VP-812 Shipmates
CARAWAY, AEC Tom Retired trbltom@earthlink.net "...I was an AEAN in ATU-10 in 1948, then to FASRON-114 in 49-AE3. Transfered to FASRON-112 in 50. Made AE2 and was one of 26 regulars transfered with Cheif Fred Murcray to VP-812 to help them get checked out in P2Vs in 52. The squadron was redesignated VP-29. We deployed to NAS Atsugi, Japan where I made AE1. Upon return to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington I am told I was the first AE to be made Plane Captain on P2Vs. January 1954 we deployed to Kwajalien as Crew 8, Lt. Bob Hubenette was PPC, Ed Meyers Copilot, R. D. Butler AT1, W. R. Miller ALC, R. D. Day AT3, McMahon AD3 and Joe Teague. We participated in Operation Castle out of Entawetok. Went back to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington trained and deployed to Okinawa as Crew 5, LCDR Gene Lane PPC, Stan Onderdonk Copilot, Ens Graves Navigator, Zalenski AT3, Donahue AD3, J. S. McDonald AL1, Henrey Arrends AT3, and Phil Rossi AO1. We flew the Straits of Formosa. Upon arrival back at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington on 16 Oct 54, VP-29 was disbanded and redesignated VAH-2 home ported at NAS North Island, San Diego, California. I went thru the training for Plane Captain on A3Ds but went to B school. Made AEC in 1955. Shore duty and to AIRBOSSRON 2 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii in 1959. Flew as ECC and Chief Cook on SH 12 over a year. The squadron combined with the VWs to become AEWBarRonPac. Started teaching in BLDG 109 and set up a leadership program. I made E8. Capt John Mishan named me Leading Chief until shorevey got me in 1963 - to shore duty. In 1966 back to sea duty with VP-19 in NAS Iwakuni, Japan completed the deployment and back to NAS Moffett Field, California to retire October 1967. I have lots of memories, photos, and still remain in contact with several of my "old" Shipmates. Give me a call!..." [27JAN2001]
CLARK, William H. R. "Bill" whrclark@juno.com "...A very interesting site you have here. I joined VP-812 at NAS MPLS in 1949. We were flying PV's and got activated in July of 1950. We went to Ault Field and received P2V's...." [01OCT98]
"...HOWERY, Norman K...My Dad, Norman K. Howery, passed away July 10, 2018. Dad flew as a pilot with VP-812. We miss you Dad..." Contributed by Chris Howery aviatorone@outlook.com [28JAN2020]
KISLING, AO3 R. Dennis dkisling@msn.com "...I joined the Naval Reserves at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota (1960-10/1961), VP-832 (10/1961-09/1962) at NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York (Active Duty - Berlin Crisis) and VP-11 (10/1962-10/1963) at NAS Brunswick, Maine and VP-812 (Reserves) at NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota..." [12FEB2013]
LEVANDER, Barry Cheyfinn@aol.com "...I was USNR VP-812 NAS Twin Cities, Minnesota 1/65 to 6/66 Reserve, VP-49 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 6/66 to 5/68 active duty. Deployed to Kindley Airforce Base, Bermuda 1/67 to 6/67 inactive resever 5/68..." [26DEC98]
LINDBERG, Ron RGLindy@aol.com "...Served USN 1945 - 1949. USNR 1950 - 1954, VP-812 NAS Minneapolis. Called to active duty 1950 - 1952 augmented into FASRON 895, NAS Whidbey Island, Washington and NAS Sandpoint. PB4Y2 training with VP-772 and VP-871. My rate was AO2..." [26JUL98]
NELSON, E-4 Gary C. ddcnelson@aol.com "...I served with Captain Benek in VP-812 from 1963 to 1969. I served as both Plane Captain and Radar/Julie Operator during this time. Names like Lynn (Radio) Sharky (Mad Operator) come to mind. Good memories. Anyone remember our loss of plane and crew at EL Toro, CA? Regards..." [05JUN2004]
NELSON, AE2 Marvin C. marvnelson@comcast.net "...VP-812 from NAS Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1961 active duty for the Berlin call up to augment VP-832 at NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York..." [12MAR2010]
PREHNAL, AM2 Rudy okmouse2@gmail.com "...I served with VP-812 at NAS Kodiak, Alaska from 1951 to 1952 and VP-29 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington with a deployment to NAS Atsugi, Japan in 1952. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 28MAY2009 | 20JAN98]
SINGER, Frederick fsing@compuserve.com "...I served with VP-812 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington and NAS Kodiak, Alaska from 9/1950 to 8/1951. My rate was AT2 and I flew as a radar operator in the exec's crew. He was LtCmdr Hollingsworth from Deluth MI. There were a bunch of great guys in the squadron. Most of them were from the twin cities. I was called to active duty from New Jersey. I had been in the reserve at NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York. I would like to hear from any of my old mates. After 8/1951 I was transferred to VS892 and served on Escort Carriers doing ASW. The Badoeing Straights, and the Rendova..." [16JAN2000]
SORENSON, ADR3 Roger rognola@frontiernet.net "...I joined VP-812 in 1953, shortly after they came back from Alaska. I progressed from Airman Recruit up the ladder to ADR3. I was a Plane Captain and crew member for several years. Was on a flight crew when the squadron went to NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco. I was discharged in 1961. I would sure like to hear from former Shipmates..." [03NOV2009]
SPARR, Marion E. edwashsparrs@hotmail.com "...I was in VP-29 when it was activated from VP-812 in 1951 or 2 and while deployed in Japan . I was an enlisted man radar operator on the Neptune..." [E-Mail Updated 25DEC2004 | E-Mail Updated 04OCT2002 | E-Mail Updated 18JUL2000 | 09APR2000]
TEAGUE, Joseph "Joe" jhteague2002@yahoo.com "...I joined VP-812 on NAS Whidbey Island, Washington in September 1951 shortly before VP-812 was decommissioned and the squadron was recommissioned as VP-29. Went to NAS Atsugi, Japan from 1952 to 1953 and to Qwajaline in 1954. I flew as 'Gunner" with Crew 8 replacing Doug Broom upon his discharge. Our Commander and pilot was Lt. Hubinette. First Mech was Tom Carroway. Second Mech was "Mac" MaHon. Radar was R.D. Butler. First Radio was Chief MIller and Second Radio was Clarence Day. I was discharged in September 1st after our return to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington in August 1954. Visit the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacoala, Fla. I gave them a Logo patch as shown at the beginning of the VP-29 page. I also gave them as much information about us that I was sure I was remembering correctly. This was in 1996. I had a great time in the Navy. My total time served was with VP-29 after Boot Camp in San Diego and the Combat Air Training School at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington..." [E-Mail Updated 15MAR2002 | 20JUN2000]
TRUELOVE, Gil Gil@trianglemech.com "...Following boot camp & "A" school at NAS Memphis, Tennessee, I was assigned to VP-812 in January 1951 at NAS Kodiak, Alaska. I was one of the "in mass" transferred to VP-29 when it was formed in 1952. I was assigned as Plane Captain on crew four and remained there on tours to NAS Atsugi, Japan, NAS Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, and NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. I was transferred to shore duty in May 1955 from NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. I understand that VP-29 was deactivated on return to NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Following 24 months at NAS Anacostia, Washington, D.C., I was assigned to AEW-11 and a 24 month tour to Newfoundland. I decided that I needed a change and took my discharge after ten years..." [18OCT2002]
TSCHIDA, CDR Walter J. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=505 "...CDR Walter J. Tschida, USN/USNR NFL Number: 505. Date of Birth: 9/17/1921 Date In: 7/30/1942 Date Out: 10/1/1963. City, State: Shoreview, MN. Aircraft Flown: PBY, PBM, PV-2, P2V, S2F. Ship or Unit: VP-811 CO, VP-812 and VPB-27. Pilot Desg.: Patro Plane Cdr Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: Saipan, Okinawa. Associations/Service Organizations: Natl Bus. Aircr Assn Minn.Business Pilots Quiet Birdmen. Highest personal decoration or award: Legion of Merit (3). Significant Achievements: 17,000 flight hours. Airline Transport Pilot. Distinguished Flying Cross (3). Director/Chief Pilot, Onan Corp. and McGraw Edison Co. In Memoriam? No..." [28NOV2005]
VanSTAALDUINE, Gene genevans@home.com "...I served in VP-812, and then in VP-29 which deployed to NAS Atsugi, Japan in September 1952. I was an Aviation Machinist Mate (AD2) and served as Crew 8 Plane Captain and Bow Gunner on the P2V-5s. We converted to new P2V-6s after returning to the States in April 1953. Crew 8 was in one of the 3 planes shown in the above photo of the Mt. Fuji fly-by. The fly-by occurred on November 2nd, 1952, and is listed (in my flight log-book) as a 1.6 hr FAM flight..." [02APR99]
WILLIFORD, Dick dwilliford@webtv.net "...I served in VP-812 5-51 which changed to VP-29 to NAS Atsugi, Japan. I later joined VP-19 at NAS Alameda, California thence back to NAS Atsugi, Japan. I still have cruise book "The Tail of The Tiger."..." [02APR99]
 "VP-812 Summary Page"