VP-875 History
Circa 1961
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...NARTU Alameda 'At Home' - Page 30 - Naval Aviation News - October 1961..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1960s/1961/oct61.pdf [20AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VP-872 accepted their first P2V-5F Neptune on October 3, 1961 and would fly the first ASW barrier patrol from NAS Alameda, California 9 days later. By November 1, 1961, VP-872 was brought up to full strength, augmented by personnel from VP-701 and VP-703 of NAS Dallas, Texas and VP-875 of NARTU NAS Alameda, California, along with other reservists and TARS from NAS Dallas, Texas and NARTU NAS Alameda, California...." P2V Neptune WebSite: http://p2vneptune.com/index.shtml [31JUL2002]
Circa 1960
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VP-731, VP-732, VP-733, VP-734, VP-871, VP-872, VP-873, VP-874 and VP-875) - Naval Aeronautical Organization OPNAV NOTICE 05400 for Fiscal Year 1960 dated 1 February 1960 is: DECLASSIFIED per Office of Chief of Naval Operations on 1 February 1965 by Op-501 - Atlantic Fleet Support Stations..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/a-record/nao53-68/fy1960-feb60.pdf [12MAR2007]
 "VP-875 Summary Page"