VP-49 Aircraft
Martin P5M Marlin
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 124911 "...EA-12...Circa 1956-1957..." Contributed by PH2 Earle Sanders via MARRERO, AT3 Lou lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [19OCT2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 127705 "...EA-8...Circa 1956..." Contributed by PATRYKUS, ET Dave drmm36@charter.net [16MAR2008]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 135542 "...LP-8...P5M (BuNo 135542) taking off from NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 15 March 1963. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [24OCT2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 1254 "...LP-1... Cuba Circa 1962..." Contributed by John Hawk dijonhawk@aol.com [31DEC2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 0266 "...LP-9...Plane Captain Hank Welch, 2nd Mechanic AD3 Bill Sullivan, Hydraulics AM2 Nicklas, Radar Operator AT1 Wadja, Radio Operator AE2 Yokley, Pilot Steve Kaiser, Ordinance Technician AO3 Arbaugh (Smokey), and Magnetic Anomaly Detector AT3 Jourss - Circa 1959..." Contributed by SULLIVAN, AD3 Bill c/o Denise Averett dlaverett@msn.com [12APR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 5508 "...LP-4...NAS Bermuda 1957 to 1959..." Contributed by DENYER, AE2 Al siddiq_63935@yahoo.com [14JUN2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 5214 "...LP-1...Stay tuned for description (#2)..." Contributed by MERCER, Ron conron@ec.rr.com [31JUL2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 5488 "...LP-3...P5M seaplanes at NAS Pensacola while in preflight (1961-62). They were from VP-30 and VP-49 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida my notes on the photos say. Note in one photo the bow of the training carrier U.S.S. Antietam at the pier. The planes are out of the water or taking off in the bay..." Contributed by William D. Kirby wdkirby@ix.netcom.com [28AUG98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 7713 "...LP-5..." Contributed by CAMPBELL, John "JJ" Safehands4u@aol.com [30JUL2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 7709 "...LP-1..." Contributed by Scott A. Siedschlag scat1130@bellsouth.net WebSite: VC-8/VU-8/GMSRON-2 Official Tribute WebSite http://www.vc8redtails.bravehost.com/ [20JAN2007]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: 7932 "...LP-4...Looking back to 1954 - Thursday, April 8, 2010..." WebSite: JaxAirNews http://jacksonville.com/ [09APR2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...LP-3...These were taken in the tie-down area near the hangars - Circa 1956..." Contributed by PATRYKUS, ET Dave drmm36@charter.net [16MAR2008]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...LP-7...These were taken in the tie-down area near the hangars - Circa 1956..." Contributed by PATRYKUS, ET Dave drmm36@charter.net [16MAR2008]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...LP-3...Received this great photo from Ken Nyland showing EA3 (BuNo unkown) flying over NAS Bermuda circa 1954 to 1955. This was during the transistion from Mariners to Marlins. You can see the USS Currituck (AV-7) at the dock and Mariners on the tarmac (lower left in photo)..." Contributed by MARRERO, Lou lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [26MAR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...I served with VP-49 from January 1953 to August 1954. I have a few negatives which were recently reprinted and enlarged..." Contributed by Bill McLean bilmclean@yahoo.com [23MAR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...I served with VP-49 from January 1953 to August 1954. I have a few negatives which were recently reprinted and enlarged..." Contributed by Bill McLean bilmclean@yahoo.com [23MAR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...I served with VP-49 from January 1953 to August 1954. I have a few negatives which were recently reprinted and enlarged..." Contributed by Bill McLean bilmclean@yahoo.com [23MAR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "... NAS Bermuda in 1953..." Contributed by Jim Bergen jwbergen@jdweb.com [13MAR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...EA-4...in flight over NAS Bermuda in 1953..." Contributed by Jim Bergen jwbergen@jdweb.com [12MAR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...LP-3...Circa 1956-1957..." Contributed by PH2 Earle Sanders via MARRERO, AT3 Lou lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [19OCT2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...EA-9...Circa 1956-1957..." Contributed by PH2 Earle Sanders via MARRERO, AT3 Lou lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [19OCT2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...EA-4...P5M (BuNo unknown) inflight. Date unknown. Photo from the Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/index.html..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16MAY2001]
Martin PBM Mariner
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 PBM BUNO: Unknown "...EA-9, EA-6 and EA-3...Circa Unknown..." Contributed by Robert Parsons robert.parsons@nl.rogers.com [09NOV2013]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 PBM BUNO: Unknown "...A U.S. Navy Martin PBM-5 from Patrol Squadron VP-49 underway on the water as viewed from a seaplane tender off Bermuda in 1950...." WebSite: U.S. Navy Naval History Center http://www.history.navy.mil/ [01MAR2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 PBM BUNO: Unknown "... Martin PBM-5 in 1/72 scale..." WebSite: Scale WorkShop http://www.scaleworkshop.com/gallery/pbm5rl_1.htmm [22JUN2009]
Lockheed P-3 Orion
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151356 "...LP-1...P3A - Flown by CDR Richard S. ZEIZEL on the way to our Southeast Asia Deployment in 1968...WebSite: http://www.fly4fun.org/..." Contributed by Jack E. Neubacher jack@fly4fun.org [30MAY2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150501 "...LP-4...Circa 1965 - Official Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Photograph - http://www.lmco.com..." [27FEB2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150501 "...LP-4...Circa 1965 - Official Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Photograph - http://www.lmco.com..." [27FEB2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150522 "...LP-11...NAS Atsugi, Japan..." WebSite: GoNavy http://www.gonavy.jp/ [03SEP2009]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150522 "...LP-9..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [06APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150526 "...Here is a P3 I was on off the shore of BDA in 1963, we were taking pictures of a tall ship race..." Contributed by Homer R. McKee AEC RET. mckee_homer@bellsouth.net [19SEP98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150526 "...LP-3..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [06APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150605 "...LP-5..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [06APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 150609 "...LP-6...#4 in the bag (Chips light) Crew 6 arrives at NS Sangley Point, Philippines June 2, 1968..." Contributed by Bill McClellan billmcsr@erols.com [14MAY99]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151355 "...LP-8..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [06APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151357 "...LP-2...Ice Patrol Circa 1964..." Contributed by John Hawk dijonhawk@aol.com [31DEC2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151357 "...LP-1...in California enroute for delivery to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in 1965..." Contributed by Fred Bates turguson@optonline.com [27AUG98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151357 "...LP-5...at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in 1967..." Contributed by Fred Bates turguson@optonline.com [27AUG98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151361 "...LP-5..." Contributed by BATES, Fred turguson@optonline.com [14MAR2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151361 "...I located my old aircraft while attached to VP-49. It was LP-5 (151361). It was retired by the Navy to AMARC until it was selected by the U.S. Forest Service and provided to Aero Union airbourne fire fighting co. and converted into an Aerostar fire fighter-tanker #25 (N925AU) It was the first P-3 Orion modified as an air tanker ..." Contributed by BATES, Fred turguson@optonline.com [14MAR2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151361 "...LP-5...P-3A (BuNo 15136?) inflight. Aircraft is armed with Bullpup missiles on the outer wing racks. Date unknown. Photo from the Naval Historical Center..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [19APR2001]
"...I believe the BUNO for that aircraft is 151369. I flew with VP-49 from 8/64 to 8/66..." Contributed by ED Ireland PJKallus@aol.com [19JUL2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 151361 "...LP-5...P-3A (BuNo 151361) at Charleston, South Carolina, 29 May 1967. This aircraft was later sold to Aero Union as an airborne fire fighter; the first P-3 modified as such. Photographed by Duane Kasulka. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [08JAN2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 156524 "...LP-10..." Contributed by CAMPBELL, John "JJ" Safehands4u@aol.com [30JUL2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 156524, 156525, 156526, 157313, 156529, 156528, 157317, 156507, and 157318 "...Circa 1972-1973 - NAS Keflavik, Iceland deployment..." Contributed by CAMPBELL, John "JJ" Safehands4u@aol.com [30JUL2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 156524 "...LP-10..." Contributed by John N. Eubanks AECS-USN retired fesa@leading.net [20MAR2000]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 152727 "...LP-2..." Contributed by Keith Snyder cougar_1967@verizon.net [21DEC2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 156529 "...LP-12...over the Atlantic enroute to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal..." Contributed by GRIMM, Mike mc_grimm@yahoo.com [04JAN2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 157313 "...LP-1..." Contributed by Dick Newton dnewton@hto.net [17MAR99]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 157315 "...Dutch Aviation Society - Scramble Message Board - P3 ORION TOPIC..." WebSite: http://forum.scramble.nl/ [26FEB2013]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 157315 "...LP-5...Circa 1984..." Contributed by Keith Snyder cougar_1967@verizon.net [11SEP2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 157319 "...LP-1...Woodpeckers - Official U.S. Navy Photograph..." Contributed by Don Scott and forwarded by Gary Verver gverver@earthlink.net [12NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 157319 "...LP-1...P-3C (157319) over Mount Etna during a deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily circa 1988. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [17MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 158529 "...LP-6...P-3C (BuNo 158529) flies past a Soviet helicopter carrier of the Moskva class circa 1977. Photo from the Naval Historical Center..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [19APR2001]
"...I wanted to drop you a line about the picture you submitted to the VP-49 history. I was on that plane. The picture was taken about 0830 in the morning as we were coming off station. There was a series of the them. As a matter of fact we were playing the rolling stones song "I cant get no satisfaction" on the IC Channel 2. My name is Paul Kwiatkowski i was the sensor three operator, the crew was cac 5. thanks for the memory on that one. Paul Kwiatkowski pmk_125@yahoo.com..." [31OCT2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 158920 "...LP-7...Med - my Crew-7 on a Foxtrot - Circa 1985..." Contributed by STANTON, CDR Don skyblue07@comcast.net [13OCT2016]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: 158920 "...LP-3...ETOU Wiesbaden, Germany - 1-May-1975..." WebSite: PlanePictures http://www.planepictures.net/ [05APR2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...Circa 1965 - Official Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Photograph - http://www.lmco.com..." [27FEB2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...LP-4...An air-to-air view of Patrol Squadron Forty-Nine (VP-49) P-3A Orion on patrol over the Atlantic, January 22, 1964..." http://www.nasjax.navy.mil/command%20information/aircraft_1950s_photo_gallery.htm [24NOV2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-49 P-3 (BuNo unknown) in flight near Iceland. Photo by PH1 Mark Kettenhoffen circa 1993. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [23MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...The B&W VP-49 Aicraft Group are all 9/P3C aircraft assigned to VP-49 and consist of (left to Right) Buno's: 157318/LP-32; 156507/LP-31; 157316/LP-22; 156528/LP-21; 156529/LP-12; 157313/LP-11; 156526/LP-30; 156525/LP-20; 156524/LP-10 during deployment on the ramp in NAS Keflavik, Iceland..." Contributed by John N. Eubanks AECS-USN retired fesa@leading.net [20MAR2000]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "Taken by me during operational testing of our new underwing flare countermeasures pods..." Contributed by LT Keith "Batman" Masterson kbatmast@aol.com
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "Dual zuni rocket shot. Taken in 1992 by VP-49's PH2 Powell. Target was Viegues Island, Puerto Rico..." Contributed by LT Keith "Batman" Masterson kbatmast@aol.com
AIRCRAFT:  VP-49 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "Taken by me in 1992 on another Viegues ordance. This time, we were dropping Rockeye bombs.." Contributed by LT Keith "Batman" Masterson kbatmast@aol.com
 "VP-49 Summary Page"