VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVP-8 ShipmatesShipmate

ABBOTT, Bill ljjjar@cs.com "...Any info on VR-1 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Twix 1959-1961 Any info on VP-8 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland Twix 1961-1963..." [23JAN2000]

ABELEIN, CAPT Herman C. Abelein Jr. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=12 "...CAPT Herman C. Abelein Jr., USN - NFL Number: 12 - Date of Birth: 2/4/1930 - Date In: 8/1/1948 - Date Out: 12/1/1976 - City, State: Orange Park, FL - School Attended: Univ Mississippi - Aircraft Flown: P-3, PBM, S2F, AD, FJ - Ship or Unit: VP-5, CO - VP-8 - CTF-72, ChiefofStaff - Pilot Desg.: Patrol Plane Cdr - Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: Korea, Vietnam - Associations/Service Organizations: Assn of Nav Aviation Nav Av Museum Fdn - Highest personal decoration or award: Legion of Merit - Significant Achievements: 8,700 pilot hours, CO NROTC Tulane University, MS from George Wash. University, Naval War College. In Memoriam? No..." [29NOV2005]

ADAMS, Keith "KG" kgadams@flash.net"...I would like to make contact with shipmates from VP-8, 1971 to 1974. would also like to find cruise books from these years..."

ADAMS, AT2 Santo J. (Sandy) santoadams@aol.com "...Joined VP-8 February 1958 thru April 1962..." [E-Mail Updated 14FEB2002 | 08DEC2000]

AKIN, John M. jma@megalink.net "...I would like to hear from any old Shipmates. I served with VP-31, VP-17, VP-8, VP-10, VP-30, NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee and VT-3..." [Updated BIO/E-Mail 12APR99 | 00DEC96]

ALLEN, Joe W. jallen78@bellsouth.net "...I began my Naval career in June, 1955. My first VP tour was with VP-31 San Diego, CA as a student Radioman in the P5M Marlin. Next came VP-47, NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. We made a deployment to NS Sangley Point, Philippines 1964 - 1965. This was truly an exciting tour. Remember Marie "T"s, Sonny's and San Miguel beer. I was sidetracked for 1965-1968 by Instructor Duty with NAMTRAGRU Det 1015 NAS Lemoore, California. I was one of the original new rate "AW"s changing from ATC to AWC in 1968. Soon after I received orders to VP-19 NAS Moffett Field, California. This was the beginning of a very colorful and rewarding career. I served in VP-19 from 1968-1975 with deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska; NAS Iwakuni, Japan; NAS Cubi Point, Philippines; Naha, Okinawa; NAS Cubi Point, Philippines again with detachments to NSF Diego Garcia and Utapao, Thailand. VP-30 NAS Jacksonville, Florida 1975-1978; VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine 1978-1981; FASOTRAGRULANT Det. NAS Brunswick, Maine 1981-1984, rounded out my Navy career. I retired in 1984 and returned to my home state of LA. Great career, too many unforgetable Shipmates to mention and a lifetime of great memories I wouldn't trade for anything..." [12JAN2000]

ALLEN, AD2 Raymond Wesson ray.allen01@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-44 for about 8 months prior to its distestablishment. I then transfered to VP-8. Served late 1990 until 8 year tour was completed in June 1993. If there is anyone who served in VP-8 at that time I would sure love to hear form you. Sure had a blast in NAS Sigonella, Sicily and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. Any jet mechs still out there? If anyone knows the whereabouts of Lisa Hubach please tell her to find me in Lewisville, TX. I hear NAS Brunswick, Maine is on the list. Sad to hear. I have a charcoal drawing of a P-3 over my fireplace and people still ask me about my service. Got Navy stuff all over my house and am damn proud to have been a part of the VP world. All yall active duty people keep em' in the air and you FE's get em' there and back and keep em' dry!..." [E-Mail Updated 10AUG2010 | 31DEC2005]

ANDERSON, Bob boba71136@cfl.rr.com "...I served with VP-8 from September 1957 through July 1960. I flew as an AT on LC-7 (P2V-5F BUNO: 127770). Home port in NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island (Vince DiCarlo was PPC). Deployed to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal making trips to NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco, London (Blackbush), Barcelona, Naples, and then to the garden spot of the world Thule. Then deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada flying both ASW and ice patrols. Back to a new Homeport...Chincoteague, VA. Great place!! On to NAS Norfolk, Virginia for new home port. Deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR for compets and then back to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada where we visited Goose Bay, Frobisher, Sondestrom and of course Thule. PPC on the last deployment was Ken Bergstrom. Some of the names from the squadron at that time: Jake Jackson, CJ Koerkle, Ron Ruff, Bob (R.D.) Day, George Zorbas, George Little, Ken Sedgwick, Jerry Jensen, and many others too numberous to mention. I would like to hear from anyone who was in the squadron at that time. Please email me. Thanks, its so good to remember those great times we had chasing those Russian subs around the Atlantic as a squadron and as a flight crew on LC-7..." [E-Mail Updated 11DEC2005 | E-Mail Updated 19AUG2004 | 22SEP2000]

ANDRUS, AW Eric eric.andrdus@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 from December 1987 to August 1990 as an AW. Would love to hear from any of my former Shipmates from then..." [28FEB2008]

ANGELIS, Joe De j.deangelis@elsevier.com "...I served with VP-8 from December 1977 through June 1981..." [21MAY2004]

APOSTOLICO, AWC Vince (AP) Retired VApostolic@AOL.COM "...VP-8 CAC 12 SS-3 (P-3A) 1967 to 1970; VP-66 (P-2V) 1970; VP-68 CAC 4 (Skypigs) SS-3 (P-3B, B-MOD, C) 1972 to 1993...Retired 12/31/93 (HYT)...Zero-Dark-Thirty Preflights...All Night Patrols...Low Leval Localizing with Sea States of 10...Weather Avoidance During Long Transits (The Senior Chief [F/E] Absolutely HATES Flying Through Rough Waether)...How Could Anyone NOT Miss This?..." [25MAR98]

AUGUSTUS, CDR Jim Retired saug@cei.net "...Did tours in VP-8 from 1971 to 1974 and VP-16 from 1982 to 1984. I was a Pilot and retired in November 1992. I have just published a site dedicated to the PB4Y aircraft. I can use images to display if you have them! http://www.navylib.com. Will definitely add your site to my links page! Keep up the good work here!..." WebSite: http://www.navylib.com [18NOV99]

AVERY, Bill billavery10@gmail "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1956 to 1958 with deployments to NAAF Agadir, French Morocco, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, RAF Hal Far, Malta, etc. Our CO's were Doyle and Thomas. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 22FEB2011 | 30JUL98]

AYERS, David dboys@clinic.net "...I was in VP-8 from 83 to 86, in the AE shop. I've seen quite a few people I remember in the guestbook, this is cool. I was on the ramp with a lot of other Shipmates when LC-81 slid off the runway in Spain in 85. I even took photos! Just wanted to say hi...Anyone remember Mike Whittaker? Ivan Muise? We're all in New England at the moment, but I'll be back in Arizona in May of 2000. Email me if you want to get in touch with us. Take care!..." [16JAN2000]

BACON, CDR Leon R. http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-1/xo.htm "...CDR Bacon graduated from the University of Phoenix in 1985 with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration. He received his commission from Aviation Officer Candidate School in March of 1986 and was designated a Naval Aviator in January 1988. Upon completion of Fleet replacement training at NAS Moffett Field, California, he reported to VP-48 at NAS Moffett Field, California in 1988. After the decommissioning of VP-48, he transferred to VP-40 also at NAS Moffett Field, California. While assigned to VP-48 and VP-40, CDR Bacon served as the Operations Schedules Officer, Aviation Safety Officer and Pilot NATOPS Officer. He received his warfare designation as a Patrol Plane Commander, Patrol Plane Mission Commander, and Instructor Pilot in the P-3C UIII. He completed deployments to NAS Adak, Alaska; NAS Cubi Point, Philippines; and NAS Misawa, Japan. After completion of his first operational tour, CDR Bacon reported to VP-31, at NAS Moffett Field, California, where he served as an FRS staff instructor pilot and the Operations Flight Officer. In July 1992, he was selected to serve as Assistant NATOPS Evaluator for Commander, Patrol Wings U.S. Pacific Fleet stationed at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. In July 1995, CDR Bacon reported to USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70) as an Aircraft Launch and Recovery Officer. In May 1996, the USS CARL VINSON deployed to FIFTH and SEVENTH Fleet AORs in support of Operations DESERT STORM and SOUTHERN WATCH. The crew of the USS CARL VINSON was awarded the Battle Efficiency for 1996. In December 1997, CDR Bacon reported to VP-4 in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, where he served as the Assistant Maintenance Officer and Operations Officer. In December 1998, VP-4 deployed to NSF Diego Garcia, BIOT, and to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operations DESERT STORM and SOUTHERN WATCH. In December 1998, CDR Bacon flew multiple combat missions in support of Operation DESERT FOX. In November 1999, CDR Bacon reported to the OPNAV staff at the Pentagon where he worked in the Strategy and Policy Divisions (N51), and was subsequently chosen to serve on the Navy's Quadrennial Defense Review team. In October 2001, CDR Bacon reported to BUPERS Sea Duty Component, Arlington, VA. CDR Bacon has been awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3), Navy, Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2), and Meritorious Service Medal..." [02JUN2003]

BAILEY, Scott fourx4play@hotmail.com "...I served in VP-11 from 95 to decom. I then went to VP-8 in the mass move. Left I-level to become an IFT. I am currently in VP-30 in training, desparately trying to get back to Maine. Anyone who wants to drop me a line..." [29FEB2000]

BAKER, David J. itgbaker@erols.com "...VP NFO. VP-56, 1964-1966. VP-8, 1974-1977. Retired 1983..." [25AUG2000]

BALLOCK, Rome roman16@msn.com "...Stationed VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine 71-75, crew 12. Flew with Doug Trutt, Joe Bremhorst, Reid Moon, Mike Caruso, George Christenot, CDR Debode, Ken Simpson, Ed Kaleta, and Larry Klez. I had the "AT" shop while there, played a lot of racquet ball with Roger Bunn and CPO Chinchar at Bowdoin college courts. Lived in base housing across the river in Topsham. Was on some of the Special Projects to various places, made a few deployments to NAS Bermuda/ NS Rota, Spain/ NAS Keflavik, Iceland/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Left VP-8 in 1974 for NAS Lakehurst then on to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland to VQ-4 (Tacamo) then out in 1980..." [04FEB2000]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 31DEC2004 | 14SEP2004]

BARNEY, AVCM Bruce Retired ibbarney@comcast.net "...Joined the Navy in 1969. After AW training and from 1970-1975, was stationed in VP-8 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland until a homeport change that took the squadron to NAS Brunswick, Maine In 1975, I changed rate from AW2 to AX2 and was assigned to VP-30 as an Inflight Tech from 1975-1978. Then to VP-16 from 1978-1982 as a Inflight Tech where I made AXC. 1982-1984 was assigned to VP-30 Framp as an Inflight Tech Instructor where I made AXCS. Went to VP-24 from 1984-1986 as an Inflight Tech and Maintenance Control Supervisor and made AVCM. Final tour from 1986-1989 was COMPATWINGSLANT Det NAS Jacksonville, Florida Advanced Maritime Projects Office. Retired in Dec 89..." [E-Mail Updated 24MAY2004 | E-Mail Updated 05MAY2003 | E-Mail Updated 21MAY99 | E-Mail Updated 23JAN99 | 14DEC97] [Updated ICQ# 277185191 | ICQ# 215446 215446]

BEDFORD, Roby mtnwmn@mail.tds.net "...I served with VP-8 as a radio operator fron early 1962 till July 1963 with crew 11. Our PPC was LCDR Snyder. Co Pilot LT. Gordan Shaff. We deployed to BallyKelly Northern Ireland in 1963 and Puerto Rico. In Ireland we had an air show in which we feathered BOTH we feathered both statboard engines, made a wheels up low pass and climbed to 5000ft and stalled. Got it over and got weightless. Skipper said hit the deck and everything floated to the aft of the AC including the Honey Pot. What a day..." [04FEB2002]

BELANGER, Lionel P. alpb@sacoriver.net "...VP-8 1957 to May 18 1959 1957 NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada NAS Chincoteague, Virginia to NAS Norfolk, Virginia May 18 1959 got out of the Navy..." [10OCT2006]

BENNING, LCDR VJ (Ben) Retired c/o Cindy Bartlett bilcin5@aol.com "...I am the daugther of retired LT Commander VJ Benning (BEN). He served with VP-2, VP-8, VP-10, VP-17 and VP-30. I have fond memories of growing up in the Navy - and very proud of my father and his accompishments. If any of you have any fond memories of my father or good stories I would be happy to tell him. I am also interested in any Reunion that my be in the works..." [17JUL2005]

BENSKIN, ADC Forrest R. Retired fbenskin@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1953 to 1954. CDR Bookout was our Commanding Officer..." [19MAY2003]


BARRETT, Bob orionbob@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 from 1971 to 1974 on Crew Three. Spent most of my time in LC-TBA, BUNO: 150521, 3 NAS Bermuda deployments and a wake up. Remember the Marines in Bermuda. "L. F. H.. Bobby". Best times of all in Eight!!..." [E-Mail Updated 13NOV2003 | 17MAR98]

BELISLE, REAR ADMIRAL Kenneth C. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/people/flags/biographies/belislekc.html "...Rear Admiral Kenneth C. Belisle, a native of Worcester, Mass., is a 1967 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. In 1968, he was designated a Naval Aviator and was assigned to VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. During his first tour, he participated in operational deployments to NAS Bermuda; NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada; NS Rota, Spain, and the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, qualifying as a Patrol Plane Commander, Mission Commander, and Instructor Pilot in the P-3A Orion aircraft. In 1972, he was assigned to VP-30 as an Instructor Pilot. Rear Adm. Belisle was accepted into the TAR (Training and Administration of Reserves) Program in 1974 and was assigned to NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. He subsequently transferred to VP-66 where he assumed the duties of Assistant Operations Officer. In 1978, he reported to VP-16, based at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, where he served as NATOPS/Safety Officer, Training Officer, and Officer in Charge (OIC) of the squadron's South American detachment in support of UNITAS XX, a major multinational exercise involving nine South American nations. After release from active duty in 1980, he affiliated with Squadron Augment Unit VP-0516 where he served as Reserve P-3C Training Program Coordinator, directing a pilot program which led to the establishment of the VP Master Augment Units. In 1983, he transferred to VP-92 at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts, where he assumed the duties of Executive Officer. In October 1984, he became the squadron's tenth Commanding Officer. Returning to NAS Jacksonville, Florida in 1985, he reported to VTU-7474, serving as Training Officer and Chief Staff Officer. In 1987, he became Commanding Officer of NR Helicopter Antisubmarine Wing 0174. He subsequently served as Commanding Officer of NR Mobile Maintenance Facility ALFA, NAS Jacksonville, Florida 0274, VTU-7474, and NR Carrier Group 0667 at NAS Atlanta, Georgia. From October 1995 to September 1997, he served as Chief of Staff, Logistics Task Force, Atlantic, Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Va. His flag assignments have included Deputy, Maritime Defense Forces, Atlantic, Deputy Commander, Patrol Wings, Atlantic and Commander, Naval Base Jacksonville. His military decorations include: Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, and the Navy Commendation Medal. Rear Adm. Belisle is a commercial pilot employed by Northwest Airlines..." [14JUL2003]

BENITEZ, Benny F. orionusn@yahoo.com "...I have been in the Navy both active and reserve for over 17 years. served with "The Swordsmen" of VF-32 at NAS Oceana from 1982-1985. Upon leaving active duty I found my calling within the VP community in 1991 when I affliated with Patron 64 at WG. In 1993 I went aircrew I have flown on P-3B's and currently on -C's and have close to 875 hours.I have flown with VP-8, VP-10, VP-30, VP-45, VP-92, and VP-66 since 1993. Being a 15 year veteran of the commerical airline industry, I am able to get around the country and offer my services to other TAR VP Sqd. that are short on (In-Flight) AO's. I have been selected for NATOPS "Blue Card" instructor by CNARF currently working toward that qual. I guess that about it, I hope this helps you. Should you have any other further questions please do not hesitate to contact me..." [22JAN2000]

BIELASKA, LT(jg) Joseph Francis c/o Joe Bielaska, Jr. jbielaska@comcast.net "...My Father served with VP-8 when I was born (1958). If you flew with LT(jg) Joseph Francis Bielaska send me an e-mail. The old man is still kicking..." [05SEP2005]

BIGGS, Doug dbiggs@blazenetme.net "...Spent 39 months with VP-8 from March 1974 to June 1977, 3 tours to NAS Bermudaa, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NS Rota, Spain. Spent 39 months with ASWOC in NAS Brunswick, Maine and then 6 month tour on the carrier USS Kennedy on a Med cruise..." [15JUN2003]

BLACKSTON, CMC Charles Shipmate Pix http://www.cprw11.navy.mil/index.php?id=31&secid=8 "...Master Chief Blackston enlisted in the United States Navy in February 1977, and attended Recruit Training at Naval Training Center, Orlando, Florida. After the completion of AE Class "A" School in Millington, TN, he was assigned to Training Squadron SEVEN (VT-7), NAS Meridian, MS. Released from active duty in December 1980, he re-enlisted in the Navy in February 1984. Upon reentering the Navy, he attended AE Class "C" School, NAS Millington, Tennessee. Afterwards, he attended Naval Aircrewman Candidate School, Pensacola and P-3 Flight Engineer School, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. His next assignment was to VP-49, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. He served as primary NATOPS instructor for the flight engineer position and deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Bermuda, and back to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. Following his first VP tour, he was selected for assignment to the P-3 Fleet Replacement Squadron, VP-30, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Here he served as classroom instructor, Fleet IUT (Instructor Under Training) Instructor, Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Instructor, VP-30 primary NATOPS/Alternate CNAL evaluator, and primary CNAL evaluator. During this demanding tour, he was advanced to Chief Petty Officer. His next posting was to VP-16, NAS Jacksonville, Florida. While assigned, he advanced to Senior Chief Petty Officer and served as the Line Division CPO, QA Division SCPO, and Safety/NATOPS Department SCPO. Here he completed a tri-site deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Keflavik, Iceland and Panama as well as a Mediterranean deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. In May of 1997, he reported to the Naval Force Aircraft Test Squadron (Force Warfare), NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Initially assigned as the VP Maintenance Division SCPO, he assumed the role of CMC after being advanced to Master Chief in April of 1998. Following his tour at Force Warfare, he was selectively assigned to the Bureau of Personnel, Sea Duty Component, Dallas, TX, where he served as the Command Master Chief. In April 2002, he reported to VP-8, NAS Brunswick, Maine as the Command Master Chief. VP-8 deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily from February to August 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Additionally, VP-8 deployed to Japan from December 2004 to June 2005, a first for an east coast VP squadron since the mid 1980's. Master Chief Blackston started his current assignment as Command Master Chief of CPRW-11 in August 2005. Master Chief Blackston is a graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy (April 2000). He is a recipient of the 2003 Commander Naval Air Forces Leadership Award. His personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Navy Commendation (4 gold stars), and the Navy Achievement Medal, as well as various unit and campaign awards..." [12NOV2005]

BOARINI, Ed ed.boarini@crbard.com "...I was with VP-8 in the early 70's on Crew 10. I'd enjoy hearing from old crew members..." [27JUL2000]

BOWEN, Dave DnPBowen@aol.com "...I served VP-8 as the second mech on Crew 5 from August 1972 through August 1975. I would like to hear from the crew or any one else from that time period..." [17FEB2003]

BOWEN, CDR Kenneth J. II Shipmate Pix http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-40/cobio.html "...Commander Bowen, a native of South Carolina, graduated from Clemson University in 1986. He received his commission from AOCS in April 1987. Earning his wings as a Naval Aviator in June 1988, he was placed on the Commodore's List of Distinguished Graduates. Commander Bowen reported to VT-3 as a Selectively Retained Graduate (SERGRAD) Flight Instructor where he instructed students in primary and intermediate flight training. During his tour, he received every flight instructor qualification and received the coveted Red Max award for flight instructional excellence and earned his Masters Degree from Troy State University. From 1990 to 1993, Commander Bowen served with the "Fighting Tigers" of VP-8. He completed a split site deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia flying missions in Desert Storm. His next deployment was in the Caribbean theater conducting counter-narcotic operations in support of JTF-4. In 1993, Commander Bowen reported to the Commander, Naval Safety Center in Norfolk, Virginia where he served as Flag Lieutenant and personal aide to Rear Admirals Granuzzo and Mobley. His next assignment was onboard USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN 73) as V-2 Division Officer qualifying as Catapult/Arresting Gear Officer and Primary Flight Control Officer. He completed deployments to the Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf. Commander Bowen returned to the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance community joining VP-30 where he qualified as an FRS Instructor Pilot. There he served as the VP-30 Safety Officer and Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic Fleet Safety Officer. In 1998, he reported to "Tridents" of VP-26 deploying to the Mediterranean theater. He flew missions in Operations Deliberate Guard and Deliberate Forge. In addition, he served as Officer-in-Charge of the Patron NS Rota, Spain detachment. His second deployment with the "Tridents" was a split site deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. He served as Officer-in-Charge of Patron NAS Keflavik, Iceland. His other assignments with the "Tridents" included CTG Operations Officer in Caribbean theater and the squadron Operations Officer. In 2000, Commander Bowen reported to the Bureau of Naval Personnel in Millington, Tennessee where he served as the VP Air Combat Placement Officer. In 2002, he reported to VP-30, the MPRA FRS, in NAS Jacksonville, Florida as Executive Officer. In 2004, he reported to the "Fighting Marlins" of VP-40 as Executive Officer. Commander Bowen's decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (five awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various other campaign, service and unit awards..." [23APR2005]

BRANT, AW2 Mark mbrant@siu.edu "...Hey P-3 Bubbas. I've lost track of alot of you guys but still think of the good times in the "old navy." I'm at S. Il. University learning to sit in the front seat. (I had it so easy in the back!) I was in VP-56 and VP-8 while on active duty. I am now in VP-94 as a weekend warrior. Keep in touch!..." [25MAR98]

BRODERSEN, LCDR Henry H. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=599 "...LCDR Henry H. Brodersen, USN - NFL Number: 599 - Date of Birth: 5/29/1935 - Date In: 4/17/1957 - Date Out: 6/30/1978 - City, State: California, MD - School Attended: Univ of Maine - Aircraft Flown: T-28, SNJ-5, S-2/C-1, P2E, P-3A, P-3B, P-3C and P-3D - Ship or Unit: VP-8, FAW-6 and VXN-8 - Pilot Desg.: Naval Aviator - Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: Vietnam - Associations/Service Organizations: Nav Av Museum Fdn AOPA - Highest personal decoration or award: Air Medal - Significant Achievements: - 7,181 pilot hours. Served in or visited 36 countries in 21 years. In Memoriam? No..." [06DEC2005]

BROWN, AT1 (AW) Johnny P kc5wau@yahoo.com Shipmate Pix "...VP-30 January 1988 - June 1990. VP-8 June 1990 - October 1996. NRLFSD October 1996 - November 1999. VP-8November 1999..." WebSite: http://www.qsl.net/kc5wau [BIO Updated 20NOV99 | 11APR99]

BROWN, AOC Richard E. Retired RBP3ORION@aol.com "...Served in VP-30 '63 to '65, VP-56 in '53 to '56, and VP-8 in '58-'63. Would like to hear from anyone in these squadrons who remembers me at that time. Best wishes Shipmates..." [27FEB2000]

BROWN, Terry hdfat@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 94-97 as an AIMD AE2 insterment tec. Im looking for AE3 James Elliott. Any help would be greatfull..." [20DEC2000]

BROWN, AMS3 William C. william.brown29@verizon.net "...I served with VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine. I served with John Hodges, Chief McMillian and Smitty..." [01JUN2015]

BRUNNER, CAPTAIN Robert L."Bob" Retired rlbsr98@me.com "...I served with VP-8 (1970-1973), VP-66 (1973-1987), CO NR NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal (1987-1989), CO NRRU Naval Reserve Center Avoca, PA (1989-1994) and retired in 1994...." [07APR2014]

BRUNT, AMHAN Rob Van RVBRANGERS@AOL.COM "...I served in VP-8 from "89 to 92". I had the greatest time of my life and met friends I will remember till the day I die.These friends are some of the best people I have ever met..." [17AUG2000]

BRYAN, AWC Bill Retired goodroosterjunior@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-30 (1961), VP-45 (1962 to 1964 - Decommissioned the last P5M on the East Coast), VP-8 (1964 to 1966), VP-30 (1966 to 1969 - made Chief in 1969), VP-48 (1969 to 1974), VP-31 (1974 to 1977), and retired October 1. 1977. Moved back to home state of Virginia and stayed there for one year, then to Cedar Rapids, Iowa where I worked as a test tech for Rockwell International (the old Collins Radio Co - which was the primary HF radio used on P5's and P-3's). I got laid off from Rockwell in 1981, then worked as a Field Service Engineer for the Associated Press in Iowa for 7 years and back to Richmond, Virginia for one year. Left the AP in 1990 and did a variety of jobs for about 5 years, including a little woodworking shop where I made clocks for specialty orders and crafts shows. Moved to Tappahannock (on the Rappahannock River) in 1994, got divorced in 1999, remarried in 2001 and my wife and I live in Tappahannock, but not on the river anymore and we have a small business making custom caps and t-shirts. (We provide 5% of all orders from our VP-Navy web-site back to VP-Navy). Would love to hear from all former Shipmates. P5M's and P-3's were a big part of my life for many years..." WebSite: B & D Custom Caps & Tees http://www.vpnavy.com/luckydog.html [E-Mail Updated 04NOV2003 | BIO Updated 16JUL2003 | E-Mail Updated 18NOV2002 | E-Mail Updated 22MAY2002 | WebSite Updated 30DEC2000 | E-Mail Updated 11JAN99]

Memorial Picture "...BRYANT, Raymond Jr...My Father, Lcdr/Ret Raymond Bryant Jr. (VP-8, VP-45, and VP-48), went to be with The Lord on December 6, 2001. We wrote in his medicine book by his bedside "11:30AM Goodbye Dad We Love You, Linda, Susan, Paula, and Wanda." Thank you and God Bless all of You. Wanda Raye Bryant daughter #5 sound@albemarlenet.com..." [29JAN2002]

BRYANT, LCDR Raymond Jr. [Deceased) c/o Wanda (Raye) BRYANT, daughter #5 sound@albemarlenet.com "...My Dad passed away December 6, 2001. His career began as an enlisted sailor in 1948 at NAS Bermuda. He was ATC at Kansas and (I believe) he then was involved with PBY's. He was promoted to the Officer ranks in Texas where I was born. This was followed by flight training in Florida (where else) ;-). All his time was spent with at P3 stations. He served in San Diego 1960-1964, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1964-1967, NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1967, and retired in 1974. I remember names like Dave Stromberg and Jack Rennie. I would like Dad's friends to write him as he has had a massive stroke and I feel this may help. Additional Information Provided [22JUN98]: I found the pilot logs VP-45 10-17-47 TO 3-31-53, VP-8 4-23-53 TO 3-31-55, VP-48 6-26-61 TO 8-24-64, WSJ might be a "T" here (PAX-RIVER) 9-21-64 TO 7-31-67, FCPCLANT 8 8-67 TO RETIREMENT 1974...." [Updated 29JAN2002 | 20JUN98]

BRZEG, AW1 Victor vshoreline@netscape.net "...I served with VP-8 (1983-1988), VX-1 (1988-1991), VP-93 (1991-1993), VP-68 (1993-1995), VP-64 (1995-1999), and TSC-1173 (1999-2002). I was on LC-81 on 15FEB85 when it crashed in Rota Spain. I was in the starbord observer set when it crashed. A fellow Shipmate AW2 Philbrick was in the port observer seat. I could plainly see the #3 engine bounce over the wing.....what a ride. Drop a line some time..." [05DEC2002]

BUCKLEY, CDR James F. http://www.cpw5.navy.mil/vp8/xo.htm "...CDR Buckley was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated from Loyola University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He was commissioned an Ensign in November 1985 via Aviation Officer Candidate School. He began primary flight training in Milton, FL in January 1986 and was designated a Naval Aviator in November 1986. Upon completion of training at the east coast Fleet Replacement Squadron, he reported to the "Dragons" of VP-56 in May 1987. While attached to VP-56, he qualified as an Instructor Pilot and Mission Commander making deployments to NAS Bermuda, NAS Sigonella, Sicily and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. In October 1990, CDR Buckley reported to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron ONE (VX-1), NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. CDR Buckley was the Operational Test Director for the MK-50 Advanced Lightweight Torpedo and the AGM-65F Maverick Missile System. In February 1994, CDR Buckley reported aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), home-ported in San Diego CA. He served as a Catapult & Arresting Gear Officer ("Shooter") and Flight Deck Division Officer (V-1). Additionally, he qualified as a Conning Alongside and Command Duty Officer (Underway). 1996, he reported to VP-30, for FRS Instructor Pilot duty. He served as the Assistant Aviation Maintenance Officer and Aviation Maintenance Officer. CDR Buckley next reported to VP-16 in July 1997. During his department head tour he served as Tactics Officer, CTG Operations Officer, Officer-in-Charge of squadron detachment to Panama, and Maintenance Officer. He completed a tri-site deployment to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Keflavik, Iceland and Panama as well as a Mediterranean deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. In May 2000, CDR Buckley reported to Navy Personnel Command, Millington, TN where he served as the Special Assistant for Selection Board Matters. CDR Buckley reported as the Executive Officer, VP-8 in May 2003. His personal awards include Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Four), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (Three), and various other unit, service and campaign awards..." [19JUL2003]

BUGLER, Robert J. robert_rjb@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (02/1976-12/1979) TAD to NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD W/C 610 as Comm/Nav Technician, NAS Glenview, Illinois (01/1980-01/1983) AIMD W/C 610 as only Active Duty "I" Level AT and VP-23 (01/1983-12/1987) at NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD as a "I" Level Comm/Nav Technician. Back to AIMD W/C 610 as Comm/Nav Technician. Deployed to NAS Bermuda AIMD W/C 610 Comm/Nav, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, AIMD W/C 610 Comm/Nav, NS Rota, Spain AIMD W/C 610 Comm/Nav. Shore Duty West Coast NAS Moffett Field, California, NAMTRAGRU DET 1012 (03/1988-12/1991). MTS Instructor P-3 "I" Level Comm/Nav systems. "Meaningful Sea Duty Tour" Detailers words. USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) at Naval Base Norfolk (02/1992-09/1995). Assigned AIMD IM3 W/C 610 Comm/Nav Supervisor. 6 month Med Cruise 1992, and then Naval Ship Yard Philly for major overhaul. Was sent TAD to AIRLANT in Norfolk, VA to work on the Navy wide electronic MAF system for squadron maintenance and supply parts ordering. Later would be known as NALCOMIS. USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) at Naval Station Mayport, FL. after leaving Philly. I rejoined the Ship in Mayport and retired on board 09/29/1995..." [BIO Updated 09OCT2013 | 08OCT2013]

Memorial Picture "...BURKE, ADCS Donald K...My father, Donald K. Burke, passed away November 18, 2012. Dad served in the Navy for 28 years. He proudly served with VP-209, VPB-99, VPB-98, VPB-100, VPB-28, VW-4, VA-51, VA-44, VA-135, VA-15, HT-8, VP-44 and VP-8. I would love to hear from anyone that may have served with Dad..." Contributed by Donald Burke, Jr. donnieburke2@gmail.com [02JUN2017]

BURSHULIAK, Paul Retired pdbursh@comcast.net "...Attended Boot Camp (05/1977) in Orlando, FL, "A" School at NAS Millington, Tennessee, VP-30 (07/1977) P-3 FRAMP, VP-8 (10/1977-05/1982) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with a deployment to NAS Bermuda (01/1978), TAD to AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine Power Plants, VP-8 with deployment to NS Rota, Spain, AIMD NAS Pensacola, Florida in the J-85 Shop, VP-16 (1985) at NAS Jacksonville, Florida with deployments to NAS Bermuda and NAS Sigonella, Sicily, AIMD NAS Pensacola, Florida, T-34B NAVCRUITCOM (08/1989-03/1993), VS-31 (04/1993-03/1997)) at NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida with deployments aboard the USS George Washington (CVN-73) as squadron Safety Petty Officer (recieved the Naval Safety Center Award) and retired in March 1997 after 20 years of service..." [22SEP2012]

BUTLER, AT2 Bill p2tek@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 from late May 1959 to July 7th, 1961 at NAS Breezy Point (NAS Norfolk, Virginia). I was "First Tech" (AT2) on the crew of LC-5 P2V. I have a son who is now an ATCS with VAW-126 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia (he finally caught on with a tailhook outfit). Visit my website at http://p2tek.home.comcast.net/..." [BIO Updated 28AUG2005 | E-Mail Updated 21JUN2003 | E-Mail Updated 17FEB2002 | BIO Updated 06SEP2001 | E-Mail Updated 27FEB99 | Updated 03MAY98]

BUTTERFIELD, Walt Butter1942@aol.com "...I served in VP-84 from Dec 1941 to Oct 1943. I was serving in VP-16. My only other VP experience in VP's was in VP-8, from 48 to 50. The rest of my 20 was sent on "bird farms". I retired in Jan 59. I would really like to hear from anyone from those days who I might know..." [13FEB98]

BUTZER, Clay cnbbutzer@aol.com "...I received my wings in November 1953 and joined VP-8 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. Worked my way into a left seat job in July 1955. We deployed to the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR twice, and NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada along with the various north country bases. I finished my four years and went to the reserves in June 1556..." [26AUG2009]

BYRNE, LCDR Patrick J. (Pat/Pappy) Retired (Deceased)c/o His Nephew SHCS John Landy navyy8@yahoo.com "...My uncle was born March 18, 1896 in Dover, NJ. He entered the service Dec. 14, 1917 in Oceanic, NJ. Entered flight training Jan. 25, 1920 with the rate of ACMM. Designated NAP Oct. 1, 1920. Promoted to CPO/Master sergeant April 1919. Designated naval aviator November 1928 #3442. Shore duty: December 17-May 1918 Machinist Mate School, NAS Pensacola, Floridaand NAS Hampton Roads; May 191 8-February 1919, East Pier Patrol Sqd. NAS Hampton Roads; January 1920-October 1922, NAS Pensacola, Florida; June 1926-October 1928, NAS Hampton Roads; August 1930-January 1931, VS-10 NAS Norfolk, Virginia; August 1943-May 1946, VRF-4 and VRF-l NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York; May 1946-May 1954, VRF-31, NAS Norfolk, Virginia; June 1954-March 1958, NAS Lakehurst. Sea duty: February 1919-January 1920, Scout­ing and Patrol Squadron, NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; October 1922-October 1924, USS Wright (AV-1), NavyYard, Philadelphia; October 1924-February 1925, USS Langley I (AV-3), NAS San Diego; February 1925-April 1925, VS-2 NAS Norfolk, Virginia and Annapolis, MD; April 1925-November 1925, USS Richmond, Portsmouth, VA; March 1926-May 1926, USS Trenton, Portsmouth, VA; October 1928-August 1930, USS Wyoming, Norfolk, VA; January 1931-August 1931, USS Au­gusta, Norfolk, VA; September 1931-October 1935, VP-2F, NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone; November 1935-May 1941, VP-14F and VP-52, NAS Norfolk, Virginia; May 1941-February 1942, VP-72F NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada; March 1942-August 1943, R-I, VP-6 and VP-8 NAS Norfolk, Virginia. He was awarded the Legion of Merit, Good Conduct, African European Medal, World War II Vic­tory Medal, American Defense, Asiatic-Pacific Cam­paign, New Jersey State Medal World War I. Byrne retired March 31, 1958 with the rank of lieutenant commander. He had 20,000 military flight hours and 3,000 civilian hours. Pat Byrne, definitely the legendary flying mari­ner with his early entry into aviation, 40 plus years in the naval aviation service and 23,000 flight hours. Pat had over two and one half years experience on aviation matters, mainly aviation engines, prior to his entrance into the U.S. Navy. His first experience was on a Burgess Dunne Seaplane, privately owned by General Howard S. Borden of Oceanic, NJ, now known as Rumson, NJ. Pat died Nov.23, 1979. He was married to Mar­garet. I would love to hear from anyone that knew him. Thanks..." [14OCT2001]

CAEFER, Bill wrcaefer@aol.com "...I was in VP-8 1951 to 54. Served at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco..." [04SEP2000]

CALLINA, Peter J. talespins@aol.com "...I was in VP-8 during the Cuban Missile problem. Also VP-31 at NAS Moffett Field, California 62 to 67. Enjoyed the VP pages. Does anyone know where Joe Generioux is?..." [26FEB99]

CAMPBELL, David davidcampbell0614@att.net "...I served with VP-8 from 1977 to 1980..." [10JUN2011]

CAMPBELL, AFCM James E. (Blackie) [Deceased] C/O His Wife Mrs. James E. Campbell ludashc@peoplepc.com "...I am the widow of AFCM James E. (Blackie) Campbell who was assigned to VW-15 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1956-1959, VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1963-1966, VP-46 at NAS Moffett Field, California from 1969-1973, and finished his Navy Career after 30 years in VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. I was truly a Navy wife and followed him to all assignments except for deployments overseas. We both made many dear friends and I would like to hear from anyone who remembers him. He is listed on the Navy Log webpage with picture if you care to refresh your memory. I miss him so and would like to share memories..." [16MAR2002]

CARIGNAN, AW2 Alan M. Shipmate Pix http://homepage.myeastern.com/~carignan/military.htm "... I remember some of the crew who are listed as perished in 1977. Funny how memories fail you. I reported to VP-8 in Feb of 78. The day before the famous blizzard of "78". We left for a split deployment to NAS Bermuda / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal with NAS Brunswick, Maine loaded with snow. Only a few weeks after we returned from deployment, a flight crashed. AWan Jim Piepkorn & Aw Paul Schultz were both new to the squadron then..." [02DEC2005]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 18AUG2003 | 11AUG2000]

CARLEY, PR James james.carley@yahoo.com "...I served as a PR in VP-8 from 1992 to 1995 and VP-5 (CPRW-11) from 2002 to 2005. I just couldn't get out of those big birds. I loved them. I also did my other time in S-3's VS-21 from 1987 to 1992 and VS-22 from 1998 to 2002. I sure did hate seeing that plane lose AW's and its most vital ASW mission to become nothing but a long range tanker but it's the best plane the Navy ever purchased. It will be a sad day when the last one goes to the Boneyard here in the near future..." [04JAN2008]

CASEY, AMH5 Kevin kevcasey36@yahoo.com "...I was an AMH5 FE on the P-3 with VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine. We deployed once to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and twice to NAS Sigonella, Sicily. I had a great crew would like to hear from former Shipmates. I served in the Navy from 1993 to 1998. I have a lot of good memories. Hope all is well for all. God Bless to all that still serve..." [26OCT2007]

CAULK, AW1 Chuck Retired BELLSMOKEY@AOL.COM "...I served with VP-8 as a SS1 Operator from 1986-1989 on Crews 10 and 11. I had a good time in NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I retired early in 1995 and am now a Florida State Trooper. I liked P-3's but my first love is rotary wing aviation. Good Luck to all..." [17JAN2001]

CEBULSKI, AMS2 Rod r.cebulski@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-8 from October 1974 to July 1977. I worked in the Airframes shop for Chief Roy Homblad. Looking for Don Holmes..." [E-Mail Updated 29APR2011 | 07JAN2002]

CHAPMAN, AK1 Rodney D. dublin98@earthlink.net "...I was an AK1 attached to VP-8 from October 1969 until July 1971. Arrived from Viet Nam (FASU/NSA DaNang, Republic of Vietnam). Did deployments to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR (Springboard January 1970) and two to NAS Bermuda, before departing to Pensacola area. Lots of fond memories, and some not so fond). Does anyone remember the "horse-shoe pits" i and AMS Frank Gruver VP-24 made in base housing? We had sailors coming out of the woodwork when they heard the "clang". Feel free to contact me..." [24JUL2006]

CHEYER, John jpcheyer@hotmail.com "...Served with VP-8 from December 1956 to January 1960 as a 2nd mechanic and Plane Captain. Love to hear from other members of LC 5 (128361)and(131410) such as Lt.Jg. McArdle, Lt.Jg. Kramer, Al Kres, Duke Snyder, Cliff Puckett. Other names escape me. Tour included Quanset, Chincoteague and Norfolk..." [14FEB2000]

CHIARAVALLE, Tony tonychiaravalleatmsn.com "...I went to VP-8 from boot camp in Jan 1956 until discharge in Oct 1959. I went back to the military after 1 1/2 yrs and retired in 1983. I would like to here from anyone that was in VP-8 during the same time as me..." [17JUL2001]

CINTORINO, Pete pcinjori@suffolk.lib.ny.us "...Hello to all the old flying Tigers of VP-8 (66-69). What great memories from those years. R&R at Pakizan Falls, leaving the EM Club in perpetaul daylight in NAS Keflavik, Iceland, taking off in during a white out from NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, spring break week in NAS Bermuda, the great crab feasts at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Let's hear from some of you!..." [18MAY98]

CHARNOCK, Wade wcharnock@aol.com "...Served with VP-8 from 1987 to 1993. I met a bunch of folks and I am looking for one crazy Lt. Holt Andrew. He may be in the Reserves???? I also was at COMPATWINGSLANT for a year and then serve at CPW-5 from May 1994 through August 1996. Hey you taters...send some emails. I am currently attached to Bureau of Naval Personnel in Millington on 6 months of ADSW orders. God Bless, I am working toward the Chaplain Candidacy program and am in Seminary now as a part-time student..." [16DEC99]

CHILDERS, AT1 Dave Retired p3abcift@aol.com "...I served with VP-31 (Radio Operator School) 1971, VP-40 from May 1971 to August 1972, VP-8 from July 1976 to August 1978, VP-90 from January 1979 to April 1982, VP-92 from April 1982 to September 1983, VP-30 from September 1983 to May 1984 (IFT School P-3C), VP-MAU from May 1984 to May 1988, VP-92 from May 1988 to December 1992 and Retired December 31, 1992. I worked at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland as a Senior Logistics Analyst on T-39N Program with KETRON and currently retired and living in St. Louis area. Who, out there, remembers making it rain in Okinawa- (1971/1972 Crew 5 BUNO 154586)?..." [BIO Updated 05FEB2007 | E-Mail Updated 05SEP2001 | E-Mail Updated 15OCT98]

CLARK, AE2(AW) David DaveClark01@cs.com "...I was an AE2(AW) and served with VP-44, NAS Brunswick, Maine, VP-8, and NAWC Pax River. I was also a Flight Engineer with VP-8 and NAWC. Flew with CAC-9, and CAC-7 during the Gulf War. I am looking for any old Shipmates for a possible Reunion..." [19SEP2001]

CLARK, AEC James E. Jr. Retired aec1989@gmail.com "...I served with VP-10, VP-26, VP-11, VP-30 and VP-8. A long and wonderful career in the VP Community (1972-1992)..." [E-Mail Updated 12MAR2017 | E-Mail Updated 21MAR2006 | E-Mail Updated 29SEP2002 | E-Mail Updated 21MAR2000 | Updated 24JAN98]

CLARKE, AMS2(AW)/(F/E) Steven E. clarke50000@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1982 until 1986. I worked in Airframes and Maintenance then transitioned to a flying 2nd Mech. I also served with VP-9 and VP-31 NAS Moffett Field, California..." [17SEP2008]

CLOW, Gordon (Gordy) ghclow@home.com "...I served in VP-8 from August 1965 to July 1968 as TACCO for CAC-10. Deployments included NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Bermuda and the Phillipines. Had some great times flying and carousing. Would like to hear from any "tigers" from that era..." [23DEC2000]

CLUNAN, AT1 James A. clunanjames8@gmail.com "...I served with FASRON-117 (1951-1953) at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii with a detachment to NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (PBM) and Dillingham gun range. A few Shipmate names are AO1 Krebs, AT2 Kaphammer, AOAN Heifner, AO3 Fox and AOAN Carson. I left the Navy in July 1953 and re-enlisted in 1961 and reported to AEWBarRonPac (1961-12/1964) and loved flying the "Willy Victors," AT "A" School Instructor (1968), VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (Shop Supervisor) and a deployment to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Memphis, Tennessee (1970) as an Instructor, VA-34 (1973) and VT-7 (1978). I retired from Litton Industries in 1995 the U. S. Census Bureau in 2010. Now looking for new career!..." [22JUL2011]

COHEN, Larry bjcldc@comcast.net "...I was Plane Captain on P2V-5s, Crew 12, VP-8 from 1960 to May of 1962. Looking for any crew members to talk old times. Pilot was LT Kramer. Would like to hear from Ralph Papa. I see a picture of one of our planes was submitted by him. How time has flown..." [29MAR2003]

COLE, Ray RCole210@worldnet.att.net "...I served with VP-8 in 1955, VP-19 in 1959-60...both short 1yr or less tours but the most memorable..."

COLLEY, Craig 71063.1147@compuserve.com "...Hey Tigers...VP-8, 78-81, VP-91, 83-86, USS Ranger/Connie, 86-94(ret). Still good to hear the LC call sign when flying. Now flying big jets for Continental..." [02APR99]

Memorial Picture "...CONVILLE, ARM2 William J...My Dad, ARM2 William J. Conville, passed away when I was 9 years old. Dad served from April 1943 to December 1945 and was a Reservist. According to his Discharge Certificate he went to boot camp at Great Lakes and school at NAS Memphis, Tennessee and then served with VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and finally with VP-2. I would like to hear from any of Dad's former Shipmates..." Contributed by Michael W. Conville jafo8597@netscape.net [20FEB2011]

COOK, Randy Seven randycook503@yahoo.com "...Began Flight Engineer training on CAC-1 Captain Robert Fey's (crew "Delta Captain on 767-400") as AD-1 Ron Dodson's trainee. He was my big bother and roomate and alternate Natops IFE for Brian Attara - Squadron Natops instructor Instructor. Lt Fey was the Natops IP. Brian eventually became CNAL avaluatot and Ron was his alternate. I was lead and inspired a taught by the very best Orion IFE's know to mankind. My second crew was withMike Albright - Great man = he was family to me and he was a Natops IP when I was on his crew. Eric Wieman - was my third crew leader and Natops pilot and I was his Natops IFE. No man was braver or charged harder then now Captain Wieman - Skipper Rocy Gmeiner was or USNTPS grad skipper. Flew many PPC check rides with him - caring for his men. Admiral Ryan was my first skipper in VP-11. He is the Preseident of the CCL - Center of Creative Leadership - Worlds finest leader on earth. VX-1 was my next command - served as Natops office LPO, for Jerry Hyde, Mike Braun, and Peter Gamble. I was a SMILS flight engineer for CDR Stephen Mulloy - His welfare is my miision in life!!! After 5 weeks of class 9010 EOD leader, I reported to VP-8 as ab IFE and deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and Jeddah. On weekends I was a artic weather sea urchin diver during winter months in Maine diving 5 tanks a day solo in 20 degrees weather wit ha lobsterman. Summer weekends was a lobsterman's mate. After LBP injury, I became a PAO rep in NAS Brunswick, Maine and participated in 33 airshows and a jamboree. Awarded Navy Commendation medal for VIP visits, and two POTUS events. Hosted 5,000 base guests and earned 25 LOA's and nominated for Joshua Chamberlain award. Last civilian jobs was at NRL, Force Warfare/VX-20, and USNTPS. Hooyah Shipand mates of the wing. AD-1, 8251, NAC, EAWS, SERE grad, A-7E Plane Captain, Troubleshooter final checker on USS America, and USS Kitty Hawk. Worn all colors of flt deck jersy's - Rainbow Man, - Man of the non-slid steel beach bird farm..." [09SEP2015]

COOLEY, Tim tmc165@woh.rr.com "...VP-4 1978-1980, VP-4 Special Projects 1980-1981, VP-8 1985-1991, CPW-5 1991-1994, VP-11 1994-1996, VP-10 1996-1999..." [28FEB2007]

COLLIN, AD2 David III david_collin@acaicorp.com "...I served in VP-8 from 1988 to 1993. Worked in the powerplants shop. Made 3 deployments and countless dets. NAS Keflavik, Iceland in 1988-1989, NAS Sigonella, Sicily/Jedda in 1990-1991, and finally NS Roosevelt Roads, PR 1992. Made countless friends with whom i've lost contact with all. I would like to hear from you all. Fair winds and following seas to all..." [03JUN2002]

Memorial Picture "...COLLINS ADJC Donald...My cousin and fellow VP-8 Shipmate, Donald Collins, ADJC (RET) died at his home in Pleasent Grove, Arkansas on July 14. He was a flight engineer in VP-8 when I joined the Navy in 1969, and helped me get orders to VP-8 in 1970. I don't remember what crew he was on. His carreer overlapped with both my father, ADRC Richard (N) Decker, a WWII, Korea and early Vietnam vetern of the VP Navy (PBY, PB4Y-2, MARS Boats and S2F's in the VS community)and my own...Terry A. Decker jadecker@yahoo.com..." [21JUL2005]

CONNELLY, CAPTAIN Robert J. "Jeff" http://www.pmrf.navy.mil/co.html "...Commanding Officer - Pacific Missile Range Facility - A native of Montclair, New Jersey, Captain Connelly graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and was commissioned an Ensign in June 1976. In November 1977, he was designated a Naval Aviator. Upon completion of his initial P-3C Orion training at VP-31, he was assigned to VP-48 from June 1978 to June 1981 completing three Western Pacific deployments during his tour. Captain Connelly served on the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) staff from 1981 to 1984 as the Electronic Warfare Programs Analyst in the Systems Analysis Division and as Staff Assistant to the Director, Naval Warfare. During this tour, he received a Master of Arts degree in Government from Georgetown University. In September 1984, Captain Connelly reported as the Assistant Navigator in USS MIDWAY (CV 41) homeported in Yokosuka, Japan. He next served as Assistant Maintenance and Administrative Officers in VP-31 from May 1986 to October 1987. In December 1987, Captain Connelly reported to VP-8 where he completed deployments to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Keflavik, Iceland while serving as Safety Officer, Training Officer and Operations Officer. Assigned to OPNAV from January 1990 to August 1991, he served as Assistant Branch Head of the Western Hemisphere Plans and Policy Branch within the Politico-Military Policy and Current Plans Division. Additionally, he was assigned as the Assistant Branch Head of the East Asia/Pacific Branch and Lead Action Officer for the Philippine Base Re-negotiations. He concluded his tour by serving as Aide and Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Plans, Policy and Operations) during Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. Captain Connelly completed a one-year assignment as a National Security Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. In September 1992, he reported to VP-47 as Executive Officer and assumed command one year later following the squadron's relocation from NAS Moffett Field, California to NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. Captain Connelly reported to the United States Pacific Fleet staff at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in September 1994 as the Maritime Aviation Operations Officer. From August 1996 to February 2000, he completed consecutive Executive Officer tours and deployments in USS INCHON (MCS 12), USS ESSEX (LHD 2), and USS BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD 6). Captain Connelly assumed duties as Commanding Officer in USS BONHOMME RICHARD in April 2000 until relinquishing command in September 2001. His next assignment, as Commander, Amphibious Squadron THREE and the BONHOMME RICHARD Amphibious Ready Group, commenced in December 2001 while deployed in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF). During this assignment, he headed two U.S. Navy and Coalition Task Forces comprised of twenty-three combatant, amphibious, and logistics support ships engaged simultaneously in combat, maritime interception, intelligence collection, and support operations in Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa. Captain Connelly relinquished command of Amphibious Squadron THREE in September 2002 and assumed duties in January 2003 as the Commanding Officer, Pacific Missile Range Facility, located on the island of Kaua'i in Hawaii. Captain Connelly's personal awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit (with one gold star), the Meritorious Service Medal (with three gold stars), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with four gold stars), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various other campaign and service awards..." [25JUN2003]

Memorial Picture "...CORNETT, CAPTAIN Charles S. Chuck Retired...Dad passed away on June 25,2004. Please feel free to contact me if you wish...LCDR Katharine J. Ray, Retired kjray1@charter.net...Commissioned under Seaman to Admiral Program in 1956. Served in VP-42 NAS North Island, San Diego, California from 1958 until 1962. PPC of Crews 4 & 10 and Line Division Officer. Served as Navigator, USS Salisbury Sound (AV13), NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, 1965 until decommissioning in 1967. VP-8 from 1967 until 1970 as Maintenance Officer and PPC Crew 6. 1970 until May 1971 ASW Officer, ComPatWingsLant. 1971-1972 Admin Officer, FAW-11 NAS Jacksonville, Florida. 1973-1974 XO/CO VP-56 NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Retired June 1 as XO NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Currently residing in Gulf Breeze, Florida and volunteering as Tour Guide at Museum of Naval Aviation..." [Decease Update 29JAN2005 } BIO/E-Mail Updated 20JUL2002 | 30APR98]

CORRADI, John corradis@earthlink.net "...I served with VP-8 Crew 2 1964-1967. Those were great years. The airplane was brand new; we had great skippers, great enlisted men, and decent officers. I was fortunate enough to make PPC (Patrol Plane Commander) early on, and was in fact the youngest PPC in the Navy at the time. Also had the good luck to somehow get checked out as an acceptance check pilot, and used to go out to Burbank to pick up new P-3's and fly 'em home to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I remember setting an altitude record of 33,900 feet on one such flight, only to have our NATOPS officer, LCDR Steve Sloane remind me that the airplane was restricted to FL290. Oh well...somehow that (unofficial) record made it to the 'Wings' program on the P-3! I Just retired from United Airlines after 35 years, the last five flying the magnificent Boeing 777. Still married to my high-school sweetheart, Maggie. Occasionally see Shipmates Floyd and Pat McGraw, ADM Bill & Cathie Tinston, and recently attended the swearing-in of Thomas F. Hall as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. I still fly my Waco UPF-7 in The Flying Circus http://www.flyingcircusairshow.com/ and would enjoy hearing from former Shipmates..." WebSite: http://www.blueridgebiplanes.com// [23DEC2002]

COTTON, CAPTAIN Lawrence S. Jr. http://www.cnrse.navy.mil/Leadership/cnrse_chief_of_staff.htm "...Captain Lawrence S. Cotton, Jr., was designated a Naval Flight Officer in August 1977. Captain Cotton reported for duty to VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine, in January 1978, deploying to NAS Bermuda, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NS Rota, Spain. In January 1981, he reported to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, where he was the Action Officer responsible for Northern Europe and the United Kingdom. Captain Cotton attended the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, from January 1983 to June 1984, where he received a Master of Arts degree in National Security Affairs. He reported to USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65) in September 1984, as the Operations Administrative officer, serving also as a Tactical Action Officer (TAO), and deploying to the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea. Captain Cotton reported to the Naval War College at Newport, Rhode Island, in November 1986, where he attended the College of Naval Command and Staff and was the U.S. student at the Naval Staff College, graduating with distinction in December 1987. Reported to VP-45 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, in June 1988, and served as the Tactics Officer and Operations Officer, deploying to NAS Bermuda for the first deployment of the P-3C Update III aircraft in the Atlantic theater. Reported to the staff of Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic, as the Tactics Officer in May 1990. Reported to VP-5 as the Executive Officer in July 1991, and assumed the duties of Commanding Officer in July 1992. During his tenure, the squadron deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and earned the Arnold J. Isbell Trophy for Antisubmarine Warfare Excellence and the Battle Efficiency Award. Captain Cotton reported to the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington, in July 1993, as the Country Director for Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya. He served as the Chief of Staff, Commander Maritime Surveillance and Reconnaissance Forces U.S. SIXTHFLT (CTF-67) from July 1997 to August 1999 and participated in Operations NOBLE ANVIL and ALLIED FORCE, Kosovo operations. Subsequently, he reported to Commander, Task Force 84 as the Chief of Staff where he served from September 1999 to June 2000, and then guided NAS Key West, Florida as that installation's commanding officer from July 2000 through July 2003. In August 2003 he reported as Chief of Staff for Commander, Navy Region Southeast. Captain Cotton's awards include the Legion of Merit (2 awards), Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal with two Gold Stars, the Navy Achievement Medal, the Navy Expeditionary Medal, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and various unit ribbons..." [14FEB2005]

COTTRELL, Bob ynccottrell@cs.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1980 to 1984. Would love to hear from old Shipmates..." [01JUL2002]

CRAWFORD, AD3 Sylvester "Sl" crawfordtx@tx.rr.com "...I served with VP-8 (1954-1957) at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island with a deployment to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. I flew with CDR (XO) W. E. Thomas..." [E-Mail Updated 24APR2011 | E-Mail Updated 24NOV2010 | 30JAN2009]

CRUM, Harold tiohal@hotmail.com "...I joined VP-8 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island in 1958 as a AOTAA (airman apprintance) and left the squadron in Dec. 1960 as a AO2. I have many fond memories. VP-8 was one of the best if not the best squadron. I was a crewmember on LC-2 which was re-numbered LC-7 and flew with the XO and Skipper (Cdr. Hoserikher SP?) when he took command. I would like to hear from anyone..." [20MAY99]

CUFFE, ADJ2 Brian T. btc58sw@sbcglobal.net "...I was stationed with VP-4 from 1977-1979, left there after a tour in the Philippines (had a blast)and went to VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. Made a deployment to NS Rota, Spain and the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Anyone hear from Jeff Booze, Brian Marcheter or Phil Cavanaugh?. Changed my rate to Machinest Mate in 1984 and sailed around for a few deployments to the gulf and such. I did miss the airdale service though! My nickname on board ship was Captain Airdale, go figure. I got out of the Navy in 1992 (took the early out) as a Machinest Mate 1st Class. Would like to hear from anyone from our time, give me a buzz on the e-mail..." [27FEB2007]

CURRAN, AW1 Jim Retired redsox04jam@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1979 to 1981, VP-SAU at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts from 1982 to 1988, Naval Air Reserve Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Training Center (RATCEN) at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (Ops and Instructor duties) from 1988 to 1993, VP-64 (Ops and Training) from 1993 to 1998 and back at RATCEN in the Sims Department. Spent to many years at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania..." [E-Mail Updated 04MAY2011 | 23SEP2002]

DALEY, Bill bill.daley@lmco.com "...Really enjoyed reading about all of the VP Squadrons, especially VP-8. I was in VP-8 from early 1959 to Sept. 1961 and was part of the 10 crew. I was an Electronics Technician and operated most of the ASW equipment. It brought back lots of memories seeing the picture of the P2V flying over the submarine. I was in the front of the plane that day ( Bow I guess ) operating the MAD gear. Have that picture at home in the Family Room. Thanks for the memories. It would be great to make contact with anyone who was on Crew 10, or anyone who was in the squadron during those years. When I left the Navy in early Sept. 1961, I was on my way to College at the U. of Illinois and lost contact with the crew. I heard that some months later, after the squadron have changed from P2V's to P-3's that an accident occurred out over the Atlantic on a training excercise. I heard it was the 10 Crew, many of whom had been extended due to the Berlin Wall Crises. Sure would like some confirmation on that. Again, thanks for the memories... Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season..." [30NOV98]

DAILEY, Dennis addicksair@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 as Blackshoe Radio Operator from 1967 to 1969. Looking for Richard Reed..." [01FEB2008]

DANE, AT2 Bill billdane@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1984 to 1988 as AT2 assigned to Workcenter 210 tron shop. I'd like to comment on the incident with VP-8's LC-81 in NS Rota, Spain on February 15th, 1985. It was absolutely BUNO: 161338. BUNO 131526 (P-2 Neptune) wasn't assigned to VP-8 during that period. BTW, the BUNO’s were 161338, 161339, 161340 (LC81-83), and 161404 – 161409 (LC84-89)..." [BIO Updated 02MAY2023 | 17APR2009]

DAVIS, AVCM Herb Retired lefturnfan@megalink.net "...I served with VP-23 from 1992 thru "The Final Stand", NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD from 1989 to 1992 and VP-8 from 1981 to 1989. Still living in Maine and working as a Retail Hardware Manager (still enjoy the working with people environment). Have kept up with many, but have lost touch with more. Hope your travels have been rewarding and your futures full filling! Miss you all, you created some great comradary and spirit; with your enthusiasim and attitude. Thank You, drop me a line if you have a chance, would like to know how you've ...kept going and going..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 23MAR2008 | 10NOV98]

DeANGELIS, PN2 Joe joedeangelis1000@yahoo.com "...VP-8 - December 1977 - June 1981..." [20APR2005]

DEKKER, LCDR Donald G. Retired dekkerdo@msu.edu "...I entered the Navy in 1981, earned my commission through AOCS in 1982. I was designated a Naval Flight Officer in 1983. I served with VP-8 ('84-'87) deploying to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. I was on CAC's 1, 10, 4 and 2. I served with VP-93 ('89-'92) deploying to NS Rota, Spain, NAS Bermuda and the Carribean. I was on CAC 2. I served with VP-66 ('95-'97) flying the EP-3J's. We made detachments to NAS Agana, Guam, Hawaii, East & West coast. I transfered to CPRW-5 in NAS Brunswick, Maine where I retired in 2001 from NAR Brunswick. Currently working for the US Forest Service in Minnesota. Would love to hear from any old Shipmates..." [18SEP2010]

DeLANY, David C. delgeo@infoblvd.net "...I served with VP-8 from 1970-1973 as a Communications Yeoman 3. Two deployments to sunny NAS Bermuda and home port in snowy NAS Brunswick, Maine. Looking for old Shipmates. Feel free to e-mail. GO FLYING TIGERS!..." [08JAN98]

DeLOACH, Ed deloach1285@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 for 4 years from 1989 to 1993. I would like to here from some old friends if your on the site. I was an AO and was in Saudi from December 1990 till February 1991. I was on CAC-1..." [E-Mail Updated 21OCT2003 | 02DEC2000]

DESCHENES, ABH2 Ronnie Abh2vp8@aol.com "...I was VP-8's line branch LPO from later 1982-early 1984. During that time we won many Betsy Wwards (sorry VP-10!) and a Battle-E. I joined VP-8 as an AA and left ABH-2. The people, the place, the experience were wonderful! Good to see so many Shipmates in contact. Still. God Bless America..." [19SEP2001]

DEVLIN, Tosha Branham toshabranham@yahoo.com "...I have served in 2 VP squadrons plus an E2/C2 squadron and a H46 squadron. I served in VP-5 from DEC 99 - MAY 02 and VP-30 from Sep 02 to FEB 03. I will be however transitioning to another VP squadron VP-8 at the end of the year..." [12APR2005]

DEY, AMH3 Tim patimdey@sbcglobal.net "...I served aboard NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal (1963-1964) and VP-8 (1964-1967) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [28FEB2012]

DIAMOND, Marvin H. MHD82998@AOL.COM "...I served with VP-8 from May 1953 to November 1955. I went to VP in the Reserves at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania and then NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts. Eventually I transferred to VR because of my airline background. I would like to locate one of my squadron mates by the name of William "Bill" Struewing from Webb City, Missouri and Lester (n) Rushing..." [26JAN2003]

DIAMOND, CDR Marvin H. Retired MHD82998@AOL.COM "...I served with VP-8 from June 1953 TO November 1955..." [18DEC2001]

DiCENSO, AECS Douglas R. Retired aecsd@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (04/1970-05/1973), NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VAW-124 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, VAW-121 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia. NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee, HM-14 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, VAW-120 and retired after 23 years..." [25JUN2013]

DICKINSON, AOC Laurel Retired beanbely@mint.net "...I was assigned to VP-8 in February 1957 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, later in Chincoteage and then to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. June 1960 VP-30 NAS Jacksonville, Florida (Plankowner), June 1962 VP-11 NAS Brunswick, Maine, February 1968 NAMTRADET 1012 NAS Moffett Field, California, VP-46 NAS Moffett Field, California, and then home to Maine in 1972. I would love to hear from any and all former Shipmates. I have been searching for information and whereabouts of Ray Starkey. He served on the line crew of VP-8 the late 50's..." [24AUG99]

DiJOSEPH, Pat SR pdjddj@strato.net "...I served with VP 8 1964/65 AX 3 crew 6 A/C Thanks to Pappy Beals Learned all about my crew station. Radar ,Julie, Mad, ECM, lest we forget Sniffer. I believe our Crew had the first Gray P-3 in the fleet. We named her spooky Painted a ghost on her. I have a crew Picture that shows it clearly on the planes side. Crew, if memory serves me, are PPC Lt.Cmd Thomas, enlisted ADR1 Hamilton, AX 1 Beals, ADJ3 Stiffler, AO3 Hess, AX3..." [17MAR99]

DISHMAN, CDR Robert B. http://www.cpw5.navy.mil/vp8/co.htm "...Raised in Baltimore, Maryland, Commander Robert B. Dishman attended the United States Naval Academy, graduating in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering while playing varsity baseball. He commenced flight training and received his wings of gold in August 1987. His first operational assignment was to VP-5 stationed at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. While assigned to VP-5, he achieved designation as Patrol Plane Commander, Mission Commander and Instructor Pilot and participated in deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, Italy, NAS Bermuda, and split site NS Rota, Spain / Souda Bay, Crete during Desert Storm. In 1991, Commander Dishman was selected for the Naval Test Pilot School Cooperative Program. After completing an accelerated Aeronautical Engineering Master's program at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, he reported to the Naval Test Pilot School in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. While assigned to Test Pilot School, he flew over 20 different aircraft and received recognition for his final project on the Mirage 2000. Commander Dishman reported to the Naval Force Aircraft Test Squadron (VX-20) in 1993 as a Project Officer, NATOPS Officer and Quality Assurance Officer. During this tour, he was selected as Test Pilot of the Year in 1995. He returned to NAS Jacksonville, Florida in 1996 for duty with VP-45. During his tenure as Maintenance Officer, the squadron received the "Golden Wrench" Award. In July, 1998, Commander Dishman reported aboard the USS Coronado (AGF-11) for duty on Commander, THIRD Fleet staff. During this tour, Commander Dishman qualified as Battle Watch Captain and assisted in the development of the Web Centric ASW Network. In February 2000, Commander Dishman reported to the Fleet Replacement Squadron (VP-30), NAS Jacksonville, Florida and assumed the duties as the P-3 Fleet NATOPS Evaluator. Commander Dishman was subsequently selected for operational command and reported as the Executive Officer for VP-8 in May 2001 and is now Commanding Officer of VP-8. Commander Dishman's awards include the Air Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three awards), the Naval and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (two awards) and other unit citations..." [19JUL2003]

DOBING, ADCS Frank Retired frank2700@gmail.com "...I served with VP-931, VP-57, VP-8, VP-30, VP-5, VT-29 and then I retired. I went on to a second very rewarding career as an Aviation Safety Inspector with the FAA (Flight Standards Division) and retired January 2001. There is quite a large number of VP retirees in this area of south central Texas..." [E-Mail Updated 18JAN2009 | Updated E-Mail/BIO 13MAR2001 | 18AUG98]

DOEMPKE, Gerry doempke-g@verizon.net "...VP-40 Fighting Marlins 71-74 (NAS Moffett Field, California, NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan, NAS Iwakuni, Japan, NAF Misawa, Japan), DIA (WashDC) 74-77, NAS Keflavik, Iceland 77-79, NAVAIR (WashDC) 79-81, VP-8 Tigers (NAS Brunswick, Maine, NAS Bermuda, NAS Sigonella, Sicily) 81-84, NAVAIR (WashDC) 84-87, CIVLANT (WashDC) 87-present. If the concept of flying a mission, while hauling giant sea shells back from Guam for the Naha ASWOC sounds familiar, stay in touch. Old WESTPAC P-3 Sky Pirates are a vanishing breed..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 17JUN2005 | 27JUL99]

DOOLEY, Gary M. (Tom) gdooley1@chartertn.net "...I was pleased to find the VP-8 Alumni Association. I would like to hear from any Shipmates 1966-1968. ( NS Sangley Point, Philippines, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, and NAS Bermuda)..." [E-Mail Updated 10AUG2005 | E-Mail Updated 05MAR2001 | 16JUL98]

DOUGLAS, Cliff cliffdouglas@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (Pilot) from 1967-1970 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [14OCT2010]

DOYLE, CAPTAIN Thurlow Gray (Deceased) c/o His Son Thomas Doyle tmdoyle4@earthlink.net "...14SEP30 Enlisted in the U. S. Naval Reserve, 21NOV39 Appointed Aviation Cadet, 27AUG40 Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve, 15APR42 LT(jg), 01OCT42 LT, 28JAN43 Augmented in the U. S. Navy, 10JUL45 LCDR, 01JAN51 CDR, 01JUL59 CAPTAIN, 01JUL65 Transferred to the Retired List, and 06SEP70 Deceased. Assignments: Naval Air Basic Training Command (Student) NAS Pensacola, Florida SEP39 through OCT39, Naval Air Basic Training Command (Student) NAS Pensacola, Florida NOV39 through AUG40, VP-14 (Naval Aviator) from AUG40 through JAN43, VPB-102 (Naval Aviator) from JAN43 through NOV43, FAW-14 (Flight/Training Officer) from NOV43 through AUG44, and Naval Auxiliary Air Station NAS Jacksonville, Florida (Flight Officer) from AUG 44 through NOV 44, NAS Miami, FL (Chief Flight Instructor) from NOV 44 through JAN46, USS SUISUN (AVP-53) (Executive Officer) from JAN46 through JUN47, Naval School (General Line), Newport, RI (Student) from JUN47 through MAY48, Director, Naval Officer Procurement, Philadelphia, PA. from MAY48 through DEC49, Director, Navy Recruiting Station and Office of Naval Procurement, Philadelphia, PA (Assistant Officer in Charge) from DEC49 through APR50, Armed Forces Information School, Carlisle Barracks, PA (Student) from APR50 through AUG50, Air Transport Squadron 21 (Executive Officer) from AUG50 through APR53, NAS Pensacola, Florida (Officer in Charge of Naval Air Station Ground School) from SEP53 through AUG55, Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit Atlantic, Norfolk, VA (Under Instruction) from AUG55 through NOV55, Commanding Officer VP-8 from NOV55 through APR57, NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island (Operations/Executive Officer) from APR57 through JAN60, Commanding Officer, Air Transport Squadron SIX from MAR63 through MAR63, Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Pittsburgh, PA (Inspector of Naval Material) from MAR63 through OCT64, and Chief, Pittsburgh Defense Contract Administration Services District, Pittsburgh, PA from OCT64 through JUN65. Medals and Awards: Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, American Defense Service Medal With One Bronz Star, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal With Three Bronze Stars, World War II Victory Medal, National Defense Service Medal With One Bronze Star in Lieu Of Second Award, Korean Service Medal, and United Nations Service Medal...." [21JUN2001]

DRISCOLL, Fred R. FredRedskins@cs.com "...I served in VP-8 from 1973-1976, and again from 1979-1983. Made deployments to NAS Bermuda, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NS Rota, Spain. I was an AEI and ran the electric shop before transfering to QA. I left the squadron in 1983 for recruiting duty (NRD Boston). I made Chief in 1985. From 1986-1989, I was in VF-33 at NAS Oceana. In 1989 I transfered to HSL's at NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Served onboard USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) and USS Yorktown (CG-48). Retired from AIMD NAS Norfolk, Virginia in 1995. I'm currently teaching US History and US Government at New London High School in New London, CT..." [13JAN2000]

DUDEN, Chris ace@spiritone.com"...I was in VP-8 back in 1984 located in Brunswick, ME (COLD)...I worked on the T56 engines...the best all weather patrol platform in the world..."

DUREE, AD1 Gary R. Retired gduree@yahoo.com "...I served with VQ-1 (1977-12/1978) with deployments toNAS Cubi Point, Philippines, NAS Atsugi, Japan and NAS Agana, Guam, VP-8 (01/1979-05/1980, VP-69 (01/1982-02/1999) and retired. Worked mech shop supervisor, CDI dutys and QA at retirement. To many deployments to list. Many yrs in the logging industry. Retrained in the wast water industry. For CH2MHILL engineering. Managed two waste water plants in the Columbia river area. Ret in 2018. To north central Or. a small community of Tygh Valley 30+ yr as a volunteer Fire fighter and district chief. Still active as EMS with the volunteer ambulance services as a medical responder. Would be great to hear from old ship mates..." [12APR2022]

DURKIN, CPO William T. bill@durkinsrealty.com "...Duty stations include FASRON-895 1951 NAS Sand Point, WA from there I transferred to mobile FASRON-113 NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. My next duty station was VP-17 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Following a deployment from Japan I returned to the states and was discharged in 1955. I reentered the navy through the TAR program in 1956. I served at Staff Line until 1960. I reupped regular Navy and picked up VP-23 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. I transferred to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in 1964 to Test Pilot school were I had a chance to become a F/E in the P-3's. I went to school at VP-30 and after graduating went to WST at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I then cancelled out my shore duty to transfer to VP-8, best move I ever made. I was assigned to Crew 12 and met some of the best men I ever flew with. I stayed with Crew 12 until the squadron was transferred to NAS Brunswick, Maine. I was assigned to VP-30 where I stayed until I retired in September 1973. I would like to hear from any of my Shipmates! Aircraft I flew with was PB4Y2's, PBY's, P2V's thru P2V7, R5D's, R4D8's, and the P-3's..." [25JAN2000]

EATON, David Retired dtn3558@cs.com "...I served in VP-4 from 75-81, VP-30 81-84, VP-45 84-85, a year off to rest up for part two 85-86, VP-44 86-90 (survived NAS Keflavik, Iceland), VP-8 90-92 then SERE 92-95 when I retired from active duty. Man I miss those crazy fun days and all the friends that are still out there somewhere. I would like to hear from you all..." [11JAN2001]

EDWARDS, AT2 Allen Alandyanti@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 from January 1965 until March 1967. I remember the first day I checked in, there was wreckage laid out on the hanger deck. It was the first P-3A to be lost I believe. I flew as Radar, Julie, ECM, MAD, Operator and In-Flight Tech. Our crew was crew 11. Some of my shipmates on the crew were Neil Elder, Dave Bastress, "Buckwheat", Matt. The last year our PPC was a Canadian Flight Lieutenant, a Great Guy. We had deployments in NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NS Sangley Point, Philippines, and 2 weeks every year in NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. I would really enjoy hearing from anyone from those days..." [07NOV2002]

ELLIS, Jack jellis1860@msn.com "...I served with VP-8 (1964-1966), VP-30 detA (1966-1968), VP-56 (1969-1971), and VP-6 (1982-1985)..." [E-Mail Updated 03MAY2004 | 19NOV98][ICQ# 22801569]

Memorial Picture "...EISWALD, AT3 Fred B...Dad passed away in 1995. My researched shows he served with VP-8 with a deployment to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. I would like to hear from any of his Shipmates..." Contributed by Gregg Eiswald eiswald@cox.net [07FEB2015]

EMANUELS, AE Stan gustave.emanuels@verizon.net "...I served at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada from June 1968 to February 1970 as an AE for I and O level Maint. Went to VP-8 from February 1970 to July 1971 for O level maint. I didn't know I was having a great time. I retired September 1989 and it seems like a dream. This site brings back a lot of smiles. Thanks..." [11AUG2002]

EMERSON, Matthew matthew.emerson@robins.af.mil "...I spent several grand years ground-pounding with VP-30 (September 1992 to April 1995), VP-11 (July 1995 to Disestablishment), and VP-8 (July 1996 to April 1999). Recognize a lot of names and remember a lot of good times..." [06DEC2003]

ENGEL, Joseph C. (Joe) JENGEL@mindspring.com "...I was an Enlisted Pilot (NAP) in VP-7 San Diego CA. 1938. In VP-8 and VP-24 Ford Island Hawaii 1938-!941. VP-12 MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii 1941-1942. Midway 1942. All in PBY's. In VD-1 Photo Squadron in Liberators at Koli Point Guadalcanal VPB-104 in Privateers NAS Atlantic City, New Jersey..." [31JAN2000]

ERICKSON, Harlan harlanerickson@msn.com "...I was a member of VP-8 from March 1983 to December 1986 and have very fond memories of that period in my life. I am currently employed with the Boeing Company in Hazardous Materials Management and attend the University of Washington in Seattle as a Pharmacy PhD candidate. Any old squadron members can feel free to e-mail me..." [E-Mail Updated 16MAR2001 | E-Mail Updated 02DEC99 | 23APR98]

ERVIN, Chad delta767@metacrawler.com "...I served with VP-8 from December 1968 until May 1971 on Bill Arner's Crew 8. Spent part of a great deployment at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. Goto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDjTraQkWwU to see the Officer Quarters ("Q") at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada implode! In 1969 we called it "The Hotel" or "The Palace" because it was better than any accommodations we'd ever seen. It was built in the 1950s for the DEW Line Crews flying the 121s and the VP crews inherited it from them. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 02DEC2007 | 21MAR98]

ETTER, LT Steve (ETS) setter@mar-test.com "...Have many memories of those long back to back flights out of NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Bermuda. Are there any VP-8'ers ( NAS Brunswick, Maine) from the 1970 through 1975 years out there?..." [09JAN2002]

FAHEY, AO1 Michael P. (DAV) Retired farmiester@yahoo.com "...I was inflight AO on CAC-7 from August 1977 to August 1980 attached to VP-8 Tigers. We made deployments to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal / NAS Bermuda 1978 and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal / NS Rota, Spain in 1979. In the 1978 deployment Aircrew Ordnancemen were short handed and we flew with all crews. I remember a lot of guys that were on other Aircrews. I would like to hear from all old friends. Ii have pictures of AO Shop and Crew 7. Fair Winds!..." [22JUL2007]

Memorial Picture "...FAILS, AWCM Ron...Ron passed away on Aug 16 2007. He served with VP-8, VP-30, HSL-32, CV-62, CV-43, CPW-10, VP-4, CPW-2, CPWPAC, VP-47, VX-1, CPRWPAC, and CPRW-2..." Contributed by BARKOW, AW2 Dan danbarkow@cableone.net [08FEB2011]

FAILS, Ron mcpo9876@aol.com "...I served with VP-8, VP-30, HSL-32, CV-62, CV-43, CPW-10, VP-4, CPW-2, CPWPAC, VP-47, VX-1, CPRWPAC, and CPRW-2..." [20MAR2005]

FARERO, ADC(AW) Frank Retired flteng56@hotmail.com "...I was stationed in VP-8 from Sept. 87 - Nov. 93. I flew as a Flt. Eng. with the "War Pigs." Iam now retired but still miss the flight crew way of life..." [E-Mail Updated 09FEB2002 | E-Mail Updated 21APR2001 | E-Mail Updated 07MAY99 | E-Mail Updated 20 MAR 99 | 28FEB98]

FARNSWORTH, AOCM(AW/NAC) Edward A. Retired tadiespa@comcast.net "...I served with VP-49 from September 1980 to October 1982 as an Aircrewman Ordnanceman. I was the Ordnance Branch CPO and also worked in QA. I deployed to NAS Sigonella, Sicily with the World Famous Woodpeckers (81/82 Dployment). I also served in VP-8 (1975 to 1978), VP-5 (1987 to 1993), VA-174 (1978 to 1980) and VFA-106 (1993 to 1996). I was ships company on the USS Forrestal (CV-59) (1968 to 1969), USS Saratoga (CV-60) (1970 to 1971) and USS Nimitz (CVN-68) (1982 to 1984). I did shore tours in Weapons Departments at NAS Jacksonville, Florida (1971 to 1974) and NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida (1984 to 1987). I thank CDR Nash, CDR Minderline, AFCM Bob Foote and AVCM Jack Crabtree for helping make my tour in VP-49 enjoyable and successful. I retired from the Navy June 30, 1996 after 28 plus years of Naval Service. My Wife Deborah and I live in Orange Park, FL. I now work for DS/2 (Contractor) at VP-30 as QA Inspector for the VP-30 IMC (Phase) Workcenter. Still Serving the Navy!..." [18APR2009]

FEIERABEND, Dick feier@erols.com "...VP-8 Aug '71 - Aug '74..." [15MAY98]

FIEGL, CAPTAIN Bob fieglr@bellsouth.net "...Former AMEC and P-3 flight engineer. Served in VP-30 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1970 to 1972, VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1972 to 1976, VP-26 NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1979 to 1980, and VP-30 NAS Jacksonville, Florida as Maint. Officer from 1997 to 2000. Commissioned in 1980 as an LDO. Follow on assignments in helos, AIMD, fighters, USS JFK/Forrestal/Eisenhower, LDO and CWO Detailer, CO NAMTRAU NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, Navy's LDO/CWO Community Manager, OpNav Washington, D.C. Will assume command of Naval Air Technical Training Center Pensacola, FL in April 2005..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 02DEC2004 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 23OCT2003 | 14DEC2000]

FIORI, Anthony "Fury" MANDIFER75@YAHOO.COM "...I served with VP-8 from 12/89 TO 9/93. I have to say, it was one of the best times in my life. Just ask the CO's of those years (they didn't call me Fury for nothing). When I wasn't playing I was launching and recovering those pigs. I do miss those times (with the exception of that one night on January 1, 1993 in NS Roosevelt Roads, PR) when (I think it was LC 82) we decided to take off during a High Power. (Remember) That was onehell of a wake up call. I still can remember Pat Morey, Adam Thumzier and Pete Caruso all trying to calm me down on the back porch of the Barracks that morning. Oh ya and our best friend Bud Wiser. That was crazy. Well I hope to hear from you ex VP-8ers. Tiger, Tiger. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)..." [09SEP2000]

FISH, ABH2 Dane M. homesteadfish@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1983 to 1986. I did three deployment and a Unitas with the squadron. Separated in 1989 and have been a federal firefighter for the US Air Force Resrves since then..." [08OCT2009]

FOLMSBEE, Ken pulpitpounder1@juno.com "...I served in VP-8 from 3/71 to 3/74 as YN3/YN2 mostly as legal yeoman and in admin. Two NAS Bermuda deployments and one to NS Rota, Spain. Glad to find the site. Would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [16NOV98]

FRAME, Chris Rosemark11@aol.com "...Just returned from VP-67 Reunion at Navy Lake in Millington! Good food. Good friends. Good Sea Stories. They get better every year. I should know. I started listening to them when I was about 12 years old. That was when my father, CDR Ken Frame, USNR (Ret) brought the squadron from NAS Olathe, Kansas and became the 1st O-in-C of VP-67 in Millington. Since there were no more "real" warplanes (P2's), I had to settle for the P-3 Navy. I left VP-8 in the summer of '87 and after 7 yrs, 9 mos, and 12 days of Active Duty went back to my roots in VP-67 and stayed there until the last additional drill was handed out..." [06JUN99]

FRATTASIO, AW1 Marc "Frat" J. Shipmates Pix vpassociation2@gmail.com "...Nonacoustic sensor operator (SS3), qualified in P-3B and P-3C Orions. Served with VP-8 (1980 - 1983), VP-MAU (1983 - 1991), VP-92 (1991 - 1999). BS degree, management science, Bridgewater State College. MS degree, computer information systems, Boston University. Employed in civilian life as a senior computer systems analyst. Private pilot, flying out of Plymouth Municipal Airport on weekends and tuning into "Yankee Base" frequency from time to time just to keep my hand in on what's going on up at the squadron. Contemplating a book project on the important roles of NAS Squantum, Massachusetts and NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts in Naval Air Reserve history..." WEBSITE: http://www.gis.net/~fm [BIO Updated 19SEP99]

FRAZIER, LT Brett bdfraz@aol.com "...Howdy fellow VP bubbas! I served with VP-8 from Jan-94 to AUG-97. I had the pleasure of serving on two of the finest ASW crews there are CAC's 8 & 9. I'm down in Texas trying my hand and jets now (sorry guys), however, VP will always be in my heart..."

FRED, CAPTAIN Robert H. Retired rhfred@juno.com "...Served in VP-8 November 1955 through July 1958 as an AD2, Plane Captain on HD-2 BUNO: 127720, HD-8/LC-8 BUNO: 124867/131513. LC-8 131513 was first "Julie" operational aircraft in the fleet. Operated out of NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island and later NAS Chincoteague, Virginia. Left squadron in July 1958 transfered to NADU NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts. Promoted to AD1 and accepted to OCS under the Intergration Program. Commissioned in 1960, served on board numerous ships and retired as Captain USN in September 1988. Some of my most memorable memories were during my "Fighting Eight" days. Would be pleased to hear from old VP-8 Shipmates..." [11OCT99]

FREEMAN, TSGT Woody R. USAF Retired patriot@gnt.net "...I enlisted in the US Navy in 1960. After a tour at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, I was assigned to VP-8, 29 Aug. 1962 through 23 Oct. 1963. I was a ADJ3 and worked on the line and engine shop. I remember sending the last P2V out and when the squadron got the first P-3A. I also remember the loss of the P-3 with the ORI Team aboard. Capt Cook was my CO. (Remember the VP-44 Pelican that got "hidden" in the CO's office. NO, I wasn't a part of it). I also participated in the Cuban Quarantine (flew as second Mech. with a Engineer named Sullivan) and still have my accomodation letters. I was also assigned to VX-1, NAS Key West from 20 May 1965 through 02 Oct. 1968. (My CO was Capt. J.S. Laney). I got out of the Navy in 1970. I was USNR for a year then in 1971 I enlisted in the USAF. I served in DaNang, RVN (37th ARRS) as a Flight Engineer on Jolly Green Giant (Combat Search & Rescue) Helicopters. I continued as a Instructor Flight Engineer through NKP, Thailand (1972-1975) 40th ARRS and retired from the 55th ARRS in Eglin, AFB, Fla. in 1982. I was a Civil Service Tech Rep from 1982 thru 1995. I worked on the USN/USMC UH-1N. I have been to NAS Brunswick, Maine several times as a Tech Rep working with the station UH-1N Huey's their. Un-fortunately I didn't have a chance to visit my old squadron. I'm sure it would have been a very enjoyable experience..." [E-Mail Updated 23OCT2001 | 03JAN99]

FRIDUSS, Nick Nefco@ij.net "...Served with VP-8 from 53-55 as Plane Captain on HD4. Lt Charlie Huffman and Joe Lill. Memory has faded on the rest of the crew..."

Memorial Picture "...FROHNE, CDR Charles T...Dad's first squadron was VP-8 in 1942, and later served in a test unit for Fleet Evaluation of the PV-2 Harpoon. He served with VB-00 in the Hawaiian area, and VPB-133 in the Marshalls where he saw combat action at Wake, Tinian, and Iwo Jima. Total of 162 successful combat missions. In 1948 he served as maintenance officer with VP-4 flying the P2V in NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, NAS Kodiak, Alaska, and NAS Adak, Alaska In 1954 he joined VC-8 flying the AJ-1 Savage and then was appointed as Executive Officer of the newly formed VAH-1 flying the A3D in 1955. In 1959 he assumed command of VAP-62 and began the transition of AJ-1's to the A3D-2P. He was KIA aboard the USS Saratoga on July 29, 1960...C. Thomas Frohne t@frohne.com..." [BIO Updated 31DEC2006 | E-Mail Updated 05JUN2006 | 21JAN2001]

FRUSH, AFCM James W. Retired jfrush02@comcast.net "...Served with NAMTD (1961-06/1965) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (taught P-3 Aircraft Maintenance), VP-19 (07/1965-08/1968) as Airframes Shop Chief, VP-10 (09/1970-04/1974) as Maintenance Chief and retired November 1st, 1976. I would like to hear from former shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 12OCT2012 | E-Mail Updated 26MAR2005 | 04DEC97]

GABRIEL, Captain Andy Retired Shipmate Pix gabrielcharles@bellsouth.net "...Served with VP-8 from 1974-1978 as TACCO and 1983-1986 as XO/CO. Other tours with VP-49 "World Famous Woodpeckers", VP-30 as Team Leader of "TTT", OPS O at Wing Eleven under Jake Tobin and first tour in VQ-4. Other tours at Pentagon working for a black shoe I would just as soon forget. Retired 1994 as CO Naval Media Center..." [PIX Added 14MAY2008 | E-Mail Updated 14NOV2006 | 18NOV2002]

GALLARDO, CAPTAIN A. J. ajgnhawaii@aol.com "...Assigned to VP-8 1979-82; Instructor NFO at VP-31 1982-85; Training Officer and OPS O at VP-10 1989-91; XO/CO VT-10 1993-95; XO NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii 1995-97; Currently assigned to the OPNAV staff..." [06JAN2000]

GALLIONE, Paul psgallione@msn.com "...I served with VP-8 from April 1974 to May 1978. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [20JUL2010]

GANGI, AD1 Vincent J. vindot@cox.net "...I served with VP-8 (1954-1956) on Crew-6 and Crew-8, VU-2 (1956-1958) at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island (Enlisted Pilot - Tow Targets - Aircraft Ferry), shore duty, VAW-12 and VAW-33..." [BIO Updated 27JUL2012 | 01NOV2010]

GARDNER, Gary R. Retired ggardner5486@bellsouth.net "...Started out in VP-30 as a tron at NAS Jacksonville, Florida flying in P2V5s and P2V7s 62-65. Then went to VP-45 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, mostly worked in the tron locker on nights working on P-3As 65-68. From there, I went to VX-1 at NAS Key West flying on P-3s and working in Avionics and QA 68-72. From the warm waters of Key West I went to the cold north of NAS Brunswick, Maine for duty with VP-8. Made several deployments as the in-flight tech on crews 11 & 12. Had the Rod-man as TACCO with Dunbar Lawson as PPC for two years. (They could find them when no one else could.) I was there from 72 until 78. From NAS Brunswick, Maine I went to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and back to VX-1 until I retired in 80. Stayed in the Pax River area as a contractor and civil servent until 1994 when the government saw fit to move me to the Charleston, SC area and SPAWAR..." [E-Mail Updated 22AUG2007 | 03NOV2001]

GARDNER, AZC Jerome Retired bassfla@aol.com "...I served with VAP-62 (Oct58-Mar61) in NAS Jacksonville, Florida, VP-8 (Apr64-Jul67) in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and VP-10 (Jan72-Jul75) in NAS Brunswick, Maine. Would love to hear from any or all of my Shipmates and friends from those times..." [22MAR2007]

GARRETT, Bill hippiecowboy2@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1966 through 1968. Flew as Radar Operator. Any VP-8'ers can contact me. We need to get another Reunion going..." [04JUN2003]

Memorial Picture Shipmate Pix "...GENNARINO, CPO Bernard...My Dad, CPO Bernard GENNARINO, served with FAETULANT (07/1951-10/1951) at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, Naval Aviation Engineering Service Unit (NAESU) (10/1951-01/1954) at Washington, DC, VA-95 (01/1954-09/1954), AT "B" School at NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee, VW-2 (04/1955-03/1958) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, Airship Test & Development (AT&D) (03/1958-02/1960) at NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey, VW-1 02/1960-01/1961) at NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey, VP-8 (07/1961-04/1962) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VP-1 (01/1961-07/1961), AT "B" School at NATTC NAS Memphis, Tennessee and VP-30 (12/1962-02/1965) at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Dad was improperly buried in a potters field (Dallas County Texas). We are having a party and some ceremonies to raise money to have him removed from there and placed in the new local vets cemetery. Please see my Facebook dedicated to Dad on The "Bernie Gennarino Memorial Trust Fund" 1st Annual Benefit @ Nolas BBQ..." Contributed by wingwrench@ymail.com [PIX Updated 12SEP2011 | 09SEP2011]

GEORGE, LTJG Chad E. georgechad@hotmail.com "...I am proudly serving with the Fighting Tigers of Patrol Squadron Eight. I am looking for one of my dad's old Shipmates. My father's name is CDR Dan A. George, USN (Ret). His Shipmate is ADM Wayne D. Bodenstiener, USN (Ret). They served together many years ago and I have been trying to find his location as a surprise for dad. They were both VS bubbas at the time. Any help would be great. Drop me a line if you know my dad or the ADM. Thanks a lot and Fly Navy..." [E-Mail Updated 31JAN2001 | E-Mail Updated 02JAN2001 | 01SEP2000]

GIBB, CDR Art agibb90@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-11 from 1993 to 1996 and VP-8 from 2001 to 2003..." [08JUL2009]

GIBSON, Robert E. nosub2008@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (1978-1979) and VP-50 (1980-1983) after rehabilitation from a medical issue..." [27MAY2014]

GOODMAN, Paul "Goody" prgoodman@roadrunner.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1980 to 1982. I worked in the AE Shop, line and some other stuff. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 13OCT2011 | 06MAR2009]

GOSS, Pete prgoss@gwi.net "...VP-10 66/69 Blackshoe RM - Switched to Aviation Wonderful (AW)in 68 - ASCAC NAS Sigonella, Sicily 69/70 - VP-30 71/76 - NAVFAC Eleuthera, Bahamas 76/78 - VP-8 78/80 - NavElexDet, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 78/80 - ComPatWing 1 det Diego Garcia 82/83 - VP-10 83/85. Retired as an Aviation Wonderful (AW) chief but wish I was back deploying. Need some liberty..." [E-Mail Updated 21MAR2000 | 26NOV98]

GRAHAM, AO3 David E. "BUZZ" Deg5905@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1961 through 1965. I was on the crew that traveled to CA to pick up the first P-3 used in the Navy and the crew that flew our last P2 to NY. We had one of the best flag football teams on the east coast in those years. If any of my Shipmates are out there please drop me a note..." [BIO Updated 30JAN2007 | 13JUL2001]

GRAY, AZCM(AW) Michael C. mikegray@nqi.net "...I am currently the VP-8 MMCPO, have served in VP-23, CPW-5, and AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine. Also served a few "disassociated tours" in VR-24, BUPERs and onboard IKE..." [12MAR2000]

GREEN, Pete (Pedro Verde) pgreen.paxr@veda.com "...Recently passed 5000 pilot hours and 19 continuous years in the mighty Orion, and survived over 12 years of P-3 project officers "keeping me young." JO tour with the best...VP-8 Tigers 1979-1983. VX-1 (SMILS Project Officer) 1983-1985. Veda, Inc. as a contractor Project Pilot / Systems Engineer at ASW / Force Test Directorates / Naval Force Aircraft Test Squadron 1985-present. VP-68 Blackhawks famous CAC-6 1985-1993. Reserve AEDO 1993-present. Recent P-3 project work/test flying involvement at Orion Test includes: Extended Echo Ranging (EER), Counter Drug Upgrade (CDU), ASUW Improvement Program (AIP), Ring-Laser Inertial Navigation Unit (RINU), Flight Performance Advisory System (FPAS), and Electronic Flight Display System (EFDS) programs. Still alot of new life being pumped into the old horse! Great website... I'll pass the word around the P-3 T&E community! V/R, Pedro..." [18APR98]

GREENE, AT/NAC John Retired commonkeeper2@juno.com "...I served with VQ-2 from (1972-1975), VP-10 (1980-1983), VP-30 (1983-1986) and VP-8 (1986-1989). I was medically retired in 1991 due to a heart attack..." [BIO Updated 01NOV2013 | E-Mail Updated 07NOV2003 | 30SEP99]

GREER, Rickey D. rickeygreer2524@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (1972-1975) and retired from the navy in 1994 from VAQ-129 out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington..." [10JAN2021]

GROW, AT John A. (Tony) Retired tonyrosa4@insightbb.com "...I served with VP-21 from 1960 to 1963. I then went to VQ-2 and stayed in the Intel community and VQ-2 until I retired in 1978. My son, John M. Grow, followed me into the navy and as an AW sent 18 years in the VP community. I spent many years flying the P-3's in VP-8 Special ops out of NAS Patuxent River, Maryland then in VQ-2 EP-3's in Spain. I was an AT. Good luck to all..." [01OCT2003]

GRUE, WO Merlin Retired mgrue@wi.rr.com "...I served with VW-11 from 1961-62. I would like to hear from anyone who also served at that time. I was an AT1 at the time and flew as a First Tech. and Radar Operator...I was an AT1 assigned to VP-8 in 1964. I am trying to locate the CO who recommended me for the Warrant Officer Program. After making Warrant in 1966, I was assigned to VP-49, NAS Norfolk, Virginia, and CVA-66. I retired in 1975, and currently run my own Private Detective Agency. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who served in the VPNavy..." [BIO Updated 03JUN2005 | 26JAN2002]

GUTH, Fred Retired poppyscaboose@yahoo.com "...I did two tours in VP-8 from 1971 to 1974 and 1978 to 1979 when I retired. I'm looking for anyone I had the pleasure to fly with in VP-8..." [02MAY2001]

HAGAN, Gary condr6855@aim.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1978 through 1981. I was SS1 on Crew 5. Great group of guys and always had a balst. I was discharged in 1981 and moved back home to Long Island (NY) and still here today! I would love to hear from anyone who I served with. Those were the best times..." [E-Mail Updated 28OCT2007 | 03JUN2000]

HALSEY, Sterling (Bull) Retired bull123@hughes.net "...I was first in the VP outfits: VP-8 NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island 1956, VP-7 1959-1962, VP-30 1962-1965, some shore duty, VP-11 1965-1968 and VP-44 1970-1974. I have a lot of good memories a few bad that you can't forget. I would like to shoot the bull with any one that would like too. I started out an AD then to ADR and back to AD when I retired in 1974. I have been in contact with a few guys (Widdle and Gadeberg). I spent some time with Joe in Washington St. a while back. It's a place called Omak. I stop in and bother my old PPC Charlie Epps. He only lives 10 miles away quite often..." [E-Mail Updated 20SEP2007 | 26JAN2001]

HANSEN, Don Retired dnlh0501@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-8 from 1973 to 1976, NRD Boston 1977, VX-1 from 1977 to 1980, NMPC Sea Duty Detachment from 1980 to 1985, VXN-8 from 1985 to 1989 and retired out of VQ-4 in 1992..." [10JUL2004]

HANSON, CAPTAIN Edwin (Ed) E. Retired edanddottiehanson@juno.com "...Served in the following squadrons and staffs during years noted: VP-24/VAHM-13 (1956-59), VP-46 (1962-64), FAW-10 (1965-67), VP-8 (1972-74; CO 1974), NS Rota, Spain (CO 1978-80), and COMPATWINGSPAC (COS 1982-84). Retired Navy with rank of Captain in 1984 The Boeing Company, Navy Programs (1984-95). Retired Boeing 1995..." [E-Mail Updated 30AUG2005 | 05APR99]

HARDICK, Steve stephen.hardick.ctr@nyniag.ang.af.mil "...Was stationed with VP-8 during 1977-1981 and welcome any email messages from those in VP-8 at that time. Still in touch with the likes of Larry Burns and Bruce Mara for those that remember..." [04MAY2005]

HARDY, John "JR" hardy.john@cox.net "...I served with VP-17 (1978-1980), VP-4 Special Projects (1980-1981) and VP-8 (1986-1989)..." [E-Mail Updated 03NOV2014 | 04MAY2007]

HARRIS, AW1 Daniel harrisd27@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-23 from December 1989 through February of 1994. There are lots of good memories of Shipmates and good times with this one of a kind squadron! Seahawks I salute you!! CAC-2 you know who you are!!! Then went to instructor duty at VP-30 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida February 1994-February 1997. Reported to VP-8 February 1997-March 2001. GREEAATT tour with the Fighting Tigers of VP-8! CAC 3 and 6 thanks for the great memories!!! Mar 2001 - ? Teachin Nuggets at AW "A" School in NAS Pensacola, Florida! Great time and love the time off the flight schedule!!! Hope to see you guys in the fleet!..." [BIO Updated 04JUL2001 | 30MAY99]

HARTSHORN, LCDR Steve burnman57@hotmail.com "...I served with VT-27, VT-28, VP-30, VP-8 from 1982-1985, VA-128 from 1985-1988, VP-93 from 1988-1992, NR NAS Whidbey Island, Washington 1992-1994, and NAS Atlanta, Georgia 1994-1995. Left service as LCDR and took up job as Deputy Sheriff in Portland Oregon as to date. Miss the Navy, would like to hear from former squadron mates, and hi to all those I served with..." [21JUL2002]

HAZELRIGG, AME1 Mark Retired mhazelrigg@stx.rr.com "...I served with VP-23 from 1976 to 1980, VP-10 from 1983 to 1985, VP-8 from 1990 to 1994, and VP-10 from 1994 to 1995. I retired July 1995..." [E-Mail Updated 16MAY2005 | E-Mail Updated 09MAY2004 | E-Mail Updated 09MAR2000 | 18JAN98]

HENSLEY, ABHCS(AW) Terry tdude@earthlink.net "...I was in VP-8 from may 1974 to Oct 1978. I flew radio for a year and a half then maanged to get myself kicked off aircrew. I was pissed that the would not send me to AT "A" school. It was the best thing to happen to my career since I had look for another rate. I choose ABH and have been doing it for the last twenty years. I have found memories of VP-8 though. Like when Larry Stopira got dressed in tin foil and marched down the hill, in Bermuda, to the gaurd shack at gate two and when the marine came out we shot pencil flares at his booth. Ah, the Bermuda Marine wars. What fun! I would be glad to hear from any Shipmates..." [16JAN98]

HESS, AO1 Paul P. Retired phess@sun-link.com "...I flew in the P5M's/P2V-7/P-3A/B. VP-8 twice, VP-10, VP-24, and VP-49..."

HIBBS, CYN3 Louis lehibbs@verizon.net "...I served with VP-8 (1970-1971) in the Administrative Office..." [E-Mail/Name Updated 12JUN2013 | 19JUN2001]

HIDDE, AME1(AW) Ronald J. rhidde@erols.com "...I checked into VP-8, Dec. or 1988 as an AME3 Groundpounder. Went on Deployment to Keflavik Iceland and when I found out I had made AME2 I applied for Flight Engineer School. Made Deployments as an Engineer to Sigonella Sicily as well as Peurto Rico twice. Flew with CAC 5,9, and 2 during my tour. Made AME1 prior to my check out of the command January 1995. Spent the past 2 years at VR-1 Andrews AFB, as a C-20D Crew Chief flying CNO and SECNAV. Currently have orders to VQ-1 Whidbey Island WA. Had a great time in VP-8..."

HIGH, CAPTAIN R. http://www.ku.edu/~kunrotc/about/co.htm "...Captain High, originally from Plainville, Kansas, enlisted in the Navy's Nuclear Power Program in March 1971. Upon completion of nuclear training, he was selected for the Navy Enlisted Scientific Education program in April 1973. He received his commission in June 1976 following graduation from the University of Louisville, where he earned a B.S. in Mathematics. Upon completion of flight training, he was designated a Naval Aviator in June 1977. In January 1978 he reported to VP-4 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaiii, where he served as the Educational Assistance Officer, Quality Assurance Officer and the Pilot Training Officer, and made deployments to NAS Agana, Guam; NAS Cubi Point, Philippines; and NSF Diego Garcia. Captain High qualified as Patrol Plane Commander and Instructor Pilot in the P-3B MOD aircraft. In March 1981 Captain High reported to the Naval Recruiting District in Denver, Colorado, and was assigned as the Nuclear Engineering Officer Programs Recruiter and T-34B demonstration pilot. While there, he was selected as Recruiting Area SEVEN's National Recruiter of the Year for FY 83 in January 1984. Captain High was assigned to VPU-1 NAS Brunswick, Maine, in July 1984 where he served as the Administrative Officer. In August 1986 he reported to the staff of CPW-5 as the Mission Control and Evaluation Officer. Captain High joined the Seahawks of VP-23 in July 1988. He served as the CTG 67.2 Operations Officer and Officer-in-Charge of the Lajes detachment during a deployment to NS Rota, Spain - NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Following deployment, he was assigned as the Maintenance Officer, serving through the first simultaneous deployment to NAS Bermuda; NS Roosevelt Roads, PR; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; and UNITAS XXXI. Captain High then attended the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, where he received his Master's Degree. In May 1992 he reported to VP-8 as Executive Officer and served as Commanding Officer from June 1993 to June 1994. During this tour, VP-8 received the CINCLANTFLEET Golden Anchor Retention Award. Following his CO tour, Captain High completed a Joint Duty assignment at United States Space Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado, from July 1994 until May 1997. He was initially assigned as the Head of the Space Systems Branch for Space Launch, responsible for acquisition of the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle, within the Plans and Policy Directorate and completed this tour as the Navy Element Commander for the Manpower and Personnel Directorate. In June 1997, Captain High reported to CPRW-11 as the Chief Staff Officer. In June 2000, Captain High reported to NAF Misawa, Japan, as Commanding Officer. Captain High's awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with one gold star, Navy Commendation Medal with two gold stars, Navy Achievement Medal, Navy Good Conduct Medal, Navy Expeditionary Medal, National Defense Service Medal with two bronze stars, and Humanitarian Service Medal..." [14MAR2005]

HOFFMAN, CAPTAIN Richard A. Retired dickdot@san.rr.com "...Graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy and then served aboard the USS Dennis J. Buckley (DDR-808), VR-2, VP-892, VP-50, Naval Postgraduate School, VX-1, COMASWFORLANT, USNTPS, NATC NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VP-8, USS Austin (LPD-4), Naval Air Systems Command, U.S. Air Force War College, COMOCEANSYSPAC and retired in 1974. Worked for Martin Marietta Aerospace, Lockheed Aircraft and McDonnel Douglas Astronautics until complete retirement in 1992..." [BIO Updated 26APR2010 | E-Mail Updated 03JAN2001 | 03APR98]

HOLCOMBE, James E. Jr. jeh@innova.net "...I was in VP-8 in 1963 when it lost the first P-3A and was on flight crew at that time. Our crew was to replace the flight that went down on station. We was put on hold to wait information about the missing plane when we learned it had went down..." [04APR2001]

HOLDREITH, Harold (GREG) ghold62@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 from August 1, 1992-April 26,1994 (deploy to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR twice, Thule Greenland, Panama, and Turkey), NATTC Millington for AE "A" school, FRAMP in NAS Whidbey Island, Washington from May 1,1994-Aprril 3,1995, VP-40 from April 4, 1995-May 4, 1998 (Dodge, NAS Misawa, Japan, and Pohang), and AIMU Fallon, NV from May 28, 1998-June 1,2001. I am currently in VP-9 in MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii since June 2001. (Dodge--) and yes, I am still running all the time..." [17AUG2002]

HOLMES, Gary E. geholmes@netquarters.com "...I'd like to hear from anyone from VP-23 or VP-8 that I was with. I was squadron Corpsman in VP-23 from 82-84 and 90-decom and in VP-8 from 93-96..." [06FEB99]

HORRIGAN, LCDR Clement V. c/o His Grandson David H. Kowalskidavid.kowalski2@verizon.net "...My Grandfather was CO of VP-8 in 1943..." [19FEB2003]

HOUDE, Al billsfan4093@aol.com Shipmate PixShipmate Pix Circa 1978 Shipmate Pix Circa 1983 "...I served as an IFO with VP-10, VP-8, and VP-26. I also did tours as a Recruit Company Commander at RTC Orlando, Recruiter in Charge, NRD Buffalo, N.Y. And a highly educational tour onboard U.S.S. Saipan (LHA-2). I transferred to Fleet Reserve in July, 1998. I reside in Hampton, Va. with my wife Helen, and I continue to serve our country as a Firearms Enforcement Specialist with the Treasury Dept - Living in Stafford, Virginia. I now work as Curator of Ordnance at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Kind regards..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 24DEC2003 | E-Mail Updated 11SEP2001 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 22JUN99 | 14SEP98]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 06NOV2000 | 03OCT99]

HOWE, Eric "Toby" howe13@cybertours.com "...Still looking for my old sea dad ADC(RET) Lipofsky. I was a FEAP in VP-44 from 89-90, and again in VP-10 from 90-96 (qualed as FE in 92). I'm now serving time in VP-8 as OPS FE. Miss all those old Red Lancers..." [24APR98]

HOWELL, CPO Freddie S. Retired luluflash@msn.com "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1962-1965 (I was an AE2 assigned to Combat Aircrew on P-3A BUNO: 148884), NAS Jacksonville, Florida from 1965 to 1969, VP-5 from 1970-1974 (made Chief), and then served at NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida. Retired in 1977. there. My total P-3 flight time is around 4000 hrs. Would love to here from some of my old buddies..." [08JAN2003]

HOWELL, Gordon D. gh34250@cs.com "...I was in VP-8 from 1955 until discharge in 1958. Homebase at the time was NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. However, the squadron then was split between Chincoteague and NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco. I would like to hear from anyone that knew me during that time. I have been trying to find Wally Dykes. He was a parachute rigger II..." [29MAY2000]

HUBACH, AE3 Lisa bokibee@yahoo.com "...I served in VP-8 from 1990-1994 enjoying two NS Roosevelt Roads, PR deployments!..." [29SEP2007]

Memorial Picture "...HUFFMAN, Charles W...I have been looking over this site for a while now and would care to inform you of my Fathers (Lt. Charles W. Huffman) death. He died October 8, 1981. Your web site is a look back at my Father in he's prime and the stories are great , thank you for the good feeling I have right now thinking of my Dad...Charles W. Huffman JR Chuck1AL@hotmail.com..." [10DEC2001]

IRELAND, AD1 Steve Retired ridesafe@tds.net "...Just wanted to say hello again out there to all the VP'ers as I was fortunate to homestead in NAS Brunswick, Maine for 17 of my 20 year career. I retired in 1998 from AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine. Went to NAS Brunswick, Maine Fire Department for 4 years after retirement and then took a job at the Cutler Naval Station (yes it's still open!) as their Safety Manager. That lasted almost two years and came back to NAS Brunswick, Maine as a Traffic Safety Contractor. Working all over the Northeast and loving it. I did manage to take a 3-month break and work at the Togus VA Hospital. Got bored and wanted to get back to my passion of teaching. Would like to hear from any Shipmates out there from VP-8, VP-11, VP-44, FASO/SERE School Brunswick, and also from my very first Navy tour with VF-143 Pukin' Dogs onboard the USS Eisenhower. Life is good in Maine, the way life should be!..." [BIO Updated 23MAR2011 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 01OCT2003 | 26SEP98]

JACOBSEN, Don KC1BD@aol.com "...1962-1963 at Pax River serving as crewmember (ATR-2) aboard both the P2V and P3A..."

JAMISON, John B. Jr. jheroj@aol.com "...I was in VP-8 from May 1962 thru April 1966. I mostly worked on the line crew, as an AB, tho rated as an ADJ. I saw at least three CO's come and go, the loss of our plane off N.J. (the loss of my division officer, Fred Bell) many, many memories from back then and just wondering what became of everyone?..." [29OCT2000]

JAMISON, John W. pinstride@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 in the period 1955-57 with deployments including NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, Frobisher Bay, Thule, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. Skippers were Lou Burnett and T. G. Doyle. I would love to hear directly from anyone who recognizes my name as a squadron mate..." [13JAN2001]

JEFFERS, AD1(AW) Billie billybob9597@yahoo.com "...My first squadron was VP-17 from 1985-1988 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, VXN-8 from 1988-1991 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VP-8 from 1991-1995 NAS Brunswick, Maine, NAS Jacksonville, Florida AIMD Power Plants from 1995-1998, and VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine. I am now on my final tour of duty with VP-10 (currently on deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily). Have met some good friends in my 17 years in the Navy. If we served together in a squadron and you remember me - drop me a line. Remember "Mechs Rule."..." [E-Mail Updated 09SEP2003 | 07JUN2002]

JEFFERS, AD1 Tom Retired aaronj@integrityonline2.com "...(1975-1979) VP-8. To Uncle Mikey Sabolek and all of the gang from the 1978 Lajes Det. Ground pounders rule! I would also like to say greetings to everyone in the POWERPLANTS shop and to Admiral Dan our former maintence officer. Being a part of VP-8 was an experience that I still cherish. I am proud to have served in the U.S. NAVY as a VP-8 tiger..." [08NOV98]

Memorial Picture Shipmate Pix "...JENKINS, AVCM William H...William H. Jenkins passed away peacefully in his home Tuesday, March 7th following a long battle with cancer. Harvey was born in Washington, DC August 12, 1938 but resided the last 33 years in Orange Park having retired from a 30 year Naval Career. He is survived by his devoted wife, Elbreta (Al) Jenkins; daughters: Wendy and Kelley Jenkins; son, William and his wife, Jill and their sons: Fenn, Jack and Will Jenkins and their daughter, Meredith "Meri" and her husband, Robert Pyle and their daughter Erin and son William Pyle. He is also survived by his cousin, Linda Martin. He was a past Master of Orange Park Lodge #267 F&AM, a past Patron of Orange Park OES #226, and a member of the Middleburg Presbyterian Church. A viewing will be held Thursday, 6-8 PM on March 9th and funeral services will be held Friday, 11 AM, March 10th at HOLLY HILL FUNERAL HOME, 3601 Old Jennings Rd, Middleburg. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to OP Lodge #267 F&AM and Middleburg Presbyterian Church. AWCM Jenkins, a native of Washington D.C., began his naval career in September 1955 with tours of duty in VP-622, NAS Anacostia, Washington, D.C. and later VP-861 at NAS New York, New York. His next assignment included NAS Pensacola, Florida at "A" and "B" schools at NATTC Memphis, Tennessee and VP-8. He then served with the Federal German Naval Air Wing at FGNAS Nordholz, West Germany, where he earned designation as an ASW aircrewman in the BR-1150 Atlantic ASW aircraft. Following a tour with VP-30 he was transferred to the staff of Commander Fleet Air, Keflavik, Iceland, where he served as Tactical Support Center Watch Officer. He joined the USS Saratoga (CV-60) as ASW Watch Officer in 1974, following his tour with service on the staff of Commander Air ASW Wing One, Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida. He reported to VP-24 in January 1980 and assumed the duties of Command Master Chief until June 1985 retiring with 30 years of Naval Service..." Contributed by Bruce Barney ibbarney@comcast.net [03APR2006]

JOBLON, Richard J. Sr. dljoblon@aol.com "...I was a proud member of VP-8 August 1957 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, then NAS Chincoteague, Virginia, then NAS Norfolk, Virginia till 1961. LT Pete Kucyk was my first patrol plane commander and I might add "THE BEST OF THE BEST". I was his aircraft electrician and ECM & MAd operator/observer and steak cooker in our galley aboard. I would appreciate someone sending me any information regarding joining your group and attending a Reunion. I later went into the New Jersey Air National Guard fot 6 years at Maguire AFB, N.J. Still I did not have enough of airplanes and flying so I joined the U. S. Naval Reserve with VP-64 at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania for 10 years. Fraternaly yours..." [E-Mail Updated 31JUL2003 | 12MAY2002]

JOHANSON, Doug dand@brainerd.net "...Served with VP-8...Our P-2V for fire patrol is gone as fire potenial is down now with the rain. Hope we have a real summer up here after a great spring. It's been great getting reaquainted with old Shipmates, still looking for some. Served late 1959 to 1961 with identical twin brothet in VP-8" [Updated 07JUN98]

JOHNSON, ADC[AC][AW] Lawrence (Larry) Jr. Retired Mysterymanlj@earthlink.com "...I served with VP-8 from June 1962 to October 1963 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland as a ADJ3. I worked in the power plants shop, CPO Mullninex was shop Chief and C.W Cook was Commanding Officer. Would be glad to hear from anyone former Shipmates..." [18FEB2003]

JOLLY, PN Rodger W. spindrift97030@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from September 1964 to April 1966 as a PN. We deployed to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [06SEP2010]

JONES, Bill dimon2b@olg.com "...VP-663 11/65 - 7/67, VT-25 Beeville, TX 7/67 - 6/70, VP-8 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 6/70 - 5/71, NARDET NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 5/71 - 9/75 (TAR from now on til retirement), NRC Jones Point Alex., Va 9/75 - 9/78, NRC Long Beach, CA 10/78 - 9/81, REDCOM Region 19 Staff Duty San Diego 9/81 - 8/84, NAF Andrews, Maryland ADMIN/ Recruiting 9/84 - 2/7/87 Retired, Md State Police Leonardtown 6/87 - Pres Communications Supvr..." [14FEB99][ICQ# 7300048]

JONES, CDR Scott D. Shipmate PixCirca 2005 http://reserves.navy.mil/ "...Commander Scott Jones was born and raised in Sacramento, California. At 17 years old, Commander Jones quit high school and enlisted in the navy where he served 6 years as an Electronic Warfare Technician. He completed Western Pacific cruises aboard the USS O'Callahan (FF-1051) and the USS David R. Ray (DD-971). Commander Jones attended night school for most of his enlisted years and in October 1987 graduated from National University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. He completed Aviation Officer Candidate School in 1988 and was designated a Naval Aviator in October 1989. After P-3 replacement training at VP-30 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida, he reported to VP-44 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. While attached to the Golden Pelicans he served as the Security Manager and Personnel Officer. Upon the disestablishment of VP-44 in 1991, he reported to the VP-8 Tigers assigned to Jeddah Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Storm. While assigned to VP-8, Commander Jones served in several positions including Plans and Readiness Officer, Pilot Training Officer, Pilot Natops Officer and Safety/ Natops Department Head. He qualified as a P-3C Patrol Plane Commander, Natops Instructor Pilot and Beartrap Mission Commander. During his tour with VP-8 he completed deployments to NS Rota, Spain and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR with detachments to Europe, Greenland, and NAS Bermuda. After completing his tour with VP-8, Commander Jones reported to VT-27 NAS Corpus Christi, Texas where he served as a Primary and Intermediate Flight Instructor. While attached to VT-27, he was qualified to instruct in Basic Familiarization, Basic Instruments, Precision Aerobatics, Radio Instruments, Night Familiarization, Airways Navigation, and Formation flight. He concurrently held positions as the Assistant Safety Officer and Flight Leader. In August 1995, upon his release from active duty, Commander Jones affiliated with the fighting Totems of VP-69. He has qualified as Mission Commander, Patrol Plane Commander and Natops Instructor Pilot while serving as a Totem. He has completed detachments to Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, the Pacific and the Caribbean. He served as Operations Officer, Maintenance Officer, Pilot Standardization Officer and Executive Assistant prior to his recent selection as Executive Officer. His military decorations include Navy Achievement Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal and various other personal and unit awards. In civilian life, Commander Jones is a 747-400 First Officer for United Airlines based in San Francisco, California..." [19JUN2005]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 29JUL2002 | 28JUL2002]

KALETA, AWC Ed Retired ekaleta@prb.net "...Commands, in reverse order, VX-1, USS Saratoga, ASWOC NAS Sigonella, Sicily, TSC NAS Brunswick, Maine, VP-44, VP-8, VP-30, VS-34 , USS Randolph, USS Essex, VW-13. Current employment with PRB Associates near NAS Patuxent River, Maryland as part of the TSC, DIAC and FTAS Software Support Activity. Best wishes to all former Shipmates..." [13NOV98]

KEEN, David V. chiefkeen@yahoo.com "...I was in VP-8 from 81-84, this was my first VP outfit and I came in as AMS-2 Keen and when I left I was AMS-1 Keen. I then reported to NATTC Memphis for Instructor duty at the AMS"A" School. I went to VP-67 in 87 until it was decommissioned, and then retired in 84 as AMSC (AW) Keen. I have seen several shipmates in the Millington area over the years, but since all of the Aviation schools went to FL. there just aren't too many anymore..." [17AUG2000]

KELBERER, Gary ADAKGAK@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from September 1974 to October 1979. I was an AW assigned to Crew 8..." [14JAN2002]

KERSEY, YN2 Phil pkersey@southernco.com "...I served with VP-8 from 77-82 with various stints in VP-11, VP-23, VP-26 and VP-44. Deployed NAS Bermuda/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal 78, NS Rota, Spain/ NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal 79-82. Great memories. Hoping old Shipmates will drop a line..." [19JAN2000]

KICK, AL2 Don donkick1@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 from December 1951 to July 1955 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. Great squadron and all our deployments to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada and NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco. Flew on HD-3's crew as first radio. Hope some of you kids from that era are still around. Found some old photographs and started remembering the good and bad times..." [08JUN2004]

KING, AOC David Retired davidking@hughes.net "...Started out with VP-8 63-65, VP-31 Detachment A from 65-67, VP-19 67-70. Served a tour in NAS Corpus then back to NAS Moffett Field, California with VP-40 73-78. Have over 7000 flight hours in P-3A, P-3B, and P-3C. Served with many great Shipmates over the years. I had lots of fun times and lots of not so fun times but would not trade it for anything..." [E-Mail Updated 27FEB2007 | E-Mail Updated 19AUG2003 | E-Mail Updated 23FEB2000 | 12APR98]

KING, ADRC Bob "Rotten Roger" Retired ret.navy@verizon.net "...I served with VP-1 from 1959 thru 1963. I was Plane Captain Crew 11 with LT Barnes for a couple years. Particpated on two deployments to NAS Kodiak, Alaska and NAS Adak, Alaska. Who could forget operation slamex? Those were the fun years. I lost my VP-1 Cruise Book - oh well. Joel Williamson, George Pridemore, Billy Boyd, and anyone else - e-mail me at your own risk. My ears ring all the time. I still hear those 3350 lawnmower engines. Also served with VP-2, VP-8, and VO-67..." [BIO Updated 05NOV2001 | BIO Updated 26APR2001 | 17NOV98]

KINLEY, Douglas kinleyd@hutchcc.edu "...I served in VP-8, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, from July 62 to August 65. We had those nice deployments to NAS Bermuda, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, and NAS Keflavik, Iceland. My friends called me "Duke". I would love to hear from Shipmates who remember me...I would love to hear from Shipmates especilly Mike Welch, David Earl Graham, Bud Stumpf, Hattie Moss, Murray Slay, Jerry Folski and too many others to mention. And, if you were part of the gang that hid VP-44's Pellican in the old man's office. It's time to fess up..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 23MAR2000 | 18MAR99]

KNOX, James W. "Jimmy" jam3kn@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 (1961-10/1963) with CDR Cook and CDR Bates. I can remember the loss (January 30, 1963) of LC-2 with all hands. I spent last 2 months on our deployment to NAS Bermuda..." [08AUG2011]

KOLODJAY, EDWARD T. ekolodjay@chicopee.k12.ma.us "...I was stationed in VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in 1965 as a second mech/FE assigned to CREW 9. Flew with a great group of folks. Looking to hear from Wally Seeger from MN. Wally flew as Radio Operator. Also an ATC named Harvey Jenkins famous for his inflight "tossed salads". Jenkins flew a local with us on Thanksgiving Day in '65 while deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. Somehow the PPC's Box lunch was "crushed" before he could eat it. Left the Navy in '66--joined the Air Force and flew C-130E's as a flight engineer for the next 29 years. Retired as an E-9 Chief..." [13MAR2002]

KRAEMER, AOC(AC) Wayne W. wayne388@adelphia.net "...Entered US Navy at RTC San Diego 50-51. AO prep & AO school 51. NPG Dahlgren 51-53. USS Hornet CVA-12 53-54. VP-44 54-56. NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada 56-58. VS-39 58-59. VF-21 59-61. VP-8 61-64. NAS Moffett Field, California 64-66. VP-9 66-70. NWS Fallbrook 70-73. VP-17 73-77. PMRF NAS Point Mugu, California 77-80..." [27FEB2005]

LAIRD, Douglas (Mel) pg449laird@yahoo.com "...Started off as an AW3 in VX-1 in Key West 70-72, AW2 in VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine 72-76, AW1 ASWOC NS Rota, Spain 76-79, AW1/YN1 VP-48 in NAS Moffett Field, California, retired as YNC in 93. Interested in hearing from anyone that was with me during these trying times. LMAO..." [19MAY99]

LASPALUTO, ADR3 R. T. sailordog1@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (09/1968-10/1969) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [03APR2012]

LARKIN, Terry terrylarkin@earthlink.net "...I got to VP-44 after JAG school in Newport RI in November 1962, was the squadron legal officer, then the PAO officer although VP-8 always said Andy Serrell was the real PAO officer. Andy was the one that put all the writers in his plane and all the photographers in the other plane when the P-3 picture of 'ol 44 appeared in all the newsreals over the Soviet ship ANASOV with missles headed for Cuba. Would like to make the Reunion at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in September 2003. Would love to hear from some of the crowd, from November 1962 to January 1966. Have a lot of photos from that time and would like to have them on DVDs for the Reunion..." [30JUL2003]

LEADY, AFCM Larmer "Bud" Retired blleady55@aol.com "...I served with ATU-601 (P2V's - Airframes) from 1954 to 1956 at NAS Hutchinson, Kansas, VP-48 (P-3's - Maintance Control) from 1968 to 1971 at NAS Moffett Field, California and VP-8 (Maintance Chief) from 1974 to 1978 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I would like to hear from any of my shipwrecks I have served with..." [E-Mail Updated 12AUG2008 | E-Mail Updated 18JAN2005 | E-Mail Updated 23JUL2001 | 09JAN99]

LEEP, ATCS(AW) Steven Retired p3rcm@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-23, VP-8, Force Warfare Aircraft Test (FWATD), VP-30 and Naval Air Maintenance TRAining GRoUp DETachment (NAMTRAGRUDET)..." [19OCT2014]

LEFEBVRE, AK2 Paul D. pdlefebvre@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1961-1963. I went from there to the USS Tanner as the only Aviation-type (AK3/2) cuz they sometimes carried a helicopter..." [26MAR2002]

LEMBO, AT2 Mario R. lembo4364@optonline.net "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland a few months prior to its move to NAS Brunswick, Maine in 1970. I made two deployments to NAS Bermuda from November - February 1970 and 1971. Was a sideboy for President Nixon's departure. I worked in the squadron's aircraft maintenance dept. on the APS 80 radar. Commanders' Wilkinson and Hansen were the CO's. I can remember only a few other members including Andy Muskus, Tom Fireband, and Rick Barletta. I am active in the NJ American Legion. I'd be interested in hearing from you and any other members of the squadron. Best Regards..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 29OCT2009 | 15AUG2001]

LEMIRE, Gerry glemire@cox.net "...I joined the Navy right out of high school in 1969. Did bootcamp at Great Lakes, A-school in NAS Memphis, Tennessee, B-school in NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Stationed aboard VP-8/Crew 10 in mid '70 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Squardron later moved to NAS Brunswick, Maine. I served with Crew 10 as an ASW, "Jez" operator. Made 3 winter deploments to NAS Bermuda. Discharged from active duty 7/73. I can look back to a lot of good times, challenges, and many great friends. Hi to my Shipmates of VP-8, 1970-73!..." [E-Mail Updated 22DEC2009 | 05NOV2000]

LENHARR, ADCS(AW) STAN slenharr@hotmail.com "...Served with VP-6 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii from February 1981 through October 1984, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine from November 1984 through June 1987, VP-44 NAS Brunswick, Maine from July 1987 until it was disestablished in May 1991, and AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine from August 1991 through July 1993. After 2nd tour at AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine checked into VP-8 July 1993 and enjoyed 7 fun-filled years there until I transfered to NRL at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland September 2000. I am currently still at NRL. Retirement is in the near future. Would love to hear from any old Shipmates..." [BIO Updated 17APR2002 | BIO Updated 10APR2002 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 18MAR2002 | 10MAY98]

LESTER, ATCS (NAC/AW) Albert "Al" Retired sakotrg@md.metrocast.net "...I served with VP-8 (IFT) from 1979 to 1987, VQ-2 (EW Operator) from 1987 to 1990, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (AIMD AV/ARM DIV Chief) from 1990 to 1993, VP-49 (IFT) 1994 to its disestablishment, VP-24 from 1994 to 1995 for their last deployment and then I hung it up and went to work with Raytheon Systems still supporting the P-3. I am still supporting the P-3 as the LSRS FST Avionics Representative out of NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [Updated E-Mail/BIO 02MAY2011 | 22NOV98]

LINAM, AFCM Ray Retired jlinam@net1inc.net "...Served in VP-8, 1962-65, and VP6-, 1970-74. I would appreciate hearing from old Shipmates. Retired in 1976, and continued my career at NAS Pensacola NADEP. Retired Civil Service as Division Director in 1993..." [26APR98]

LINNELL, Mike mlinnell@rcn.com "...VP-8 75-78 Gotta love those NAS Bermuda deployments. Remember the Marines? LOL Who stole the fire truck and Jeff Dog dippin smelts in the pool. Many good times and good people. Next did 3 yrs at VX-1 as AX1 along with Jim Wilson and Double L. Gald to hear from any old shiprecks..." [15DEC2001]

LIPOFSKY, ADC John D. Retired lipofsky@roadrunner.com "...Hello and Greetings, My last flying tour was with the Red Lancers of VP-10. I have also been in VP-44 (81-82& 89-decom) VP-8,(83-85) Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5),(82-83 & 85-89) VP-45 (77-81) (my first VP tour). FLew for 18 years and 7000+hrs then drove the admin div desk at AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine. Drop a line and Say hello...I am currently teaching (4 1/2yrs) Industrial Arts and Technology (shop) at the local High School, the hours are awesome no 3am pre-flights in the snow to bounce" "Mon thru Fri 7:30 to 3:00, Saturdays, Sundays, Summers, and best of all Snow Days off..." [E-Mail Updated 16NOV2007 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 15APR2002 | 27JUN98]

LISHNESS, Robert lish2k@tqci.net "...I'm a ground pounder. I served with: VP-8 80-85, AMS "A" School Instuctor 85-89, VP-11 89-92, AIMD NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 92-95, and now work with DYNCORP FORCE WARFARE. My bother Tom and Father Alton were also VP'ers with VP-10, VP-30, VP-40, and VP-11. I would like to hear from all Shipmates that might know me or my dad and brother..." [01JAN98]

LLOYD, CAPT Henry F. https://naval-air.org/flightlog/moreinfo.asp?UID=331 "...CAPT Henry F. Lloyd, USN - NFL Number: 331 - Date of Birth: 8/20/1915 - Date In: 1/1/1939 - Date Out: 1/1/1969 - City, State: St. Augustine, FL - School Attended: US Naval Academy - Aircraft Flown: P-3C, P2V-2, P2V-7, F2H-2, F3D-1, HO4S - Ship or Unit: USS Louisville VB-131 - VX-1, CO - Pilot Desg.: Naval Aviator - Theaters, Campaigns, etc.: WWII, Vietnam - Associations/Service Organizations: USNA Alumni Assn Military Order of WW Assn of Nav Aviation Ret. Officers Assn Air Force Assn - Highest personal decoration or award: Legion of Merit - Significant Achievements: 13,000+ hours flight time. CO of VP-8, FAW-3, US Naval Postgraduate school, & NATTC Memphis, Tennessee. Involved w/the Rotary Club, the Navy League, USO, & United Way. In Memoriam? No..." [06DEC2005]

LOHBAUER, AO2 Rich richlohbauer@embarqmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (1977-1981). I flew with Crew 5 and 6..." [27JAN2021]

LOWE, Jim Retired jamlowe@ptd.net "...I served with VP-4 from 1974-1977, VP-10 from 1977-1981, CPW-5 from 1981-1984, VP-10 1984-1987, and VP-8 from 1987-1989 when I retired..." [E-Mail 14FEB2003 | E-Mail Updated 23MAR99 | 06DEC97]

LOVE, AXC (AC) William R. (Bill) Jr Retired bilbiker@gwi.net"...I joined VP-34 in July 1949 as an AOAN straight out of AO(A) school in Memphis, Tn.. We were in Norfolk at Breezy Point. In hangar SP-31. We had 9 PBM-5E aircraft.. The squadron had just finished transitioning from the PBY-6A and had changed designations from VP AM 4 to VP-34. I went to Trinidad with them and stayed in the squadron until 1953. Going from AOAN when I joined them to AO1 by the time that I transfered. I still remember a lot of good things about that outfit and recently received a picture from Norm Roinstad that was taken in Trinidad of the "White Hats" in the Aviation Ordnance Division...After VP-34 I went to FAWTULANT, now VF-101 in Key West Fl. Then to VP-8 at Quonset Point, R.I., Chincoteague Va, and Norfolk, Va. Task Group Alfa, and Project Little Joe. Flew recovery missions for the "monkey in space" low orbit rides. Left there in Feb 1960 and went to VA-125 at Moffett Field, Ca. made AOC in Sep 60 and moved to NAS Lemoore, California, when that base opened. Instructed "Light Jet Attack" A4 aircraft. Conventional Weapons loading and delivery. Changed my rate to AX on the first AX list and in 1963 went to VP-24 at Norfolk, Va., as and AXC. Went through Task Group Delta (the best deal a sailor ever had) and left there in 1967 for VP-23 at Brunswick Me. 1967 to 1970 VP-23. Changed rate to AWC on the first AW list, took over as the first AW division Chief. Transitioned VP-23 from P-2 to P-3 A/C I flew Radio and we borrowed an F/E from Lovin' 11 until we got some qualified people. 1970 to 71 Fleet Airborne Electronics Training Unit Atlantic, (FAETULANT) Det Brunswick, taught MAD, Radar and worked at Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape School (SERE). 1971 to 1974 Transferred to Patrol Squadron Eight (VP-8) when they moved up from Patuxent River. I was their second AW division CPO. Quit flying in 1973 after 10,500 hours and 20 years in 8 different aircraft types and returned to AXC. I went to VP-26 as Night Maintenance CPO, then to First Lt. and left there in 1976 for "Shore Duty" Twilight Cruise. Assigned to the Counselling and Assistance Center at NAS Brunswick, Maine, as Leading Chief until I retired in July 1977..."

LUBKING, Bob pearl@mag.net "...I served in the VP-8 squadron from 1951-1954 as an AE1 flying the P2V 2 & 4..." [09MAY99]

LUEKER, Denny Retired dlueker@capital.net "...Served in VP-18 67-68, VP-8 68-70, VP-30 70-73, VP-23 73-77, VP-10 77-80 and ASW Directorate NATC 80-84. Would enjoy hearing from any old shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 10JUL99 | 00XXX97]

MALTA, Anthony J. ajmalta@earthlink.net "...Joined VP-8 for two years active duty (USNR) as SN in 1958 when it was based at NAS NAS Chincoteague, Virginia., flying P2V-5s. Duty in the boondocks; best and nearest liberty was Crisfield, Md. where one could at least get a decent seafood dinner. An office type, I served with the squadron as education yeoman, and flew as observer/nosegunner in the gunless front nose seat every chance I could get; generally with Lt(j.g.) McArdle in plane LC5 -- he from Detroit area and would often get required flight time in by flying to NAS Grosse ILE, Michigan on weekend trips when he was off. Made several ops flights, too -- including one crash landing at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Many good officers in squadron then, including one who was killed in an aircraft crash in South America after he had transferred. I served with VP-8 until it relocated to NAS Norfolk, Virginia in late 1958 -- shortly thereafter, promoted to JO3 and transferred to USS Greenwich Bay (AVP-41). Still have many memories of the squadron and its people (including some home 8mm movies taken at NAS Chinco), standing frigid ramp watches trying to stay out of the snow and wind in the nosewheel wells, those horrible "box lunches" packed aboard for 8-hour patrol flights and all the rest of that fun stuff..." [25OCT99]

MALVEY, Ed (Malv) grbeard@nji.com "...I served with VP-8 1966-67 I was one of those fleet radioman who qualified for crew. I would love to hear from any other "black-shoe sailors" who was in that first class of radiomen at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in 1966..." [Updated 19JUN98]


Memorial Picture "...MARKS, Charles F...Charles F. Marks, 80, of Zeeland, Mich., formerly of Paw Paw, died Oct. 3, 2009 at Spectrum Health Butterworth in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Marks served as a member of Patrol Squadron Eight of the U.S. Navy. He was employed at General Electric for over 30 years at plants in DeKalb, Holland, Mich. and Ft. Wayne, Ind. He was involved in many community activities during his life in Paw Paw - coaching Little League, as a Boy Scout leader, a member of the Paw Paw Fire Department, serving on the District 271 school board from 1967–1976 and he was a 50-plus year member of the American Legion. He was also very involved in planning and building the Paw Paw Community Building. He loved his family, his friends, his dogs, his garden and his fishing trips..." WebSite: The Mendota Reporter http://www.mendotareporter.com/ [01NOV2009]

MARTINSEN, CDR Glenn Tracy (Deceased) http://1963usna.topcities.com/classmates/roster/cur-bio/316250.html "...Commander Glenn T. "Marty" Martinsen was born in Santa Monica, California in 1941. He attended the University of Southern California prior to entering the United States Naval Academy in 1959. Upon graduation in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as an Ensign, he entered flight training in Pensacola, Florida. Receiving his wings in November 1964, Commander Martinsen was assigned to VP-17, flying the SP2H Neptune aircraft out of NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, and on three deployments to the Far East. From 1968 to 1970, he was assigned to the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he received his Master of Science degree in computer science. He then reported to the U.S.S. Saratoga (CV-60) as the Assistant Combat Information Center Officer and qualified as an Officer of the Deck, Underway, while operating in the Mediterranean and Vietnam waters. In 1972, he attended the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, graduating with distinction in 1973. Commander Martinsen transitioned to the P-3 Orion aircraft and reported to VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine, where he served as the squadron Administrative Officer and later as the Maintenance Officer. While with VP-8, he deployed to various sites in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In 1976, he was assigned to the staff, Commander Patrol Wings, U.S. Atlantic Fleet as the Force Tactical Development and Evaluation Officer until reporting to VP-11 as Executive Officer. Commander Glenn T. Martinsen, USN 33rd Commanding Officer Patrol Squadron Eleven passed away on active duty on July 24, 1979..." [29JUN2003]

Memorial Picture "...McCULLOUGH, PO2 William A. "Bill"...My husband, William A McCullough, passed away April 20, 2022. He served with VP-11 (1995-1997) at NAS Brunswick, Maine and VP-8 (1997-2000). He also spent time at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and NAS North Island, San Diego, California. I do have a NAS Adak, Alaska Cruisebook (1988-1989). If there is anyone on here that would like this, I am happy to pass it along. It is history, but will mean more to others than to me. I am not sure how many will remember after all these years, but I just found this site and thought someone might be wondering. We left NAS Brunswick, Maine and moved to Baltimore MD and from there came here to FL. Bill is laid to rest in Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. See: The Journey of Loving William Mccullough and Bill's Wonderful Life..." Contributed by Shirley McCullough eileenelder999@outlook.com [17OCT2023]

McDONALD, LT Mike WeAgs2@aol.com "...PPC - CAC-7 - VP-8..." [11FEB98]

McELHINEY, MCPO http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-1/cmc.htm "...Master Chief McElhiney enlisted in the Navy in November 1983. After completing Boot Camp and Basic Electricity and Electronics training in San Diego, California, he attended Data Systems Technician "A" and "C" schools in Mare Island, California. He reported to the USS BAINBRIDGE (CGN 25), home ported in Norfolk, Virginia in August 1985. While assigned to Bainbridge he completed a deployment to the Mediterranean and advanced to Second Class Petty Officer. He also qualified to wear the Enlisted Surface Warfare Insignia and distinguished himself as the only Second Class to qualify as Officer of the Deck (Inport). He volunteered for submarine duty and transferred to Naval Submarine School, Groton, Connecticut in January 1988. Master Chief McElhiney graduated as Class Honorman from Basic Enlisted Submarine School and also attended four Fire Control Technician "C" schools before laterally converting to Fire Control Technician Second Class and reporting to his first submarine, USS PROVIDENCE (SSN 719) in April 1989. On Providence, he completed deployments to the Northern Atlantic and the Mediterranean and advanced to First Class Petty Officer. He qualified in submarines in just three months and completed all qualifications through Contact Coordinator and Diving Officer of the Watch in eighteen months. He reported to Naval Submarine School for instructor duty in May 1991. At Naval Submarine School, Master Chief McElhiney received the William O. Floersted Award for Instructor Excellence, earned the title Master Training Specialist and developed four new courses of instruction. While serving as an instructor, he was promoted to Chief Petty Officer and instructed over 400 students in the operation, maintenance and repair of modern submarine fire control systems. He transferred to the USS AUGUSTA (SSN 710) in April 1994. During his tour on Augusta, he served as the Fire Control Division Leading Chief Petty Officer, First Lieutenant, ADP Security Officer and the Local Area Network System Administrator. He made two deployments to the Northern Atlantic and advanced to Senior Chief Petty Officer. He was selected for the Chief of the Boat program and received orders to the USS PROVIDENCE (SSN 719) for a second tour, this time as the COB. After attending the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy he reported to Providence in August 1998. Providence participated in several Allied Forces Joint Naval Operations as well as multiple Battle Group exercises. She completed an arduous Selective Restricted Availability period to upgrade her Sonar and communications suites in the summer of 2000 and deployed with the ENTERPRISE Battle Group from April to November 2001. Providence was proud to be a major contributor in the opening months of Operation Enduring Freedom. Additionally, Providence was awarded the Battle Efficiency "E" as the best submarine in Submarine Squadron FOUR for 2000 and 2001 and was recognized as the SSN with the best retention in the Atlantic Submarine Force for 2001. Master Chief McElhiney was promoted to his current rank in March 2000. Master Chief McElhiney is entitled to wear the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three awards), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal(four awards), and various unit and campaign awards..." [02JUN2003]

McLAUGHLIN, James H. jamesmclaughlin@juno.com "...I served w/ VP-8 (Tigers) from 1978-1980 as an avionics technician (AX2). I followed this w/ VP-92 (as a reservist) at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts from 1980-91..." [20DEC99]

McMASTER, Donald Retired dmcmaster@maine.rr.com "...I served with VP-8 (1974-1976), CPW-5 (1976-1978), VPU-1 (1978-1983), AW "A" School (1983-1986), VP-44 (1986-1990) where I retired. I still live in Maine with my wife and 4 year old daughter. Would like to hear from any old Shipmates that remember me and the good times..." [E-Mail Updated 03JUN2008 | E-Mail Updated 23MAR2006 | 08FEB2002]

Memorial Picture "...McVAY, Captain Donald H...Donald H. McVay passed away February 9, 2012. Captain McVay was graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1953. Upon completion of flight training, he reported to VP-23 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. While in VP-23, he participated in deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and Malta. In 1957, he reported to U.S. Navy Postgraduate School in Monterey and subsequently completed his Masters Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Michigan in 1960. He returned to NAS Brunswick, Maine to VP-10 and participated in deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. He next served on USS Enterprise as Assistant Combat Information Center Officer through 1964. During this period Enterprise participated in operation Sea Orbit with USS Long Beach and USS Bainbridge which circumnavigated the globe without refueling. He then reported to Naval Air Test Center NAS Patuxent River, Maryland for three years. In 1968, he was assigned as Executive Officer of VP-8, a P-3 squadron and in 1969 he assumed command of VP-8. This was followed by an assignment as Navigator on USS America. After a three year tour on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., he reported as Chief of Staff, USCOMSOLANT, in Puerto Rico where he took part in three UNITAS cruises around South America. He completed his Navy career as the Logistics Division Director in the Naval Air Systems Command and retired in 1980. Since retirement he worked as a consultant in the Washington, DC area on Naval Aviation programs including the F/A-18 and the LAMPS Mark III program. After retirement he remained active in USNA Class of '53 activities and enjoyed travel, golf, and bridge, as well as time spent with his dear wife, Joyce and his family. Visitation will be held on Monday, February 13 from 3 6 p.m. at Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home, 4143 Dale Blvd., Dale City, VA 22193. Requiem Mass will be said at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2011 at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 18825 Fuller Heights Road, Triangle, VA 22173, followed by interment in Quantico National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Capital Caring Hospice at 10530 Linden Lake Plaza, Suite 200, Manassas, VA 20109 or a charity of choice. WebSite: InsideNova http://www.legacy.com/...." Contributed by WILSON, AT2 Robert T. Jr. helgasgardener@gmail.com [13FEB2012]

MENTING, Peter ommapop@msn.com "...Served in VP-8 from 1956-1958. Made deployment to NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco from NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island as 2nd Mech on HD-10. Crew names; Boyer/ppc, Mitchel /pp2p, Ryder/ plane capt, Nowak/ radar,Dibartolemeo/ 1st radio, McGee/2nd radio, DiCammilo/ ordinance. Stayed with HD-10 untill it overshot a landing and wound up in the bay. Served remainder of time on Crew#9, can't remember names. Made UN operation to Scotland in '57, part of two plane detachment to Bodo, Norway (same operation). Departed NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada in early '58 for NAS Chincoteague, Virginia. Discharged in late 1958..." [E-Mail Updated 01APR2002 | 15JAN2002]

MILLER, PH3 Blane H. III blanemiller@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1993-1998 as was Photographer Third Class..." [17DEC2003]

MITCHELL, Kenneth Retired ken@creativemindssacramento.com "...I served with VP-30 early in 1970, VP-8 ( NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, and later in NAS Brunswick, Maine) 1970-1974, VX-1 ( NAS Patuxent River, Maryland) December 1974-May 1975, NESEP Program 1975-1979, VP-31 July 1980-January 1981, and VP-50 ( NAS Moffett Field, California) January 1981-December 1983. After that, I taught navigation at the joint service navigator school at Mather AFB, here in Sacramento, then a final tour as ASWOC Officer at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. Retired in 1989..." WEBSITE: http://www.creativemindssacramento.com [WebSite Updated 30DEC2002 | E-Mail Updated 20MAR2002]

MONTGOMERY, Ben montgomery@aol.com "...I was in the 1st operational P2 squadron to transition to P-3s in 1961 with VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Captain Cook was the Commanding Officer. If anyone was in squadron from 1961 to 1967 I would like to chat. I'm now flying commercially with NWAL 747s and just 2 yrs to retirement. I'll never forget my old Shipmates i.e., Alex Wasilewski PPC, Charlie Hall FE, Hap Peterson, and Ed Blanat,to mention a few. Drop me an email and we will talk over old times..." [15MAR2000]

MORALES, PH1 Lester lesconmorales@aol.com "...Started way back in 1971 and wish I was still flying. Got the pleasure to fly on the P2's and take Aerial Photos for different crews. In 1978 I became a Crawfisher and that's when I really found out what flying was all about. Going on deployments with different crews(being adopted) was fantastic. Going over to NS Rota, Spain I got to fly with VP-8 and VP-23. Being a Photographer, getting my wings then becoming a Natops Instructor was very rewarding. The late night airlifts, holding the record for being broke down on the East airlifts when we started flying the Update II.5's and seeing the many friends each weekend was great. Working and traveling all over the world with the Crawfishers is something I will always remember...Also served with VP-94..." [BIO Updated 11SEP2001 | 09MAR2001]

MORI, CDR Donald "Paul" Retired dmori1832@earthlink.net "...I served aboard NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada (1964-1967), NROTC University of Nebraska (1967-1971), VP-8 (1972-1976), VP-30 (1976-1978), TSC (1978-1980) at NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal , USNA (1980-1982), VP-11 (1983-1985), TSC (1985-1987) at NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, CPWL (1987-1991) and retired (1991)..." [BIO Updated 24FEB2014 | E-Mail Updated 20SEP2000 | 06MAR2000]

MORRIS, AWCS (AW/NAC) Jeffrey S. Retired 2yankeesfan15@comcast.net "...I served with Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational TRAining GRouP (FASOTRAGRU) DETachment (DET) NAS Brunswick, Maine (1994-1998), VP-8 (1991-1994), USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) (1989-1991), CPW-5 (1985-1988) and VP-23 (1979-1985). Now the owner/photographer of The Pierce Studio in Brunswick, Maine..." [E-Mail Updated 08FEB2015 | E-Mail Updated 14OCT2002 | BIO Updated 23NOV98]

MAULSBY, J.D."Spud" spudpasofino@webtv.net "...Served in VW-2 56-59 as ACW / NAS Twin Cities, Minnesota as AC 67-69/VP-8 70-72 /FASO 73-76 /VP-45 77-79 /HS-11 80-82 /HS-1 82-85. Retired on 1 Jan. 85 own and operate a horse training and breeding operation in Florida would like to hear from any of my old running mates. I hope some of the old Willie Victor crew two are still around . Also would like to contact Phil Solem he could still be on active duty he recieved his commision in 72 or 73. I was known in VP-8 as Spud or The Bermuda Budda..." [16MAR98]

McDERMOTT, AX2 Jim jhm16@psu.edu "...I was an AX2 in VP-8 from 1961 through 1965, under CO's Cook, Bates, & Johnson(?). Would like to find an embroidered patch of "the thing" -- the arm holding the trident -- and an older "Neptune" patch. Lost touch with everyone, and would enjoy hearing from squadron mates from the NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal / NAS Keflavik, Iceland / NAS Bermuda / NS Roosevelt Roads, PR days..." [18DEC2000]

MEUNIER, Darrell Retired demnav@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1981 to 1985, instructor time with VP-30 from December 1985 to 1989, after that joyful experience served with VP-49 until just weeks before disestablishment, and COMPATWINGSPAC NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. Had a blast there, then moved further West and went to Japan (CV-62 and CV-63 Independence and Kitty Hawk respectively) in Yokosuka from 1997 to 1999, then Okinawa till I retired in 2002. Anyone want to get hold of me? Drop a line at my e-mail. Oh, now I'm a Harley mechanic. Weird world, huh?..." [12JAN2004]

MOORE, CAPTAIN Michael K. "Mike" Retired mikemoored@aol.com "...I served with VT-3 (1966-1968), VP-8 (1968-1970), VP-64 (1971-1975) and retired in 1993. I would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 06OCT2017 | 04JUL98]

MOREY, Pat patmorey_99@yahoo.com "...I was a proud Tiger (VP-8) from 1991 through 1996 I had many great times and some great deployments (except my last NS Roosevelt Roads, PR deployment). Anyone out there on that record breaking deployment (29 engine changes)?..." [13NOV99]

MORRIS, Benjamin C. c/o His Son Thomas L. Morris tleemorris@hotmail.com "...My Father passed on in '85. He retired as Chief Petty Officer rating. My father served with CPW-4, CPW-5, VP-8, and VP-10. I would love to hear from anyone that served with him..." [23APR2000]


MOSS, CDR E. L. Moss Retired c/o his Son Brian T. Moss Shipmate PixCirca 1957 klausb62@hotmail.com "...Dad He earned his Aviator's Wings in 1940 at NAS Pensacola, Florida. He shipped out on board the the USS Brooklyn (CL-40) participating in the invasions of North Africa and Sicily as a gunfire spotter. His first ASW missions were during WW2 in the North Atlantic against German U-Boats flying SOC-3 floatplanes off of the Brooklyn. He helped to write the post-war ASW training doctrine at Newport R.I. His logbooks indicate he flew PB4Y-2 Privateers with VP-8 (1947-1949) and later P2V Neptunes as Commanding Officer of VP-10 (1949-1958). He says he was in and out of deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska, NAF Narsarssuak, Greenland, NAS Keflavik, Iceland and Florida numerous times during this period. He ended his flying career with VR-3 in C-130 Hercules and retired from the Navy in 1969 as Base XO, NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey. Dad would love to hear from former Shipmates..." [09OCT2014]

MOTTERN, AW1 Carl Retired Shipmate Pix VP-8 1980 Shipmate Pix VP-93 1994 cfmottern@yahoo.com "...I was an SS-3 from 1979 to my retirement as a reserve AW1 in Febuary 1996. I garaduated from VP-30 as the last east coast BRAVO SS-3 student from where I went to VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. Flew with CAC 1/2 from 79 to 11-81 when I transferred to NRD Buffalo s a recruiter. Bailed out from there and reupped as a reserve with VP-93 where I flew in some of VP-8s' old "B"s. When VP-93 decommed in in 1994 I went to VP-64 at NAS JRB Willow Grove, Pennsylvania from where I retired in February 96. Prior to VP I had beemn a rotor head with HS-15 and a T.A.D. stint in HS-1. With HS-15 I deployed on board USS Ameica and Independence. Would love to hear from old friends in all old units..." [E-Mail Updated 01FEB2005 | PIX ADDED 26FEB2000 | 27OCT99]

MOULINE, AWC "Dick" Retired rmoulin@ctel.net "...VP-18, VP-8, VPU-1, Special Projects, NATC ASW Test, CPWL, Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5), FAETUPAC NAS Whidbey Island, Washington-- Retired '80, 5600 P-3 Flight hrs, 2024 P2 Flight hrs. Qualified Aircrew P2/P3/WV-1/F3D/F4H -- and got 1 ride in a blimp just before it decomissioned. Duty Assignments: - NAS Glynco/USNAVCIC Scol, '60-'62 - USS Saratoga, VA-36 Roadrunners, Cuban crisis ' '62, Med '63 - USS Enterprise, VA-66, Med '64, Operation Sea Orbit '64 - VP-18 Crew 7&1, (Roos Rds/ NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba/DOMREP), '65-'67 - FAETUPAC NAS Whidbey Island, Washington '68-'70 Weapons System Test (WST) & Non-Acoustic Instructor - VP-8 '70-'74, SS1, Crew 12, "The Tale of the Tiger" - Commander, Patrol Wing Five (CPW-5) Special Projects (Old Buzzards), '74-'75. Senior Acoustic Inel Analyst/Operator - Naval Air Test Center, ASW Directorate, P-3 Test. Acoustic Projects Test Chief, P-3 Skeds Officer '75-'78...Tech Evals; AQA-7 (3V), P-3 Super B, P3C UD1, 2, 2.5, UYS-1, SLOT, SS Operator interactive displays. Flight Evals; Super B, UD 1, 2, 2.5, UYS-1, IRDS. Omega Nav, Interactive Displays, TSCCS, Link 11. Factory Acceptance: IRDS, UD 2.5, 14B44, UYS-1. (Yep, you can blame most of the things used in current P-3's on me and the other guys at NATC/ASW/P-3 Test in the late '70's). - Special Projects (Old Buzzards) Senior Acoustic Operator '78-'80 - Retired 1980 -Vitro Corp, SOS Bath, '80-'83, programmer FFG-7 project - Summit Research Corp, COMPATWINGSLANT '83-'94 Tactical Information Management System, Site Manager/ Technology Advisor/ AIRDAS Project Manager/ NATO MPA Data & Programming Standards Committee/CNO ISAR Data Base Manager - LL Bean, Freeport, Maine, '95-pres. Customer Service representative/newhire,rehire training. Comments: From a position of semi retirement I'll say that I throughly enjoyed my 34 years of association with the airdale Navy. Most enjoyable was my time as an aircrewmember, and as a civilian at CPWL. A number of us retired in the Brunswick area, so I still see a lot of old Shipmates from CPWL, VP-8 and Special Projects. I remain fairly current on VP issues through the VPI magazine, and my son-in-law, who is an active duty chief presently assigned to the "Buzzards". Good luck &, "keep flying 'em safe"..." [07APR98]

MUELLER, Wallace "Wally" wjmueller67@gmail.com "...I served with VT-7 (08/1965-09/1967) at NAAS Meridian, VP-8 (09/1967-06/1969) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [26OCT2017]

MULKEY, ATCS "Sam" jsm_35@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-30 (twice), VP-45, VP-8 and VQ-2. Retired out of VP-30 and I am currently enjoying life as a P-3 NATEC Tech Rep in sunny NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Love to hear from some old friends...." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 25SEP2010 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 16SEP2002 | 16JUN99]

MULLEN, Mike "Moon" michmull@erols.com "...Flew in VP-8 (62-65), VP-10 (65-67), VP-30 (69-72), VP-45 (72-76), VX-1 (76-78) and back to VP-8 (78-79). Love to hear from those who may remember me..." [22MAY98]

MYNES, NCC Armister C. Retired mynesa@bellsouth.net "...I served with VP-8 September 71 - August 74 as Career Counselor in NAS Brunswick, Maine, ABH1, Served under Cmdrs Wilkerson, Hanson, Debode, Anderson, and Mowery. 4 deployments to NAS Bermuda, lots happened to include the first female in combat service under Cmdr Hanson - Ensign Dottie Brown who was married to a pilot in the squadron. Went from VP-8 to recruiting duty out of Lewiston/Auburn/Portland/Augusta and then on to teach recruiting in Orlando FL. Retired out of Iceland in 1982 and live in Orlando now, working for county. Would like to hear from any old Shipmates!..." [E-Mail Updated 22APR2007 | 24JAN2002]

NAST, Bruce P. bnast@viclink.com "...VP-8 Nov72-Oct76, NATTC Memphis Instructor AME(A1) Nov76-Oct79, VP-10 Flight Engineer Mar80-Sept86, VP-4 Dec86-Nov89, NATTC Memphis Dec89-Retired Aug92. Currently TWA, Flight Operations Training Specialist, St Louis..." [E-Mail Updated 11FEB2001 | 10MAY98]

NATION, AMH3 Ron ronnation@havilandtelco.com "...Served in VP-8 from 1971 to 1973. Made 3 deployments to NAS Bermuda. "Rough Duty". Darn Good Squadron! I worked in the airframe shop. Made some good friends there. There was a First Class Petty Office named Gordon "Dobey" Kellet in the airframe shop who was really "First Class." Sure would like to meet him again..." [04APR2002]

NAYLOR, AO3 Steven snracn@aol.com "...I reported to VP-8 October 1870 and deployed to NAS Bermuda. I flew with Crew-4 out of NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and later NAS Brunswick, Maine. My most memorable flight was out of NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal when #3 quit while rolling for take off. We got it stopped and restarted #3 and ran it up and down. All went well after lift off. Our PPC called for reduced power was met with a FE who had fallen asleep (to many flights in a row). Great Crew - great proformance in hard times - always finding the Target..." [22DEC2009]

NEUMANN, LCDR Lawrence A. Retired neumannl@snet.net "...I was Ens. Lawrence A. Neumann, Officerin Charge, April 1944 to June 1945 aboard the Landing Craft Tank LCT-898 from LCT-898 I went to staff ADCOM 7th PHIB then to Mare Island Shipyard and separation to INACDU in 1946. In 1950 VP-731 was a reserve squadron activated for the Korean war, I was the electronic officer of VP-731 VP-731 on her first deployment to NS Sangley Point, Philippines in 1951. On return to San Diego I transferred to VU-3 VU-3a (drones) as Assistant Electronic Officer. Next I was sent to FAW-2 FAW-14 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii while at FAW-2 on TAD to VP-6 I supervised upgrading configuration of new P2V-5's for WestPac duty. When the FAW was deployed to WestPac I was detached for having too much time in WestPac and was assigned to FASRON-110 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. My next station was NAS Point Mugu, California as Range Comm Officer. After a tragic accident when family members of VW-2 vw2a were lost on deployment to NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco. I was ordered as a replacement for the man that lost his family. I was designated as a Naval Aviation Observer and I spent 1 1/2 years with VW-2a operating P4M aircraft-1Q aircraft. The VW-2a unit was redesignated as VQ-2 in 1956. I was mustered out in July 1956 and returned to civilian life. I joined the Naval Reserve as an Electronic Officer in VS-837 (NAS Brooklyn, New York). The squadron was recalled to active duty in 1961 for the Berlin Crisis and included a 3 month deployment to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. On return from NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba I transfered to VP-837 (NAS Brooklyn, New York). I finally retired from reserve duty in 1978 as an LCDR - I was the electronics officer LCDR of VS-837 when we were activated in October 1961. We were deployed to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in the spring of 1962 for about six weeks. Our squadron was selected for an experimental long legs project at Grumman Aircraft that involved installation of large fuel tanks in the bomb bay. The work was done on site at NAS Floyd Bennett Field, New York. VS-837 was deactivated in June 1962. During my VS-837 active duty I was able to commute to my home in Trumbull, CT on a regular basis. I transferred to VP-837 shortly after deactivation and became a TACCO. On a two weeks activation to NAS Jacksonville, Florida our crew qualified as a fleet B class unit. I continued to drill at FBT until about 1972..." [BIO Updated 24JUN2007 | BIO Updated 24MAY2007 | BIO Updated 29JUL2005 | 17JUL2000]

NEWMAN, ATCS(NAC) Jerry D. Retired jern46@bigriver.net "...The "fun" began..1967-70, VP-40 (P-5s & P-3s) NAS Moffett Field, California; 1971-75, VP-31 NAS Moffett Field, California; 1976-79, VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine; 1979-85, VP-31, ASA-DET NAS Moffett Field, California. In between these wonderful times I was stuck in Millington...enough said. Retired here in 1990 after 24 years & 5,268 flt hours as a ATCS. Best wishes to all that are "stuck" on the deck, and to you young guys out there still flying, maintain a wonderful tradition. Old friends - give me a yell..." [E-Mail Updated 13FEB2005 | E-Mail Updated 29JUN2003 | 11FEB2001]

NICHOL, Allen D. nicholhill@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1970 to 1974, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Bermuda, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NS Rota, Spain, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone. I would like to hear from anyone that is still interested..." [06APR2000]

NYBERG, CDR Gerald L. https://cnatra.navaltx.navy.mil/ctw-4/vt-31/cmdsuite.shtm "...Commanding Officer VT-31 - Commander Nyberg was born in Moses Lake, WA and grew up in Kalamazoo, MI. He is a 1984 graduate of Western Michigan University receiving a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He was commissioned in January 1985 and received his Wings in November 1985. Following FRS training, CDR Nyberg reported in May 1986 to the "Fighting Tigers" of VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. During this tour, he served as Pilot NATOPS Instructor and Pilot Training Officer. He deployed once to NS Rota, Spain, and twice to NAS Keflavik, Iceland. In January 1990, CDR Nyberg reported to the Pro's Nest, VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, as FRS Instructor Pilot. His duties included Fleet Formation Instructor Pilot and Fleet IUT Instructor Pilot. In April 1993, CDR Nyberg reported to USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63) at NAS North Island, San Diego, California. Serving in the Air Department as V-2 Division Officer and Shooter, he completed a WESTPAC deployment in 1994. In May 1995, CDR Nyberg was assigned to Air Command Staff College at Maxwell AFB, AL. During this tour, he completed JPME phase I and earned his Master's Degree from Troy State University. Following refresher training, CDR Nyberg reported in December 1996 to his operational Department Head tour with the "Fighting Tigers" of VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine. He deployed once to NAS Sigonella, Sicily supporting Operation DELIBERATE GUARD; and completed a tri-site deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, and Howard AFB, Panama. During this tour he served as COMFIVEATAF Liaison Officer in Vicenza, Italy, Safety/Natops Officer and Maintenance Officer. In May 1999, CDR Nyberg reported to Commander Western Hemisphere Group/CTF 40 at NS Mayport, FL, as the Air Operations Officer. During his tour to oversaw the transfer of CTF 40 to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. In May 2000, CDR Nyberg reported to CPW/CPRW-11 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, as the Maintenance and Logistics Officer. His awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (five awards), Meritorious Unit Commendation (three awards), Battle Efficiency Award (two awards) and various other campaign medals and service awards..." [02JUL2003]

NASWORTHY, CAPTAIN George F. c/o Tim Nasworthy timnaswo@yahoocom "...My dad, Capt. George F. Nasworthy, USN, Retired was CO of VP-8 in the late 50's..." [07NOV2004]

O'BRIEN, John P. "Jack" "...I have been in 3 VP squadrons, i.e., VP-8 during June 1951-November 1953, VP-832 during Sept 1954-Aug 1962 and VP-5 during 1962-Jan 1965. Most of my VP experience has been in P-2 Neptunes with the exception of 3 years PB-4Y2 experience with VP-832 at NAS New York, New York. I retired from the Navy during 1982 and have provided consulting service to the Naval Air Systems Command since then..."

O'BRIEN, PN2 Tom "OB" tallregulrguy@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1981 to 1984 looking to connect with former Shipmates and friends who were with the squadron during that time period..." [09JUN2009]

OLIVEIRA, PN Jim "Ollie" jdoliveira51@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 (1975-1978) and then transferred to USNR Seabees at NAS Brunswick, Maine (Cold Weather Battalion) and Davisville, RI. I recently was elected as City Councilor in New Bedford, MA. I would like to hear from former Shipmates. I was back in Brunswick for closing of AirBase a couple of years ago. Nice Reunion with some former Shipmates .Have remained active in aviation community as Chairman of N.B. Airport Commission building new runways and chasing away deer...at least they're not cows like in NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal...." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 12NOV2011 | 25MAR2004]

OLIVER, AT1(AW) James "OLLIE" doubled@javanet.com "...Served with 1986-1989 different schools, VP-46 1989-1992, VP-30 1992-1993 decommend 1993, VP-31 1993-1995, VP-11 1995-1996 decommend 1996, and currently an IFT assigned to VP-8. Would like any old shipmates to look me up and get in touch..." [16JUL99]

Shipmate Requested Name Removal  [Shipmate Removed 19AUG2001 | E-Mail Updated 18OCT2000 | E-Mail Updated 16FEB99 | 20NOV97]

OTT, Richard Jr. richjr69@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-26 (1982-1985), VP-8 (1985-1990), VPU-1 (1990-1994), NAWC NAS Point Mugu, California (1994-1997), VP-26 (1997-2001) and then retired. I currently work at Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW) as a Quality Assurance Specialist..." [23DEC2017]

PAPA, AE Ralph Shipmate PixCirca 1958 artistpapa@bellsouth.net "....I had served an Aviation Electronics Technician with VP-8 from 1958 through September 1961. Great experieces and great friends. One that I won't forget was being a member of the flight crew that located the space capsule that housed the monkey 'Sam'. I was manning an A-Type Oscilloscope in the bow to home in on the Mercury capsule which was launched from Wallops Island in Virginia. Would like to know the wherabouts of other crewmebers of LC-11, LC-12 and LC-4 (LT Robert Lee Hogg, 1st Mech Louis Sherry, Ordinanceman Cecil Bostick and 2nd Technician Frank Abend). Our Navigator, Retired Captain Leon Gilchrist who passed away in 2015, lived in Talahassee and joined us at our last VP-8 Reunion in Jacksonville, Florida in 2002..." [BIO/PICTURE ADDED 24SEP2018 | 03SEP2004]

PARKS, AZ3 Clinton navyvet1994@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1975 to 1978. Thank you ADM Oliver, MCPO Leady and CPO Curtis for putting up with me those years. My wife (Regina) and I thank you. We live in New Rochelle, NY..." [E_Mail/BIO Updated 24JUL2009 | 13JUN2002]

PARSLEY, Philip slpprp@msn.com "...I was in VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1964-67. I remember the 1965 deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. Also, the 1966 NS Sangley Point, Philippines deployment. I still have the cruise book. They are all great memories with a bunch of great Shipmates. I would love to hear from any of the old gang..." [04JAN2001]

PAULSEN, AE2 Greg gregory.paulsen@mwv.com "...I served with VP-8 (1983-1986) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and NS Rota, Spain..." [08SEP2014]

PEACE, Richard rgp1930@bellsouth.net "...I was in VP-8 as a Flight Engineer at the time of the loss of the aircraft. Also flying out of NAS Bermuda during the Cuban Crisis. I was part of "MaCale's Navy" at that time. Big Gene Phelps and I went through training pretty much together. Does anyone know of him? Also Danials, a Metalsmith at the time? Run into Danials in Vietnam. He was the Line Chief in the "Crazy Cats" outfit. Army flying P2V's. He said he would never leave his girl in Sangley..." [24OCT2004]

PENNINGTON, Will pennie59@comcast.net "..."Hello fellow VP travelers. It has to end someday and for me that day is February 6th, 2006. I'm retiring after 27 years of VP fellowship. It's been a great honor to serve with so many fine people in such great squadrons: VP-8 (1977 to 1981), VP-6 (1982 to 1986), VX-1 (1986 to 1989), VP-11 (1989 to 1992), Force Warfare (1997 to 2000), VP-4 (2000 to 2003) and NAVAIR (2003 to 2006). The riches I've accumulated over the years cannot be measured in terms of per diem, but in memories. The people were the best part, the Orion the best aircraft in the Navy, and the deployment sites unbelievable: NAS Bermuda, NS Rota, Spain, PI, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NSF Diego Garcia, NAF Misawa, Japan and all the detachment sites. Some of the people I will never forget: STGS1 John Phillips; AWCS Mike Glenn, Red Phillips and Jim Piepkorn; Steve Velde, Dave Metzger, Rick Leitch (Rick e-mail me) and Bob Brown; Brian Fraser, Phil Seifert, and Glenn Atwell; Glenn Ford, CWO Baird, John Wolfe, and Bob Lishness; Mike Cherry; Jim (WO) Lee and Craig Springman; Heidi Davis, AT1 Hamelton and all the maintenance folks; and, of course, Tank. Thanks to Nevins Frankel for this GR8 VP website. Thanks to all my Skippers, esp. CDRs Riffle, Sikes, Miller, Hill, Horsman, Skinner and Hollyer, for their confidence and support. Most of all, thanks to AFCM Bud Leady and ABCM Sam (4.0) Underwood: they exemplified the type of Sailor I wanted to be. Fair winds and following seas..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 22OCT2005 | E-Mail Updated 13OCT2000 | 07MAR99]

PERRY, Kenneth A. (E-Mail Removed By Request)"...Served in VP-8 1948-1951 Quonset Point. Other than flying boat patrol during the war, the rest of my time was aboard carriers or as a Special Weapons Instructor..."

PETERSON, Patrick pat_peterson@prodigy.com"...Was in VP-46 --72-75 and VP-60 75-79, VP-8 79-82 and VP-93 88-90...hope to talk to a lot of friends..."

PERTUIT, AT2 Carl J. (CJ) cpertui@entergy.com "...I served with VP-8 as a shop Electronics Tech in the latter part of 1962 and all of 1963 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Held the rank of AT2 and was in the last year of my tour of duty at this time. Had flown as crewmember for three years previously in VW-13 squadron. Really enjoyed finding your site and hope to hear from some of my old buddies..." [30NOV2001]

PETERSON, CDR Roy "Pete" Retired rptrsn@yahoo.com "...I enlisted in 1968. I earned my AC wings at NAS Lemoore, California as a helicopter rescue crewman, fly rescue mission in the Sierra Nevada mountains. After two years of shore duty, I received orders to VP-11 as an AT-2. I went through VP-30 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland trained as in IFT, but when I arrived at the squadron I found out that if I wanted to fly I have to be a radioman. No problem let me fly. I made the short notice deploy to WesPac with VP-11 July-Nov 1972 operating from NAS Cubi Point, Philippines and U-Tapao Royal Thailand Air Force Base, Thailand. After a, very short stint as a civilian, I returned to active duty and changed my rate to AW. After AW "A" school and another pass throught the RAG, I reported to VP-44. Flying the oldest P-3A as SS2 then SS1 I made two deployment NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal and NAS Bermuda between 1974-1977 making AW1 along the way. I followed that tour with two years at TSC NAS Sigonella, Sicily, where I really learned acoustic analyis from some great AW's. AW1 Mike Stokes, AWC Al Cox, AWC Mike Cantor and AWC Mel Watkin a great acoustic analyist and one of the best leaders I had in my naval career. En route to shore duty at Naval Weapons Test Squadron (WST) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland by way of VP-30 I was selected for AWC and was intiated in 1979. A couple of weeks later, I found out I'd been select for an a commission as an Aviation Operations LDO Ensign. My shore duty was cut short and after knife and fork school, I to the USS Ranger, in NS Subic Bay, Philippines for an 8 month deployment to the Indian Ocean. Working in the ASW Module a was promoted to LT(jg) on my second deployment to the Indian Ocean. After 2 years 2 months and 1 day I departed USS Ranger to NAVAVSCHCOM NAS Pensacola, Florida for training as a Naval Flight Officer. VP-10 at NATU Mather Airforce Base, VP-31 and I found myself in Hawaii as an LT NavCom in VP-1, CAC-6. Under the leadership of LT Frank Dombrowski, I quickly qualified as a TC. After a split deployment to NAF Kadena, Okinawa, Japan / NAF Misawa, Japan I earned my Mission Commander designation and a JO crew. Select for the College Degree Program (CDP), with the help of the XO CDR Zambernardi, I made the very hard decision to forgo another VP-1 deployment and took orders to New Hampshire College. Completeing my BS degree in 9 months, transferred to Commander Patrol Wings Atlantic (CPWL) where I was the Aircrew Training Officer. A great job in a great location 1987-1991. From there it was time for my fourth patrol squadron. After my 5th time through the RAG, I reported to VP-8 as a LCDR Department Head. Two deployments to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and all the det sites, I stretched this tour as long as I could, knowing that as an AW/LDO this was my last active duty squadron. It was a good tour (Tiger, Tiger) and I flew with them from Oct 1991 until June 1995, picking up my P-3 5000 hour pin along the way. Shore duty followed as the Director of Training, Fleet Aviation Specialized Training Group Atlantic (FASO). It was a very interesting job with schools in NAS Brunswick, Maine, NAS Jacksonville, Florida, Mayport, plus all the Marine air stations, not to mention SERE. We worked hard to keep up with all the changes in tmissions, new technology and the impacts on flight crew training. My last tour 1999-2002 was as XO of NAS Souda Bay, Crete, Greece where I retired with over 5500 hours in the P-3 and over 33 years active service. It was a great career. At my retirement ceremony, I was piped ashore then back aboard our 42' sloop Brilliant, where my bride Stephanie spent 5 years cruising the Med, crossing the Atlantic in 2006, the Caribbean, then the US East Coast until last year when we moved ashore in Florida..." [26MAY2015]

Memorial Picture "...Shipmate Pix...PHIPPS, AWC James Daniel "Danny"...My Father, AWC James Daniel "Danny" Phipps, was born 11 November 1933 Gambrills, Maryland, deceased 23 January 2002 Jacksonville, Florida. Danny began his career at NTC Bainbridge, MD in August 1952. His duty stations included: NAS Jacksonville, Florida NARF; VP-8 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland; he served two tours each with VP-16 and CPW-11 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, and retired 30 April 1985 serving VP-5 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Danny earned many medals and ribbons during his career. Danny may be best known for his great love of bluegrass and country/western music. He loved playing the mandolin and while serving in VP-16 was a member of the squadron group "The Etna Mountain Boys". Danny loved his country and was proud to serve in the US Navy...Information submitted by his eldest daughter, Cynthia Phipps-Prince beyondbelief58@comcast.net..." [01JUL2009]

PICCOLOMINI, YNCS David Retired davidpiccolomini@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (AOAN-AO2) from May 1955 to July 1958 with deployments to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR. I flew as a crewman aboard HD-12 (127729) and LC-4 (128401). I eventually changed my rate from AO2 to YN2 and retired out of Newport, RI (Senior Chief Yeoman) after 24 years service..." [E-Mail Updated 09JAN2011 | E-Mail Updated 04SEP2010 | 28MAY2010]

PIPPIN, AO Bill "Billie" bbstacker7072@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (5/1972-6/1973) with a deployment to NAS Bermuda as an Ordnanceman on Crew-10. I'm not stretching the truth when I say that the comraderie of that crew was next to none. So far I haven't seen any familiar names from the crew, but it isn't because I haven't tried. Eddie Boarini..contact me Buddy. I never held a grudge when in Mildenhall you accidentally spilled urine on the back of my legs when we exited to the ramp. Anybody whose flown those 12 and 13 hour flights, knows how full that urinal could get. But thats ok, its not like you guys were strangers. And to CDR. "Nasty" Neal..what an outstanding piece of flying on our way back from NAS Bermuda. You came down through the clouds over NAS Brunswick, Maine and the wheels hit the deck about 10 seconds after you came through the clouds and you were dead over the centerline of the runway. If you had aborted, we would have had to go to another field. I really miss all of you guys and hope we can get in contact. Thanks for the memories..." [E-Mail Updated 29JUL2017 | E-Mail Updated 08FEB2003 | E-Mail Updated 02JUN2002 | E-Mail Updated 06FEB2001 | 25APR99]

PLACE, AEC Robert "Bob" Retired bobplace2003@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8..." [E-Mail Updated 13FEB2010 | 04FEB98]

PLANK, Dustin L. z4pilot@roadrnner.com "...I served with VP-8 from January 1972 to August 1972 and VT-27 at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 10APR2010]

PLAYFOOT, AT2(AW) Fran Retired franniep20@comcast.net "...In 1987 I got stationed after shore duty at NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD and was assigned to work center 610 as a COM/NAV technician until 1990. In 1990 I transferred to sea duty and joined VP-11, returning this time TAD to AIMD work center 64D as an IRDS technician. And yes sometimes I would get a talking to for fixing the IRDS on the aircraft. Upon VP-11's disestablishment I transferred to VP-8 and once again went TAD to AIMD as an IRDS technician until 1998. In 1998 I transferred to my last duty station at AIMD NAS Jacksonville, Florida as a COM/ NAV technician assigned to work center 610 for shore duty. I retired from the Navy September 1, 2000 and immediately moved to Michigan (BRRRRR) to start my civilian career with an FBO (fixed base operator) for business jets (Pentastar Aviation) as an avionics installations technician. I lived in Michigan until November 2003. Currently, I am living just outside of Savannah, Georgia and working for Gulfstream Aerospace with a contract for hire company (Aerotek Aviation) as an avionics installations technician. Let me tell you these business jets are sweet. Hope to be able to become a direct employee soon. The Navy was a good career choice for me and I learned many valuable lessons and tasks that are helping me in the civilian world. Would like to get back in contact with some former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 18APR2004 | 17FEB99]

POLAND, ATC Ron ron.poland@clinton.edu "...I served with VP-8 (1978-1982) at NAS Brunswick, Maine. Flew with CAC-3 as the Inflight Communicator during two NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal deployments. I remember a lot of names from that time as I look through the VP-8 Shipmates page. Left for recruiting duty at NRD Albany, NY. After recruiting I went to NAS Jacksonville, Florida for Inflight Technician schooling and landed at VP-24 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. After Twenty-Four I transferred to VP-45 and did a back-to-back sea tour to stay in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. After VP-45, I landed at NAMTRAGRUDET in Jax as an IFT Instructor. Retirement in 1994 pushed me into the world of PCs and computer networking. After some experience I landed a community college tenure-track job in IT. The IFT experience was closely related to the IT industry in many ways..." [14FEB2025]

POSEY, CDR P. Steven http://www.naspensacola.navy.mil/trawing6/vt4/xo.html "...Commander Posey, a native of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was commissioned in April 1985 through the Aviation Officer Candidate program in Pensacola, Florida. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Arkansas, an M.S. in Information Systems from Naval Postgraduate School, and a Naval War College Diploma. Following his Primary training in Pensacola, he went on to receive his Naval Flight Officer wings in April 1986 from Naval Air Training Unit at Mather AFB, Sacramento, California. After completing his initial Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS) training at VP-30 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida he reported to the "Golden Pelicans " of VP-44, located in NAS Brunswick, Maine in September 1986. His billets included Assistant CMS Officer, Electronic Branch Officer, Tactics Officer, and AW Division Officer. He was qualified as an ASW Navigator/Communicator (NAVCOM), Tactical Coordinator (TACCO), Mission Commander and Instructor NAVCOM and TACCO. He made two deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and a split sight deployment to NS Rota, Spain and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Following his first operational tour, he reported as a student at the Naval Postgraduate School in June 1990 were he received a Masters of Science Degree in Information Systems. In June 1992, he reported aboard USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN-71) home ported in Norfolk, Virginia where he served as the V-2 Training Officer, Bow Catapults Branch Officer, and Fire Watch Division Officer. He qualified as a Catapult and Arresting Gear Officer and made a Mediterranean/Red Sea deployment in support of Operations DENY FLIGHT, PROVIDE PROMISE, and SOUTHERN WATCH. In April 1994, he reported as an FRS instructor to VP-30 in NAS Jacksonville, Florida. His jobs included Assistant Maintenance Officer and Administrative Officer. He was qualified as an FRS ASW Navigator/Communicator and Tactical Coordinator Instructor. In August 1996, he reported to the world famous "Fighting Tigers" of VP-8 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. His jobs included Assistant Training Officer, Tactics Officer, CTG 67.1 Operations Officer, and Squadron Operations Officer. He made a Mediterranean deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and supported Operations DECISIVE ENDEAVER/DELIBERATE GUARD and SILVER WAKE. In July 1998, he reported to the Navy Personnel Command, Millington, Tennessee where he served initially as the Branch Head, Officer Performance Branch (PERS-834), and then the Director, Personnel Performance, Security, and Separations Division (PERS-83). While there, he also completed the Naval War College Non-Resident Seminar Program and earned a Naval War College Diploma. Following his "BUPERS" tour, Commander Posey reported as a student to the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia, were he completed the Joint and Combined Warfighting Course. He left Norfolk and arrived at NAS Pensacola, Florida with his current orders as the Executive Officer of the "Warbucks" of VR-4. Commander Posey has over 2400 flight hours. His personnel awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corp Commendation Medal (3), Navy Achievement Medal and various unit and campaign awards..." [03JUL2003]

POSPESHIL, Donald dposp@webtv.net "...I served with FASRON-102 (1948-1949), VP-7 (1949-1952), NAOTS (1952-1954), VP-49 NAS Bermuda (1954-1958), NAS Jacksonville, Florida (1958-1961), VP-8 (1961-1963), NS Roosevelt Roads, PR (1963-1967), VP-30 (1967-1968), and retired and living the good life..." [20MAY2000]

POUDRIER, AVCM Norma Retired mcpowder@msn.com "...I served with VP-10 (1984-1987) at NAS Brunswick, Maine and VP-8 (1991-1994) NAS Brunswick, Maine..." [22SEP2014]

PRATT, Curt (Lurch) cpratt@howdenbuffalo.com "...Served with VP-8 from 1971-1974 with CAC-6. Wondered a lot about some of my former crew and squadron..." [27AUG2002]

PUCKETT, Clifford AOCMUSN@ATT.NET "...I served with VP-8 from 1956 to 1959 flying as Ordnanceman on P2V-5'S. Started om NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island to Chincatogaue, VA to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Transferred before they transitioned to P-3's. I was on the Navy Preliminary Evaulation Team for the YP-3V-1 (P-3A) in NATC NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. Later served with VP-46 at NAS Moffett Field, California. Deployed to NAS Adak, Alaska, NS Sangley Point, Philippines, and NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Anyone in VP-46 at NAS Moffett Field, California will surely remember the famous Crew SEVEN..." [E-Mail Updated 24AUG2001 | 10MAR2001]

Memorial Picture "...PURDY, AVCM Dave Retired...David A. Purdy Brunswick, ME. Times Record Newspaper - 02/28/2007 - THE VILLAGES, Fla. - Retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer David A. Purdy, 71, of The Villages died Monday, Feb. 26, 2007, at The Villages Regional Hospital. He was born in Arlington, Mass., on March 14, 1935. He retired from the Navy after serving 30 years. He was a Protestant. He was a Free and Accepted Mason. He was also a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks. His hobbies included golf and traveling in RVs. He was proud of his Scottish heritage and was happy to be able to live long enough to see the Red Sox win the World Series. Surviving are his wife of 50 years, Shirley E. Purdy of The Villages; two sons, David A. Purdy Jr. of Berwick, Maine, and Sean K. Purdy of Milford, N.H.; three daughters, Kimberly A. Purdy of Orlando, Fla., Wendy L. Parker of Virginia Beach, Va., and Heather L. Scroggins of Lisbon Falls, Maine; a sister, Diane Akerley of Seabrook, N.H.; and two grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to Company A Infantry of the Third Maine Regiment. Visitation will be held on Friday from 3 to 7 p.m. at Hiers-Baxley Funeral Services, 1511 Buenos Aires Blvd., The Villages. Cremation will follow. Inurnment will take place in New Hampshire. Dave joined the navy as a TAR in 1957 serving at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts and NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (57-63). He flew as AC in P2V's at NAS New York, New York (63-65), NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (65-68), and NAS Atlanta, Georgia (68-70). He joined the regular Navy in 1970. Serving with VP-8 (70-75), AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (75-78), VP-10 (78-81), CPWL (81-84), twilight tour AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (84-87)..." Contributed by GRAY, AFCM Richard W. "Dick" Retired dickgray@brooksendway.com [03MAR2007]

PURDY, AVCM Dave Retired dasepurdy@aol.com "...I joined the navy as a TAR in 1957 serving at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts and NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (57-63). I flew as AC in P2V's at NAS New York, New York (63-65), NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (65-68), and NAS Atlanta, Georgia (68-70). I joined the regular Navy in 1970. Serving with VP-8 (70-75), AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (75-78), VP-10 (78-81), CPWL (81-84), twilight tour AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (84-87). I am traveling with my wife Shirley full time in a RV. Would love to hear from any old shipwrecks..." [Deceased 26FEB2007 | 03MAR99]

RAMSDEN, CDR Christopher P. Shipmate Pix http://vp8.pub.ffc.navy.mil/?id=355 "...Currently XO of VP-8...In April of 1991, after FRS training at VP-30 Jacksonville, Florida he reported to VP-26 Brunswick, Maine and deployed to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and twice to NAS Sigonella, Sicily supporting Operations DESERT CALM, SOUTHERN WATCH and SHARP GUARD. His assignments included Readiness/SORTS Officer and NFO NATOPS Officer. In 1994 he was selected to fire the first Navy Maverick Missile (War-shot) launched from a fleet operational P-3C Orion. From October 1994 to August 1996 he was assigned to the staff of Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic/Task Force Eight Four in Norfolk, Virginia as Flag Lieutenant. During this tour he deployed from July to November 1995 to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba with Joint Task Force ONE SIX ZERO during Operation SEA SIGNAL where he assumed the additional duties of Flag Secretary and Security Officer. In September 1996 he reported aboard USS JOHN C. STENNIS where he served as Operations Administration Officer, Command Security Manager and Officer of the Deck, completing a six month Arabian Gulf deployment and home port change to San Diego, CA. In October 1998 upon transfer to VP-30, he qualified as a Fleet Replacement Squadron NFO Instructor and served as Fleet Training Officer in the newly established Weapons Tactics Unit. His duties included leadership of the AIP Fleet Introduction Team, the Combined Fleet Instructor Under Training Team, the Aircrew Coordination Training Model Manager and the Special Projects Team. From June 2000 to August 2002 he served as a Department Head in VP-5 and was assigned as CTG 84.1 Operations Officer, Tactics Officer, Training Officer, CTG 67.1 Operations Officer and Squadron Operations Officer. Following his department head tour, he reported to PMA-205/290 where he served as the Assistant Program Manager for Training Systems for the Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft (P-8A) where he developed the training structure for the follow-on aircraft to the P-3C. CDR Ramsden has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Six Awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various other unit and individual awards. Additionally he is authorized to wear the Basic Parachutist Badge and the Submarine Warfare Insignia..." [05DEC2005]

RASH, ADR1 Raymond Retired rsrash99@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 NAS Norfolk, Virginia from 1958 to 1961 and moved to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland to start training on the P-3. I am proud of all of you - keep up the good work..." [29DEC2008]

RAYON, Guy (Fanta) daazorian@yahoo.com "...I was stationed with VP-8 from 1972 till March of 1976 I was a linesman and Plane Captain for the grounds crew. I remember people like Vernion(Blue) Steen, Ricky Greer, Jimmy Strawn, Frank Novack (who is suppose to be in California last I heard of), Phil Wachner, Danial Sanchez, Dan Scoobey and Philsberry. If you were on the line crew you knew who Philsberry was..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 30SEP2003 | 21JAN99]

REED, Richard rjmkreed@webtv.net "...I served with VP-8 from 1967 to 1969. Two deployments to NAS Bermuda, two swing boards in Puerto Rico, one couple of weeks trip to the Aczores in 68. Just wanted to know if any one out there servsd at the same time. In reading some of the comments in the guest book every one refers to the air base in NAS Bermuda, when I was there it was still Kindley AirForse Base. Hope to see some comments in the guest book from some guys who was with VP-8 around the same time..." [20DEC98]

REED, ADR3 Ron rreed@rcvideo.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1962 to 1965 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. We deployed to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR and to NAS Bermuda. Lost plane and Crew of 15 on one of the first P-3s we got worked on. If you read this please contact me..." [01APR2001]

REES, Jeff lcdrrees@yahoo.com "...I served (flew the P-3) with VP-56, VP-45, VP-30, VP-8 and VT-27 (T-34 Instructor Pilot and as an A-Strike aboard USS Abraham Lincoln). I left active duty in 2000 for the airlines but was recalled 4 times after 9-11 serving at NORAD, HQ USSOUTHCOM and 4th Fleet. I retired from the Reserves in 2007..." [21JUN2012]

REIN, Albert Shipmate Pix ...Circa 1994... ajr@frontiernet.net "...I was with VP-8 from '90 to '94 on CAC-9 "Bad Moon Rising" '90-'91, "Tango's Boys Rock Hard and Ready" in '92, and "No Sharkin" in '94..."

REYNOLDS, AW2 Jim bluetick1@charter.net "...I served with VP-8 (1968-03/1971) at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland with deployments to NAS Bermuda, and NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal..." [E-Mail Updated 19AUG2014 | 02NOV2000]

RICE, Channon justin_rice69@hotmail.com "...I joined the navy in November of 1999. I just finished "A" school in San Antonio, TX. I chose to get orders to VP-8. This will be my first time out to the fleet. I am going to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and want to know if you have any information of helpful hints for a "newbie" Thanks..." [30MAR2000]

RICKEL, AFCM Don Retired retp3fe@att.net "...I served with VR-8 from 1964 to 1967, VP-31 Det Alpha in 1967, Crazy Cats in 1967, VP-30 in 1968, VP-10 from 1968 to 1972, NAS Brunswick, Maine AIMD from 1972 to 1975, VP-8 from 1975 to 1980, CPW-5 from 1980 to 1883: SEA in 1983, VP-11 from 1983 to 1985 and NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1985 to 1992. I can't seem to leave NAS Brunswick, Maine so starting working for Public Works in the Environmental Division in 1993, retired from PW Environmental in 2006 and moved to Viera, Florida in 2014. Nothing better then my years in the U.S. Navy especially the VP community..." [E-Mail Updated 13SEP2023 | E-Mail Updated 24FEB2010 | 01DEC2000]

RINALDI, AX1 Eugene "Geno" generinaldi@earthlink.net "...I arrived at NAS Brunswick, Maine in April of 1963 fresh out of FAETULANT NAS Norfolk, Virginia and "B" School at NATTC Memphis, Tennessee as a 2nd Class AX . I was assigned to VP-11 ground crew. My memories of Chiefs Eckles, Fry, Lemon and Gaboriault are still strong after 39 years. I made 1st Class AX while on deployment to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. At the same time and old salt named Stanley B. Grindle made Chief. SBG "Sugar Baker Golf" was a WWII sailor (that fact impresses me more more now than it did then). Stan took me under his wing about two days after I checked in to the squadron and I am still in his debt. We made 2 deployments to NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, two or three of Springboards, 6 months in NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1964) and a split to NS Rota, Spain (1966). In the spring of 1967 my self and another tech named Barry D. Burnor volunteered to join VP-8 on a 6 month tour to NS Sangley Point, Philippines. We returned in December of 1966 and I was discharged in March 1967, a decision I still regret. I joined a company called Vocaline and flew with my old CO Ray Gault out of NAS Brunswick, Maine in a P2V BUNO: 135558 call sign was "Stopsign", we tested sonobuoys. Those years in VP11 and VP-8 were the best of my life. Some names I remember From VP-11: CDR's Gault, Richardson, Krause, Falkenstein, Smolinski and of course CDR Beatty, LCDR's Vanoski and McCormack. LTjg Bartolomei, Petty Officers Fred Haibon, Roy Kitterman, Bernie Bernard, Joe Reed. Jeff Clark, Andy Montaina, Don Libby, Joe Farrar, Frank Notarnicola, Jimmy Griffin,Bill Peria, Ronnie Korber, Dennis Bourgeois. VP-8 Chiefs, Gustwick and Black, Frank Kasper, Lt's Bruce and Allison. I'm in contact with Montaina, Libby, Peria,Grindle, Bourgeois, Korber and Kasper. If you're out there and you remember please contact me. Without a doubt "It was the best of times"..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 26NOV2003 | 12JAN2002]

RIPPEE, Bob ripmaui@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1982 through 1985 including the NS Rota, Spain deployment when the A/C departed the runway. I was in fact crossing the field overhead giving an instrument check flight to Tom Slattery. I now live on Maui, having left the military in 1989...I served with VP-31 from 1985 through 1987. I flew on the Orion on the VP-31 Flight Demonstration Team. I think it was the 4th of July 1986 or 1987. There was a commercial videotape made of the airshow and I am trying to locate a copy. Please contact me if you have any information..." [BIO Updated 30JUN2000 | 14APR2000]

ROBINSON, CWO4 Jim "Robbie" Retired gunrrob@cox.net "...Served in VP-8 from Jan ‘70 thru May ‘73 (NAS Patuxent River, Maryland / NAS Brunswick, Maine). Flew as Ordie (AO2) on Crew 12 (PPC-LT Dave Loop) and Crew 7 (PPC-CDR Ed Hanson). This was my only VP tour. Retired as CWO4 in 1994. Now living in Virginia Beach, VA..." [04MAR2005]

RODERICK, Dick mainerod@maine.rr.com "...I flew with VP-8 from December 1972-May 1976 as an NFO, with the usual NAS Bermuda / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal / NS Rota, Spain /etc duty assignments. Howie, Augustus & Lawson were my various crew PPC's. Bill Krayer - where are you?? I've stayed here in Maine since I left the Navy in '76 - now working in Portland with Dead River Company..." [07MAY2000]

ROEDIGER, ADC(AW/NAC) Richard S. rich88@bellsouth.net or ticket88@yahoo.com"...1977-1980, VF-31, USS Saratoga, CVW-3, NAS Oceana, F-4J Jet Mech...1980-1982, VQ-4, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, C-130 Powerplant Mech...1982-1984, NRD Philadelphia, Recruiter...1984-1988, VP-10, NAS Brunswick, Maine, P-3C Flight Engineer, CAC-7...1988-1991, VP-4, NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii P-3C Flight Engineer, CAC-7...1991-1995, NAMTGD, NAS Moffett Field, California and NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, P-3C Instructor...1995-1996, VP-11, NAS Brunswick, Maine, Powerplants Branch Chief...1996-1997, VP-8, NAS Brunswick, Maine, Powerplants Branch Chief...Currently employed by B/E Aerospace as a Quality Assurance Inspector in Delray Beach, Florida. Looking forward to staying in touch with all my shipmates..." [17JAN98]

ROHR, ADCS Edward William (Bill) Retired brohr@metrocast.net "...I served with VP-40 from May 1962 until June 1965 (Plane Captain - Crew 5), VT-29 from June 1965 to April 1969, VXE-6 from August 1969 to April 1971 (Connie FE), VQ-2 from October 1971 to October 1974 (FE), VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine from October 1974 to November 1988, VP-23 NAS Brunswick, Maine and retired November 1, 1988 as ADCS..." [E-Mail Updated 26JAN2005 | 18MAY2004]

ROSE, Barry E. bearsden@iquest.net "...Served with VP-8, VP-26, and VP-30..." [22JUN98]

ROSE, John (Jack) jrose22@columbus.rr.com "...Was a member of VP-8, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland '66 -'69. Was AX2, 1st Tech Crew 6, NATOPS Instructor, QA & QC and shop Training Officer. My crew flew one of the original 3 P-3A's converted by Martin-Marrietta to be EP-3'S in 1969. Would love to here from fellow Sqaudron mates..." [06APR2001]

RYAN, VICE ADMIRAL Norbert R. Retired Shipmate Pix "...Reported to the VP-5 Mad Foxes December 1981 as Executive Officer and assumed command in December 1982...Rear Admiral, Commander, Patrol Wings Pacific...A native of Mountain Home, Pennsylvania, Rear Admiral Norbert R. Ryan, Jr., graduated from the United States Naval Academy and was commissioned an Ensign in June 1967. He began flight training in August 1967 and was designated a naval aviator in October 1968. Assigned to VP-8 from 1969 to 1972, Rear Admiral Ryan participated in three Atlantic Deployments as well as several detachments to the Mediterranean and Pacific in support of special operations. Rear Admiral Ryan was assigned to the Officer of the Commandant of Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy from 1972 to 1975. During this tour, he received a Master of Science Degree in Personnel Management from the George Washington University in Washington, DC. He reported to Commander, Carrier Group SIX in September 1975, serving as Flag Secretary and aide while the staff was embarked on six different carriers for deployments, exercises and carrier workups. In October 1977, he was ordered to VP-30 where he was a familiarization stage instructor pilot and served as Assistant Training Officer and Administrative Officer until he reported to VP-56 in October 1979. Rear Admiral Ryan held the Safety and Maintenance Department billets with the squadron during deployments to the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In December 1981, he reported to VP-5 as Executive Officer and assumed command in December 1982. The squadron completed deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily and NS Rota, Spain / NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, Azores. In April 1984, Rear Admiral Ryan was assigned to CPW-11 as Operation Officer and in August 1985, he reported to Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic as the Force Operations Officer. On 1 August 1986, Rear Admiral Ryan became Deputy Executive Assistant/Aide to the Chief of Naval Operations, serving until 23 December 1988. En route to COMPATWING TWO, he attended the Senior Officials in National Security Program at Harvard university's John F. Kennedy School of Government. In June 1989, Rear Admiral Ryan became Commander, CPW-2 in NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. In February 1991, he reported for duties as Executive Assistant to Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff where he served until July 1993. Rear Admiral Ryan served as the Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel for Total Force Programming and Manpower (Pers-5); and as the Director, Total Force Programming and Manpower Division (N12) on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations from September to November 1993. From November 1993 to June 1995, he served as Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel for Distribution (Pers-4), the Navy's "Head Detailer." Rear Admiral Ryan assumed duties as Commander, Patrol Wings, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Commander, Anti-Submarine Warfare Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet on 2 August 1995. Rear Admiral Ryan is authorized to wear the Defense Superior Service Medal; Legion of Merit with two Gold Stars; Meritorious Service Medal with two Gold Stars; the Navy Commendation Medal with one Gold Star; Navy Achievement Medal with one Gold Star; the Joint Meritorious Unit Award; and a number of other service awards..." http://www.cpf.navy.mil/ctf12bio.htm

RUSSELL, AWC Andrew w. Retired vgrst@pop.pitt.edu "...Just looking to connect with some old Shipmates from VP-8 81-84 era..." [22JUL98]

RYAN, VICE ADMIRAL Norbert R. Jr. Retired http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/seaservices/7_35/local_news/18996-1.html "...The Chief of Naval Personnel, Vice Adm. Norbert R. Ryan Jr., retired Aug. 30 in a ceremony held in Leutze Park at the historic Washington Navy Yard. The Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Vern Clark, was in attendance and NDW Commandant, Rear Adm. Christopher Weaver, welcomed the official party and guests. U.S. Naval Academy Chaplain, Cmdr. Robert Keane, delivered the invocation. Ryan's naval service spanned 35 years. He was designated a Naval Aviator in 1968. Before becoming Chief of Naval Personnel in 1999, Ryan served as flight officer, VP-8 and executive and commanding officer, VP-5. Ryan's other assignments include company officer/midshipman personnel officer, U.S. Naval Academy and as deputy executive assistant to the CNO, to name a few. Ryan, a native of Pennsylvania, began his naval career at the United States Naval Academy. He obtained a Master of Science degree from George Washington University. During his tenure as Chief of Naval Personnel, Ryan conducted frequent "all hands" calls to stay in touch with deckplate Sailors. As Chief of Naval Personnel, Ryan was responsible for recruiting, retention, MWR programs and overall manning of the Navy. After Ryan read his orders, a saluting battery fired a 15-gun salute and Ryan's flag was hauled down. He was then presented with his personal flag. After the ceremony guests enjoyed a reception at the Navy Museum..." [05JUL2003]

SABOLEK, Mike usnr@clds.net "...As one of the "youngsters" (VP-8 NAS Brunswick, Maine 1978 to 1981), I feel proud to be a member of this select group..."

SADLER, AMHC Russell Retired russsdlr@roadrunner.com "...I served with VP-31 (07/1972), VP-46 (08/1973) and VP-8 (1973-1976)..." [25APR2017]

SCHERER, David Scherer@Peoplepc.com "...I served iwith VP-8 from 1972 to 1975 and was the radioman on crew 10 for those years..." [30OCT2002]

SCHULLER, RADM Gordon J. Retired C/O His Son SCHULLER, CDR Jeff Retired Jeffrey.Schuller-contractor@bmdo.osd.mil "...My dad flew P2Vs with VP-8 and VP-5 in the '50s and 'early 60s and later P-3As as CO of VP-9 in the late '60s. From there he was CPW-2 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii and then Commander Fleet Air West Pac. He retired from the Navy in the early '80..." [04FEB2002]

SCHULLER, CDR Jeff Retired Jeffrey.Schuller-contractor@bmdo.osd.mil "...I flew the last P-3As in VP-44 and transitioned to P-3Cs from '76-'79. Following VP-44, I instructed in VP-30 from '79-'81, and last flew P-3C Update IIs in VP-8. I retired in '94 and now work for Computer Sciences Corporation on the National Missile Defense contract..." [04FEB2002]

SCHULTZ, Richard (Shorty) RDSchu@IX.NETCOM.COM "...I served in VP-8 from 1971 to 1974 as an AMS in the Check Crew and mostly in the Fuel Tanks. Would love to hear from Larry Stopyra, Steve (Rocky) Roksandic et al. I am now working in Macon Georgia at TIMCO, still in aviation. Regards to all..." [06AUG99]

SCOTT, AMCS (AW/SW) David Retired davidscott534@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (08/1988-11/1992) with deployments to NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAS Sigonella, Sicily and retired in 2012. I am currently reside in San Antonio, TX..." [14OCT2017]

SCOTTI, AE3 Richard "Dick" navy9crew@sbcglobal.net "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia then moved to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland (1960 to 1962). I was an AE and was on flight crews that flew LC-4 and LC-9 those old P2V-5FS. My pilot was LT Chester Zinn and the only two crewmen I can remember were both techs, Jerry Malm and Charlie Wilson. I went on the beach with another squadron member, Gary Davis. In 1962 I got shore duty to NAS Key West, Florida and there I heard where VP-8 got the new P-3s, the one that went down I knew 10 of the 12 that were lost but time has faded their names. I was proud to be an airdale. I then served with VS-30 until my discharge on 25 April 1963. If anyone remembers me as a group of us used to go to Miami for the weekends in my 1961 Renault (white in color) please write. My memory fails as to any names from this era. I had the duty when the Cuban Crisis hit and I also was tad to CFAD right after that. I was a Maintance Electrician for 33 years and retired but working part time and live in St. Charles, MO. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 23OCT2009 | E-Mail Updated 28DEC2001 | BIO Updated 07JUN2000 | 21JUL98]

SEIBERLING, CPO B. H. (Lee) [Deceased] c/o His Son David Seiberling diddybop63@hotmail.com "...My dad (now deceased) first served in VP-8 in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland from 1961 through 1964. (I was born in Lexington Park during that tour.) I've always heard the slogan "First with the Orion" about VP-8. All squadron members were given a model of the P-3 Orion by the factory. Then he served in VP-16 twice - I've lost track of the dates - but I do remember he was there in NAS Jacksonville, Florida from 1969 to 1971. He made chief during that tour. He is now deceased - but my brother, John R. Seiberling, is trying to get orders to VP-16 for his next tour of sea duty. My father was B. H. (Lee) Seiberling. He flew as radioman on the crew s - deploying to NAS Bermuda, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and NAS Sigonella, Sicily. He retired in 1974 - passed away in July 1994. Didn't VP-16 leave NAS Jacksonville, Florida for a short time? The West Coast I think. But I am glad it is back in NAS Jacksonville, Florida so that my brother will be close to home when he retires..." [13FEB2002]

SEXTON, Robert "Bob" pegasus644@aol.com "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1956 to 1957, VP-56 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia from 1960 to 1962, VX-6 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1966 to 1968 and VP-11 from 1974 to 1976..." [28JAN2010]

SHEETS, Douglas E. dsheets@layke.com "...I was in VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1966-1969 and was 1st tech (ATN2) on Crew 2. I haven't kept up much with any of the old folks except Chuck Tonsing who went on to another squadron after I got out. I sure would like to look over some of the yearbooks from that era..." [09OCT2004]

SHELLY, AEC Henry T. "Tom" Retired Shipmate Pix seawolf66@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (12/1969-05/1971) NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, VP-23 (09/1974-10/1977) at NAS Brunswick, Maine as FE aboard CAC-5, VP-64 (01/1982-08/1988) at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania as a FE aboard CAC-6 as a selected reservist and a Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) and Naval Air Reserve Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center (RATCEN) (1988-1994) at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania as a FE Instructor and Division Chief..." [22APR2022]

SHELTON, DEAN bkbcards@aol.com"...Hello to all my friends and aquaintances out there. VP-47 64-67; VP-17 67-69; Hal-3 71/72; VP-5 72-74; VP-8 77-80, was an AX to start then AT finally about to transfer to MA when I left the Nav. Flew radio and radar westpac and east. enjoyed my time. Miss a lot of friends. good fortune to all and keep em airborne. In memory of those we lost*****..."

SHIVELY, Neil H. nshively@verizon.net "...Checking out history of VP-8, my squadon out of NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island from 1951 to 1954. We deployed to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada, NAS Keflavik, Iceland and NAF Port Lyautey, Morocco (not to mention notorious Vieques off Puerto Rico), now noting end of Iclandic relationshp where VP-8 and its Neptune P2V-5, 6, 7s served during Cold War. Any Shipmates, Conroy, Donahue, Thompson, Lynch, Brammer in touch?..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 30NOV2006 | 28JUL2003]

SIMS, Walter Retired vpift@military.com "...I served three tours with VP-30 (1979 to 1981) and VP-30 FRAMP (1986 to 1990) IFT Instructor my last tour with VP-30 (1992 to 1995) Avionics Supervisor. I served with VP-8 (1983 to 1986), VP-45 (Desert Shield/Desert Storm) (1990 to 1993) NATOPS IFT Evaluator. I logged over 4,000 hours in the P-3A, P-3B, P-3C, P-3U/D I, P-3II, and P-3 U/D III. Most memorable times were 1984 UNITAS Detachment to South American. I enjoyed it all. I have no regrets. I retired in 1995..." [13FEB2006]

SIZEMORE, AD1 (AW/NAC) Ralph Retired rbs_ad1usnfr@military.com "...I served with VR-22 from December 1986 to December 1989 (LM, Mech shop, Line Division) and VP-8 from July 1994 to December 1995. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 22JAN2009 | 11JUL98]

SMITH, Kevin G. KSSNFLY@compuserve.com "...I was in VP-8 from Dec-81 to Jun-91 serving as an F/E and Mechanic. I did tours in VP-31 and VP-30 as a FRS Instructor, and another sea duty tour in VP-4 from Jun-95 to Sep-98. Currently attached to NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii flying with ETD..." [13OCT98]

Memorial Picture "...SMITH, Larry L...Larry L. Smith, age 71 of Fairfield, Ohio passed away Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at Hospice of Hamilton. Larry was a veteran of the U.S. Navy where he served for 30 years as a FE (VP-8 and VP-50). Additional information is posted on http://www.charlesyoungfuneralhome.com/..." Contributed by MULICH, AWC Nick Retired nicknjax@gmail.com [07FEB2013]

SNYDER, Bill bill.snyder@adelphia.com "...Was first stationed with P-3's at NAS Brunswick, Maine with VP-8 in November of 1972. After working my way to the "Tron" shop, was allowed to go to "A" school in Millington, Tennessee,after graduation was assigned to VP-30 NAS Patuxent River, Maryland for Radio Operator school. I was then assigned to VP-23, CAC 7, in NAS Brunswick, Maine till discharge in 1976. Was heavily recruited for reserves VP-66 in NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania as I was the only NATOPS qualified 8265 on the East coast. Unfortunately, I was uncomfortable flying with reserve pilots after flying with some of the best pilots in the world. Remember many 1 approach, 2 landings comments.... Did deployments to the usual, NAS Bermuda, NS Rota, Spain, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, and NAS Sigonella, Sicily. I have fond memories of sun rises in the straits of Gibralter. Would love to hear from any of the flight crew members. I still can recognize the sounds of those Allison engines..." [E-Mail Updated 29MAY2002 | 01JUN2000]

SNYDER, Denis L. denis1941@aol.com "...I was in VP-24 from 60-63, attached to Powerplants Div. Wanted to be on aircrew but when I couldn't see the instruments with out my glasses. I was stuck as a ground pounder. My tour with VP-24 was an experience I have never forgotten. I was in VP-8 from 65-67 but missed them ole 3350 recips. Hope to hear from Shipmates..." [23OCT2000]

SPENCER, CAPTAIN Mark S. http://reserves.navy.mil/ Public/ Staff/ Centers/ Forces+Command/ Centers/ Naval+Air+Reserves/ Centers/ Norfolk/ WelcomeAboard/ CommandingOfficer/ default.htm "...Captain Spencer was born in Fort Dix, New Jersey. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Glassboro State College in 1977. Entering the Navy in September 1978, he served his first two years in San Diego, CA as a Hospital Corpsman. He was transferred to Officer Candidate School in Newport, RI, where he received his commission in November 1980. In May 1981, he received orders to NAS Pensacola, Florida for flight training, earning his wings in September 1982. Captain Spencer's first operational assignment was VP-8, NAS Brunswick, Maine from 1983 to 1986, qualifying as a Naval Flight Officer in the P-3C aircraft. He transferred to NROTC Miami University in Oxford, OH in July of 1986. During this tour, he completed his Master of Education Degree. In August 1988, Captain Spencer was selected for the Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) Program. He reported in August 1989 for his first TAR tour to the Naval Air Reserve Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center, NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Captain Spencer was transferred to VP-64, NAS Willow Grove, PennsylvaniaA in November 1991, where he qualified in the P-3B and P-3C aircraft and served as a Department Head. In August 1994 he transferred to VP-65, NAS Point Mugu, California, where he continued to fly in the P-3C aircraft and served as a Department Head. In August 1996, he reported to the Naval Reserve Professional Development Center, NAS New Orleans, Louisiana, as Executive Officer and assumed command in September 1997. He transferred to the Commander, Naval Air Reserve Force staff in April 1999, where he was assigned to the Training Department. In July 2000, he reported aboard and assumed command of Naval Air Reserve Center Selfridge. In September 2002 he transferred to U. S. Transportation Command, serving as Chief, Reserve Affairs. In July 2004, Captain Spencer reported for his current assignment as Commanding Officer, Naval Air Reserve Center, NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Captain Spencer's personal awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal (1 award), Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), Navy Commendation Medal (2 awards), and Navy Achievement Medal (2 awards)..." [25APR2005]

STARNES, AMHC(NAC) Dennis Retired dstarnes10@carolina.rr.com "...I served with VP-8 (1978-1981) and flew as a FE, Naval Aviation Maintenance TRAining (NAMTRA) (1981-1984) and VP-47 (1984-1988) at NAS Moffett Field, California, NAS Millington, Tennessee, VP-8 at NAS Brunswick, Maine (1990-1993) and retired (1993)..." [10JAN2014]

STEGALL, Kenny mech8319@hotmail.com "...I was in VP-26 from 1984 to 1987 and VP-11 from 1989 to 1994. I checked onboard VP-8 in 1997 and am currently there now. If anyone remembers me, drop me a line. I'd be glad to hear from ya'll..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 04FEB2000 |14FEB98]

STRACCIALINI, Moreno (Stracc Attack) stracc@comcast.net "...I served with VP-17 as a Flight Engineer from 1984 to 1990, too many Flight Crews to remember. In my twenty years of service I deployed to great places like NAS Cubi Point, Philippines, NAS Adak, Alaska, NS Roosevelt Roads, PR, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and others. My best regards to all my Shipmates (Aircrew or Maint). I Also served with VX-1, VP-11, VP-23, and VP-8. Presently stationed at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, Force Aircraft Test Squadron where I will retire in OCT 1999 with over 6000 hrs in the Mighty Orion. I will be glad to hear from old Shipmates, so drop me a line!..." [E-Mail Updated 26FEB2007 | 05SEP99]

STROMEYER, CDR Anthony J. (Tony) Retired eileen.stromeyer@erols.com "...I served with VP-8 October 56 to June 60, VP-44 July 63 to December 65, and retired August 1978..." [25FEB99]

SCHWARTZ/HARDMAN, AZC Carol Ann Guinn caguinn@frontiernet.net "...I was with VP-50 from 1983 to 1986 at NAS Moffett Field, California, then to NAS Brunswick, Maine to SERE School from 86-89,then to the Tiger Tiger land of VP-8 from 89-92. I am retired now, and working in Lower Alabama. Would enjoy hearding from and former Shipmates..." [23FEB2001]

SWEENEY, AD2 Robert s1249@qwestinternet.net "...I was in VP-8 at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island '49-'53. I have managed to make contact with a couple of old Shipmates but now I'm looking for an old AF buddy who was in a Navy VP squadron on the west coast sometime prior to 1956. His name is Jim Russell from Tupelo, MS and he was at NAS Adak, Alaska. I would much appreciate any info anybody can give me. Thanks..." [26AUG2000]

Memorial Picture "...Shipmate Pix...SWIZDOR, HN Richard Gregory...Passing of HN Richard Gregory Swizdor (VP-8 1970-1974) of New York on 07APR2022. Father of three Sailors. Graveside services to be held 16MAY2022 in Adel, Iowa at Iowa Veterans Cemetery. We are looking for any pictures from his time in the NAVY. Contact John Swizdor (VP-9, VP-69, VP-30) at johnswizdor@yahoo.com..." Contributed by John Swizdor johnswizdor@yahoo.com [02MAY2022]

SZYMANSKI, AD2 Daniel J. jeanneszymanski@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 (1953-1956) and flew with Crew-4 (Plane Captain)..." [22DEC2011]

TAYLOR, ADJ3 William Ed maxedout53@gmail.com "...I served with VP-8 (09/1972-09/1973) at NAS Brunswick, Maine with a deployment to NAS Bermuda. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [06FEB2020]

TESSMER, AWC Dan Retired tessmers@bellsouth.net "...Started out in VP-8 Dec 78-Dec 81. Went TAR to VP-67 Jan 82-Dec 85. After that went S-3 to VS-41 Dec 85-Feb 89, then went back to VP at VP-92 from Feb 89-Feb 93. Did a tour at COMRESPATWINGLANT from Feb 93-Apr 98. Am currently in VP-62 at NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Would like to hear from anyone out there..." [18APR98]

THACKER, Michael S. "Boomer" builder.the@gte.net "...Would love to hear from anyone from my old outfit . I flew with VP-9 Crew 4. Especially my flight crew. By the way guys, that nick name has stuck with me all these years..." [09MAY2001]

THAUT, ADCS Ron Retired rthaut@uswest.net "...I was in the VP community my entire Navy career, starting out with VP-8 in NAS Norfolk, Virginia and NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1959-1963. I remember the crew we lost during an ORI flight in 63 only too well. Moved to NAS Moffett Field, California in 63 to set up VP-31 det "A". Hawaii VP-17, back to VP-31, etc..." [15DEC2000]

THOMAS, MCPO (AECM) Robert W. Retired waconn@aol.com "...I retired as a MCPO (AECM) in Feb 97 after 30 years of service. My first tour in VP was with VP-2 from 1966-1969. VP-2 disestablished in Dec 69. Following 18 mo as a civilian I returned to the Navy. In 1975, I was fortunate enough to be selected for P-3 flight Engineer school. I spent from April 1977-April 1981 in VP-26 and then in VP-8 till July 1987. I then transferred to NAS Point Mugu, California PMTC flying modified P-3s..." [28DEC98]

THOMES, AO1 Chuck Retired jcthomes@hsonline.net "...I was former Aircrew in VP-9, VP-17, and VP-8. Had orders to VO-67 when attached to VP-9 at NAS Moffett Field, California. Lost several Shipmates from VP-9 to VO-67, my orders were cnx, and never saw shipmates such as A03 Clay Ashby, AO3 Mike Freeman and several others again. I retired from USN while ships company USS Enterprise April 1985. Any of you guys left out there?..." [20JUN99]

THORNTON, T. David Retired RstyNutz@aol.com "...I checked into VP-8 in May 1964 and departed in September 1967. It was a growing time for me one of my role modles was ADJ1 Hatti Moss in power plants. Although I was on the Line Crew and made AHB3 before leaving the squadron. I went for the 20 years and retired as an ABCS in May 1982. I have several shipmates on this site and have e-mailed them. I would like to know if anyone out there know the whereabouts of Hatti Moss, James Fernandez "Chico", Richard Barnes "Boats", Thomas Stovall, and Robert Rice. The first time I ever left the USA was with VP-8 to NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal. Ironically my last place outside of the USA was to NAS Misawa, Japan with VP-48. My 20 years was a fun ride with a few bumps along the way. Proud to have served..." [01MAR2002]

TOTH, Ron ron.toth@us.army.mil "...Former VP-8 S-3 Crewman..." [02FEB2009]

TRIBOU, Mathew ("TIM") fwolfe@suscom-maine.net "...Served with VP-11, VP-8, VP-23, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine, VA-46, VAQ-33, and VF-45..." [08SEP2001]

TOUCHETTE, ATCS(AW) Bob Retired robert.j.touchette@gmail.com "...Served 20 years in the NAS Brunswick, Maine Community, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (09/1978-01/1982), VP-8 (01/1982-02/1986) with deployments to NAS Bermuda (1982), NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1983-1984) and NS Rota, Spain (1985), AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (1986-1989), VP-44 (10/1989-Disestablishment 06/1991) with deployment to NAS Keflavik, Iceland (1989-1990), VP-23 (7/1991-12/1993) with deployments to NAS Sigonella, Sicily (1992), then back to my old haunts, AIMD NAS Brunswick, Maine (12/1993-08/1998). This retirement stuff is OK! Please feel free to contact me. Since retiring I worked at LL Bean doing physical security while going to Thomas College in Waterville, ME to get a degree. Graduated in 2002 with a BS in Public Accounting. Took a job as a Revenue Agent with the IRS in October 2003. I really like my job and I work with a bunch of good folks. I've been with the IRS for 15 years now, still having a good time. I’m currently in the Stoneham, MA office and living in New Durham, NH near Lake Winnipesaukee, If you get up this way, send me an e-mail...maybe we can do lunch..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 28JUN2018 | E-Mail/BIO Updated 13FEB2008 | E-Mail Updated 21MAR2004 | E-Mail Updated 17JUL2001 | E-Mail Updated 18NOV99 | 07AUG98]

TRUTT, LT Lynn "Doug" revlynn@cvn.net "...Flew CAC6 of the (VP-8) Tigers from 72-74 TAD to Special Projects as one of 3 pilots in 75. Looking for anyone who remembers, especially CAC 6 members and LT Mike Milchenowski and LT John Norton (Project Pilots). Also wondering about LT Joe Montgomery. Where is everybody???..." [26NOV98]

Memorial Picture "...TUCKER, Gary...With deep regrets I have to report that CDR Gary Tucker (Retired) passed away on October 6, 2003. CDR Tucker served with VP-8 in the early 1970's...Ron Wolf padutch@bellsouth.net..." [10DEC2001]

TURNER, Arnold aturner@1st.net "...I was in VP-8, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland when we became the first squadron to receive the P-3. CDR Creighton W. Cook, USN, later CAPT Cook, was the skipper. The transition period included our annual ORI Inspection coupled with the Cuban Crisis in which the squadron flew around the clock survillenance over Cuban waters. During the ORI, we lost PC-2 off Cape May, NJ with all hands including the ORI team members..." [29JUL98]

TURNER, CPO "Flip" Retired aturner65@comcast.net "...I served with VP-8 when we to the PC and lost LC-2 during an ORI (January 30th, 1963), VS-35, HT-8, two tours in Vietnam, National Military Command Center, OJCS, VA-112 and retired as a CPO. Retired to my hometown of Barnesville, OH..." [07AUG2011]

TWEATT, Troy (TNT) c/o His Son Troy Thweatt TROYARD@aol.com "...My father was a pilot in VP-8 (and XO 1937-1938), based at NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1938..." [29JUL2000]

VANBRUNT, Rob rvbgiants@earthlink.net "...I served with VP-8 from 1989 to 1992. It was the greatest time of my life. I met some of the best people in my life there. If you served with me drop me a e-mail. I would love to here from my fellow VPer's..." [16OCT2003]

VARGAS, AT2 Rodney rodney.vargas@megger.com "...I served with VP-8 from 1990 to 1994. I was a groundpounder tron with temp flight orders. Saw both sides of the fence and enjoyed them both, though the ground pounders worked harder. Am out now and living the good life in Dallas. Also served at AIMD NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida in the vast shop from 1994 to 1997, but enjoyed the squadron the best..." [E-Mail Updated 27MAR2008 | E-Mail Updated 27DEC2000 | E-Mail Updated 02FEB2000 | 01APR98]

VARONE, CTTC(SS) Michael Ralph Retired mvarone@comcast.net "...Served from 1957 to 1982. I flew with VP-8 from Nov.- Dec. 1971. Deployed from CINCLANTFLT to NAS Brunswick, Maine. We deployed to NAS Bermuda shortly after my arrival at NAS Brunswick, Maine. I've drawn a blank trying to remember the two ETC's with whom I flew on the Special Projects bird. It was a P-3B if memory serves. The only Officer I can remember is LCDR Tranchini. Flying with VP-8 was the most fun I had without submerging. Really something different that I had never done before. I'm a bit of a "white knuckler" so flying was not the easiest thing I have ever done. However, I buried a lot of my fears of flying. All in all, I logged about 65 hours during that brief deployment..." [04SEP2007]

VATTER, AMEC Tom Retired tfvatter@us.hsanet.net "...I served a P-3 Flight Engineer from 1963 - 1989. I was pleased with to do the P-3 flying in Squadrons like VP-8, NATC NAS Patuxent River, Maryland WST, VP-19, VP-30, VP-50, VP-31, VXN-8, NATC ASW then Force Warfare, VXN-8 until retirement. During those years Logged a few hours I think it was 15,575 but who was counting. Looking to hear from any old Shipmates. Drop a line. I am now working as a support contractor for the P-3 Retrofits and Special Projects group at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland..." [18MAR99]

VAHSEN, CDR Steven S. http://www.naswi.navy.mil/vp-1/skipper.htm "...Commander Steven S. Vahsen graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1985 and subsequently completed postgraduate studies at the University of Missouri-Rolla, earning a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management. Upon flight school completion, he was designated a Naval Flight Officer and assigned to VP-23 in NAS Brunswick, Maine. He qualified as Tactical Coordinator (TACCO), Instructor TACCO and Mission Commander and served as Communications Officer, Readiness Officer, and Assistant Training Officer during deployments to the Mediterranean and Atlantic theaters. In October 1991, Commander Vahsen reported to VP-30, the Patrol Aviation Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS). In addition to instructor duties, he served as Education Services Officer, FRS Consolidation Coordinator, and NFO Training Officer. Following his FRS tour, he reported to the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN 73) as Assistant Navigator in 1994. During two Mediterranean Sea/Arabian Gulf deployments, he qualified as Officer of the Deck, Command Duty Officer (Underway), and earned designation as a Surface Warfare Officer. In December 1996, CDR Vahsen joined VP-8 as a Department Head. He served as Administrative Officer, Training Officer and Operations Officer while deploying to the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Caribbean theaters. CDR Vahsen reported to the Staff of the Chief of Naval Operations, Air Warfare Division, (OPNAV/N78) in December 1998. While assigned to the Pentagon, he served as the Training Requirements Officer for the VP, VQ, and VS communities and the Undergraduate NFO Resource Sponsor. CDR Vahsen's personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (3), and Navy Achievement Medal (3)..." [02JUN2003]

VELDE, AMS STEVE sajv@visi.com "...Served in VP-8 from 1978 - 1981 NAS Brunswick, Maine, NAS Bermuda, NS Rota, Spain, Lajes, Had a good time. Would like to hear from fellow TIGERS, especially any Skullery Commandos, you know who you are!..." [14APR99]

VonDETTE, John ca.dreaming@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and NAS Brunswick, Maine from September 1969 to December 1972. I flew (Radio/Comm) on Crew 10 with deployments to NAS Bermuda, NAF Lajes, Azores, Portugal, NS Rota, Spain and NS Roosevelt Roads, PR aboard the P-3A..." [10AUG2010]

WALL, APC Willie Joe Sr [Deceased] c/o His Son ADCS Willie Joe Wall, Jr., Retired jwallav@bellsouth.net "...My Dad served with VP-8S..." [13JAN2001]

WALLEN, AW Bruce bdwallen@charter.net "...I was in VP-8 from December 1973-March 1977. I was an AW and on Crew 12. Would like to make contact with others from that time. I am especially looking for Edwin Foster, Steven Bell, and Owen Carroll..." [21FEB2005]

WALRATH, ATCS Kenneth W. Retired kwalrath@eagle1.eaglenet.com "...VP-8 Patuxent River 1970-72, VP-30 1972-1975 as a P-3A/B Radioman and Inflight Tech Instructor, and VP-68 1975-85..."

WANSTREET, John "Brain Surgeon" johnwanstreet@yahoo.com "...I served in VP-8 (IFT Crew-9) from 1976 to 1979..." [02MAY2010]

WARD, MIKE amyward@msn.com "...VP-8 83-86, PEP NETHERLANDS/VALKENBURG 86-89, ASWOC NAS Keflavik, Iceland 89-90, NPGS MONTEREY 91-92, VP-4 93-95, USCINCPAC HAWAII 95-PRESENT..." [05MAR98]

WASS, AECS Mark wmsburgoh@verizon.net "...1962-1965 1070-1985 VP-8 1962 ( First with P-3A), VP-49 1963-1965 W/C 220 AE3, 1966-1969 Played baseball in Reds Farm System, Recalled Jan 1970-1973 Plank owner VP-91 W/C 220 AE2 ( I think I'm the only member of both USN VP-8 (1962) & USNR VP-91 (1970) the first squadrons to get the P-3A ), 1974-1976 NARDET NAS Columbus, Ohio AE1, 1976-1979 VF-302 AEC 200, 300, QA Division Chief "E" "S", 1979-1980 NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts AIMD AECS AIMD Maintenance Chief (Noel Davis-best AIMD), 1981-1985 HC-9 Maintenance Chief/Command Senior Chief "E" "S" Class "4" Senior Enlisted Academy, 1985 VA-304 (6mo) retired June '85 as AECS at 18 years (kiddie cruiser- I put my papers for retirement in at 16 years and that made me ineligible for advancement to AVCM). A/C P5M, P-3A, P2V, F4N, HH3, A7E. I had the pleasure to be in all aspects of the Naval Aviation Community. VP-49 / VP-91 patrol, VF-302 fighter, VA-304 attack, HC-9 helicopter, NAS AIMD, NARDET NAS Fallon, Nevada, 3 Dets on the USS Enterprise, 1 Det USS Ranger, 2 Dets USS New Jersey, 1 Det USS Iwo Jima..." [BIO Updated 08DEC2010 | 19NOV2010]

WEBER, AW1 John W. "Tank" Retired wnascarfan@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 from January 1973 to October 1977. I was on CAC 7 and CAC 11. I went to ASWOC/TSC NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida from 1977 to May 1981. I Guarded to VP-10 and served there until I retired in July 1985..." [E-Mail Updated 17APR2006 | 08JUL2001]

WEBSTER, Craig webby30@hotmail.com "...I was in VP-8 CAC-7 from 88-91, then I transfered to Naval Air Development Center from 91-94. After that I transition to H-46's. I would love to here from my old squadron mates..." [25JAN2000]

WIDENER, LCDR Harrell L. "Hal" Retired c/o Liz Widener ewidener@bellsouth.net "...I am Hal's wife (Liz Widener). Hal served with VP-18 (before we met) and VP-8 (after we married) from 1971 to 1973. Hal is unable to write now as he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I am sure he would like to hear from former Shipmates. Thanks..." [27APR2009]

WILLIAMS, Bill tolive4@shianet.org "...I served with VP-8 from September 1959 to September 1961 based in NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Looking for information on Reunions and Shipmate information. Thanks..." [23AUG2001]

WILLIAMS, AD1 (AW) Jeffrey A jcpwilli@whidbey.net "...I started out in VP-8 in 1987 then VP-4 and a tour at AIMD. I'm currently in VAQ-142. Needless to say, I miss working on a real aircraft..."

WILLIAMS, AZ1 Larry justgopostal@yahoo.com "...I served with VP-8 (1979-1982) as a QA 3M Analyst..." [22APR2022]

WILLIAMSON, ADCS(AW) Lenny reanne536@hotmail.com "...I served with VP-11 (1995-1996), VP-8 (1996-1999), VPU-2 (2002-2006) and BUPERS SDC (2006-2010)..." [BIO Updated 17JAN2013 | BIO Updated 25OCT2003 | BIO/E-Mail Updated 05MAR2002 | 11FEB98]

WILSON, Charles Larry wilsonl@adeq.state.ar.us "...Served with VP-8 July '59 to Sept. '61 First Tech on LC-9. As a kiddie cruiser, I sort of grew up in the squadron. Always like to talk old times..." [16JUL98]

WINDSOR, AT1 Arthur Retired capart1600@yahoo.com "...I served with USS Princeton (CVS-37) (1956-1958), VF-101 (1959-1960), VF101 Det. "A" (1960-1962), VW-13 (1962-1964) Flight Technician, AEWBarRonPac (1964-1965) Flight Technician, VP-48 (1965-1967) MAD/RAD/Sniffer, VC-3 (1967-1969) Radio Operator, VP-44 (1970) light Technician, VP-8 (09/1970-11/1974) Flight Communication Officer..." [06JUL2017]

WOLF, AVCM Ron Retired padutch@bellsouth.net "...Served in VP-2 from 1963-1966, on crews 1 and 2 as radioman. Looking for Tom Asmus (AX2) Jez operator on crew. I also served with VR-24 from 1959-1961, VP-30 from 1961-1962, VP-2 from 1963-1966, VP-8 from 1971-1974, and the USS Independence CV-62 from 1977-1978..." [16DEC2002]

WOLFE, AOCS Joe Retired Eaglvis@aol.com "...Enlisted 1971. AOA school NAS Jacksonville, Florida 1972 VP-30 1972 pipelined as a groundpounder AO for VP-11. Wound up in VP-44 after Moroco crash of VP-44 in 1972. Flew w/ CAC 9 from 1972 to 1976 and CAC 6 1976-1977. Orders to SERE Jan. 1978 to Oct. 1980 SERE Instructor, NAS Brunswick, Maine. Got out of Navy 1980. Re-enlisted 1981 and back to SERE NAS Brunswick, Maine till 1983 (thanks to AVCM Bob Frasch and ADMRL Mulloy). Went to VP-8 as a groundpounder AO 1983 to 1987. Returned to SERE NAS Brunswick, Maine, May, 1987 (thanks to Capt. John Evans aka. Little John, and CDR Tim Sullivan). Retired from active duty Oct. 1992 out of SERE. BS in Human Resourses, Associates, Microsoft Cert. Looking for any shipmates from the past email me. Also looking for any SERE Instructors to place on a new SERE Instructor Web site..." WebSite: http://members.tripod.com/~SERE_2/index.html [18FEB99]

WORKMAN, AMAN Timothy J. workmant8@hotmail.com "...I am one of the VP-8 "Fighting Tigers" and I'm dam proud of my squadron. Prop planes are all too often overlooked by the civilian community. I am currently on my first deployment with VP-8 (first termer) at NAS Sigonella, Sicily. It's hot here but fun..." [28JUN2003]

Memorial Picture "...YEAGER, CAPTAIN William E. Jr...I am sad to report that CAPTAIN William E. Yeager, Jr. passed away (fell from a ladder while working at home) on December 23rd, 2008. I served with CAPTAIN Yeager in VP-46 and I have since found out he was also served with VP-8 and VP-30. Our thoughts and Prayers to his family albeit 6 years late..." Contributed by MOORE, ATCS(NAC) William F. "Bill" Retired oldwrestler@roadrunner.com [04DEC2014]

ZEISEL, CAPTAIN Dick Retired eldoz@msn.com "...I served (in chronological order) in the following squadrons: VP-47 (1951-53); VP-8 (1961-64); VP-30 (1964-67); VP-49 (XO/CO 1967-68); VP-31 (CO 1970-71)...Having been involved in the very first P3V-1 (P-3A) introduction in 1962 and still involved with the P-3 in 1970-71 (first west coast P-3C)..." [E-Mail Updated 05FEB99]

"VP-8 Summary Page"