VP-49 Mishap
MISHAPs: 08 JUL 49 A/C: PBM-5 LOCATION: Panama TYPE: Unknown STRIKE: Yes DEATHS: 9 BUNO: 84655 CAUSE: Overhaul & Repair (O&R) - Fire in-flt, crashed while attempting a forced landing, 330T 13mi from NAS Coco Solo. Crew lost: CDR E.D. Killian, LT K.F. Johnson, ADC W.C. Evans, ATC M.F. Fite, AMC A.J. Melanson, AO1 C.W. Henshaw, AD1 R.E. Wardel, PR2 A.E. Bourassa, and AT3 R.T. Willett. http://www.vpinternational.ca/BOOK/accidents/united_states.htm [01JAN2005]
"...I am looking for anyone that knew my brother, CPO William C. (Bill) Evans, Jr. Enlisted 2 wks after Pearl Harbor, boot at Great Lakes, to NAS Norfolk, Virginia, then to NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone, VP-49. Had an APSD rating, served as flight engineer PBM's. Killed July 8, 1949, plane exploded 20 miles at sea at CZ. BuNo-84655. His wife's name was Frances. My family and I would appreciate hearing from anyone that knew him, especially at NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone. I am an Air Force, Korea vet and do not understand all of the Navy terminology. Thanks...Elbert (Butch) Evans butchev@alltel.net..." [01JAN2005]
MISHAPs: 09 NOV 56 A/C: P5M LOCATION: Bermuda Triangle TYPE: Unknown STRIKE: Yes DEATHS: 10 BUNO: 127705 Crew EA-8 CAUSE: Unknown
In Memorial for lost friends November 9th, 1956 [Updated 16MAR2008]
 "VP-49 Summary Page"