VP-725 Shipmates
CAIRO, Joe jpcairo@aol.com "...I served with VP-725 out of NAS Glenview, Illinois from 1966 to 1967..." [21MAR2002]
FRANCIS, ADJ2 David K. 1oldblindman@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-725 as an ADJ2 from 1962 to 1970. Still have my old squadron patch which thanks to my wife can now be duplicated exactly as they were back then. Also can do the first NAS Glenview, Illinois patch which is a rare commodity. Toured the old place which is now a fully developed residential community. Sad! Lots of memories, all good. Lost track of everyone, hoping to hear from anyone in the old gang. God speed!..." [09MAR2007]
 "VP-725 Summary Page"