VP-8 Notice
NOTICE: "...Looking for to contact anyone who knew AMSC Brian Patterson. Brian served with VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine in the 1980’s. Thanks!..." Contributed by AFCM Walt Hall waltandgay@outlook.com [02JUN2019]
NOTICE: "...I am a member of the Maine Air Museum located at Bangor International Airport. We are inviting former NAS Brunswick, Maine personnel to establish a display in our museum to commemorate the rich aviation history of NAS Brunswick, Maine. VP-8, VP-10, VP-21, VP-23, VP-26 and VP-44 served there. Will help you with design suggstions. So far all we have from NAS Brunswick, Maine is a flight suit. We have a major display about Loring AFB, a small one on Dow AFB and now we need to publicize what you accomplished. Please contact me. We could use model aircraft, patches and photos etc. We are a non-profit organization. Smooth sailing...Hank Marois, Maine Air Museum, Project Manager oldcrow2@verizon.net..." [19JUL2005]
NOTICE: "...I am LCDR Rob Minor from VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. There will be a dedication of monument commemorating the service of the 14 aircrew who lost their lives on aircraft LC-2 BUNO: 149672, 30 Jan 1963.
Crew list form LC-2 BUNO: 149672:AO3 Douglas R. AUTRY LTjg Frederick L. BELL ADR1 Clifford E. CARPENTER LT Robert S. EBERHART ADR1 Marvin W. GATLIFF ATR3 Jesse GALINDO LCDR John R. HART AT1 Jack C. KAHLER AT2 Dayton S. LESTER LT John E. O'CONNER AE2 Donald B. ROARK LTJG Bernard W. SHEPARD ATR3 Edward A. SYLVE LT Theodore C. WHITE
The service will be at the NAS Brunswick, Maine Chapel in the Harpswell Gardens on Sunday, May 22, 2005 at 3:00PM. I am trying to locate and surviving relatives of the aircrew to notify them that this event is going to be taking place. Also any fellow shipmates will be welcome to attend. This is an open ceremony. If you could please pass the word I would appreciated it very much.
LCDR Rob Minor robert.w.minor@navy.mil 207/921-2108..." [24MAR2005]
NOTICE: "...I served with VP-8 from June 1953 TO November 1955. One Friday afternoon after secure, as I entered my home in the vicinity of the NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island area, my new bride answered the phone and told the caller that I was just arriving and I left within the hour to disappear for around two weeks. Apparently a Russian submarine was shadowing the fleet in the vicinity of the Azores and VP-8 was assigned (along with others) to try to track same. On my first departure out of NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal with a full load of fuel onboard and probably near to groww wt, immediately after takeoff, the starboard engine caught fire, we feathered it and then, the port engine oil cooler doors, still in the takeoff position, stuck in that position, and the oil temperature was rising rapidly. With the jet engines still operating, we were reluctant to shut down the other recip since that was the source of the electrical power to operate the jet throttles. The tower advised us that a very large thunderstorm was approaching and if we were going to get on the ground, it had better be soon. With the port recip at idle we made a jet engine only, for all practical purposes, approach to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal landing to the west. With no experience in this configuration, we wound up screaming in the approach, much to fast to land, and had to wave off to the north which took us directly over the O'Club and everyone inside came bailing out. With the little experience we had gained from the first approach, we managed to get it on the ground safely, cleared the runway as the rain came down, and had to shut down since we really had very little in the way of hydraulics. A flight to remember. We had to have 2 engine changes and by the time they had been flown in, the rushkies had had enough and gone home, and so did we. Never having done anymore than fly out to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, flew about a 20 minute flight while there - a test hop for the two engine changes - and then back to NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. What did we learn? Never answer the phone on Friday afternoon...DIAMOND, CDR Marvin H. Retired MHD82998@AOL.COM..." [18DEC2001]
NOTICE: I would like to thank Richard A. Hoffman, Captain, USN (Ret) dickdot@san.rr.com for helping me remove all duplicate History entries! [07AUG98]
NOTICE: "...Navy Establishing Augment Units For All FRS's Including VP-30..." Contributed by LCDR Robert J. Cable cablerj@vp30.navy.mil [03DEC2003]
The Navy is scheduling the establishment of a Squadron Augment Unit (SAU) attached to VP-30 for 1 October, 2004. Final numbers have yet to be released, but the SAU is likely to total near 150 personnel composed of Officer and Enlisted instructors and maintenance personnel. The SAU has begun recruiting the advance party of 20 maintainers in the AD, AE, AT, AM, and AME rates. If you are interested in serving as a Selected Reservist in VP-30 SAU, have P-3 NEC's and P-3 experience within the last 6 years, and are within drilling distance of NAS Jacksonville, Florida, please call Naval Reserve Recruiting Area SE at 904-542-3320 ext 490 or the SAU OIC at 904-542-0990.
NOTICE: "...I'm try to find out if VP-8 was awarded any medals for the Cuban Crisis. Thank you...JOHNSON, ADC[AC][AW] Lawrence (Larry) Jr. Retired Mysterymanlj@earthlink.com..." [18FEB2003]
NOTICE: "...I am looking for anyone that may have served with AW2 Rob Delvecchio in VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. Rob served in VP-8 from approximately March of 1984 to March 1987. If you knew, flew with or remember "Denuch", PLEASE contact me. Thank you...Freddy Diaz :zoilo22@msn.com..." [13MAR2004]
NOTICE: "...I am interested in trying to locate Michael Richard Hagy. He was a LT at the time, and the pilot with VP-8 deployed to the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal the winter of 1978. Thanks...Leta Colleen Cummins Hicks lhicks@onslow.k12.nc.us..." [27JAN2004]
NOTICE: "...I served with VP-8 from 1971 to 1974 and am looking for James (Jim) Chambliss who was NAV/TACCO on Crew 8. Would love to locate him if you have info!...AUGUSTUS, CDR Jim Retired saug@cei.net..." [07JAN2004]
NOTICE: "...I am trying to locate an friend of mine from school. He is currently serving with VP-8. His name is Craig Grey. If anyone can help me it would be great. Thank's...April Gumbrell aprildalejrfan@aol.com..." [29MAY2003]
NOTICE: "...I would like to locate one of my squadron mates by the name of William "Bill" Struewing from Webb City, Missouri and Lester (n) Rushing...DIAMOND, Marvin H. MHD82998@AOL.COM..." [26JAN2003]
NOTICE: "...I'm searching for another member of VP-8. His name is David Bowen. He was an ADJ and he served as a crewmember with crew 5, from 1972 to 1975. He left the service in 1975 and later re-enlisted and served aboard the USS Nimitz. Dave was originally from Florida. I last had contact with Dave in the mid 80's. If anyone has had any contact with David Bowen or any information concerning his where abouts please e mail me. Dave was a great friend and I sure would like to get in contact with him again...SCHERER, David Scherer@Peoplepc.com..." [30OCT2002]
"...I wanted to pass on to you that I just had contact today from that Shipmate. He had read my posting on your site and emailed me. Thank you so much!...SCHERER, David Scherer@Peoplepc.com..." [23NOV2002]
NOTICE: "...I'm looking for the whereabouts for AZ1 Charlene Wyman. When VP-11 decommissioned, I went to VP-10 and she went to VP-8. We were good friends and we lost touch. Also looking for the whereabouts for AZ2 Chris Jackson. We were in VF-84 together years ago. While in VP-11 and VP-10 I believe he came to VP-26 for a short time. I now reside in Texas and I remember him being from Texas as well...PORTER, Mark mtporter@comcast.net..." [E-Mail Updated 02FEB2003 | E-Mail/Notice Updated 01JAN2002 | 13AUG2001]
NOTICE: "...Looking for Fred Wescott was with VP-8 from 78-82. He did 2 deployments to NS Rota, Spain and was TAD to AIMD as the ASN-42 inertial tech. If any one knows his whereabouts, please contact me...John F. Blas jocarm01@yahoo.com..." [30APR2001]
NOTICE: "...I am trying to locate Lt. Nicolas M. Kavscak, last known duty station was NAS Lakehurst where he served as Officer in Charge Naval Air Mobile Detachments. I believe this was somewhere around 1953. I lost track of him in 1954 when I was admitted to Porsmouth Naval Hospital with Polio in 1954. If there are any members of his old P2V outfit (VP-8) that may have a clue as to his where abouts or know anything about him I would appreciate knowing...George D. Fallows, Jr. ADR1 Retired geo59675@mindspring.com..." [16APR2001]
NOTICE: "...I'm looking for Joe "I don't eat much but I like to eat well" Judge whom I believe served in VP-4 prior to coming to VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland around 1970. If anyone is in contact with him, tell Joe to contact me. Thanks...Chad Ervin delta767@metacrawler.com..." [26SEP2000]
NOTICE: "...I am looking for members of VP-8 especially Crew 12. Men I need are Lt.Tom Snell, AWC Larry Hunt, AW1 Joe Stewart, and C. C. White. If you can help, please call 800-638-4701 and ask for Bill Durkin (Patuxent River, Maryland)...William T. Curkin, AMHC, Retired bill@durkinsrealty.com..." [27MAR2000]
NOTICE: "...I am interested in finding out the whereabouts and fate of William "Billy" Pier who served in VP-8 as a Mess Specialist from approximately 1982-1985. He was our beloved cigar smoking eccentric who was the biggest Washington Redskins fan on the face of the planet. Where are you Billy?!!!...Harlan Erickson harlanerickson@msn.com..." [25JAN2000]
"...To those who are interested, I located Billy Pier and he is alive and well in Toano, VA. If you would like to contact him then feel free to e-mail me and I will give you the appropriate information. Harlan Erickson harlanerickson@msn.com..." [01JUN2004]
NOTICE: "...Looking for Capt. John Barton Hansen, USN Ret., Former skipper VP-8, 1958-1962. Wife, Marge. Last known address: Arlington, Va...." Contributed by Betty McKenzie siennarun@pbtcomm.net[17SEP99]
NOTICE: "...I'm looking for anyone who may have served with AW-3 Mike Johnson in VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. Mike would have served in VP-8 somewhere between 1970 and 1974. If you knew Mike, please contact me. Thanks...Steve Harvey AMS-3, VP-44 1973-74 stebharvey@ameritech.net..." [28JUL99]
NOTICE: "...Looking for Shipmate Bill Littell of VP-8 1959-1960 and later served in Hawaii. Anyone know his where abouts...Doug Johanson dand@brainerd.net..." [19DEC98]
NOTICE: "...We're looking for Bill and Roselie Cameron who were in VP-8 in the early 60's. Bill was a Yoeman. At the time they had two daughters, Karen and Susan. While stationed in Conn. on recruiting duty they had a son Wm. Jr. who went into nuclear Navy. Very smart young man. I think both daughters went into the Navy also. Last we knew Bill and Rose were in So. FLA. Would love to hear from them or hear any info. you have on them...Judy and Dick Quarton nosnowjr@aol.com..." [E-Mail Updated 25JAN2002 | 09DEC98]
"...We finally found Bill and Rose Cameron from VP-8 in Orlando, FL. Had a nice visit with them yesterday. Thanks for your help. Judy and Dick Quarton nosnowjr@aol.com..." [25JAN2002]
NOTICE: "...I am looking for information that will help me locate my Father's (LCDR Raymond Bryant Jr. Ret) friends. He served with VP-48. His career began as an enlisted sailor in 1948 at NAS Bermuda. He was ATC at Kansas and (I believe) he then was involved with PBY's. He was promoted to the Officer ranks in Texas where I was born. This was followed by flight training in Florida (where else) ;-). All his time was spent with at P3 stations. He served in San Diego 1960-1964, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1964-1967, NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1967, and retired in 1974. I remember names like Dave Stromberg and Jack Rennie. I would like Dad's friends to write him as he has had a massive stroke and I feel this may help. Additional Information Provided [22JUN98]: I found the pilot logs VP-45 10-17-47 TO 3-31-53, VP-8 4-23-53 TO 3-31-55, VP-48 6-26-61 TO 8-24-64, WSJ might be a "T" here (PAX-RIVER) 9-21-64 TO 7-31-67, FCPCLANT 8 8-67 TO RETIREMENT 1974. Thank you.....Wanda (Raye) Bryant, daughter #5 sound@albemarlenet.com..."
20JUN98 Wanda has heard from one shipmate who might have known her Dad...Thanks!
22JUN98 I heard from a co-worker and friend who worked with Dad on the P-3 Projects as a civilian with RBC INC.
12JUL98 We spent the afternoon with Ret Capt Zeisel, who remembers my Dad from PAX River days. We really had fun especially Dick and Ray. The web site has helped me find several of my Dad's friends. Thanks for everyones help. Wanda
NOTICE: "...If you are a VP-8 Alumni (regardless of membership) and would like to be published in our upcoming Roster - please provide me with your snail address, phone number, years in VP-8, and your spouses name. Thanks!..." Beth Perry (E-Mail Removed By Request) [E-Mail Updated 02JUN2004 | 30MAY98]
 "VP-8 Summary Page"