VPNAVY Address

VP CrewVP-49 CrewVP Crew

Crew 1

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-49 Logo ThumbnailCamera"VP-49 CAC-1 Patch" "... NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal '91..." Contributed by AW1(AW) Neal Smith smith@sicily.navy.mil [23MAY99]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 CREW ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 1 "...NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba December 1962..." Contributed by John Hawk dijonhawk@aol.com [31DEC2010]

Crew 2

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 CREW ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 2 "...LP-2 Back Row: 2nd from right is "Pappy" Anholt. Front Row - Left to Right: Al Anzini(?), PPC Bill Cloughley, LTjg Jack Van Allen, "Monty" Montgomery..." Contributed by Jack Van Allen (son of the pilot) via Lou Marrero lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [05APR2003]

Crew 3

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 Crew ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 3 "...This picture is of the original Crew 3 that I joined in 1949 in NAS Norfolk, Virginia. The picture is circa 1950 and was taken on the seaplane ramp in NAS Bermuda on one of our many visits there prior to the squadron being transferred in July 1951. Members of the crew are: Back row, L to R; Chief Ward ADC, Chief Everitt ADC (Plane Captain), Lt.jg R. E. Weidner (PPC), Ens. Griswold, Chief "Gabby" LaGrange AOC (I'm not sure about his last name), Chief T. J. (Maw) Hegerich ALC. Front row, L to R; Jim Bergen AT2, Phillips AD3 (forgot his first name), Irv Snively AD1, Everitt Ridinger AO1, Al Kennel AL1..." Contributed by Jim Bergen jwbergen@jdweb.com via NYLAND, AVCM Ken Retired avcmkn@tds.net [24FEB2003]

Crew 4

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-49 Crew Patch ThumbnailCamera"VP-49 CAC-4 Patch" "...Crew 4 patch that I have for our 1987 NAS Bermuda Deployment. We recieved the East Coast Battle "E" for this Deployment. I quick story behind the two patches that you now have for crew 4. This patch caused the making of the patch you alresdy have. The 1987 deployment patch was intended to be a P-3 above the clouds dropping a torpedo on a sub. All the other crews said it looked like a sheep, giving us a hard time all deployment calling us "Battle Sheep". We decided to imbrace the sheep idea, and AW3 Peter Wood (design both patches) came up with the second patch. We even got a stuffed toy sheep and it flew the entire NAS Sigonella, Sicily deployment with us..." Contributed by MATEJKA, Jim "Maytag" jmmatejka@bellsouth.net [10MAY2007]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-49 Crew Patch ThumbnailCamera"VP-49 CAC-4 Patch" "... NAS Sigonella, Sicily '88..." Contributed by AW1(AW) Neal Smith smith@sicily.navy.mil [23MAY99]

Crew 5

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 Crew 5 ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 5 [Official US Navy Photograph] "...(P5M BUNO: 127706) While based in Bermuda, VP-49's Crew Three and P5M-1, BuNo 127706, particpated in the making of the 1966 film, Look to the Sea..." Contributed by Bruce D. Barth, Author of: "The Martin P5M Marlin," P.O. Box 654, Belmont, California 94002-0654

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 Crew 5 ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 5 "...1968...Back row L-R: LTJG Chris Stearn, LTJG Jim Stanton, LT Gary McClung, LT Dick Mister, LT Jerry Schriver...Front Row L-R: AX2 Jim Schelper, RM3 Jerry Weiss, AX2 Rod Evans, AO2 Fred Bates, ADJ1 Bob Kosztur..." Contributed by Fred Bates turguson@optonline.com [27AUG98]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 Crew 5 ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 5 "...1967...Back Row L-R: ADJ2 Bob Kosztur, AE3 Bill Yurewitch, LCDR Ed Palmer, RM3 Jerry Weiss, AX3 Rod Evans, AO3 Fred Bates...Front Row L-R: AX3 Tom Marshall, LT Jerry Schriver, LTJG John Hotchkin, LT Gary McClug..." Contributed by Fred Bates turguson@optonline.com [27AUG98]

Crew 6

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 Crew 6 ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 6 "...VP49 Crew 6 aboard LP6 BUNO: 150609 when it landed at NS Sangley Point, Philippines in May of 1968 with number 4 in the bag for a prop pump light. Front row, left to right: AW1 Bob Wilhite (Deceased), Co-Pilot LT Stearn, PPC LT McClellan, TC LT Fake, Nav. LTJG Chandler, 3P LT. Naro. Back Row, left to right: FE. AE1 Eubanks, 2FE AMS2 Sullivan, ATR3 Cochran, AO3 Powell, AW3 Hughes and RM2 Laham..." Contributed by John N. Eubanks AECS-USN retired fesa@leading.net [24MAR2000]

Crew 7

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-49 Logo ThumbnailCamera"VP-49 Crew 7 Patch" "...CAC-7's (Killer Group) patch from VP-49's 1985 deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by McCRARY, CDR Jim Retired 17915mcc@mn.state.net [21JAN2003]

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-49 Logo ThumbnailCamera"VP-49 Crew 7 Patch" Contributed Peter Knepton Pete.Knepton@gulfaero.com [06MAR2002]

Crew 8

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 CREW 8 ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 8 "...I ran across this picture recently. It is the crew of EA-8, taken in 1953. I believe EA-8 to be the twenty-first P5M delivered to the Navy. If someone understands the designation number in the photo they might be able to affirm or deny that premise. I'm the cool dude with the shades in the lower left, Ridinger is beside me, and Taylor, is at the right end of the line. I think the other white hat was Peewee something. I've forgotten all the officers...." Contributed by ROIDT, AM2 Mike lvmroidt@aol.com [09APR2001]

Crew 11

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 CREW 11 ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 11 "...VP-49 Crew-11 (LP-11) Circa 1959. BACK ROW L-R: ATAA Warford, LT(jg) McGhee, LT(jg) J. Bradford and AT3 Carl Thulin. FRONT ROW L-R: AD3 Bannacca, AD2 R. V. Rich, AO2 Johnny Shelton, AT2 Wolfe and AM2 Wm. Van Hubbard. Photograph submitted by Lou Marrero for Bill Van Hubbard..." Contributed by Lou Marrero lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [14JUL2017]

Crew 12

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 CREW ThumbnailCameraVP-49 Crew 12 [Official U. S. Navy Photograph] "...(BUNO 135467) LP-12 & was taken on 1/26/59. Crewmembers from L-R: LCDR Stadard, Chief Sagar, Larry Call, "Pancho" Perez, Frank Mannino, Lou Marrero, Dale Sees, LTJG's Niklasson, Check & Schenk. Don Spickerman was above in hatch...." Contributed by Lou Marrero lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [Updated 11MAR98]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-49 CREW ThumbnailCameraLP-12 (BUNO 135467) Crew [Official U. S. Navy Photograph] "...11/14/58 (my 22nd birthday!) The photographer was from the Seaplane Tender USS Albemarle (AV-5). On that day LP-12 (BUNO 135467) set a record for 18 tender controlled touch & go approaches. It was a long day! Capt Minter C.O. of AV-5 was an observer that day. Crewmembers from L-R: Chuck Staubs, Larry Call, Jim Brust, Don Spickerman, Dale Sees, Lou Marrero, Frank Mannino, "Pancho" Perez, LTJG Ron Niklasson, LTJG Bill Schenk Co-Pilot & CAPT. Minter in pilots seat...Tender Controlled Approaches - 18..." Contributed by Lou Marrero lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [Updated 06AUG98 | Updated 11MAR98]

UPDATE "...The Royal Gazette, Saturday, November 15, 1958...VP-49 Set Two New Records with Albemarle...Officers and men of Patrol Squadron 49, with the cooperation and able assistance of air controllers on board the U. S. Navy Seaplane Tender Albemarle (AV-5), established two new records during operations this past week in Bermudian waters...On Wednesday, one of VP-49's seaplanes, LP-12, set an all-time high by making 18 tender controlled approaches to the U. S. Naval Station seadrome under the ship's positive radar control...TCA procedures are utilized by Navy Seaplane Tenders, such as the Albemarle, to facilitate a seaplane's instrument approach to a temporary seadrome established in an advanced base area, where conventional approach aids are non-existent and existing weather conditions are such as to preclude a visual approach...The instrument approach is effected by the ship's air controllers using air survelance radar to assist in the identification, orientation and directing of the seaplane down through the weather to a safe landing. The perfection of such procedures by Seaplane Tenders has materially increased the effectiveness of antisubmarine squardons such as VP-49 by affording all weather capabilities not otherwise possible...At 4 p.m. on Friday the six VP-49 crews and aircraft operating from the Albemarle learned that they and the ship had established still another record by also setting an all-time high in the number of tender controlled approaches made by a six-plane detachment over a seven-day period...the Albemarle is a familiar sight to the officers and men of Patrol Squadron Forty Nine since she is the unit's regular tender. A virtual "floating" naval air station. Tenders such as the Albemarle provide complete and efficient support for air units on board, including subsistence and lodging for officer and enlisted personnel, seadrome tending, shop spaces, maintenance, aviation fuel and oil, and recreation facilities...." Contributed by Lou Marrero lmarrvp49@hotmail.com [19FEB98]

Crew 14

VP LogosLOGOs: VP-49 Logo ThumbnailCamera"VP-49 Crew 14 Patch" Contributed Peter Knepton Pete.Knepton@gulfaero.com [06MAR2002]

"VP-49 Summary Page"