VPNAVY VP-8 Reunion
VPNAVY Address

ReunionVP-701 ReunionsReunion


ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 Reunion - (Including VP-701 and VP-703). Plans are in the works for another squadron Reunion on Sunday, August 13, 2017. Our squadron Reunion will be held at Alameda Naval Air Museum located at the NAS Alameda, California. We are currently scheduling Reunions every other year. Additional information contact: Roz Brown AT2, VP-872 Lakewood CO. E-Mail: rozzie@rozbrown.com or Phone: (303)969-9645..." Contributed by Roz Brown rozzie@rozbrown.com [08MAR2017]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 Reunion - (Including VP-701 and VP-703). Plans are in the works for another squadron Reunion on Sunday, August 2, 2015. Our squadron Reunion will be held at Alameda Naval Air Museum located at the NAS Alameda, California. We are currently scheduling Reunions every other year. Our last Reunion was in Palo Alto in 2013. Additional information contact: Roz Brown AT2, VP-872 Lakewood CO. E-Mail: rozzie@rozbrown.com or Phone: (303)969-9645..." Contributed by Roz Brown rozzie@rozbrown.com [15APR2015]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 Reunion - (Including VP-701 and VP-703). Plans are in the works for another squadron Reunion on Monday, August 19th, 2013. Our squadron Reunion will be held at the Creekside Inn in Palo Alto California. We are currently scheduling Reunions every other year. Our last Reunion was in Aptos in 2011. Additional information contact: Roz Brown AT2, VP-872 Lakewood CO. E-Mail: rozzie@rozbrown.com or Phone: (303)969-9645..." Contributed by Roz Brown rozzie@rozbrown.com [27MAR2013]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 Reunion - (Including VP-701 and VP-703). Plans are in the works for another squadron reunion on Tuesday, October 11, 2011. Our squadron Reunion will be held at the Best Western-Sea Cliff in Aptos California. We are currently scheduling Reunions every other year. Our last Reunion was in Sacramento in 2009. Additional information contact: Roz Brown AT2, VP-872 Lakewood CO. E-Mail: rozzie@rozbrown.com or Phone: (303)969-9645..." Contributed by Roz Brown rozzie@rozbrown.com [10FEB2011]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 Reunion - (Including VP-701 and VP-703). Plans are in the works for another squadron reunion in October 2009. Our squadron Reunion will be moving from Monterey to Sacramento California. We are currently scheduling Reunions every other year. Our last Reunion was in Monterey in 2007. Stay tuned for the exact date and location in Sacramento. Additional information contact: Roz Brown AT2, VP-872 Lakewood CO. E-Mail: rozzie@rozbrown.com or Phone: (303)969-9645..." Contributed by Roz Brown rozzie@rozbrown.com [01OCT2008]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 (including VP-701 and VP-703) will be having a reunion in Denver on August 17-19, 2001. This is the 40th anniversary of our recall in 1961 to active duty and deployment to Christmas Island to participate in Operation Dominic Atomic Bomb Tests. Contact Roz Brown rozzie@rozbrown.com 303-969-9645..." [11JUL2001]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VP-872 (1961 through 1962), VP-701 NAS Dallas, Texas, and VP-703 NAS Dallas, Texas. Contact Stan Alsing (760)952-3852 or e-mail at sralsing@aol.com..." VFW Magazine - September 1999 - Page 54 [Listing Updated 23NOV99 | 13SEP99]

UPDATE "...I had to slip it to 13-14 Dec 2000. It will be at Sam's Town, Las Vegas Heard from about 65 so far..." Contributed by Stan Alsing sralsing@aol.com [15AUG2000]

"VP-701 Summary Page"