VP-MS-4 Reunions
REUNIONs: "...VP-44, VPB-204, VP-204 and VP-MS-4 2012 Reunion - November 8-11, 2012 at NAS Pensacola, Florida. Please contact Gene R. Toffolo at 229-559-7959 or genejanjay@aol.com - Website: VP-44 Golden Pelicans http://www.vp44goldenpelicans.com/..." Contributed by Gene R. Toffolo genejanjay@aol.com [13FEB2012]
REUNIONs: "...VP-44, VPB-204, VP-204 and VP-MS-4 Mini Reunion - April 16-20, 2009 - Green Valley, AZ - Frank Kurkowitz 520-495-4875 or fdkusn@yahoo.com - Website: VP-44 Golden Pelicans http://www.vp44goldenpelicans.com/..." Contributed by Gene R. Toffolo genejanjay@aol.com [29APR2008]
REUNIONs: "...VP-44, VPB-204, VP-204 and VP-MS-4 Mini Reunion - September 7-12, 2008 - Pigeon Forge, TN - Jeff Snavely 301-481-9136 or snavelyjj@yahoo.com - Website: VP-44 Golden Pelicans http://www.vp44goldenpelicans.com/..." Contributed by Gene R. Toffolo genejanjay@aol.com [29APR2008]
REUNIONs: "...VP-44 Reunion 2005 will be in Fredericksburg, TX on the anniversary of the Battle of Midway – June 1 through June 5, 2005. One of the highlights of the Reunion will be the presentation and posting of a commemorative memorial plaque in honor of VP-44 WWII personnel in the memorial garden adjacent to the Admiral Nimitz Museum. VP-44 Reunions are for all personnel (VP-204, VPB-204, VP-MS-4, VPB-44, VP-44*). Spouses and family members of departed shipmates are encouraged to attend. For more information contact Reunion Chairman - E-Mail chairman@vp44goldenpelicans.com, Telephone (817) 389-3325, or WebSite: http://www.vp44goldenpelicans.com...Ray Beck chairman@vp44goldenpelicans.com..." [13JUL2004]
REUNIONs: "...VP-44 (including VP-204, VPB-204, & VPMS-4) Reunion -- Daytona Beach, FL, 16-19 AUG 2001; POC Ray Beck, E-Mail vp44reunion@hotmail.com or visit the VP-44 Reunion 2001 Web-site: http://www.vp44goldenpelicans.com..." Contributed by Ray Beck raybeck55@yahoo.com..." [Reunion Update 08MAR2001 | 12OCT2000]
"VP-MS-4 Summary Page"