VP-56 Aircraft
Consolidated PBY Catalina
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBY BUNO: Unknown Model Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [04APR2002]
Martin PBM Mariner
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBM Picture BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 (EH 7) PBM-5S at NAS Norfolk, circa 1952. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [20JUL2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBM Picture BUNO: 56-P-9 "...VP-56 (56-P-9) PBM-1, circa 1941. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [19MAR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBM-1 56-P-6 "...Came from yahoo group. USNavy Aircraft Group..." Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [02AUG2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBM-1 56-P-9 "The Neutrality Patrol: To Keep Us Out of World War II? Part 2 of 2" by Capt. William E. Scarborough, USN (Ret), Naval Aviation News, May-June 1990 Page 24 http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/nhcorg5.htm Contributed by George B. Winter pbycat@bellsouth.net[03MAY98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBM Model BUNO: Unknown Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [19APR2002]
Martin P5M Marlin
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 005453 "...VP-56 P5M-2 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada with FASRON-106. had to beach about twice a year. Usually a 12 to 16 hr. non-stop job to get 6 or 8 of these monsters on the tarmac..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [20DEC2000]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 005488 "...LQ-4 Cira Nov 17, 1960..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 005525 "...LQ-12..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 011623 "...VP-56 P5M-2 in NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada with FASRON-106. had to beach about twice a year. Usually a 12 to 16 hr. non-stop job to get 6 or 8 of these monsters on the tarmac..." Contributed by Larry Creel gaprailroad2010@yahoo.com [20DEC2000]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 126495 "...San Juan harbour - time uncertain. Courtesy VP-56..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 126495 "...San Juan harbour - time uncertain. Courtesy VP-56..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 130273 "...Official US Navy Photograph - A formation of early P5M-1s from VP-56 is shown over Norfolk circa 1954. The aircraft in the foreground, EH-9, is BuNo 130273...Contributed by Bruce D. Barth, Author of: "The Martin P5M Marlin," P.O. Box 654, Belmont, California 94002-0654
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 135520 Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 135521 "...San Juan harbour - time uncertain. Courtesy VP-56..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 135528 "...San Juan harbour - time uncertain. Courtesy VP-56..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 135528 "...San Juan harbour - time uncertain. Courtesy VP-56..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 135528 Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: 147927 Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Not sure if this is actually a VP-56 P5M - Circa April 11, 1957..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 P5M-1 (EH-1 Squadron Captain's Plane) taken by John Carcano while flying formation from EH-12 over San Jan, PR in 1953 (Note USS Currituck (AV-7) in Bay)..." Contributed by McKEE, John mckeejohna@qwest.net [28JUL2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 P5M-1 (EH-1 Squadron Captain's Plane) taken by John Carcano while flying formation from EH-12 over San Jan, PR in 1953..." Contributed by McKEE, John mckeejohna@qwest.net [28JUL2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Putting a P5M in the water. Circa 1952-1955 NAS Norfolk, Virginia..." Contributed by LeCONTE, William Louis wleconte2@gmail.com [18FEB2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Putting a P5M in the water. Circa 1952-1955 NAS Norfolk, Virginia..." Contributed by LeCONTE, William Louis wleconte2@gmail.com [18FEB2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 (LQ 1) P5M-2 Marlin (BuNo unknown) in-flight, circa 1961. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16FEB2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 PBY BUNO: Unknown "...Official U. S. Navy Photograph..." Contributed by John Lucas JohnLucas@netzero.com [03JAN2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Formation flight of VP-56 P5M-1 Marlins circa early 1950's..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [06MAR2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Picture of EH 1 landing in San Juan PR during Operation Springboard 1955 (I think). You can see the USS Currituck in the background..." Contributed by John Carcano jcarcano@metrolink.net [14MAY98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Pictures taken by John Carcano. He was flying formation with us at the time over San Juan, P.R. and took these shots of the Squadron Captain's of #1 boat that I was flying in back then (1953)..." Contributed by John McKee mckeejohna@qwest.net [12APR2000]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...Pictures taken by John Carcano. He was flying formation with us at the time over San Juan, P.R. and took these shots of the Squadron Captain's of #1 boat that I was flying in back then (1953)..." Contributed by John McKee mckeejohna@qwest.net [12APR2000]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 EH-12 leaving Argentia Newfoundland for 3 Mo. Med. cruise with USS Currituck AV-7 and Sub. USS Guavina. Plane Capt. "Mighty Mouse" Malette ADC, Radioman Tex. Baird..." Contributed by C. W. Shealey "Dub" cwshealey1@juno.com [23JAN98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 P5M-1 formation, circa 1953. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [23OCT2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M BUNO: Unknown "...San Juan harbour - time uncertain. Courtesy VP-56..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [08APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M Model BUNO: Unknown Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [04APR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M Model BUNO: Unknown "...Has a 57 inch wingspan and 52 inches long including MAD Boom. EH's and the front 1's are 1 1/2 inches. Made this 1 boat for the Squadron Commanders airplane. Went back to the 1955 era when we had 20mm in the tail..." Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [15MAY2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P5M Model BUNO: Unknown "...P5M Marlines From VP-56 - Page 33 - Naval Aviation News - February 1955..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1954/feb55.pdf [03AUG2004]
Lockheed P2 Neptune
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 135550 "...LQ-3..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 135550 "...Taken by an RAF Shackleford crew in June 1962, due West of Stavanger, Norway ( Note the open jet doors, We had just lit them off to make a rapid ascent)..." CARTER, Arthur acarter132@cox.net [21MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 140878 and 145908 "...Return fr Iceland + Spain NAS Norfolk 1962..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 141235 and 145920 "...Official Photograph U. S. Navy...1966 Cheasapeak Bay Bridge and Tunnel, Maryland..." Contributed by DANA A. SANDLEBEN dasme@comcast.net [11JUN98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 141238 "...VP-56 (LQ 4) SP-2H Neptune (BuNo 141238) at an unknown airfield, circa 1965. Photographed by Clay Jansson. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [25OCT2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145905 "...LQ-8..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145908 "...VP-56 (LQ 12) SP-2H (BuNo XXX248) in flight circa 1964. Photo from the Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/index.html..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145908 "...VP-56 SP-2H BuNo 145908, "LQ-10", PPC LCDR D.E. Kuehler, on deck at NS Rota, Spain, Oct. 1967..." Contributed by Don Kuehler, CDR, USN (Ret) DKuehler@aol.com [03FEB98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145909 "...Circa 1962 - NS Rota, Spain - somewhere over the Med..." Contributed by CHEVALIER, Robert "Bob" rcchevalier@earthlink.net [06APR2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145909 "...Circa 1962 - NS Rota, Spain - Crew starts engines in prep for a patrol. I'm monitoring from the Astro Hatch..." Contributed by CHEVALIER, Robert "Bob" rcchevalier@earthlink.net [06APR2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145909 and 147951 "...Official Photograph U. S. Navy...October 1966 Mt. Etna, Sicily just before eruption..." Contributed by DANA A. SANDLEBEN dasme@comcast.net [11JUN98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145915 "...I was a crew member on this plane and the photo was taken around 1966..." Contributed by HULIEN, AE1 Charlie Retired handcraftedcharlie@yahoo.com[28FEB2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145920 "...VP-56 (LQ 2) SP-2H (BuNo 145920) in-flight, circa 1967. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [17SEP2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145920
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 145920 "...Official Photograph U. S. Navy...1966 NAS Norua area..." Contributed by DANA A. SANDLEBEN dasme@comcast.net [11JUN98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 147950 "...LQ-7 Iceland 1965..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 147951 "...Model of LQ12..." Contributed by DANA A. SANDLEBEN dasme@comcast.net [26JUL98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148344 "...LQ-1 Circa December 14, 1961..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148344 "...LQ-7 Iceland 1962..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148344 "...LQ-5 Iceland 1965..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148344 "...Return fr Iceland + Spain NAS Norfolk 1962..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148344 "...LQ-5 BUNO: 148344 taking off. Circa 1964..." Contributed by SIDLEY, Bernie (Bear) BernieBear00@aol.com [03JUL2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148344 "... NS Roosevelt Roads, PR..." Contributed by Gary Garrison grg60@comcast.net [29MAY2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...LQ-7..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...Official U. S. Navy Photograph..." [21FEB2007]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...VP-56 (LQ 8) SP-2H (BuNo 148352) at an airshow, date unknown. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [27OCT2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...VP-56 (LQ 8) SP-2H (BuNo 148352) at an airshow, date unknown. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [27OCT2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...Official U. S. Navy photo comes from about 1962. It shows SP2H BuNo. 148352 from VP-56 (LQ-5) in flight with "UNITAS" on tail for a mission to South America..." Contributed by William D. Kirby wdkirby@ix.netcom.com [28AUG98]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...LQ-7 Iceland 1962..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148354 "...July 1960 thru July 1964..." Contributed by CREASY, Jim k3jjc@verizon.net [17MAY2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148354 "...July 1960 thru July 1964..." Contributed by CREASY, Jim k3jjc@verizon.net [17MAY2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148354 "...July 1960 thru July 1964..." Contributed by CREASY, Jim k3jjc@verizon.net [17MAY2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148354 "...This was the "other" a/c that went on the UNITAS IV trip in 1963 with VP-56. This particular picture was taken in 1965..." Contributed by FABIK, George G. a66fox@verizon.net [05DEC2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148353 "...An air-to-air left side view of Patrol Squadron Fifty-Six (VP-56) P-2H, Bu. No. 148352, deploying to South America for exercise Unitas IV, August 6, 1963..." http://www.nasjax.navy.mil/command%20information/aircraft_1950s_photo_gallery.htm [24NOV2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: 148352 "...LQ-1 Return fr Iceland + Spain NAS Norfolk 1962..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...LQ-1..." Contributed by MORGAN, ATR3 Larry S. morgan220@bellsouth.net [29MAY2011]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-56 Crew 3 Barbados 1964..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...LQ-10 Boca 1963..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...LQ-10 Boac Chica Fl Feb-Mar 1963..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...LQ-9 Return Fr Iceland + Spain..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...LQ-3 NAS Norfolk 1962..." Contributed by ZAJACK, Richard (Zig (Dick) dickzz@snet.net [13MAR2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...Model..."Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [19APR2002]
Lockheed P-3 Orion
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 154576 [21MAY2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 "...Grennham Common Circa 1973..." Contributed by Keith Snyder cougar_1967@verizon.net [21DEC2010]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 "...This is a P-3 I drew in 1987. It is, as you can see, LQ-56 from VP-56, circa 1981..." Contributed by HEARD, Robert robertheard@sc.rr.com [25JUL2007]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 "...P-3C Orion - 156518/LQ-2 - VP-56 - visiting aircraft at Valkenburg - 7 January 1985..." WebSite: Stichting Valkenburgse Vliegtuigspotters http://home.casema.nl/falcons/Vistors.html [21MAY2007]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 "...I served in VW-2A / VQ-2, VP-23, and Commanded VP-56 for the P-3C Fleet introduction in 1969. Over the years, I accumulated oil paintings of each of the three aircraft that had my name on the side..." Contributed by McINTYRE, CAPTAIN John vqplank@columbus.rr.com [20JAN2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 Contributed by John Lucas JohnLucas@netzero.com [16OCT2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 "...VP-56 (LQ 1) P-3C (BuNo 156518) at an unknown airfield, July 1974. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [24FEB2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156518 "...VP-56 (LQ 1) P-3C (BuNo 156518) at an unknown airfield, August 1974. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [08JAN2003]
"...In July of 1974 (the date of photo) we were in NAS Sigonella, Sicily. However, due to a C5A landing hard there was some damage to runways at the base. Sometimes the flights would land at the Civilian Airport "Fontana Rosa" in Catania. So this shot is probably at one of the fields...DOWNS, AX1 Randy randalldowns@earthlink.net..." [13JAN2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156520 "...Circa 1978..." Contributed by WAEGHE, AFCM P. J. Retired pjwaeghe@bellsouth.net
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156522 "...ID: DNSC8806536 - A Patrol Squadron 56 (VP-56) P-3 Orion aircraft taxis along the flight line. Date Shot: 1 Sep 1977..." WebSite: Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/ [07FEB2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156523 "... NAS Keflavik, Iceland - 07JUN1978..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [13APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156523 "...Dutch Aviation Society - Scramble Message Board - P3 ORION TOPIC..." WebSite: http://forum.scramble.nl/ [25FEB2013]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156527 "...Dutch Aviation Society - Scramble Message Board - P3 ORION TOPIC..." WebSite: http://forum.scramble.nl/ [25FEB2013]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156527 "...VP-56 (LQ 76) P-3B (BuNo 156527) circa 1977. Photo from the Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/index.html..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156527 Contributed by KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [27AUG2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156527 "... NAS Keflavik, Iceland..." Contributed by Baldur Sveinsson BALDUR@verslo.is WebSite: http://www.verslo.is/baldur/ [06APR2003]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156552 "...LQ-3 Maybe NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Is one of our aircraft on display at the front gate of NAS Jacksonville, Florida? Which one?..." Contributed by BOOKHAMMER, AW2 Bernie bbookhammerjr@gmail.com [29MAR2006]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 156552 "...VP-56 (LQ 3) P-3C (BuNo 156552) on takeoff roll at NAS Keflavik, Iceland circa 1977. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [BUNO Added 25OCT2001 | 17MAY2001]
"...I dug out my cruise book from the '75-'76 deployment and found out that at that time LQ-3 BuNo was 156522 based on photos on pages 28 and 46..." Contributed by BLANKLEY, AWCS (AW/NAC) Bob Retired starchief13@yahoo.com [07JUL2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 157322 "...LQ-10 performing a low altitude ocean surveillance; circa 1972-1974...Photo provided by James L. Smith, who was AW2 "J.L." Smith of >crews 8 and 12 in VP-56 during 1972-1974 tour of duty ..." Contributed by Jim Smith james11@home.com [12OCT98]
"...I saw on your site that you have a photo of a VP-56 aircraft with a unknown BUNO number. The Number for that aircraft is BUNO 157322 The plane ( LQ-10 ) was our BEARTRAP bird that replaced LQ-7. We got this aircraft as well as a few more 1573XX's from VP-16 when they got their update airframes in or around 1984. The reason I know this airframe so well was because I was on the BEARTRAP crew and flew this plane more than the others. I looked back over my flight log and it shows 157322 as the plane I flew the most in. One other thing that triggered my memory was that we had 2 birds with the same last 2 BUNO number's 156522 and 157322. Both of which you have on your photo site..." Contributed by AVERA, Tony cptdragn@bellsouth.net [03APR2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 157323 "...VP-56 aircraft over Brazil during UNITAS XXII..." Contributed by HEARD, Robert robertheard@sc.rr.com [01DEC2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 157323 "...VP-56 (LQ 8) P-3C (BuNo 157323) in flight near NAS Jacksonville, Florida circa 1985. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [23MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT:  VP-56 P-3 BUNO: 158522 "...VP-56 (LQ 00) P-3C (BuNo 158522) in-flight, date unknown. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [23OCT2001]
 "VP-56 Summary Page"