VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVP-MS-3 ShipmatesShipmate

ARCHER, CPR Ted Retired c/o Bill Archer emperorwilly@sbcglobal.net "...My Father, CPR Ted Archer, served with VP-MS-3 at NS Sangley Point, Philippines from 1946 to 1948 before going to NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Anyone who served with Chief Archer and would like to contact him, email me. Thanks..." [20JAN2007]

CHRISTIE, AF3 Ronald ronchristie1@bresnan.net "...I attended Boot camp at NAS North Island, San Diego, California (September 1946), Pre-flight at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and Aerial Gunnery School (October 1946 to December 1946) at NAS Yellow Water, Florida where we fired tracers during the day and fought resulting forest fires at night, AF Training at NAS NAS Pensacola, Florida (January 1947 to June 1947), VP-MS-3 at MCBH Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii (July 1947 to February 1948) and VP-HL-13 to discharge in April 1948. Flew to Pacific assignment on an old "MARS" Priority and returned to states on a Troop Transport Gen. Breckenbridge with hundreds of others. Got to see it all -- shot several loose mines on the way back and discharged from Treasure Island, CA. Paid off in $2.00 bills to impress San Francisco Community. I still have one of the Bills. Fondest memories are of Shore Patrol duties..." [26MAR2009]

"VP-MS-3 Summary Page"