VP-84 Notice
NOTICE: "...My Dad, Al "Homer" Jones, served with VP-84 during WW2 as a FE. His pilot was Mr. Davis. I would like a picture of what the squaderon patch looked like. If anyone could do this it would be great. By the way Al "Homer" Jones is 97 years old and still with us..." Contributed by A.W. Jones Jr. ajonesn33@comcast.net [28APR2015]
NOTICE: "...I am looking for anyone who spent time in Reykjavik, Iceland (Fleet Air Base, Iceland) during World War II. Would like to talk with vets about the conditions there. I am a working, published writer starting a novel on the subject. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I can also share a few pictures. My father was a Navy Photomate stationed in Reykjavik, Iceland (Fleet Air Base, Iceland) from March 1943 to December 1943. He arrived there on the Vulcan AR5 and was briefly with VP-84. He then was stationed to Hedron (HEadquarters SquaDRON) 7 (FAW-7), serving under Captain Daniel Gallery. I have a Thanksgiving Day Dinner Menu dated November 25, 1943, and a Christmas Card the PhotoLab put out that year showing all the Photomates, including my father, Fred Melull. Also have a copy of the Camp Kwitcherbelliakin Newsletter dated November 1, 1943. My father is mentioned in the newsletter. Someone wrote a little poem called the Shutter Nuts. Dad's name was misspelled in it as Mulull. These are the lines referring to him -- "There's wacky Melull with the wicked line - He wrote that song about women and wine - Of all the mugs, he's the super bug". In the same newsletter there's a poem by a E. X. Erinewham called "Eighteen Months in the Wrong Country or Show Me the Way to go Home." These names were also in the newsletter: Commander D. L. Westhofen; H. W. Scholl, Y1c; B.M. Freeman, Assistant Editor, PhoM2c; Sam Balsamo, Staff, Y3c; LT T. W. Swenson; Neil Boyle; and Ole Doc Walters. The results of a boxing match are listed. The cover of the newsletter reads, "Kwitcherbelliakin, The Naval Air Facility Weekly News Magazine." It shows a cartoon of a sailor before and after U.K. leave. The returning sailor is considerably thinner (not sure what that means). I would just love to hear from anyone who remembers this naval air facility or the camp kwitcherbelliakin community. Also interested in hearing from anyone for served on the Vulcan then or knows what kind of plane would have the number 702 on it --- my dad is standing in front of the plane. On the back he wrote -- "We made it!" Also, I know FAW-7 used to have liberty in a place called, I think it was NAF Dunkeswell, Devonshire, England. Thanks so much!..Laura (Melull) Vasilion vasilionle@aol.com ..." [12APR2004]
"...For the past five years I've been working on a novel set in WWII Iceland inspired by my father who was stationed there during the war. Dad, Fred Melull, was a Navy Photomate who was a member of VP-84 and spent time aboard the repair ship Vulcan. He shared many stories about his time there with Commander Daniel Gallery. I have a number of his photographs. Once shows him standing in front of the Camp Kwitcherbelliakin sign. In the course of my research I stumbled on this wonderful group of veterans, historians, and people interested in the history of VP-84. Thanks to an Icelandic historian I was to piece together my father's experience there and learn about the remarkable men of VP-84 and Fleet Base Iceland. Dad was in a PBY mishap in Iceland's interior and for years following the war my mother pulled shrapnel from his back. Because he got frostbite on his feet, Dad was also very sensitive to the cold the rest of his life. I am nearing completion of this novel and have posted a chapter of it on my blog at: http://forthelifeofmelv.blogspot.com/. I would be honored and very grateful for any of you to read it and give me feedback. Many thanks..." Laura (Melull) Vasilion vasilionle@aol.com [22JUN2011]
NOTICE: "...Navy Establishing Augment Units For All FRS's Including VP-30..." Contributed by LCDR Robert J. Cable cablerj@vp30.navy.mil [03DEC2003]
The Navy is scheduling the establishment of a Squadron Augment Unit (SAU) attached to VP-30 for 1 October, 2004. Final numbers have yet to be released, but the SAU is likely to total near 150 personnel composed of Officer and Enlisted instructors and maintenance personnel. The SAU has begun recruiting the advance party of 20 maintainers in the AD, AE, AT, AM, and AME rates. If you are interested in serving as a Selected Reservist in VP-30 SAU, have P-3 NEC's and P-3 experience within the last 6 years, and are within drilling distance of NAS Jacksonville, Florida, please call Naval Reserve Recruiting Area SE at 904-542-3320 ext 490 or the SAU OIC at 904-542-0990.
NOTICE: "...For those of us who were fortunate enough to have been part of the P2V Navy, I would like to say that I recently found three neptunes with the LZ, VP-84 tail code in a chop yard near Tucson. If there is any one looking for a complete neptune for restoration, here are three of them...DONOVAN, Michael mad1944@gmail.com..." [07OCT2003]
NOTICE: "...I am looking for anyone who knew my father Fred Melull, an aerial photographer stationed in Iceland during World War II. I believe he was assigned to VP-84 and was a member of the Hedron 7 detachment. Short and skinny (5'5, 117 at the time of his discharge), dad also played saxophone in the band and was nicknamed "Sparky." From his memorabilia, stories, and many photos, I know he was part of the "Camp Kwitcherbelliakin" community, served under Admiral Daniel Gallery and spent time on the USS Vulcan repair ship. If anyone remembers him or knows how I can find out information on Navy aerial photographers in Iceland, please contact me. Thanks so much. Laura (Melull) Vasilion Vasilionle@aol.com..." [04JAN2002]
"...In the past, several gentlemen haved helped me research my father's military history. I don't know what I would have done without this VPNavy. Thank you. I'm burrowing further now, still researching information on my father, Fred Melull, who was attached to Hedron 7, FAW-7, from 1942-1943 in Iceland. He was a Navy photographer and was assigned to VP-84 (the USS Vulcan repair ship) prior to arriving in Iceland. He referred to the base there as "Camp Kwitcherbelliakin." I have a picture of my dad standing in front of a Camp Kwitcherbelliakin billboard, circa 1942. I know the other photo mates he served with are no longer living but I'd love to talk with anyone who served in Iceland about that time. I want to get a picture of what life was like, interactions with the locals, weather, food, the importance of Iceland during World War II. My dad also was stationed at NAS Glenview, Illinois for a while following the war. If you have anything you'd like to share, I'd be most appreciative...Laura Vasilion Vasilionle@aol.com..." [06MAR2003]
NOTICE: "...I am trying to locate anyone who may have known my brother during WWII. He was ARM1C Lionel F. Pelletier Jr. He was a member of Patrol Squadron 84. On June 11, 1943, his plane piloted by Lt. (jg) Douglas Selby Viera, USNR, crash landed in the North Atlantic while attempting to rescue the crew of an RAF Fortress which had been shot down by an enemy submarine. His crew of nine managed to escape into two rubber rafts. The RAF men who were in a dinghy tried to offer assistance, but rough seas soon separated them from the rescue crew. On the seventh day after the crash, June 18, an American minesweeper picked up a raft carrying the only survivor, my brother Lionel, and the body of O. A. Chaney of Tarentum, PA. One by one, due to cold, hunger, thirst, and injuries, the men had died. The other crew members were Lt. Phillip A. Bodinett, Chicago, IL; Lt. Frank Kleinbring, Chicago, MI; Fred A Cernek, Palisades Park, NJ; Luther W. Provow, Richlands, NC; James E. Peoples, Elizabethton, TN; Charles H. Baker, Bangor, ME; and Lt. Douglas Selby Viera, Myrtle Beach, SC. The RAF crew were rescued by a British seaplane on patrol from the British Isles. Lionel was from Fall River, MA. He enlisted in January of 1941 and received his initial training at Newport Naval Training Station and then attended radio school in Jacksonville, FL. He was attached to the NAS Norfolk, Virginia, then to San Diego, and then to a Naval Air Base in Iceland. Due to the physical effects of seven days in the cold Atlantic, Lionel was not able to continue flying. For his courage and heroic efforts, he was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, the Air Medal, and later by the British government, he was awarded the British Flying Medal. If anyone out there knew Lionel or his crew members, or has any info on his naval years, please contact me. Thanks from a fellow sailor..." Normand Pelletier jrich@cape-fear.net [01JAN98]
"...I’m wanting to share this Photo with you. My Uncle Lionel Pelletier was the surviving crewman of a downed PBY in the North Atlantic near Iceland. His story is mentioned by my late father Normand who was also VP Navy in WW2. Please feel free to share..." Contributed by capnnorm@yahoo.com [14OCT2020]
"...I knew Pelletier very well an intend to write his brother tonight. Lt Bodinett was the PPC on the flight when they went down. I met a brother of Pelletier later on in the Pacific while I was serving in VP-16...Walt Butterfield Butter1942@aol.com..." [13FEB98]
"VP-84 Summary Page"