VP-812 Mishap
MISHAPs: 14 JUN 51 A/C: P2V-2 Location: NAS Kodiak, Alaska Strike: Yes Deaths: 1/minor, 3/ok BUNO: 39351 Cause: Over shot lndg Solo check flight Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [04APR98]
"...No deaths occurred. Over shot runway, ran over drainage ditch, broke in half. AOUAN Crew 2. Badpenny 2..." Contributed by Bill Koob (Scoop) janetkoob@iwon.com [17APR2001]
MISHAPs: 13 DEC 51 A/C: P2V-5 Location: NAS Whidbey Island, Washington Strike: Yes BUNO: 124884 Cause: Loss of power on take-off, ditched Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [04APR98]
"...No Fatalities - No Injuries - Page 30 - Naval Aviation News - April 1952..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1950s/1952/apr52.pdf [26JUL2004]
"...The statement that the aircraft "lost power on takeoff and ditched" is not totally correct. I was with VP-812 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington when this event occured and remember it quite clearly. The aircraft was airborne, gear up, and climbing out when both engines quit due to fuel starvation. They were forced to ditch near Smith Is. (which is just West of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington). The aircraft floated on the surface for quite a long time (maybe 15 or 20 minutes). The control tower notified the Squadron Duty Officer and we then had time to walk from the hangar area to the beach and see that it was still floating. There were no injuries to the crew. Some were able to step from the wing into life rafts and only got their feet wet. There was one exception, the Radioman bailed out of his escape hatch (before the final bounce) and ended up some distance behind the aircraft. He was rescued (uninjured) by the folks in the life raft.
The aircraft was enroute to NAS Sand Point (in Seattle) and was to be deliverd to a FASRON for some major maintenance. Prior to leaving NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, it had been degassed ..... leaving only enough fuel (plus reserves) for the short trip to Seattle. The outboard wing tanks were emptied (of course there was some residual that could not be removed). Fuel for the flight remained in the inboard wing tanks. Guess what!!!! The aircraft took off with the fuel selectors on the "outboard tanks". There was enough residual fuel to get them airborne and almost to Smith Is. before both engines quit. The opinion of the investigating committee was that the aircraft could have been saved if the fuel selectors would have been immediately switched to the inboard tanks and the boost-pumps turned on. Regards..." Contributed by Gene VanStaalduine genevans@home.com [E-Mail Updated 08MAY2000 | 25AUG99]
MISHAPs: 31 DEC 51 A/C: P2V-5 LOCATION: XXXXX TYPE: Crash SRIKE: Yes DEATHS: XX BUNO: 124884 CAUSE: Crashed and was destroyed
 "VP-812 Summary Page"