VP-7 History
Circa 1938
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-7, VP-9, VP-11 and VP-12 Article "...Navy Sky Fleet Will Fly North - Seattle Daily Times 27JUN1938...I am a volunteer researcher in the Archives at the National Naval Aviation Museum - NNAM - Pensacola, FL. Came across these articles about VP-7, VP-9, VP-11 and VP-12 flying from NAS North Island, San Diego, California to NAS Kodiak, Alaska..." Contributed by Pam Thomas rhpbthomas@gmail.com [26OCT2020]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-7, VP-9, VP-11 and VP-12 Article "...Largest Long Mass Flight Will Bring 48 Planes Here - Seattle Daily Times 27JUN1938...I am a volunteer researcher in the Archives at the National Naval Aviation Museum - NNAM - Pensacola, FL. Came across these articles about VP-7, VP-9, VP-11 and VP-12 flying from NAS North Island, San Diego, California to NAS Kodiak, Alaska..." Contributed by Pam Thomas rhpbthomas@gmail.com [26OCT2020]
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-7, VP-9, VP-11 and VP-12 Article "...44 Navy Planes Finish Biggest Mass Flight - Seattle Daily Times 27JUN1938...I am a volunteer researcher in the Archives at the National Naval Aviation Museum - NNAM - Pensacola, FL. Came across these articles about VP-7, VP-9, VP-11 and VP-12 flying from NAS North Island, San Diego, California to NAS Kodiak, Alaska..." Contributed by Pam Thomas rhpbthomas@gmail.com [26OCT2020]
Circa 1937
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Naval Aeronautic Organization - Change In - Fiscal Year 1938 - Dated 24 Sep 1937..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/ [25SEP2006]
VP-1, VP-2, VP-3, VP-4, VP-5, VP-6, VP-7, VP-8 and VP-9
VP-10, VP-11, VP-12, VP-14, VP-15, VP-16, VP-17 and VP-19
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Naval Aeronautic Organization - Fiscal Year 1938 - Dated 7 May 1937..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/ [25SEP2006]
VP-1, VP-2, VP-3, VP-4, VP-5, VP-6, VP-7, VP-8 and VP-9
VP-10, VP-11, VP-12, VP-14, VP-15, VP-16, VP-17 and VP-19
Circa 1934
A BIT OF HISTORY:  VP-7, VP-9, VJ-2 and USS Wright "...Navy Flight California - Mexico - Canal Zone 1934 - Navy Massed Flight from San Diego to Balboa, cover canceled aboard USS Wright (AV-1) at an intermediate stop at Acapulco, v.f., uncommon..." WebSite: EBay http://cgi.ebay.com/ Navy-Flight-California-Mexico-Canal-Zone-1934_W0QQitemZ5654016596QQcategoryZ680QQcmdZViewItem [02APR2006]
 "VP-7 History Summary Page"