VP-49 Patches
NOTICE:  "...I am remaking the 2nd VP-49 patch worn during the seaplane era from 1940's into the early 1960. This new patch will be 4" and the colors as close to the original colors as possible. The big thing is, the patch will be embroidered with no backing, so it will look and feel just like the old patch. Anyone who orders a patch will see the cost price from the company. My next project is to have the old VP-49 Lightning Bolt ball caps made! If you are interested in obtaining one, please contact me..." Contributed by Bob Reay reaybuff@gmail.com [16FEB2011]
LOGOs:  VP-49 Logo "...Naval Aviation News - May 1955..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1955/may55.pdf [04AUG2004]
LOGOs:  VP-49 Logo Contributed by Derric.Barber@warren.af.mil [05JUN2003]
LOGOs:  VP-49 Logo "...'No sanctuary in the deep' insignia..." Contributed by Fred Bates turguson@optonline.com [27AUG98]
"...I am looking for a patch (above) to finish my collection of squadrons I served with. If anyone has a spare, I would be happy to pay for it. Thanks. Bob Englar benglar@att.net..." [04OCT2001]
LOGOs:  VP-49 Patch Contributed by Jay Broze vjb2@classic.msn.com
LOGOs:  VP-49 Logo "It was taken with a digital camera off of a deployment book..." Contributed by Russ Kimmey AWC (NAC) USN (Ret) RKimmeyP3C@aol.com
LOGOs:  VP-49 Logo Contributed by Robert B. Griffin, Jr. Seminole52@aol.com
LOGOs:  VP-49 Logo Contributed by LT Keith "Batman" Masterson kbatmast@aol.com
"...Lt. Mike Holland drew the Fighting Woodpecker on the the falcons glove that became our tail logo on the P-3C. We had the patch made from that drawing. I still have that original picture drawn by Mike Holland..." Contributed by John N. Eubanks AECS-USN retired fesa@leading.net [17MAR2000]
 "VP-49 Summary Page"