VP-49 Reunions
REUNIONs: "...VP-49 Reunion - September 19-21, 2014 - in Jacksonville Florida. We are in work on organizing hotel, etc. and activities. See VP-49 Way Over The Hump Party/Las Vegas: TBD for further information..." Contributed by Laurie Marshall lripar@comcast.net [14JUL2014]
REUNIONs: "...Desire hearing from all VP-49 Shipmates prior to 1965 (basically NAS Bermuda and early NAS Patuxent River, Maryland types, P5M). Considering planning a Reunion and want feedback concerning a location, date, addresses (both USPS and email) of personnel in order to send out questionaire concerning such an event. Open to any and all suggestions, these will be shared with all as I receive the information. E-Mail or leave a message on 239-594-8996..." Contributed by Ensign Benson (LP-4) esnbsn@comcast.net [03APR2011]
REUNIONs: "...Looking for response to a proposed VP-49 Reunion at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland June 2008. It would be 40 years since our WesPac. I can be reached at (414)777-1662 or DELETE_Jimadams1945@aol.com...ADAMS, Jim jimadamz@hotmail.com..." [11JUL2003]
REUNIONs: "...Name: WWII USN Scouting Squadrons Assn - POC: Frank Hart - Phone: (336) 363-9121 - E-mail: Mypalkelli@cs.com - Reunion Info: Meeting at NAS Pensacola, Florida on Sep 18-21 2003. All members of any VS Squadron from WWII urged to oome. Lots of food drink and sea stories. Included is a trip to the Naval Aviation Museum. Navy Lodge Reservations (805)456-8676 code WWIINSS. Events registration $115/couple,$75 single to Doug Anthony 609 Tranquila Dr: Savannah,GA 31419 (912)925-4066 - Thank you. Frank Holmes FHolmes101@aol.com..." [04JUL2003]
REUNIONs: "...Picture of October 12th, 2002 VP-49 Reunion..." Contributed by NYLAND, AVCM Ken Retired avcmkn@tds.net [11APR2003]
"...SEE October 12th, 2002 Reunion Pictures! and VP-49 Reunion Association Information..." [11APR2003]
REUNIONs: "...Ken Nyland avcmkn@tds.net and Frank Dorsch FutDir@aol.com would like to contact enlisted personnel who served in VP-49 NAS Bermuda from 1952 through 1955 . If we find sufficient numbers and have a good show of interest we would like to consider having a Reunion..." Contributed by Frank Dorsch FutDir@aol.com [10JUN2002]
REUNIONs: "...1997 - A Reunion for Seaplane Pilots (Boat Pilots) of VP-49 who served in NAS Bermuda during the period 1949-1963 is scheduled for November 14 and 15th, 1997. If interested please contact Bob Griffin Seminole52@aol.com..." [00XXX97]
"...SEE: VP-49 Reunion Photo's..." [23APR2003]
 "VP-49 Summary Page"