VP-83 Shipmates
BLAIR, John A. Jblairhouse@aol.com "...I was AOM 1/c with VP-83/VPB-107 stationed in Natal, Brazil 1943-1944, Ascension Island, Dunkeswell, England to 1945. Love to hear from any that were there..." [13APR2000]
BUSKIRK, Carl "Buzz" Von Jr. [Deceased] c/o His Daughter Nancy Berg naner@silverlink.net or his Son Richard Von Buskirk RNelsonn@cs.com "...My father, Carl Nelson Von Buskirk, Jr., served in the USN during WWII with VP-83 and VH-4. My brother has his log book and we decided to do a little research. Dad never really spoke about his time in the Navy...My father, like most men of his generation, spoke little of his personal involvement in that tumultuous time. My three brothers, my sister and I have all, at one time or another, asked my father about those years that so shaped his the lives of his generation. Other than talking about some of the sights he had seen or places he had been, like Brazil and Hawaii, he had very little to say. He made it clear that it was a time of duty and once done, it was time to move on. I know, having my father live me for the last few years of his life, that he served with pride, with honor, and was moved by the various memories that the conflict branded on his heart and soul. He would never speak of battles fought or talk about the fear and horrors common to those men of that era. I don't know of personal loss or tragedy or other elements of the self sacrifice necessary in those days. It was personal to him; those were memories that belonged to him and his generation. My father passed away in 1994. Several years later I found some personal things of his, including a brown, cloth covered "Aviators Flight Log Book" with several notations inside and, scrawled in his hand on the front, the letters, in descending order, "VP-83, VPB-83, VB-107, VPB-107, VPB-2(?), VPB-98, VPB-100, and VH-4." I gather these are various squadrons that he belonged to. Over the years some of these letters have faded, as this book is approaching 60 years old. There are several entries in the book, beginning in March of 1942 and ending February 1946. Brevity best describes the remarks column, but the entries give the flavor of locations, duties, and even lengths of patrols, ranging from .2 hours on Jan 18, 1945 ( "Crashed in ocean off Okinawa, Picked up by Flag Plane) to rump numbing flights lasting 16.5 hours ( May 15-16, 1946, PBM-5 lt. Cmdr Sterling, Kaneohe to San Francisco). It is facinating reading. My father saw quite a bit of the world at war and it's aftermath, including flying over Hiroshima, (Nov 4, 1945 PBM-5) and Nagasaki (Nov 23, 1945 same plane)..." [BIO Updated 23JAN2001 | 21JAN2001]
"...FISHER, Andrew Lewis...My Grandfather, Andrew Lewis Fisher, who passed away on 16 May 1989 was a radio operator/turrant gunner with VP-83, later known as VPB-107. I have in my possesion, his Presidential Unit Citation from actions while serving with VP-83 / VPB-107 as well as a letter from the Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal. My grandfather never talked to much about his experiences during the war. I truly hope one day to hear from someone who knew my gramps during the war. He was born in Pensacola, Florida on June 7, 1924 and enlisted in the navy in May of '41. I know from what my late father had told me about gramps was that his plane had crash somewhere in S. America, and most of the crew was killed. I also knew that he and a group of other sailors got drunk one night and stole a fire truck in either Guantanomo Bay, or Brazil, in which he was busted down for. He was a great man, and my only regets was not knowing all of the stories from his mouth. Myself, I am a Medically Retired Sergeant from the Marine Corps. I was an Infantry Squad Leader with 1st Battalion 8th Marines. I served with two other commands: 4th Platoon 2nd Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Company, in which deployed to the Middle Eastern countries of NSA Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and with Operation Determined Response in Aden, Yemen for the rescue and security mission for the recovery of the USS COLE. I also served a year in the Artic with Marine Corps Security Force Company Keflavik, Iceland. Anyway, enough of me, my main interest is of my grandfather, Andrew L. Fisher, Seamen 1st Class, Radio Operater with VP-83, later known as VPB-107. I'll end with this comment, if it hadn't of been for the men of the VP's and Naval Aviators, and ground combat teams of the 40's, we would be speaking Japanese, Italian or German. Semper Fidelis Gentlemen...Sgt. Brian L. Fisher USMC/RET mburkard@stny.rr.com..." [14JUL2005]
"...FLECK, Bernard A. Retired ...My Dad graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from Coopers Union in 1940 which even by todays standards is at an educational level with the military academies. He was stationed in NAF Natal, Brazil as a co-pilot with VP-83 and VPB-107 from Feb '42 to Aug '43. After NAF Natal, Brazil he went back to NAS Pensacola, Florida with VPB-107 and VPB-114 and did flight training. As a family we were stationed in the early 50's at NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco with FASRON-104. From '58 to '61 my Dad was a pilot with VW-15 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, our family lived on base when the VW-13 flight crashed practicing "touch & goes". I was also aware of the mishap on approach to Greenland when it was so foggy that one of VW-15's flights simply landed short of the runway in the water. That resulted in constant practices of "touch and go's" at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in pilots spare time. I was old enough to know what was going on. I remember my Dad telling me after one flight that his "super connie" was hit 7X's by lightning. And another time landing with 70 knot cross winds. After my Dad completed the (VW-15) Barrier Patrol in the '61 he was stationed in Denvile, NJ as the Naval Rep to Thiokol where the Navy was responsible for the developement of the single "throtlable" solid fuel rocket engine for the X-15. After he retired in late '62 from the Navy he moved to Cape Kennedy and did contract work for Technicolor and NASA during the space race to the Moon. Any and all pics from launch to landing on the moon, in flight video's and coming home were his responsibility to negotiate various contracts...c/o Lee Fleck ljfleck@bellsouth.net..." [06FEB2007]
FULTON, Jim "...VP-83/VB-107/VPB-107 Mr. Jim Fulton, 1536 West Main, Austin, AR 72007-8023, 501-843-3052..." http://www.warships1.com/reunion_airgroup.htm [21DEC98]
GOODELL, Billie N. ...Circa 2006 goodkemp@aol.com "...I joined the Navy at 17 and attended Boot Camp (Platoon 56) at NS Norfolk, Virginia followed by Aviation Machinist school. I reported to VP-83 in May 1941. VP-83 was flying PBY's. After training we departed for NAF Natal, Brazil (June 1942) and returned to NAS Norfolk, Virginia (May 1943). We exchanged our PBY's for PB6Y-1 and formed VPB-107. I reported to NAS Hutchinson, Kansas for Combat Aircrewman School. We formed a crew known as M68. After graduation we were sent to VPB-197 NAAS Camp Kearny, California. We arrived June 1945 to train for VPB-109 on Okinawa, Japan. We deployed July 1945 for VPB-200 at NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii for additional training. I left VPB-200 for VPB-109 August 1945. They were disestablishing VPB-109 and reassigned us to NAS Alameda, California (December 1945). I was then assigned to VPB-197 NAAS Camp Kearny, California. VPB-197 was disestablished April 1946. I was assigned to FAETUPAC NAAS Ream Field, San Ysidro, California. I was then assigned to BTU 2 NAAS Corry Field, Pensacola, Florida (January 1950). I then reported to VR-24 Det 1 NAF Naples, Italy (July 1955). I reported to VPB-16 NAS Jacksonville, Florida December 1959 until retired in September 1962. Along the way I collected a Combat Aircrew Wings, Distinguished Flying Cross, Presidential Unit Citation with Star, Good Conduct Medal with Four Stars American Defense with Star, American Campaign, European African Mid Eastern Campaign Asiatic Pacific Campaign, World War II, and the Occupation Medal Europe and American Defense. After retirement, I got on civilian job at the Naval Air Rework Facility as a Production Controller where I retired after 18 years. I now live in Pleasant Grove, Alabama and enjoying life. I would love to hear from any former Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 25OCT2006 | E-Mail Updated 08MAR2005 | 27MAR99]
HAMMOND, Gerald gmh71123@aol.com "...If anyone can help me get in touch with VP-53 vets who were with the squadron in the Gilbert and Marshal Islands in WW2. Thanks much!...Looking for WWII mates of VP-83 (2/42 to 8/43), HEDRON 11, (1943-1944), VP-53 (1944-1945), VP-26 (1945-1946). Lemme hear from you please!..." [BIO/E-Mail Updated 09JUL2001 | 23JUL2000]
"...KLOSS, Earl Joseph...My Dad, Earl Joseph Kloss, served with VP-83 and passed away at age 51. In 1943 and happened to look out the window and spotted the Italian submarine Archimede on the ocean surface. History was made when the sub was sunk by 2 to 3 planes on that day. His uniforms, pictures, and the book The Galloping Ghost of the Brazilian Coast is on display at Camp Ripley in Little Falls, MN. I'm working on a book about my father and was wondering if anyone could let me know what it was like for my dad or anyone to go on a mission like that and be a part of history. My dad received the Gold Star and the Air Medal from Eleanor Roosevelt at the NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone a year after the incident. I look forward to hearing from someone. Elizabeth J. Kloss pontiac_no2@comcast.net..." [PIX Updated 21JUL2009 | 20JUL2009]
KRUG, Ed loed@alltel.net "...I served with VP-83..." [12MAR2000]
"...SACHS, AMM3 Walter...My dad, AVCAD Walter Sachs, served with VP-83 at NAF Natal, Brazil. I’m not sure of the dates but it was between 1942-43. He was also an avid artist and painted nose art on their PBY-4’s. There’s not a lot I know and he passed January 14th, 2021..." Contributed by Mark Perkins cilrah@c3vrmail.com [09APR2022]
"...McKERNAN, Richard "Dick"...VP-83 and VB-107, passed away 8/11/03. He was so proud of his service for his country...Shipmate Requested Name Removal ..." [17AUG2003 | 14AUG2003]
"...WALLACE, Lou...It is with great sadness to inform you that our friend Lou Wallace coalminer@tqci.net (served with VP-92, VP-83, VPB-107, and VP-24) died January 15, 2001 Monday morning at 9:12 AM. May he rest in peace..." Contributed by William R. (Bill) Love Jr. AXC(AC)USN/RET bilbiker@suscom-maine.net [15JAN2001]
WALLACE, Lou coalminer@tqci.net "...I served with VP-92, VP-83, VPB-107, VP-24. I flew in P2V7's and P-3's. I would like to hear from Shipmates in any of the squadrons I served with..." [28SEP99]
WILSON, Richad bilsboy1@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-83 (1942-1943) at NAF Natal, Brazil. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [11JAN2011]
WIRTH, LT John L. http://www.acepilots.com/usn_wirth.html "...John Louis Wirth was born in North Vernon, Indiana, on April 25, 1917, son of Stanley and Adele Marie (Langenhurst) Wirth. He attended Horace Mann High School, Gary, Indiana, and on September 18, 1934 enlisted in the U. S. Navy. He was appointed Machinist on May 7, 1941 and after flight training was designated Naval Aviator on March 21, 1942. He vas commissioned Ensign on June 15, 1942 and subsequently advanced in rank to that of Lieutenant, to date from July 1, 1944. After flight training, he was assigned from May until September 1942 to VP-83. The next month he joined Headquarters Squadron, CPW-11 (designation changed to FAW-11 in November 1942) and while serving with that unit participated in the North-African Campaign. In June 1943 he was detached for duty with Fighting Squadron THIRTY ONE. For outstanding services while attached to that squadron, he was awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star Medal with Gold Star in lieu of the Second Silver Star Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with Gold Stars in lieu of the Second and Third Air Medal..." [01JUN2003]
 "VP-83 Summary Page"