Test and Evaluation Project Support Officer and Aircraft Maintenance Department Head. While attached to Naval Air Development Center he flew all variants of the P3C aircraft, and also qualified as Plane Commander and Instructor Pilot in the UC-27 aircraft. Rear Adm. Bozin was then ordered to the USS Coral Sea as the Assistant Navigator in January 1983. He deployed with the "Ageless Warrior" on the "around the world cruise" and homeport change from Alameda, California to Norfolk, Virginia. In June 1985, Rear Adm. Bozin reported to the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, California. Upon graduation in December 1986, he received a Master of Science Degree in Financial Management. Following refresher training. Rear Adm. Bozin reported to VP-45 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida in May 1987. During his tour, he served as Maintenance Officer, Mission Commander and Instructor Pilot deploying to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. In January 1989, Rear Adm. Bozin reported to the Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Air Warfare (OP-OS), as the lead Naval Aircraft Procurement Program and Budget Analyst. In May 1991, he reported to VP-24 on deployment in NAS Keflavik, Iceland as the Executive Officer. In May 1992, he assumed command of VP-24 and deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily in October 1992. While in NAS Sigonella, Sicily, Rear Adm.(sel) Bozin was assigned as Commander, Task Group 67.1. On deployment, the squadron worked closely with the USS John F. Kennedy Battle Group and participated in OPERATIONS DESERT CALM, MARITIME MONITOR/GUARD, RESTORE HOPE and ASSURED VICTOR. In June 1993, Rear Adm. Bozin reported to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (FM&C), as the Assistant to the Appropriations Matters Office. He was assigned as the lead liaison for all Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation programs between Congressional Appropriations committees and senior navy leadership. On August 15, 1996, Rear Adm. Bozin assumed command of CPW-10 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. In addition to his Wing Commander training oversight responsibilities, he also assumed the operational duties as Commander, Task Group 12.1. In June 1998, he was assigned to the J8 Directorate of the Joint Staff as the Division Chief for the Sea, Air, Space, Superiority Assessment Division. He provided assessments as directed by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council and reported to the Chairman of the Joint Staff. The Chairman used this information in communications with the Secretary of Defense on budget preparation and issues. In May 2000, Rear Adm. Bozin reported to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (FM&C), as the Head of the Appropriations Matters Office. Rear Adm. Bozin has been awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, two Legion of Merit Medals, two Meritorious Service Medals, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and various other unit awards..." [24JUN2003]
BRANDT, AMS3 Lloyd lloydwho@msn.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1963 thru Aug. of 1966. Was at NS Sangley Point, Philippines both times..." [27MAY2005]
BRAUTIGAM, ADJ2 Wayne "Bugs" wayneb@millect.com "...I served with VP-48 (1967-1970) in Power Plants and QC. A lot of you knew me as "Bugs" as I got this nick name fron Chief Uhl in Japan as he could not say my last name. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 16SEP2011 | E-Mail Updated 22JUN99 | 13JAN99]
BREWSTER, James mcposailor@aol.com "...Shipmates - Great site, when NAS Moffett Field, California closed I thought I'd seen the last of many people. Served in VP-48 80-84, VP-31 84-87, VP-50 87-91 and VP-47 91-93. Retired in Sep 93. Love to hear from old friends from the Moffett Years..." [19FEB99]
BRICE, AE1(AW) R. Patrick rpbrice@woh.rr.com "...Started my Navy career in VP-48 after my FRAMP training in 1985. Loved it! I left VP-48 in 1988 to go to VP-31 as a FRAMP instructor. Left VP-31 in 1991 to go to PCU Gerorge Washington in Newport News, VA. Got out in 1995 as an AE1 (AW). Oh how I miss the P-3 orion! I would love to here from any of my old squadron mates from VP-48 or VP-31 or even Shipmates from GW..." [02JUL2005]
BRIDGENS, Steve "BO" sbridgens@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1985 to 1988 as a IFT on Crew 11. Made the NAS Adak, Alaska and Philippine deployments. Then did three years at NAMTRAGRUDET 1012 NAS Moffett Field, California. Went civilian in 1991 and now live in San Diego..." [E-Mail Updated 22FEB2003 | 11DEC99]
BROOKS, Kevin E. kevin.e.brooks2@navy.mil "...I was VP-48's Flight Surgeon from 1989 through our disestablishment in 1991. After that, I moved over to be the COMPATWINGSPAC surgeon until NAS Moffett Field, California closed and the wing moved to Hawaii. Since then, I've had a number of assignments, including Wing Surgeon for COMHELTACWINGLANT and COMAEWINGLANT, and Senior Medical Officer aboard both USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN-71) & USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN-76). I'm currently located at the Naval Safety Center..." [13DEC2006]
BROOKS, REAR ADMIRAL Richard E. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/people/flags/biographies/brooksre.html "...Rear Admiral Richard E. Brooks - United States Navy - Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, Atlantic. Rear Admiral Richard E. Brooks, a native of Portland, Oregon, graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in June 1974 and was designated a Naval Aviator in September 1975. In addition, Rear Admiral Brooks is a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School where he received a Masters Degree in Computer Information Systems Management, the Naval War College where he received a Masters Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies, and the Armed Forces Staff College. Operationally, Rear Admiral Brooks served in VP-1, VP-48, and CPW-10 and commanded VP-19 and CPW-5. Additionally, he served aboard USS Enterprise (CVN 65) as the Operations Admin Officer and Training Officer and earned designation as a Fleet Officer of the Deck and Surface Warfare Officer. Ashore, Rear Admiral Brooks served as an Instructor/ Standardization pilot and Student Control Officer in Training Squadron TWENTY-EIGHT. Major Staff duty tours include Aviation Programs Analyst, Programming Division (N80), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and on the Joint Staff (J3) as Head, Programs, Budget, and Requirements Branch, Counter Narcotics Division. Additionally, Rear Admiral Brooks served as the Executive Assistant to Director, Air Warfare (N88), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, and as a CNO Fellow on the CNO Strategic Studies Group where he selected for Flag Rank in December of 1998. In August 1999, he returned to the Chief of Naval Operations Staff where he served as Deputy Director and Fleet Liaison for Space, Information Warfare, Command and Control (N6B) until August 2000. In September 2000, he assumed his current position as Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic. Rear Admiral Brooks has been awarded the Legion of Merit (three), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (two), Navy Commendation Medal (two), Navy Achievement Medal, and various other service awards..." [14JUN2003]
BROWNING, STEVE gunsmith11@yahoo.com "...I was stationed with VP-48 from 1962 to 1963. I then transferred to VP-49 1963 during aircraft transition from the P5M to P-3. I went TAD to BDA for a year and a half. I transferred to NAS Memphis, Tennessee for shore duty and was discharged August 1968 at the rank of AMH2..." [23MAY99]
BRYAN, AWC Bill Retired goodroosterjunior@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-30 (1961), VP-45 (1962 to 1964 - Decommissioned the last P5M on the East Coast), VP-8 (1964 to 1966), VP-30 (1966 to 1969 - made Chief in 1969), VP-48 (1969 to 1974), VP-31 (1974 to 1977), and retired October 1. 1977. Moved back to home state of Virginia and stayed there for one year, then to Cedar Rapids, Iowa where I worked as a test tech for Rockwell International (the old Collins Radio Co - which was the primary HF radio used on P5's and P-3's). I got laid off from Rockwell in 1981, then worked as a Field Service Engineer for the Associated Press in Iowa for 7 years and back to Richmond, Virginia for one year. Left the AP in 1990 and did a variety of jobs for about 5 years, including a little woodworking shop where I made clocks for specialty orders and crafts shows. Moved to Tappahannock (on the Rappahannock River) in 1994, got divorced in 1999, remarried in 2001 and my wife and I live in Tappahannock, but not on the river anymore and we have a small business making custom caps and t-shirts. (We provide 5% of all orders from our VP-Navy web-site back to VP-Navy). Would love to hear from all former Shipmates. P5M's and P-3's were a big part of my life for many years..." WebSite: B & D Custom Caps & Tees http://www.vpnavy.com/luckydog.html [E-Mail Updated 04NOV2003 | BIO Updated 16JUL2003 | E-Mail Updated 18NOV2002 | E-Mail Updated 22MAY2002 | WebSite Updated 30DEC2000 | E-Mail Updated 11JAN99]
"...BRYANT, Raymond Jr....My Father, Lcdr/Ret Raymond Bryant Jr. (VP-8, VP-45, and VP-48), went to be with The Lord on December 6, 2001. We wrote in his medicine book by his bedside "11:30AM Goodbye Dad We Love You, Linda, Susan, Paula, and Wanda." Thank you and God Bless all of You. Wanda Raye Bryant daughter #5 sound@albemarlenet.com..." [29JAN2002]
BRYANT, LCDR Raymond Jr. [Deceased) c/o Wanda (Raye) BRYANT, daughter #5 sound@albemarlenet.com "...My Dad passed away December 6, 2001. His career began as an enlisted sailor in 1948 at NAS Bermuda. He was ATC at Kansas and (I believe) he then was involved with PBY's. He was promoted to the Officer ranks in Texas where I was born. This was followed by flight training in Florida (where else) ;-). All his time was spent with at P3 stations. He served in San Diego 1960-1964, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1964-1967, NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1967, and retired in 1974. I remember names like Dave Stromberg and Jack Rennie. I would like Dad's friends to write him as he has had a massive stroke and I feel this may help. Additional Information Provided [22JUN98]: I found the pilot logs VP-45 10-17-47 TO 3-31-53, VP-8 4-23-53 TO 3-31-55, VP-48 6-26-61 TO 8-24-64, WSJ might be a "T" here (PAX-RIVER) 9-21-64 TO 7-31-67, FCPCLANT 8 8-67 TO RETIREMENT 1974...." [Updated 29JAN2002 | 20JUN98]
BRUNSVOLD, Daniel P. DPB5401@aol.com "...I was in VP-48 '75-'78 deployed to NAS Misawa, Japan (twice) and NAS Adak, Alaska. I Retired from the Navy Reserve in 1996. Presently fly for 3M in St. Paul, MN. I'm looking for two "Boomers" who were caught eating the rubber trees in the NAS Misawa, Japan Officers Club..." [02JAN99]
BUCHMAN, Ralph Jr. buchman@futnet.net "...I was the only 'flying black shoe' in VP-48 from about February 1964 until July 1964. I flew with crew 2 and crew 5. Went to the Galopagos Island in March 1964 and to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. Transferred to the USS Bennington (CVS 20) in July 1964..." [03JUN2002]
BUCKLEY, Bob rbuck83133@q.com "...I served with VP-48 (1954-1955) as a ECM/Radio operator aboard Crew-4. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 30JUN2012 | 06MAR2004]
BUDD, AXC Peter azbudds@aol.com "...I'm looking for a few people, too. Would love to find AXC Tom Etherington, worked the Difar Vans at NAS Moffett Field, California, AX1 Robin Leigh-Pink, AX1 Mark "Pumpy" Pierce, and the list goes on. I served in the ASCAC at NAS Adak, Alaska 1-72 to 1-73, then with VP-48, 1-73 to 8-77, then NAMTD 1011, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Got out in 10-80, and went into the reserves. If anyone knows how to contact any of the folks above, drop me an e-mail. Thanks!..." [06AUG99]
BURKE, AW1 Tom Retired tvburke@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-48 (1969-1974) with deployments to NS Sangley Point, Philippines, NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, U-U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand, NAS Adak, Alaska and NAS Agana, Guam (twice), ASATD NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (1974-1977) to work with fleet introduction of P-3C Update Aircraft, VP-23 at NAS Brunswick, Maine with deployments to NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal until discharge in 1979. I became an electrician in open pit mining until retirement. I would love to hear from old Shipmates..." [09NOV2012]
BURKHALTER, AT1 Jim jburkhal@pacbell.net "...I was one of the origional IFT's for the P-3C's when VP-48 transitioned to the "Charlie" in 71. "Blue Card" Natops Evaluator, Went from VP-48 to VP-31, then finished my Navy Career in VP-9, transfering to the Fleet Reserve in 1980. Would enjoy hearing from old Shipmates, (If anyone knows how to contact AW2 Tommy Burke I would appreciate that information). After retirement, I was an executive in the Computer business in the Bay area for a number of years, and moved to Placerville, CA in 1987 and have been a Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker since that time. In August of 2000 I was priviledged to be a "side Bouy" for Captain J. A. Prescott as he retired from his Navy Career. He was the Nav Com on my first crew when he was a LTjg and we have remained in touch over the years. Fair Winds & Following Seas..." [29AUG2001]
BURNETT, CDR Joe Retired j_burnett@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-48 (1974-1977) with deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska, NAS Agana, Guam, NAF Misawa, Japan and NAS Cubi Point, Philippines as Nav/Comm - TACCO - Crew-3 - Crew-9, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (ASW Test Directorate), ASWOC NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Monterey, CA, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV-51) - Naval Aviation Maintenance Plans & Policy and the Global Positioning System Logistics Support Program Office at Robins AFB GA..." [22FEB2015]
BYRD, ADJ2 Bill the4byrds@webtv.net "...I served with VP-48 from 1967-1970 in Power Plants. I have many memories of those days. Would love to here from old Shipmates..." [09MAR2002]
BYRNE, AMS3 Joe jbyrne6859@aol.com "...I served with VP-40, VP-50 and VP-48..." [04MAR2009]
CASAS, HM3 Guadalupe elicasas@swb.com "...I served as hospital corpsman for VP-48 from 1973-1975 along with HM1 Billy Bernard Shirley. My best regards to all fellow Shipmates..." [11SEP2000]
CAHOONE, AD1 GORDON gcahoone@mail.tqci.net "...Hello to all fellow Boomers (VP-48, I was proud to be a Boomer and still am!..." [28DEC97]
CALLAWAY, Ed callaway@vp48.org "...I was a TACCO from 1964-65 on SF1 with CDR. Shaver for two tours to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. Would like to hear from others who were in the squadron during those times and especially from the crew of SF1..." WebSite: http://www.vp48.org [E-Mail Updated 09APR2002 | 24JAN99]
CANTOR, AO Mark mark@jendell.com "...I served with VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California in late 1973 to 1976 as an AO. Made deployments to the Philippines, NAS Iwakuni, Japan, NAS Adak, Alaska and Guam. I left NAS Moffett Field, California in 1976 and headed back to Pennsylvania and enrolled at Penn State using the GI bill and graduated with dual degree's. Now live near Wahington, DC. I hung out with Bob Nauman and have great memories with you guys. SERE school and D-West! Young and dumb! I was on Crew 4. I would love to hear from some of you guys!..." [26JUL2009]
Shipmate Requested Name Removal [Shipmate Removed 06JAN2003 | 11SEP2002]
CARMERON, Kerry D. cameronj@smartisp.com "...First tour with VP-45 (1970-1973), then to VX-1 (1973-1976). Did the ship thing on IKE (1977-1978), then to VP-31 (1979-1981), then VP-48 (1981-1983), then to ASWOC NAS Adak, Alaska as OIC (1983-1986). Departed the VP Navy to work for the Joint Chiefs of Staff until retirement in 1991. Would appreciate any updates from past Shipmates. Question for you. Did you ever entertain the thought of developing an additional package that includes the ASWOCs? They were an important part of the VP way of life and would be an interesting package of folks if it could be done. Thanks..." [04FEB2000]
CARROLL, ADRC C. E. "Chuck" Retired ccarroll@usawide.net"...I served with VP-48 NAS North Island, San Diego, California from January 1960 to June 1963. I worked in Power Plants and later in Quality Control. Also did a little flying. I was ADR1 when I left to go to Instructor Duty at ADR-B school in NAS Memphis, Tennessee where I finally made Chief. I retired in January 1971 at NAS Kodiak, Alaska. Would like to hear from any Shipmates from VP-48, VW-1 or NAS Norfolk, Virginia..." [E-Mail Updated 20JAN2004 | 15SEP2000]
CARTER, Michael A. p3skyking@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-50 (P-3C's) in 1979, VP-48, VP-50 again, and was with VP-19 when she was disestablished in 1991. Wish well to all my fellow Shipmates. I own a gunshop now and invite any P-3 guys to look me up if you ever pass through..." [E-Mail Updated 06DEC2010 | E-Mail Updated 06JAN2004 | 03AUG99]
CASTILLO, Ruben ruben.castillo6@worldnet.att.net "...I served with VP-48 from February 1953 - April 1956. Several months after my arrival at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, the squadron deployed to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. Immediately thereafter on July 30 1953 SF5 was lost, 5 rescued, 10 killed in the crash. Approximately four months later, VP-48 deployed to NAS Iwakuni, Japan. On our return to NAS North Island, San Diego, California, the squadron changed aircraft from the PBM Mariner to the new P5M Marlin. I became a member of crew 1 soon after that. Commander J. C. Young was squadron commander and pilot of SF1 (Nicholas Clepult) was Plane Captain. VP-48 deployed to NAS Iwakuni, Japan July 1955. On arrival, I was assigned to temporary duty (5 days) at the Fifth AIR Force survival (escape & evasion) training Ata Jima Japan. After an engine failure over the Yellow Sea, CDR. Young relinquished the pilot's seat to Lt. Lowell Perry. I transferred to inactive reserve duty April 1956..." [10APR2001]
CHAKNIS, George izzychaknis@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1964 through October 1966. I was part of the first three crews detached to NS Sangley Point, Philippines and NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in the fall of 1965 to assist with Market Time operations along with VP-50. We eventually became a six plane detachment rotating every six months with other 48 crews Stateside. Any Shipmates out there from that era?..." [E-Mail Updated 23OCT2009 | E-Mail Updated 22APR2000 | 05NOV98]
CHAMBERS, James (Jim) jimc@airmail.net "...VP48 1964-1966, ATN3, Crew 8 Radioman & Electrical Panel Operator. NS Sangley Point, Philippines and NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam tour 1966. Trying to keep newsletter going for Vegas Reunion in Oct 2000, need some good Sea Stories..." [14SEP99]
CIBOCI, John ciboci@sri.com"...I served in VP-1 (61-64), VP-46 (70-73), and VP-48 (76-78)..."
CLARK, AXC Ralph Retired onust@wayxcable.com "...VP-30 1961, VP-42 1962, VP-48 1963, VP-31 1964, VP-9 1967, VP-56 1975. Taught at NATTC Memphis, Tennessee, NAMTG NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, NAMTG NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Flew every electronic position on SP5(A&B), and P-3(B&C). Retired in Jan 1982 and went to college. Taught Electronics, Electromechanical, Hydraulics, ETC. Would love to hear from anyone that I flew or taught with..." [21OCT2004]
CLIFFORD, Warren WClifford@ePhysician.com "...I was an AW2 in VP-48, and VP-50. I made (4) deployments. NAS Adak, Alaska (2), the PI, and NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan. I was in the VP-48 AW shop 87-91, and VP-50 AW shop 91-92..." [E-Mail Updated 13OCT2000 | E-Mail Updated 28APR99 | 12FEB98]
COKER, AT2 Raymond rcoker950@frontier.com "...I served with VP-48 from March 1959 to October 1960. I flew with Crew-2 in NAS Iwakuni, Japan and with Crew-12 when we returned to the states. It has been great seeing some of you at the VP-48 Reunions..." [E-Mail Updated 18MAR2011 | 11OCT2009]
COGGINS, AW3 Bill (SEAPUPPY) bandc15@hotmail.com "...I served with the Boomers VP-48 from 76-80.. In retrospect I enjoyed my time with ya. I flew with Larry Blackmon and served under John Cibosi.. We went to NAS Adak, Alaska, NAF Misawa, Japan, NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan, Yokota, and of course NAS Cubi Point, Philippines where we did our best "work".. I was honored to work beside Mike Joenks and John Costa. If you remember me e-mail me and we'll talk..." [13JUN98]
COLLINS, Jim Retired jimcol@charter.net "...I served with VP-48 from 1986 - 1990 and then transferred to AIMD, NAS Moffett Field, California till it closed in 1994. After that, I transferred back to tailhooks (VS-38) until I retired in December 1995. Would love to hear from any former shipmates during my VP tours. I really had a great time!..." [E-Mail Updated 20APR2003 | 04AUG2001]
COMBS, Jerald D. aircrew@orion1.mfg.sgi.com "...I am formally a U.S. Naval Aircrewman (AW sensor3). I was in VP-9 and VP-48. Training command VP-30 at Moffett Field..."
"...CONLEY, George P......Picture taken at October 2000 VP-48 Reunion and and Contributed by Alan Hardie. It is with shock and sadness that I relay to you the message from Charlene Conley. George P. Conley passed away on Tuesday morning in his sleep..." Contributed by AX2 Lee (Andy) Anderson vp48sugarfox1@gmail.com [27OCT2000]
CONLEY, George P. gconley@us.hsanet.net "...I served with VP-44 from 1959 to 1962 and transitioned from P5M's to P2V's to P-3s and VP-48 from 1966 to 1968 and transitioned from P5M's to P-3's..." [23OCT2000]
CONNELLY, CAPTAIN Robert J. "Jeff" http://www.pmrf.navy.mil/co.html "...Commanding Officer - Pacific Missile Range Facility - A native of Montclair, New Jersey, Captain Connelly graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and was commissioned an Ensign in June 1976. In November 1977, he was designated a Naval Aviator. Upon completion of his initial P-3C Orion training at VP-31, he was assigned to VP-48 from June 1978 to June 1981 completing three Western Pacific deployments during his tour. Captain Connelly served on the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) staff from 1981 to 1984 as the Electronic Warfare Programs Analyst in the Systems Analysis Division and as Staff Assistant to the Director, Naval Warfare. During this tour, he received a Master of Arts degree in Government from Georgetown University. In September 1984, Captain Connelly reported as the Assistant Navigator in USS MIDWAY (CV 41) homeported in Yokosuka, Japan. He next served as Assistant Maintenance and Administrative Officers in VP-31 from May 1986 to October 1987. In December 1987, Captain Connelly reported to VP-8 where he completed deployments to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Keflavik, Iceland while serving as Safety Officer, Training Officer and Operations Officer. Assigned to OPNAV from January 1990 to August 1991, he served as Assistant Branch Head of the Western Hemisphere Plans and Policy Branch within the Politico-Military Policy and Current Plans Division. Additionally, he was assigned as the Assistant Branch Head of the East Asia/Pacific Branch and Lead Action Officer for the Philippine Base Re-negotiations. He concluded his tour by serving as Aide and Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Plans, Policy and Operations) during Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. Captain Connelly completed a one-year assignment as a National Security Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. In September 1992, he reported to VP-47 as Executive Officer and assumed command one year later following the squadron's relocation from NAS Moffett Field, California to NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. Captain Connelly reported to the United States Pacific Fleet staff at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in September 1994 as the Maritime Aviation Operations Officer. From August 1996 to February 2000, he completed consecutive Executive Officer tours and deployments in USS INCHON (MCS 12), USS ESSEX (LHD 2), and USS BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD 6). Captain Connelly assumed duties as Commanding Officer in USS BONHOMME RICHARD in April 2000 until relinquishing command in September 2001. His next assignment, as Commander, Amphibious Squadron THREE and the BONHOMME RICHARD Amphibious Ready Group, commenced in December 2001 while deployed in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF). During this assignment, he headed two U.S. Navy and Coalition Task Forces comprised of twenty-three combatant, amphibious, and logistics support ships engaged simultaneously in combat, maritime interception, intelligence collection, and support operations in Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa. Captain Connelly relinquished command of Amphibious Squadron THREE in September 2002 and assumed duties in January 2003 as the Commanding Officer, Pacific Missile Range Facility, located on the island of Kaua'i in Hawaii. Captain Connelly's personal awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit (with one gold star), the Meritorious Service Medal (with three gold stars), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with four gold stars), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various other campaign and service awards..." [25JUN2003]
COOPER, Loren lorenco@sonic.net "...I served as a radar operater in VP-48 from 1970 to 1973, alternating between Crew 1 and Crew 2. Made 3 WestPac deployments, NS Sangley Point, Philippines/ NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, NAS Cubi Point, Philippines/Utapao, and NAS Adak, Alaska/ NAS Agana, Guam. Would like to hear from any Shipmates of that era..." [30APR2000]
CORNWELL, ADJ2 Corky corkycornwell@aol.com "...Flew as the 2nd. mech. on crew 5 VP-48 from 1969 till 1972 when I left the Navy as an ADJ2. I flew with three great pilots, LCDR Mc Cormick, LT Steve Lantz, and LT Jim Conn. Along with one of the best crews in the Navy. I wish them all well..." [13FEB2009]
COSTAS, REAR ADMIRAL John N. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/people/flags/biographies/costasjt.html "...Rear Admiral John Costas is a native of Seguin, Tex. A 1970 graduate of Texas Christian University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physics, he was commissioned in 1970 through the Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate Program. He subsequently completed flight training at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas, and was designated as a Naval Aviator in December 1971. Rear Adm. Costas first assignment was as a Primary Flight Instructor with VT-1 at NAS Pensacola, Florida, where he received Instructor of the Year honors in 1973. In November 1974, he received his initial assignment to Maritime Patrol Aviation reporting to VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California. While assigned to VP-48, Rear Adm. Costas participated in deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska, and NAS Misawa, Japan with numerous western Pacific detachments. In November 1977, Rear Adm. Costas affiliated with the Naval Reserve (NR) joining VP-91 at NAS Moffett Field, California. He transferred to VP-94 at NAS New Orleans, Louisiana, in August 1982 and served in numerous positions prior to assuming command in August 1987. Under his command, VP-94 earned the Noel Davis Battle "E" Award, the Chief of Naval Operations Aviation Safety Award, and the Commander, Reserve Patrol Wing Atlantic, Administrative Excellence Award. In March 1989, he reported to NR Commander SEVENTH Fleet 111, Naval Reserve Center Dallas, TX where he served as Air Combat Plans Officer and subsequently as the Active Duty Training Department Head. In this capacity he coordinated Selected Reserve augmentation for Commander, U. S. Naval Forces - Central Command during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Rear Adm. Costas assumed command NR Carrier Group 770 at NAS Dallas, Tex., in October 1991 and participated in forward-deployed naval force operations during Operation Southern Watch while embarked in USS Nimitz in the North Arabian Gulf. In October 1993, he assumed command of NR Carrier Group 170, and subsequently command of NR Commander SEVENTH Fleet 111 in October 1995. Both units participated in numerous fleet exercises and forward-deployed naval force operations in the Pacific Theater. Rear Adm. Costas was selected for promotion to Flag rank in April 1996. Prior to assuming his current mobilization billet as Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, in October 2000, Rear Adm. Costas served in the following mobilization billets: Deputy Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet from October 1996 to September 1997; Deputy Commander, U.S. SEVENTH Fleet from October 1997 to September 1999; and concurrently, Deputy Commander, Naval Air Forces Pacific from November 1998 to May 1999, during which time he chaired the Naval Aviation Human Factors Quality Management Board; and as Mobilization Assistant to the Director of Operations for U.S. Space Command from October 1999 to February 2002. Additionally, Rear Adm. Costas served as Commander, NR Readiness Command Region South from April 1999 to March 2002. In his civilian career, Rear Adm. Costas has been a pilot for Delta Airlines since 1978. He is currently qualified as a Captain on the B-767-400 aircraft. Rear Adm. Costas' military awards include the Legion of Merit (with one Gold Star), the Meritorious Service Medal (with two Gold Stars), National Defense Service Medal (with Gold star), the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal (with Gold Hourglass device), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait), and various service and campaign awards...." [01JUN2003]
COX, AEC Richard E. Retired rcoxusn@lcp2.net "...I arrived at VP-48 via VP-31 6-61. I was assigned to crew 11 then kicked upstairs to crew 3, sitting in the Julie/ECM seat in both crews. I remember differences of opinion with AE-1 Greenwell in Q.C. trying to get the boat out of check. AE-1 Greenwell (now CDR Greenwell, ret.) was my retiring officer in 10-81 when I retired. Does anyone have information on my buddy AE-2 J. C. (seaweed) Davis? I lost track of him when I left VP-48 12-63. Would like to find my plane commander LDR Johnson or our right seater LCDR Dowe. There are many many good memories and a few stinky ones too about the squadron. Hope to hear from some of the old pig boat types..." [26JUL2001]
CRANE, Steve Madi@penet.com "...I served with VP-48 from Nov`78 thru Oct'80. I flew mostly on crew 4 as a SS2 and then as SS1. I transferred "sea to sea" to VP-56 from Nov.'80 through Nov85 as a SS1/2/3 and 4. Please, if we flew together - send me an E-mail..." [16JAN99]
CRAVER, Anthony J. ajcraver@argohouston.com "...Served with VP-48 from 1982-1986 out of NAS Moffett Field. We deployed to Okinawa, Diego Garcia, NAF Misawa, Japan, Phillipines, and (cough, hack) NAS Adak, Alaska during those years. Seemed that the Navy liked to send me to NAS Adak, Alaska pretty often. Not only am I searching for any and all of my brethern (enlisted and officers alike), but I would very much appreciate any knowledge on the whereabouts of Senior Chief Gallagher (USN Retired). A man who kept me laughing no matter what the circumstances..." WebSite: http://www.argohouston.com/
CROSSLEY, Dave dcross@penn.com "...Retired Navy Jan 97. Tours in VP-11 (76-80), VP-47 (81-84), FASO NAS Moffett Field, California (85-86) VP-48 (89-90), VP-46 (91-93), Recruiting District San Fran (94-97). Drop me an e-mail; when I get back from fishing I'll read it..." [30DEC98]
CULVER, PH3 Dale dec4@cox.net "...I served with VU-5A at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines from March 1964 to September 1965, VP-48 at NAS North Island, San Diego, California in October 1965, TAD to NS Sangley Point, Philippines in January 1966, NAS North Island, San Diego, California in May 1966 until E.O.E. I worked in respective Photo Labs..." [BIO Updated 23AUG2009 | E-Mail Updated 07SEP2007 | Rate Updated 07SEP2005 | 28JAN2005]
CURL, Steve J. sjc@digisys.net "...Just looking over the Guestbook and didn't see anyone from VP-48 NAS Moffett Field, California 73-77. I served as a jet mech, then turncoat to 2nd mech. flight Crew 8. Some names I can still remember are Chief Hyde, Warrent officer, Turnbull, Lonnie Vessel, Jim Abbott, Fig, Tom Stanton, and Les Bridgewater. I'm so bad with names can anyone add to these? Memorable moments I can recall... Flying with Crew 6 I believe, we had an engine fail on takeoff out of NAS Moffett Field, California, the Flight Engineer was a guy named Carey real sharp FE, took care of the shutdown easy enough, but the thing was we were to heavy to land, so he had to dump a whole bag of fuel over Redwood City at very low altitude. A light mist of JP over everyones cars, yards, and houses. We heard the base got alot of calls over that. Can anyone remember MAD calibration flights? I'd say that was the orignal barforama. Being hunted by North Korean MiGs on deployment in NAS Misawa, Japan the coed bath house in downtown Misawa. The Pilot who set his flight bag down in front of a running P-3 inboard being tested before flight and someone else not me reversed the prop and exploded that bag with the prop wash all over the flight line and 200' in the air. I was in the flight station but it wasnt me. They thought we did it on purpose, but not so. Have any memories to add about VP-48 73-77 Please write..." [25JAN2000]
CURRY, AMS2 Dan rise4fly@gmail.com "...I served VP-48 (1970-1974). I had the beard and a snoopy tattoo!..." [03JAN2013]
CURRY, David mdiane3@wccta.net "...I served with VP-48 from 1956 to 1959. Would be interested in hearing from anyone in at that time..." [10JUL2002]
DAUGHERTY, AE3 Scott (Red Freak) scottdaugherty75428@yahoo.com "...I served with was VP-48 from October 1973 to December 1976. I reported as an AEAA left as an AE3. I made 2 deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska, Guam, and NAS Moffett Field, California. Second trip was NAS Misawa, Japan, NAS Iwakuni, Japan, and NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. Alot of friends called me Red Freak. I would like to hear from anyone who was in VP-48 at that time. I worked out of the AE shop night check mostly,doing recoveries and preflights..." [05SEP2001]
DAVIS, YN Wilfred A. "Davis" daviswilfred2378@comcast.net "...I served with VP-48 (1957-1961) in the Maintenance Office as the A/C Maintenance Logs & Records Yeoman. I was on duty Easter Sunday 1958 when we lost an A/C off NAS Iwakuni, Japan (SEE: VP-48 In Memorial for lost friends April 6, 1958)). Hello to all former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 23FEB2016 | E-Mail Updated 11OCT2009 | 30MAY2002]
DeVEY, Graham kulakidz@maui.net "...I was in VP-48 from 1972-1976, assigned to crew 12 all that time. We deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska, Guam, NAF Misawa, Japan. Looking for former crew mates, please get in touch or stop by next time you're in Maui. Yes, I married Diane Connell and we're still together after 20 years and have one son. Aloha!..." [Updated 04MAY98]
DERTING, Martin sdert@flash.net "...I was with VP-48 Crew 8 1971. I am looking for friends: Andrew Leitner {Jez}, Michael Markille JEZ, Chuck Clemmons, Lt. Deimler, Johnny, Stone, Bullis FE. I would like any information available on a squadron Reunion. Thanks..." [10OCT99]
DIBB, AWCM Robert W. Retired robert.dibb@att.net "...I served with VS-35, VS-38, VS-21, VS-41, VP-48, Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Pacific Fleet (FASOTRAGRUPAC) Detachment NAS Moffett Field, California, VX-4 and HC-11..." [E-Mail Updated 05AUG2011 | E-Mail Updated 12JUN2006 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 20JUN2005 | BIO Updated 22JAN2001 | 23FEB99]
DICKSON, George (Dick) H. lighthousesis@aol.com "...I served with VP-48 Crew 2 as Plane Captain for CDR Childres who was the plane CDM. Who can forget Camron Bay or operation Market time. The nights sleeping in the gull of the wings to try to keep cool. Those were the days. Hoping to hear from some of the ole crews of that time..." [29MAY2000]
DIETRICH, CDR Stan W. http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-40/xobio.html "...Commander Stan Dietrich graduated from Harvard University in 1985. Receiving his commission through ROTC, he reported to NAS Pensacola, Florida in July 1985 and was designated a Naval Flight Officer in January 1987. Following training at the P-3 Fleet Replacement Squadron (VP-31) at NAS Moffett Field, California, Commander Dietrich reported to VP-48 also based at NAS Moffett Field, California. Qualifying as P-3C (Update III) Instructor Tactical Coordinator, Mission Commander and Special Projects Mission Commander he participated in deployment operations to NAS Adak, Alaska; NAS Cubi Point, Philippines; NAS Misawa, Japan and NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan; NSF Diego Garcia; and Masirah, Oman. During his tour he served as Tactical Officer, NFO Training Officer and NFO NATOPS Officer. Detaching from VP-48 in November 1990, his next assignment was as a FRS Instructor at PVP-31. During his tour he was selected by Commander, Patrol Wings Pacific to concurrently serve as the ASW Operations Officer for the CPWP Tactical Training Team. While at VP-31, he was selected for the Navy's Advanced Education Program. In July 1992, Commander Dietrich reported to George Washington University in Washington D.C. Graduating with honors in 1994, he received a Master's Degree in Security Policy Studies. Commander Dietrich was next assigned as Flag Secretary to Commander, Carrier Group THREE based in Alameda, California. Embarked aboard USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN(CVN 72), he qualified as a Flag Tactical Action Officer and directed numerous missions in support of Operation SOUTHERN WATCH. Following refresher training at VP-30 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida, he reported in April 1997 to VP-46 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. While assigned to the "Grey Knights" he served as Assistant Training Officer, Administration Officer and Operations Officer during a tri-site deployment to NAS Misawa, Japan. In May 1999 Commander Dietrich reported to Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing TEN. During this tour he served as Assistant Operations Officer, Tactical Support Center Director and Operations Officer, playing critical roles in Operation's PHANTOM MENACE, VALIANT RETURN and ENDURING FREEDOM. Commander Dietrich assumed duties as Executive Officer of VP-40 in March 2003..." [14JUN2003]
DOCKTER, Ron rdockter@outlook.com "...I served with VP-48 (1977-1981). I had great times deployed to Japan. Now enjoying the beach life in South Carolina. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 24NOV2017 | 28MAY2012]
DOGGETT, Gilbert R. grdoggett@sbcglobal.net. "I would like to hear from anyone that I served with in VP-48 NAS Trinidad, British West Indies from 1947 to 1948. I was an enlisted member of the squadron and worked on the beaching crew for the first few months and then as a flight crew member. My tour with VP-48 was about 18 months lasting until the squadron was disestablished and the PBM's were delivered to NAS Norfolk, Virginia..." [E-Mail Updated 29MAR2006]
DOLLAR, AX1 Don dondollar6656@embarqmail.com "...I served with VP-48 from March 1968 to November 1976. I saw a lot of Shipmates come and go. I checked into the squadron just after it returned from the WestPac cruise that lost a P-3 and crew in Japan, this was the first cruise with P-3's. I checked in from VP-31 as an AN and left as an AX1 8-1/2 years later. I saw messages from a lot of Shipmates whose names I recognized especially Mike Beaty and Scotty Foster. I would really like to hear from anyone who would like to write. What happened to Gentle Ben Pitts? I am retired on disability in North Caroina. Anyone from the P-3 days, please check out VP-48 page on http://www.military.com/ and check out the information on the VP-48 Reunion Association. We need more P-3 sailors to join us. I attended last years Reunion in San Diego and had a blast..." [ICQ# 3206200] [E-Mail/BIO Updated 06JAN2009 | E-Mail Updated 12MAY2003 | E-Mail Updated 30OCT99 | 27SEP98]
DONOHUE, Mike mdonohue9@bresnan.net "...I served with VP-48 for two tours the first of which started in the spring of 1977 as a 2nd Mech and ended in early spring of 1980 as an Instructor FE. Transfered to VP-31 and did a tour of instructor duty and then back to VP-48. Many names on this page that I remember with great fondness and pride. Hope to hear from any of you that would like to write..." [13NOV2003]
DORECK, Tim capttim@montereyexpress.com "...was attached for the 2nd time to VP-48 from 1985 to June 1989. I was an AWC and assigned to the Training/Aw branch, later Operations LCPO and following selection to AWCS was assigned as the CSC until my departure in 1989. I completed 24 years and retired while at FNOC (now FNMOC) in Monterey. I now live in Carmel Valley (located in Monterey County) with my wife Karin, son Jonathan, and daughter Jennifer. I would like to hear from some of the VP-48 members from those years..." WebSite: http://www.montereyexpress.com/ [01SEP99]
DORROH, Ed " Zorro" Ed.Dorroh@gte.net "...Hi to all of my fellow Boomers? (1986-1989 - AWAN-AW2) Boy I miss that stuff! Got my A/C wings at VP-48 (CAC 11-Penguin Lust forever!!!) and made SS1 before moving on to COMASWWINGPAC and then HSL-41. Flight Doc grounded me April 26, 1990 and I moved on to Master-at-Arms. Got out in 1996 and now am working for the LAPD. Go figure. I would love to hear from you all. Anyone know where Steve "The Cheese" Hurst is at now? I know he is still flying VP somewhere..." [19JAN99]
DOUGHTY, LT Tom Retired lttomdoughty@aol.com "...Began my career in 1967 at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, RESASWTACEAST (1969-1975), AIMD NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts (1975-1976), VP-92 (1976-1977) and VP-69 (1978-1982). Great tours with the reserve community, especially with VP-69 Totem Shipmates: CW0-4 Donald Grant(former Sun Downer), AMSC Doug Welshans (USS Forrestal), AX1 George Terril (VAH-xx), AMCS John Anderson (VP-92), ADRCS Allen Boissoneault(VA-52, VAQ-137), AK1 Kathy Mc`Neil, ATCS Don Davis. Advanced to CWO-2 in 1982 following a P.I. deployment. PCS'd to VQ-3 (TACAMO) in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. On to VP-48 NAS Moffett Field, California in 1985, suffered through two NAS Adak, Alaska winter deployments and one enjoyable P.I. deployment in 1987. Advanced to LT LDO while in P.I., had the best wetting down party in Subic City...thanks skipper, CDR Bob Lunning, that's all I'm going to say about that. Transfrered to NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania in 1989, the best kept shore duty secret in the fleet. CDR Tim Cudia was the MO at that time, followed by CDR Bill Saye, both super LDO M.O's. Retired in Nov 1991 as an LT with 24 years service. Looking forward to hearing from former Shipmates. Looking for Boomer Shipmates from September 1985 - September 1989. AT1 Mike O'lLeary, AT2 Brian Mueller, AMCS Dave Gallagher, ATCS Larry Lacroix, CDR Isle and CDR Lunning..." [BIO Updated 09AUG2012 | 07AUG2007]
DRESWICK, John jdrez@aol.com "...I was a NAV/COMM and TACCO in VP-48 from 4/81 to 4/84. Flew with Crews 2 and 5 during deployments to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan (1981), NAS Adak, Alaska (1982) and NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan (1983). Recently retired this summer and am enjoying life on the right coast. Had a great time in VP-48 with one of the more interesting bunch of JOs you would ever see, aka. Bob Carroll, Bob Dutton, Rick Packer, Ken Rowan, etc. We all lived to tell about it! Would enjoy hearing from past Boomers..." [28DEC99]
"...DUNBAR, AT2 Jeff...Our VP-48 (1978-1981) Shipmates, Jeff Dunbar, passed away due to flu complications. He was interred in Cincinnati in April 2007. I was honored by his brother Michael choosing me to carry Jeff to his final resting place..." Contributed by WOODSON, Steve "Woody" woodysan@gmx.com [09FEB2013]
DUNBAR, AT2 Jeff jdunbar1@cinci.rr.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1978 to 1981. Got out as an AT2 while on deployment to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan. I had some great times while in VP-48. I would love to visit some of those tropical paradises as a civilian! Drop me a line if you remember who I am (I know it's hard to remember back that far - we burned out a lot of brain cells in those days!)..." [E-Mail Updated 01JUL2007]
DURDEN, AWC Charles R. Retired btdurden@centurylink.net "...I served with FAW-6, TAD to FASRON-120 (1957), VQ-1 (1958) FAETUPAC (1959) at NAS North Island, San Diego, California, VAW-13 (1961), VP-6 (1963) with a deployment to Okinawa, Japan and Detachment to FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam, FAETUPAC NAS Moffett Field, California (1965), USS BENNINGTON (1968), VP-48 (1969) at NAS Moffett Field, California with deployments to NS Sangley Point, Philippines / NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, NAS Cubi Point, Philippines / U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand, Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational (FASO) at NAS Moffett Field, California (1971) and retired in 1975. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 03MAR2012 | 17JUL2001]
EASTHAM, Glynn glynn.eastham@compaq.com "...VP-47 Nov64-Jan68, ASWOC NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan Sep75-May78, VP-31/VP-31 DET Alpha May64-OCT64, Sep78-Aug81 and Sep84-Sep87, VP-48 Sep81-Aug84..." [11MAR99]
EICHMAN, Paul phe1931@comcast.net "...I served with VP-731 / VP-48 from 1952 to 1954 with deployments to NS Sangley Point, Philippines and NAS Iwakuni, Japan. I was a friend of the two airman killed in the July 1952 attack..." [E-Mail Updated 21JUN2004 | E-Mail Updated 02APR2002 | 05JUL2000]
EISENHOWER, ATC William E. Sr. "Ike" Retired wee1@iname.com "...I served with VP-48 from 1975 to 1977 (Crew-7 IFT) and NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania 1977 in the P-3 Project Office and flight tested new aircraft updates from base line improvments up to the Update III aircraft. I retired December 1980 and supported the NADC (Warminister) Johnsville, Pennsylvania as a contractor till it was closed. I still fly with the Coast Guard AUX. It isn't as much fun as chasing Subs..." [01APR2010]
EKSE, Jon eksejl@earthlink.net "...Greetings to all--nice to see so many VP-48 names on the list. I was in the squadron 63-66, and served as navigator, pilot, plane commander, mostly on Crew 6. (But with others as well, with branch officer duties mixed in.) Without exception, it was a great experience serving with the other officers and men of the squadron. I made the Galapagos tour (Crew 4?) and 3 tours at Sangley, mostly floating in Cam Ranh Bay with the Pine Island and the Currituck in attendance (didn't we all have some nicknames for those tubs??!!) I am currently retired, building a house in Shelton, Washington, and looking forward to its completion. E-mail is . Would be delighted to hear from any of you..." [05OCT99]