VP-7 History
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VP-27 was formerly VP-83. Operated in the Aleutians in support of CPW-4. (Also operated in England?) Squadron's PBYs were being replaced by P2V2s. Folder is huge (much duplication) and also appears to contain records of VP-HL-7, which mentions 2 PBY-5As and a search for PBY V4032 on "unreported flight NAS Kodiak, Alaska to NAS Dutch Harbor, Alaska since 062045Z....." NARA - San Bruno Record Group 9NS-313-94-01 321607 Box 4 of 21, Folder 88 http://www.pby.com
 "VP-7 History Summary Page"