VPNAVY VP-5 Mercury Capsule Recovery
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HistoryVP-50 HistoryHistory

Circa Unknown
Can you identify the Month and or Year?

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: VP-50 Video "...VIDEO: VP-50 Blue Dragons Multiple Years - NAS Moffett Field, California..." Contributed by John Hawley orionnav2@gmail.com [21MAR2024]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: VP-50 Video "...VIDEO: VP-50 Flight Ops - Adak, Alaska..." Contributed by John Hawley orionnav2@gmail.com [21MAR2024]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: VP-50 History ThumbnailCameraVP-50 Patch "...I was a mere SN when this happened, but did type the letter. At the bottom shows how the original patch looked like..." Contributed by SPARKS, YNC(SS) Don Retired aspks@cox.net [22OCT2002]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: "...Records Safe Flying Time - VP-50: 12,000 hours and 2 years...." Naval Aviation News July-August 1990 Page 32 [10JUL2001]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: VP-50 Plaque Patron Fifty "Purple Dragons" Brass Plaque Contributed by Scott Collett scott-collett@worldnet.att.net [12MAR99]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: "...SRU VP-5056 was a Reserve Composit Squadron with its members who are technically part of either VP-50 or VP-56. If necessary those squadrons could pull personnel from Reserve Units across the US to augment its normal crews. There were many such Reserve Composit Squadrons at the various VP Airfields. NAS Moffett Field, California, NAS New Orleans, Louisiana, NAS Memphis, Tennessee, NAS Jacksonville, Florida, etc. We flew VP-94 aircraft when we were on our weekends and cruises, and even went on cruises to Lajues with them...." Contributed by Richard Pettit repettit1269@msn.com [24JUN98]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: Squadron ThumbnailCameraVP-50 Patch Contributed by Tom Grannis grannis1@earthlink.net [05FEB2005]

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: Squadron ThumbnailCameraVP-50 Patch Contributed by Tom Grannis grannis1@earthlink.net [09MAY2004]

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