VPNAVY Address

VP CrewVP-7 CrewVP Crew

Crew 1

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 1 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 1 "...Circa April 1960 to April, 1963 - CDR Crayton Crew..." Contributed by DeLUCA, ADCS Fernando Retired delucasherrard@mindspring.com [02SEP2010]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 1 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 1 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, CDR Wyc Toole, CO VP-7, PPC; ENS Ken Hallock, Nav/TC; D. F. Thiele, ATC, 1st Tech; LTJG Woody Woodruff, 3P/Nav; C. J. Glaraton, AEC, Electrician; LT John Delvecchio, CoP; ENS Getty Brazill, Nav/TC Bottom row: Pete Travis, AX2; Eddie Patton, ADR2, P/C; Arnie Arnison, ATAN; Wayne Beeland, AT2; Wilhelm, AO2...." Contributed by AMS2 Allen Bowman animallee@yahoo.com [31JAN2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 1 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 1 "...Key West (?) '62 or '63. Top row, l to r, LTJG Jim Arnold, 3P/Nav; LT Harry Baker, CoP; CDR Phaon Derr, CO VP-7, PPC; LCDR Jack Vorhees, PPC; LTJG Chuck Hightower, Nav/TC Bottom row: Drope, ADR2, P/C; Brown, ADR2, 2nd Mech; Hetrick, AT2; Stier, AX2...." Contributed by AMS2 Allen Bowman animallee@yahoo.com [31JAN2000]

Crew 2

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 2 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 2 "...Taken at Londonderry '63. Top row, l to r, LTJG Chuck Hightower, Nav/TC; LTJG Jim Arnold, 3P/Nav; LT Harry Baker, CoP; LCDR Hal Miller, PPC Bottom row: Drope, ADR2, P/C; Unknown; Brown, ADR2, 2nd Mech; Unknown; Srier, AX2...." Contributed by AMS2 Allen Bowman animallee@yahoo.com [31JAN2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 2 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 2 "... NAS Jacksonville, Florida in '63. Top row, l to r, Unknown; LTJG Sal Villani, Nav/TC; LTJG Jim Arnold, 3P/Nav; LT Harry Baker, CoP; LCDR Hal Miller, PPC Bottom row: Stier, AX2; Unknown Brown, ADR2, 2nd Mech; Drope, ADR2, P/C; Unknown; Hetrick, AT2...." Contributed by AMS2 Allen Bowman animallee@yahoo.com [31JAN2000]

Crew 3

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...VP-7 Crew-3 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily Circa 1966..." Contributed by RUSTMANN, Henry rustmannhenry@bellsouth.net [21FEB2012]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...VP-7 Crew-3 - Circa 1966..." Contributed by RUSTMANN, Henry rustmannhenry@bellsouth.net [21FEB2012]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...Circa 1963 with BUNO: 131522 - NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Standing: LCDR Bob Gradel, LT Harper, LT Wright and LT Rust. Kneeling: Bates, Kimmel, DeCorte, Bunce, Mixon, Holweg and Hoffman..." Contributed by Don Bates debat41@gmail.com [04AUG2006]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...Circa 1964 with BUNO: 131522 - NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. Standing: LT Harper, LCDR Gradel, Unknown and LT Rust. Kneeling: Hollweg, DelConte, Hoffman and Ducote. Sitting: Bates, Bunce and Kimmel..." Contributed by Don Bates debat41@gmail.com [04AUG2006]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...Circa 1965 with BUNO: 135606 - NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. Standing: Standing: Hallwog, Bates, LT Harris, LCDR Byberg, Jung, LTjg Johnson and LTjg Crabtree. Kneeling: DesRosiers, Woody, Rustmann and DelConte..." Contributed by Don Bates debat41@gmail.com [04AUG2006]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...VP-7 Crew 3, NAS Leeward Point, Guantanamo Bay, 1949. The photo is from the Crew 3 2nd mech, Josh Wissinger's photo album. Josh is missing from the photo, presumably because he was the man with the camera. Clockwise from top left, by wheel: "Baldy" Jones; Ives; Cottrell; LT Phil Nicholas, PPC; Gooch; Paul C. Virostek; Grillo (knees only); ENS G. E. Goode; AMMC L. G. Judas, Plane Captain; Seubert; ALC George J. Stuckey, Radio; Westbrook..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01JUN2004]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 3 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 3 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LCDR Bob Byberg, PPC; LTJG Frank Gerwe, CoP; Unknown; H. Rustmann, ATAN; Unk.; Unk; LTJG Tom Raffo, Nav/TC; LTJG Tom Crabtree, Nav/TC Bottom row: all unidentified...." Contributed by AMS2 Allen Bowman animallee@yahoo.com [31JAN2000]

UPDATE "...Standing: LCDR Bob Byberg PPC, LT Frank Gerwe, AO1 Herb Jung, Radioman AR3 RUstman, AX2 Jackson, ADR3 Paul Maples, Unknown, and LTjg Tom Crabtree. Front Row: PC Richard Woody ADR3, AE3 Defrosiers, and Unknown..." Contributed by Richard Woody AKdg46@aol.com [13SEP2000]

Crew 4

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew-4 "...VP-7's Crew 4 at Springboard in NS Roosevelt Roads, PR in 1963. Left to Richt top: Ltjg Wayne Gullet, Ltjg Bob Dyer, Cdr (later Admiral) W. D. Toole, Lt Tom Chase. Front row left to right: AX2 George Bascomb, AE2 Mike Oyer, ATAN Roy Bryan, ADR2 Art Spenner, ADR3 Brooks, AO3 Woody Huff and AX3 Pete Travis..." Contributed by C. R. "Pete" Travis CTravis532@aol.com [17MAR98]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 4 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 4 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LT Jim Wiles, Nav/TC; LTJG Dale Raebel, CoP; Next 3 unidentified; LCDR Bill Smith, Ops Officer, PPC; Ens Gerry Anderson, Nav/4P; LTJG Bill Blum, 3P/Nav Bottom row: all unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

Crew 5

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 5 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 5 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LTJG Watne Gullett, CoP; next two unidentified; LCDR Hal Spillars, Nav/TC; next three unidentified; ENS Gerry Brazill, Nav/TC Bottom row: LTJG Steve Lambroff, 3P/Nav; "Short Mort" Morton, AT2; Unidentified; LT Mike Gavlak, PPC..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

Crew 6

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 6 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 6 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily June '67. Top row, l to r, LTJG Joe Lundy, CoP; LTJG Tim Twomey, Nav/TC; LT John Harvey, PPC; Next therr unidentified; LTJG Denny Prewitt, TC/Nav Bottom row: Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 6 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 6 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LCDR Don Kellerman USNA, PPC; LTJG John Harvey, 3P/Nav; Next 3 unidentified; LTJG Dan Liston, CoP; ENS Denny Prewitt, Nav/TC Bottom row: Unidentified; Pete Travis, AX2; Next two unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

Crew 7

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 7 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 7 "...Circa 1953...VP-7 Crew 7 was flying the a/c. The PPC was LCDR C. W. Hollinshead. The Copilot, LCDR G. R. Essex, was the only person lost (27OCT53 Mishap). Front Row: Chief Tereskerz, Paul Klimek, Francis Tobin, Joe Gulisano, and Jim O'Reilly. Back Row: LCDR Hollingshead, ENS Wainwright, Chief Sweeney, Harold France, and Dick Powell..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [22APR2001]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 7 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 7 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, ENS Don Segur, Nav/TC; LT Jon Komarek, CoP; Unidentified; CDR Al Fowler, XO VP7, PPC; Next two unidentified; LTJG Mike Belyan, TC/Nav; LTJG O. C. Brown, 3P/Nav Bottom row: First three Unidentified; Mike Rubin, AO2..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 7 "...It was taken in Keflavic, Iceland during the summer of 1964. Left to right rear: Ltjg Wayne Gullet, Ltgj Bob Dyer, Cdr W. D. Toole, LT Tom Chase, Ltjg Bob Harris. Front row: ADR2 Art Spenner, AO2 Jerry Hiers, ADAN Nichols, AE1 Mike Oyer, AX1 Chuck Glass, AN Stanley Simms, AX2 Pete Travis..." Contributed by C. R. "Pete" Travis CTravis532@aol.com [17MAR98]

Crew 8

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 8 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 8 "...Circa September 1960. Back row left to right: Lt(jg) Dave Porter Nav, Lt(jg) Sanford McConell PP2P, Lt William H. Bowling PPC, Jim Upson ATN 3 Julie/Jez, W. D. Overfield AT3 Radio, G.B. Chamberlain AT2 Radar, D.F. Madore AO3, R.S. Henshell ADR 3, R.B. Jackson AE3, H.E. Meyers AMS 1..." Contributed by UPSON, James P. Jr. upsonjp@att.net [02FEB2001]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 8 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 8 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LTJG Jack "Cash" Money, Nav/TC; LTJG Bill "Billy Bally" Kelly, 3P/Nav; next four unidentified; LTJG George Fuller, CoP; LT Gene Biggs Bottom row: Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

Crew 8

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 8 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 8 "...Circa September 1960. Back row left to right: Lt(jg) Dave Porter Nav, Lt(jg) Sanford McConell PP2P, Lt William H. Bowling PPC, Jim Upson ATN 3 Julie/Jez, W. D. Overfield AT3 Radio, G.B. Chamberlain AT2 Radar, D.F. Madore AO3, R.S. Henshell ADR 3, R.B. Jackson AE3, H.E. Meyers AMS 1..." Contributed by UPSON, James P. Jr. upsonjp@att.net [02FEB2001]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 8 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 8 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LTJG Jack "Cash" Money, Nav/TC; LTJG Bill "Billy Bally" Kelly, 3P/Nav; next four unidentified; LTJG George Fuller, CoP; LT Gene Biggs Bottom row: Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

Crew 9

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 9 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 9 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LTJG Denny Wise, 3P/Nav; LTJG Tom Maneilly, CoP; next four unidentified; ENS Mike Meagher, Nav/TC; LCDR Pete Bowler, PPC Bottom row: Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [01FEB2000]

Crew 10

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 7 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...VP-7's crew 10 probably taken during Springboard at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR in 1963. In the back row are Ltjg. Bill Mackay, Lcdr Hal Zaborniak, Lt. Chuck Hagen and LT. Al (?). I have lost the identities of the remainder of the crew..." Contributed by Bill Mackay b_cmackay@msn.com [27DEC2002]

UPDATE "...I was aircrew with VP-7 from '62 until about '66. Joined the squadron justafter it deployed from NAS Jacksonville, Florida to NAS Sigonella, Sicily in '62. Flew with Crew -10 for several years. The enlisted crew in your '63 crew picture for LB -10 includes Teddy Morris ADR3; Ed Twardy AE2; "Baby" Huey Madore AO2; Stewart, PC, AM2; and "Lump" Lunsford AT3..." Contributed by TWARDY, Edward S. etwardy@earthlink.net [13FEB2005]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 10 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily APril '66. Top row, l to r, LTJG Dave Graham, Nav/3P; LT Perry Johnson, Nav/TC; next three unidentified; LTJG Al Jenkins, CoP; LT Bob Harris, PPC Bottom row: Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 10 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: LT Frank Dalton, CDR Charles Stratmann, LT Bill Wojtkowski, LT John Talbot, LT Jim Porter. Back Row: ADR3 Dave Hoffstetter, ADJ2 Lynn Kidd, AN Russell Geries, AW1 Tom Hembly, AX3 Eugene Carlson, AO3 Mark Vonsee, AE2 Leonard CHilton..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 10 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily '69. Top row, l to r, Dave Hoffstetter, ADR3; Lynn Kidd, ADJ2; Russ Geries, AN; Tom Hembly, AW1; Gene Carlson, AX3; Mark Vonsee, AO3; Leonard Chilton, AE2 Bottom Row: LT Frank Dalton, CoP; CDR Charlie Stratmann, CO VP-7, PPC; LT Bill "Wojo" Wojtkowski, TC/Nav; LT John Talbot, 3P/Nav; LT John Porter, Nav/TC..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

Crew 10

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 7 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...VP-7's crew 10 probably taken during Springboard at NS Roosevelt Roads, PR in 1963. In the back row are Ltjg. Bill Mackay, Lcdr Hal Zaborniak, Lt. Chuck Hagen and LT. Al (?). I have lost the identities of the remainder of the crew..." Contributed by Bill Mackay b_cmackay@msn.com [27DEC2002]

UPDATE "...I was aircrew with VP-7 from '62 until about '66. Joined the squadron justafter it deployed from NAS Jacksonville, Florida to NAS Sigonella, Sicily in '62. Flew with Crew -10 for several years. The enlisted crew in your '63 crew picture for LB -10 includes Teddy Morris ADR3; Ed Twardy AE2; "Baby" Huey Madore AO2; Stewart, PC, AM2; and "Lump" Lunsford AT3..." Contributed by TWARDY, Edward S. etwardy@earthlink.net [13FEB2005]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 10 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily APril '66. Top row, l to r, LTJG Dave Graham, Nav/3P; LT Perry Johnson, Nav/TC; next three unidentified; LTJG Al Jenkins, CoP; LT Bob Harris, PPC Bottom row: Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 10 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: LT Frank Dalton, CDR Charles Stratmann, LT Bill Wojtkowski, LT John Talbot, LT Jim Porter. Back Row: ADR3 Dave Hoffstetter, ADJ2 Lynn Kidd, AN Russell Geries, AW1 Tom Hembly, AX3 Eugene Carlson, AO3 Mark Vonsee, AE2 Leonard CHilton..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 10 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 10 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily '69. Top row, l to r, Dave Hoffstetter, ADR3; Lynn Kidd, ADJ2; Russ Geries, AN; Tom Hembly, AW1; Gene Carlson, AX3; Mark Vonsee, AO3; Leonard Chilton, AE2 Bottom Row: LT Frank Dalton, CoP; CDR Charlie Stratmann, CO VP-7, PPC; LT Bill "Wojo" Wojtkowski, TC/Nav; LT John Talbot, 3P/Nav; LT John Porter, Nav/TC..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

Crew 11

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 11 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 11 "...This is Crew 11 of VP-7 taken in early 1954 at medal award day for presentation of air medals for the flight crews for the work we did in 1953. I believe this crew flew the last mission of the Korean War. We took off early in the day on a ferreting mission along the coast of China. I as second radio man got a long coded message to be forwarded. We were flying in radio silence so I had to get the pilots permission to break the silence to forward it. He could tell it was important and told me to send it out and send my printed copy up to the cockpit. He must of had a code book on the flight deck because a few minutes later he came back with words that I will never forget......"IT'S OVER, IT'S OVER."..." Contributed by MICHAELS, Maurice (Bud) shirleybudvp7@aol.com [13MAY2002]

UPDATE "...Several of us that are in contact with one another can't remember the name of our ordenance man. The crew mate second from the left on bottom row. Thanks...MICHAELS, Maurice (Bud) shirleybudvp7@aol.com..." [13MAY2002]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew-11 "...Picture taken May 5, 1961 at NAS Brunswick, Maine of VP-7 Crew 11. The crew consisted of from left to right standing: Carnal, ordinance; Keith Vosburgh ("Vos") Julie/Jez; LTJG Wright, Navigator; LTJG Evens, Pilot; LTJG "Billy" Bishop, Co-pilot; "Ringo" Ringuette, ECM; Jerry Gilbert, 1st tech; left to right kneeling: Mike Bradley ("Brad"), Radio-2nd tech; Sherry Sharer, Mad/bow observer; David Maywhort, Plane Captain..." Contributed by Dr. Michael F. Bradley mbradley@lcsc.edu [24AUG98]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 11 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 11 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: AE2 Gary Hammons, ADR2 Bill Norton, AW2 Hugh McAteer, ATN2 Steve Benefield, AO3 Daryl Hopper, ATN3 Bill Singleton. Back Row: LTjg Eric Rigler, LT Cecil Alton, LT Rick Jansing, LT Al Weaver, LCDR John Phillips..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 11 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 11 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LCDR Billy Joe Wilson, PPC; LTJG Darold Cole, Nav/TC; Next three unidentified; LTJG Herb Bryant, CoP; LTJGLynn Anderson, 3P/Nav Bottom row: Unidentified; Charlie Butler, AX1; B. D. Kettlehake, ATR3; Unidentified..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

Crew 12

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 12 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 12 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: AW1 Robert McConnell, ADJ3 Richard Stewart, ATN2 Donald Hunter, ADR1 Bill Young, AX2 Robert Voge, AE2 Ross Biggs, AO3 Robert Bowman. Back Row: LTjg Gene Burkhart, LT Frank Feltham, LT Charles Schindler, LTjg Richard Drake..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 12 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 12 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily April '66. Top row, l to r, LCDR Andy Huggins, PPC; LTJG Sid Webb, 3P/Nav; next seven unidentified; LTJG Bob Freese, CoP; LTJG Jerry Scanlon, Nav/TC..." Contributed by William H. (Woody) Woodruff whw00dy@att.net [02FEB2000]

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew ThumbnailCameraVP-7 CAC-12 "...HE-12, VP-7 in NAS Keflavik, Iceland 1956. Standing left to right: AD1 "Pappy" Neal, Ens. Turck, Ltjg Hoch (best pilot I've ever flown with), Lt. Siefert, ADAN C.Paige Kneeling left to right: AT3 Travis J. Kay, AO1 Daniels, AE2 Kirmser, AT3 Jim "Rip" Ripoll, ATAN M. Veenker..." Contributed by James "Rip" Ripoll jmripoll@comcast.net [30JUL98]

Crew 14

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 14 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 14 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: Lt Bill Granade, LT Marv Mason, LT Chip Snyder, LCDR Jim Hickman, LCDR Len Drude. Back Row: AE3 James Petrick, ADR1 James Vernette, ADR2 Carl Brown, AX3 Floyd Mays, AO3 Bob Tardiff, AW1 Carson Osborne, AW1 Bob Stanton, ATRAN Ed Hastings..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 20

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 20 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 20 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: ATN2 Lloyd Balding, ADR3 Marc Lowe, AW2 Joe Pace, AN Sam Wilkes, AO3 Mike Kane, ADJ1 "Monk" Kurek, ATR3 Milton Hobbs, AW3 Henry Ennis. Back Row: LT Herb Morton, LTjg Frank Burke, CDR Thomas Curry, LT Frank Zelip, LTjg Fred Wetzel..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 21

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 21 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 21 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: LCDR James Wicke, LT Joseph Lundy, LTjg Bruce Strindberg, LT Jim Aaby, LTjg Jerry Hemenway. Back Row: AX2 Martin Siegler, ADR2 Al Rivera, ADR1 Robert Foote, AE2 Michael McMillien, AO2 Cecil Barlow, AX2 James Markley, AX2 Carl Cooper..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 22

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 22 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 22 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: AO2 Frank Antonioli, ATC F. D. Shrout, ADR1 Jack Gritton, AW2 Bob Getchell, AX3 William Cooke, AW2 Bill Ausum, ADJ3 Jim Carroll. Back Row: LCDR Earl Cushing, LTjg Tom Gehr, LT Tim Twomey, LTjg Rick Powers, LT Art Brock, LT Steve Woodham..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 23

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 23 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 23 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: ATN3 Terry Edward, ADR1 Bob Palmer, ADJ1 Joseph Bodin, AXAN Walter Graham, AXAN Michael Mard. Back Row: AW2 Ken Walker, LT Roy Hoffman, LT Tom Harmon, LT Lloyd Smith, LT George Renard, AO1 Art Haman..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 30

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 30 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 30 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: AO3 Jimmie Johnson, AE3 Gary Poffenbaugh, ATN2 Terrell Turner, ADR3 James Christie, AX1 Joe Pope, ADJ2 Eugene York, AX2 William Midgett. Back Row: LTjg Ken Pannel, LTjg Bill Sillik, LT Don Taylor, LTjg Ken Weinzapfel, LCDR Howard Pilcher..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 31

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 31 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 31 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: LT Austine Crowe, LCDR Ken Brown, LTjg Rick Bauer, LT Bud Humphries, LT Ken Smith. Back Row: ADR3 William Andrews, ADR3 Darryl Peterson, AE3 Craig McTernan, ATN2 Grover Moates, AX2 Sterling Leonard, AO3 Steve Wilson, AN Bob Osuna..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 32

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 32 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 32 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: AE3 Albert Kula, ATR3 Jim Russell, AO2 Jim Tesch, AN Richard Bergren, ADR1 Steve Graham. Back Row: LT Floyd Carter, LTjg Jim Qurollo, LT Bill Zuna, LT Tom Probus, LCDR George Schaeffer..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 33

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 33 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 33 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: ADR2 Michael Frankiewicz, AX1 Grady Mason, AW2 Tom Adams, ADR2 Charles Harvey, AO2 Ed Geise, ATN3 Hubert Whitley. Back Row: LT Jim Holtcamp, LCDR Bill Ewing, LT Charles Abel, LT Dale Hendren, LTjg Tom Hawksworth..." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

Crew 34

VP CrewCREWs: VP-7 Crew 34 ThumbnailCameraVP-7 Crew 34 "...Taken at NAS Sigonella, Sicily October 1968 through February 1969. This was also the final deployment before decommissioning. Front Row: AW2 Ronald Nichols, ADR2 Joseph Crews, AX3 Dale Shockley, ADJ2 Hugo Ronceros, ATR3 Robert Robinson, AOAN John McCoy. Back Row: LTjg Tom Krekel, LT Frank Ellis, LT Bill Moore, LT Ed Priest, AX2 Roger Galvin.." Contributed by LCDR Howard G. Pilcher, Retired hgpilcher@pcola.gulf.net [08NOV2000]

"VP-7 Summary Page"