VP-71 Mishap
MISHAPs: 07 NOV 41 A/C: PBY-5 Location: NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island Strike: No BUNO: 2299 CAUSE: Taxi to buoy located 200-ft south of ramp. A barge to east of ramp was moored to seawall & by a wire line running to an anchor planted near buoy being approached. The pilot intended to approach directly downwind passing between the buoy and barge, allowing the plane to weathercock to the left as to pick up the buoy. The choppy water caused the barge to rise snapping the cable to the anchor taut, as the plane was crossing the cable. The cable cut into and hung on the starboard wing tip float. Pilot immediately cut the engines, but the plane swung to the right causing the bow to crash into the barge. Damage serious. Plating and stringers from station zero to belt frame 0.3 buckled. Bombing window broken & bombing window mechanism crushed. Nose bomber and starboard walkway crushed. Bow of right wing tip float cut by cable. Crew Ok. Pilot Ens John M. Lacey, AV-N USNR, Lt(jg) Richard B. Hughes, USN, Ens Evertt R, Engel, AV-G USNR, AMM2c Albion E. Roland (FO), Sea1c John G. Fuller, RM3c William L. Sams (FO), and RM3c Robert E. Plank (F). Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [22NOV2002]
MISHAPs: 08 DEC 41 A/C: PBY-5 Location: Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia Strike: Yes BUNO: 2325 CAUSE: Emergency downwind landing. Hit swell during landing, bounced and hit second swell nose down attitude and flipped partially over. The hull was torn, plane sank in 20mins. "Strike" The RACF supplied the information that the RAF has lost several Catalina's due to the failure of the AN-24-28-A bolt connecting the push pull control tube Consair part #28 C080 to the elevator horns. That this may have occurred on this plane or something else may have fouled the elevator control. All indications are the partial or complete loss elevator control occurred. Pilot:Ens.Paul H.Alter/Killed, Lt(jg) Richard B. Hughes/Killed, ENS Robert W. DeReamer/Killed, AMM1 Cleo Wells (NAP)/Killed, RM3 Harry W. Sheep/Killed, AMM3 Carl W. Pierce/Killed, AMM1 John R. McIntyre/Seriously inj, AMM3 Robert E. Dearen/Minor inj, AMM3 Robert M. Smith/Seriously inj, RM3 Oliver C .Lawhead/Seriously inj, and RM1 George A. Brown/Minor inj. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [16JUN2001]
MISHAPs: 23 OCT 41 A/C: PBY-5 Location: NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada Strike: Yes Yes BUNO: 2346 CAUSE: Depth bomb explosion: Harbor Patrol Plane at buoy and preparing to get underway. A depth bomb accidentally dropped from port rack in armed position & exploded. Plane sank in 15-minutes. After being submerged for 12-hours, the USS Albemarle hoisted wrecked plane from the waters. Plane: DBR (damaged beyond repair). Pilot ENS Paul H. J. Alter/No inj, ENS Joseph P. O'Connor/No inj, AMM! Cleo Wells (NAP)/No inj, RM2 Ernest H. Hand (NAP)/Minor inj, AMM2 Edward F. Bradshaw (Fo)/No inj, AMM2 Ernest O. Emery (Fo)/Minor inj, AMM3 William M. Ostwalt (Fo)/No inj, SEA1 Richard L. Fry (Fo)/No inj, RM1 John E. Stevens (Fo)/No inj, RM3 Carl D. Andress (Fo)/No inj, and AOM2 John V. May (Fo)/No inj..." Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [16JUN2001]Crew Photograph "...My name is Mikala Doak. I am doing my 3rd grade project on my Great- Great Uncle Ernest O Emery who was lost at sea with VP-104 03/07/44. I would like to submit the only picture I have on your website VPNAVY (which by the way is totally awesome) I am hoping some one can help me with the name of the plane which you can't quite see because of the guys in front and maybe somebody can tell me which of these men are which. Can you tell me how to do that please? Mikala Doak mdoak@columbus.rr.com..." [14OCT2004]
MISHAPs: 12 MAY 42 A/C: PBY-5 Location: SP, MARE ISL Strike: Yes BUNO: 02393 Cause: Force landed in heavy seas due to lack of fuel, returning to base on completion of night bombing attack. Plane sank. crew took to rubber boats and landed at Mare island and were returned to base by patrol boat. Crew OK. Pilot. Lt.G. G. Mead, Ens. M. V. Montgomery, Jr., Ens. F. L. Feind, Jr., AP2c. John R. Bourchier, Amm1c. Clayton L. Kzejci, Amm2c. Thomas H. Freeman, Rm2c. Charles L. Ehemann, and Rm2c. Richard F. Coan. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [Updated 03DEC2002 | Updated 22JUN2001 | 17MAR98]
MISHAPs: 31 MAY 42 A/C: PBY-5 Location: SP Strike: Yes BUNO: O2293 Cause: F/L IN HEAVY SEAS ...Air Strike; Force landed due to fuel exhaustion in heavy seas, plane sank at 21-36S 167-50E Crew rescued. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [Updated 07JAN2001 | 17MAR98]
MISHAPs: 31 MAY 42 A/C: PBY-5 Location: SP, MARE ISL Strike: Yes BUNO: O2294 Cause: Sank under tow. Force landed due to fuel exhaustion in heavy seas returning to base on completion of night bombing attack. USS Meredith rescued personnel and stood by plane being unable to tow same due to heavy seas. Plane sank under tow 1 Jun 1942 at 21-56S 168-36E. Crew OK. Pilot. Lt(jg). J. J. Erhard, Ens. H. C. Davis, Ap1c. Ulrich L. Neidlinger, Amm1c. Joseph A. Tatkovski, Rm2c. Robert J. Plank, Amm2c. Robert E. Bazinet, and Rm1c. William A. Dickerson. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [Updated 22JUN2001 | Updated 07JAN2001 | 17MAR98]
MISHAPs: 12 FEB 43 A/C: PBY-5 Location: Canton Island, SP Strike: Yes BUNO: O8033 Cause: Subject plane caught fire in starboard engine accessory section during take-off. Simultaneously with discovery of fire, starboard engine commenced vicious vibration. Pilot closed feathering switch but engine apparently tore loose from mount before feathering operation completed. Plane was landed in open water with wheels down and immediately abandoned. Fire died out after landing after burning fabric of starboard training edge and destroying nacelle in vicinity of oil tank. Plane was sunk during attempted salvage operation due to water being shipped into plane through starboard blister (shattered when struck in air by parts from disintegrating starboard engine.) Damage: Plane sank and all equipment lost. Crew OK: Pilot. Lt(jg). Frederic L. Feind, Ens. L. L. Harkness, Amm1c. T. H. Freeman, Amm2c. R. L. Hall, Amm2c. L. G. Sheperd, Rm2c. J. J. Conrad, Rm3c. H. L. Wipprecht (minor inj), Sgt. Troia (USArmy), and Pfc.Goodpasture (USArmy). Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [11JUL2001]
MISHAPs: 18 MAR 44 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Funa Futi Strike: Yes BUNO: 2414 Cause: Non combat mission. Landed in rough seas and sank. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [06AUG2001]
MISHAPs: 08 OCT 44 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Midway Strike: Yes BUNO: 04330 Cause: Plane departed Midway for routine patrol and at about 0730, altitude seven-hundred feet, fuel pressure on port engine began to drop rapidly, and engine began to cut in and out. Plane Capt unable to raise fuel pressure with wobble pump. Pilot headed back to Midway. Plane Capt switched to cross-feed and gasoline leak commenced in tower increasing to a great amount. Cross-feed was switched off and port engine cut and feathered, at this time altitude was four-hundred feet. Depth bombs were jettisoned. The plane bounced twice landing; breaking in two just forward of bulkhead #2 and sank in two minutes. Crew: Pilot Cmdr Norman C. Gillette USN/Ok, Ens Robert K. Anderson USNR/Minor inj, Ens Milton Gurvis USNR/Killed(went down with plane), Amm1c Peol USN/Minor inj, Amm3c Deane D. Healey USNR/Minor inj, Rm1c John R. Blazer USN/Ok, Rm3c Leland V. Griffin USN/Ok, Aom1c Robert B. Wittig USNR/Ok, Aerm2c Paul E. Dune USNR/Ok, and Bkr3c William J. Padgett/Killed(went down with plane). Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [13AUG2001]
MISHAPs: 06 DEC 44 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Leyte Strike: Yes BUNO: 46512 Cause: Non combat mission. Cause not known. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [14AUG2001]
"...LT(jg) Richard W. Shelley - Missing in Action - December 6th, 1944 - while flying with VPB-71 Partial Crew Listing: LT(jg) R. W. Shelley (PPC), ENS J. M. Kern (1st Piloe), ENS W. B. Spring (2nd Pilot), AMM2 Carl Stafford and AMM3 Robert Middlebrooks..." WebSite: EBay http://www.ebay.com/ [15AUG2010]
MISHAPs: 10 JAN 45 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines Strike: Yes BUNO: 46528 Cause: On 10 Jan 1945, twelve PBY-5A's arrived at Lingayen Gulf from Leyte at 1430. They were ordered to land in a unsheltered landing area, four miles bearing one-hundred-ninety degrees true from Damortis, La Union, Luzon. Heavy swells were running from the northwest with crest to trough hits of eight to ten feet. Lt(jg. Feist attempted a power stall; plane hit top of swell and bounced four feet then hit face of the following swell and bounced thirty feet into the air, contacting the water in nose high attitude, started taking on water very rapidly in the navigator's compartment at bulkhead #2. Plane sank nose first in twenty-five minutes. Crew abandoned plane immediately. "Plane sank" Crew OK. Pilot Lt(jg) Raymond F. Feist USNR, Ens J. Burns USNR, Ens J. H. McClure USNR, Amm2c F. D. Mayfield USNR, Rm1c J. Kellner USN, Rm2c T. O. Dorset USNR, Aom1c C. L. Folger USNR, Amm2c Z. E. Beesley USNR/Minor inj, and Amm3c J. C. Webster USNR. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [15AUG2001]
MISHAPs: 12 JAN 45 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Salomaques Islands Strike: Yes BUNO: 46549 Cause: LT Harkins on night patrol sighted a man in a life raft, five miles west of the Salomaques Islands. He notified the base and received an answer to relocate the man upon return from patrol in the morning and attempt a rescue, if conditions were satisfactory. He resighted the man at 0710. 13 Jan 1945, sending a message to base "Will attempt Rescue." He made several low sweeps of the area looking over conditions. The wind was eight knots. The survivor was five miles of enemy territory. There were no surface vessels in sight at 0722. Continuing circling and dropping float flares, crew prepared for a landing and pilot waited for additional orders from the base. At 0750 pilot could not wait any longer due to fuel shortage and attempted a landing. The crew were at there ditching stations and water tight doors closed. The plane hit the water just forward of the top of the swell and bounced ten feet, hitting the top of another swell and bounced five feet before remaining on the water. The plane took on water in the Navigator's Compartment and bow readily. Pilot remained in the plane for an additional ten minutes before taking to life raft. The plane sank in twenty minutes. Survivors were picked up by the destroyer USS TWINGS, LT Harkins raft had picked up the Army pilot shortly after the crash. Crew OK: Pilot LT R. J. Harkins USNR, ENS M. T. Parker USNR, ENS N. J. Braun USNR, AMM1c R. H. Giles USNR, AMM3c P. J. Riley USNR, ACRM C. R. Cox USN, RM3c L. H. Gunther USNR, AOM1c W. A. Hudelson USNR and AOM3c G. G. Deeren USNR. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [16AUG2001]
"...I happened to stumble across your site when researching my late father Richard J. Harkins, CMDR USNR (Ret). Although Dad has been gone for 21 years now, I miss him dearly. I was never aware of his mishap with VP-71 on 12 January 1945. Thank-you for posting that piece of history, and for giving me another reason to be proud of my Dad and all the other heroes of the great generation...Richard J Harkins, Jr. rharkins63@yahoo.com..." [10AUG2006]
MISHAPs: 22 MAR 45 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Samar Strike: Yes BUNO: 48443 Cause: Returned fro patrol on night of 22 Mar and found weather closed in at Samar. Made an emergency landing in waters of Quinapundan Bay and efforts to tow plane were unsuccessful. Sunk by gunfire. Pilot Lt. M. H. Warner and crew ok. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [18AUG2001]
MISHAPs: 01 AUG 45 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Samar Strike: Yes BUNO: 46548 Cause: Collision with obstacle Strike No inj. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [21FEB2002]
MISHAPs: 10 AUG 45 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Samar Strike: Yes BUNO: 48399 Cause: Collision with obstacle Strike No inj. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [21FEB2002]
MISHAPs: 10 AUG 45 A/C: PBY-5A Location: Samar Strike: Yes BUNO: 46517 Cause: Collision with obstacle Strike No inj. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [21FEB2002]
MISHAPs: 18 JAN 46 A/C: PBY-6A Location: SP, WAKE ISL Strike: Yes BUNO: 64029 Cause: Ferry On 18 jan at 1200 the starboard engine failed due to a severing of the gas line. After two hours of flight, a stall landing as affected at 17-05N 166-33E with no damage to aircraft. All personel after tweleve hours were recued by the CVE Sheply Bay which destroyed the plane due to heavy seas and damage to the bow that was inflcited by one of the ships. Plane sunk by gunfire. Crew ok: Joseph N. Evans USNR FAW-2, W. B. Lumpkin USNR, and Louis C. Pall USNR. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [Updated 23FEB2002 | Updated 07JAN2001 | 17MAR98]
"VP-71 Summary Page"