VPNAVY VP-5 Mercury Capsule Recovery
VPNAVY Address

HistoryVP-ML-55 HistoryHistory

Circa 1957

HistoryA BIT OF HISTORY: "...1957 Cruise Book..." Contributed by ROBERT [N] BELL captbell@tampabay.rr.com [30MAR99]

In the fall of 1945, in a small reserve station at Grosse Ile, Michigan, a new patrol squadron, designated VPB-905, was organized. The reserve pilots who made up this new squadron called themselves the "SUNDAY FLIERS" because of the "SF" markings on their PBM seaplanes.

In 1946, they were redesignated VP-ML-55, and soon thereafter, redesignated VP-731. In 1950, they were called to active duty, to take part in the Korean conflict.

A three month training cycle in San Diego was followed by a six month deployment to the NS Sangley Point, Philippines.

Six months later, the squadron left Sangley Point and returned to the San Diego area to reorganize and retrain.

Now the squadron deploys yearly to Iwakuni, Japan to patrol the waters from Korea to Hong Kong, and further their training in Anti-Submarine Warfare and advanced base operations. It was during this period, in 1953, that the squadron received its present designation of VP-48.

The only Navy Patrol Squadron still retaining the SF markings, but now flying P5M "MARLINS", the present day Sunday Fliers laugh, live and work together as a closely knit team. This book was created to show you the many aspects of life in our squadron; the fun we have, the work we do, the lighter side and even the dreary side of things as they happen in our daily routine..."


CDR R.C Payne, USN 
CDR H.A. Haszard, USN 
LTJG R.F. Austin, USNR 
LT E.W. Bassett, USNR 
LTJG J.G. Collier, USNR 
LTJG M.D. Dalbey, USNR 
LTJG C.R. Delcher, USNR 
LTJG M.E. Dickens, USNR 
CWO/W3 E.W. Fox, USN 
LTJG D.A. Howells, USN 
LTJG W.G. Huston, USNR 
LT C.W. Jackson, USN 
LTJG J.W. Johnson, USNR 
LTJG W.H. Kilgore, USNR 
LTJG J.C. Marquardt, USN 
LTJG D.M. Matson, USNR 
LT W.W. McCue, USN 
CDR C.A. McGuire, USN 
LTJG T.D. Nations, USN 
LT J.A. Pertel, USN 
LTJG R.R. Read, USN 
LCDR M.A. Saathoff, USN 
LTJG E.G. Salegui, USNR 
CDR E.E. Schnell, USN 
LTJG R.J. Sherman, USNR 
LTJG R.L. Smidt, USN 
LTJG D.P. Smith, USNR 
LT M.D. Snowbarger, USN 
LTJG F.L. Stahl, USNR 
LTJG E.G. Statton, USNR 
LTJG W.A. Stennett, USN 
LT R.T.Thomas, USN 
LT J.J. Thompson, USN 
LTJG W.E. Thudium, USN 
LTJG C.R. Turner, USNR 
LCDR C.M. Vehorn, USN 
LTJG J.E. Von Lorenz, USNR 
LTJG L.K. Von Perbandt, USNR 
LCDR E.P. Walker, USN 
LTJG H.F. Waters, USNR 
LTJG T.G. Weisheit, USNR 
LTJG G.R. Williams, USNR 
LCDR H.F. Williamson, USN 
LTJG G.W. Wilson, USNR 
LT F.T. Woodall, USN 


Abshier, J.A., AB2 
Akerman, F.J., ADS 
Alden, John W., AN 
Alien, R.V. AN 
Askew, C., AMC 
Austin, P.O., AEC 
Axsom, J.W. AER3 
Bailey, 1.C., SD1 
Bartkowski, R.J., AE3 BR>Baker, Q.A., AA 
Ball, W.A., AE3 
Barlow, P.A., AT3 
Barnett, D.L., AN 
Barnes, G.A., AN 
Beardsley, L.E., ADC 
Beasley, T.J., AM1 
Bell, R.L., AN 
Bell, R., AA 
Beiber, R.W., SN 
Blue, A.L., AE3 
Blume, T.A., AN 
Boberick, J., AN 
Bourdess, R.L. ADAN 
Breshears, C.D., AN 
Burleson, J.P., AN 
Bryant, C.C., AE1 
Bush, V.E., AM3 
Cannon, J.L., AB2 
Cardea, R.P. AT3 
Carnobas, C.H., AN 
Castenada, R., SD2 
Cervantes, R., AN 
Chepult, N., Jr., ADC 
Chitwood, L.D., JR, AK 
Chouteau, D.G., AO1 
Clark, B.L., SN 
Claytor, N.L., AN 
Clugh, W.C., AD1 
Coleman, W.T., AT1 
Collins, J.D., AEAN 
Conquest A.S., AOC 
Costigan, J.J., A02 
Courneya, C.G., AE3 
Coulliette, R.H., AK3 
Cortez, M.A., JR., AN 
Cox, D.W., AN 
Coy, W.N., AM3 
Craiker, G., PH3 
Creamer, G.U., AT2 
Creamer, W.G. AM1 
Cregmile, G.L., AN 
Crocker, D.J., AD2 
Curry, D.O., AN 
Davis, D.L., AA 
Davis, J.C., AE2 
Denny, D.R., AN 
Denault, L.J., AE2 
Dennis, P.W. 
Derr, W.H., AOTAN 
Destio, R., ADA 
Dick, A.J., AD 
Dillow, R.L., ADI 
Doering, W.E. 
Dollar, J.F., AT3 
Doyle, L., AN 
Ellis, R., AE3 
Estrada, E., AD1 
Everett, R.M., AA 
Falcone, D.J., AMS3 
Farkas, R.D., AEM3 
Farrell, P.D., AE3 
Faulkner, C.E., AEM3 
Faux, R.J., ADRAA 
Ferguson, H.T., AM2 
Ferraro, A.R., AA 
Finley, O.D., AN 
Fischer, A.B., AN 
Fitch, R.L., AT3 
Fletcher, R.L., AD3 
Fresquez, O.C., AN 
Gabbert, L.E., AN 
Getz, J., AN 
Gibson, J.E. AN 
Gideons, H.H., A03 
Gill, J.E., AN 
Girardin, G.R., AE3 
Goetz, J.A., AMC 
Colder, W.B., ATAN 
Goth, K.E, AD1 
Gracey, W.E., CS3 
Grams, T.A., AN 
Greer D.E., AN 
Gryder, K.H., AOT3 
Gutridge, J.R, AA 
Haggerty, L.A., AD3 
Hall L.L., AN 
Hall, T.P., AM1 
Hamilton, R.W., HMI 
Harrison, R. H., AB1 
Hastings, S.A., ATI 
Hayes, C., AA 
Haynes, A.D., AN 
Henrich, H.L., AN 
Hewett, R. D., AT3 
Hindes, F.S., AD3 
Holdeman, D.D., AN 
Holleway, L.A., AMs3 
Holt, D.B., AT2 

Honcharuk, J.P., AOC 
Hoon, K.W., SA 
Horton, J.D., ADC 
Hoskins, D.K., AD2 
House, R.D., AN 
Howard, W.R., AA 
Hudson, B.M., AT2 
Hughes, J.D., AT3 
Huntington, D.J., AN 
Hyde, D.W., ATN3 
Iness, S.E., AN 
James, J.C., AN 
Jaquez, J.L., AT3 
Jefferies, F.E., AD1 
Jensen, D.M., AN 
Jerome, D.K., AT3 
Jones, J.F., AN 
Jones J.M., AA 
Kapitula, T.J., CS2 
Kattau, T., AT2 
Ketterer, F.R., BM1 
King, W.M., AMC 
Klein, E.J., AOC 
Koligaard, R.J., AT3R 
Krueger, C.R., AT3 
Kubart, J.R. 
Kuebel, B.W., SH3 
Kuhne, W.E., ADC 
Larsen, S., AM3 
Larsen, E.F., AE1 
Lasley, F.D., A03 
Leckner, J.E., AMS3 
Lee, R.G., AN 
Lee, R.G., AM3 
Lehman, A.L., AE3 
Lentz, R.M., AA 
Lewis, L.C., AD3 
Linn, J.D., AE3 
Litel, J.G., AT3 
Little, W.D., AT1 
Longstreth, G.T., AMC, 
Longstreth, W.A., AM1 
Luden, R.R., A03 
Lundberg, J. W., ADC 
Lundy, 0.W., AD2 
Lyall, F.B., AMSAN 
Mac Donald, R.W., AT3 
Magee, B.D., AM1 
Magee, G.E., ATC 
Magisa, P.H., AN 
Marchant, B.E., AA 
Marlin, H.R., YN3 
Marshman, H.L., AT3 
Martin, J.H., ATC 
Mazur, W.F., RRS3 
Me Call, L.L., AN 
Me Collum, R.A., CS1 
Me Donald, H.C., AD3 
Me Guire, J.A., AT3 
Me Pike, J.D., AN 
Medvedick, S.P., AD2 
Mello, E.R., ATC 
Merritt, P.D., AN 
Middlebrooks, D.W., SN 
Miller, K.C., AN 
Montaina, A.J., AD2 
Montez, M.S., AN 
Moore, C.W., AN 
Moore, W.E., AT2 
Morris, T.D., AN 
Morris, M.H., PNI 
Murphy, T.D., AOTA 
Myrick, J.E., AMS3 
Nelson, M,R., AEAN 
Nielson, D.R., PR1 
Nikali, J, AD1 
Nodler, H.G., ADC 
Ockert, C.M., AT3 
O'Connor F.R., AMHA 
Osborne, R.O., AD2 
Osgood, C.R., AN 
Parham, J.H., AN 
Parker, G., ADR3 
Patterson, U.G., TN 
Pattin, V.E., AN 
Pena, C., AN 
Persyn, G.L., AD3 
Piekunka, J.F., AD1 
Plumb, M.G., AN 
Pogue, C.F., AMSAN 
Poland, D.A., AM1 
Preston, E.M., AE2 
Prindle, A.R., AT3 
Prudhomme, F.G., SN 
Pyles, H.M., AT2 
Rabaca, D.C., SN 
Rataiczak, A.J., AOAN 
Rayman, R.B., AN 
Reed, H.R., AN 
Reinhardt, R.L., AT1 
Reneau, W.F., AN 
Roberts, R.W. AN 2 
Roberts, R.C., AA 
Robinson, R.T., AM1 
Rohn, H. F., AO1 
Runnels K.K., AD2 
Rust, G.D., AD3 
Saling, F.W. AT3 
Sanders, R.W., AM3 
Santos, R., PHGAN 
Schoenhals, C., AE3 
Schnell, W.F., AD3 
Schuck, G.S., AN 
Scribner, R.W., AM3 
Scroggin, W.L., AT3 
Secrest, J.W., AN 
Senninger, AE2 1403 
Sharp, W.E., AT2 
Shemanski, R. J., AM 
Sirnco, B.B., AN 
Skaggs, H.D., AD2 
Smith, B.J., AE2 
Smith, G.D., AN 
Smith, L.I., AN 
Smith, N.R., AN 
Smith, R.P., AT1 
Spies, N.E., ADC 
Stedman, I.W., SN 
Stellmach, J. D., AT3 
Stidham, G.O., ATN3 
Stoffel, A.P., ADC 
St Jean, R.A., AE3 
Strong, J.R., AN 
Strong, W.R., ADC 
Sullivan, J.R., A02 
Svoboda, J.M., AT3 
Tagaloa, N., AL3 
Thacker, J.O., AN 
Thompson, G.E., AT3 
Timmons, J.W., ATC 
Trahan, M.J., AD3 
Truitt, G.R., ASI 
Turner, M.A., AN 
Ussery, H.R., AGAN 
Van Dyke, A.F., AN 
Vigil, M.M. E., DKSN 
Watkins, B.J., YNTS 
Washington, T., AOU3 
Wheeler, L.H., AN 
Wigmore, L.R., AD3 
Wilkins, K.E., AT3 
Willard, B.A., AA 
Williams, J.G., ATC 
Wilson, R.M., AT3 
Winders, L.E., PNSA 
Winrow, J.C., AN 
Wright, L.A., AN 
Wynn, J., SD3 
Yerchin, F., AD2 
Zajda, E.J., AMHAN 

Contributed by ROBERT [N] BELL captbell@tampabay.rr.com [30MAR99]

"VP-ML-55 Summary Page"