VR-61 Shipmates
Alexus alexus_taylor@hotmail.com "...I am looking for Christopher Davis who served with VR-61 NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I'm hoping someone can help me..." [20NOV2003]
BARNETT, YNCM(AW/SW) Bob vr61cmc@cnrf.nola.navy.mil "...I served in VP-91 from July 1992 to August 1995. I am currently CMC of VR-61 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. Would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [10NOV2000]
DEAN, CDR Robert (Bob) Retired dino48@gmpexpress.net "...I was the MO with VR-61 from 1994 to 1997. Hoping to hear from any of you out that way..." [13JUN2006]
EGGERT, AVCM(AW) Ron eggsplant@aol.com "...I'm on my 7th different platform now and enjoy running into old folks like myself who "remember the day...". I Did my first tour from 86-89 in VR-61 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington...they still flew the DC-9/31's so we never got to det anywhere. My next move was to VP-67 in NAS Memphis, Tennessee from 89-93 where I had too much fun to elaborate on. After NAS Memphis, Tennessee I did a short tour with VF-302 at NAS Miramar, California (93-94) until CAG-30 decommisioned, then I transfered to VFA-203 at NAS Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida for a tour with the Blue Dolphins. In 1996 we made the move to NAS Atlanta, Georgia, I made Chief in 1997 then transfered to VR-53 at NAF Washington, D.C. in February of 1998. After an awesome tour in the herc community I took orders to VAQ-209 (also at NAF Andrews, Maryland) in January of 2002 where I picked up 8 and 9. I'm currently the CMC at VR-1 (yup, NAF Andrews, Maryland) and would love hearing from any old friends I used to run with during the wild times..." [28JUL2005]
MARTIN, AMC Chad cm0828@msn.com "...I served with VP-91 (1991-1996) at NAS Moffett Field, California (Airframes Shop), VP-69 (1996-2000) at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, VR-61 (2000-2005) at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, VR-55 (2005-2009) at NAS Point Mugu, California and VR-61 (2009-2013)..." [08OCT2010]
ROE, CMC Charles A. Retired arneroe@comcast.net "...I was with VW-13 from December 1961 to May 1963, flying aircrew as a Radioman. I finished out my career flying in VR-51 and VR-61. I retired after 33 years of service, serving my last 16 years as CMC of several squadrons, including VR-51. Now I'm very active in Boy Scouts and traveling. Hey Ski, if you're out there drop me an e-mail..." [06MAY2006]
SWANSON, AZ1 Jeff guzzi4me@comcast.net "...I served with VP-91, VP-69, VR-61, VP-MAU MMF A. I was a TAR from 07-77 to 11-87 and currently with SELRES..." [E-Mail Updated 23MAR2015 | E-Mail Updated 01JUN2008 | 12MAR2000]
TORSTENSON, Al "Chief T" a.torstenson@comcast.net "...I served with VP-17 in 1967, VP-2 in 1968, VP-69 in 1983 (P-3 FE and became (TAR)), VP-69, VP-64, VP-68 and VR-61 at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington. I retired in the Seattle area and am loving it. Twenty four years is plenty. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 01MAY2009 | 04FEB98]
 "VR-61 Summary Page"