VP-776 Patches
LOGOs: VP-776 Logo "..VP-776 redesignated VP-65L-1 (1965) at NAS Los Alamitos, California..." Contributed by Grizzly jeanlouplanty@gmail.com WebSite: Naval Air Patches http://navalairpatches.free.fr [17APR2012]
LOGOs: VP-776 Logo "...My Father, James E. Long, Jr., and I were both at NAS Los Alamitos, California in this squadron in the early 1960s. I later transferred to VP-878 NAS Alameda, California. Dad was a LT driving P2Vs and I was an AO2 Aircrew Ordnanceman..." Contributed by James E. Long III jim.long@lmco.com [30APR2003]
"VP-776 Summary Page"