VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVR-742 ShipmatesShipmate

PEARCE, William G. "BILL" (Ret) w0mwo@rmi.net "...I was an Arm/2c in VPB-25 (PBM Martin MARINER) WW2. Al1 VP-1 (P2V Neptune)during the Korean War and AT1/c plank owner in VR-742, NAS Jacksonville, Florida (C-54/C-118). Flew high priorty loads into Vietnam whoile on two weeks active duty early 1960's. Retired in May 1986 from Naval Air Reserve as AT-1 (E-6). Am now Public Relations I Director of the International B-24 (PB4Y-1/PB4Y-2) Memorial Museum section of the Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum, Pueblo, CO. On my second hitch on active duty (1948-1952 I flew as ARM1/c on PB4Y-2 PRIVATEERS testing Navy air-ground, air-air, Ground -air missiles at the Point Mugu (Pacific Missile Test Center), Oxnard, CA. the B-25 (PB4Y-1) Museum is making a computer data base of all B-24 (PB4Y-1/PB4Y-2) aircrews, living/deceased. See our Web site at http://www.pueblo.org/phas/index.html. Our Phone number is (719) 948-9219. FAX (719) 948-2437. e-mail pwrr59f@prodigy.com Mailing address is Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum, 31001 Magnuson Ave., Pueblo, CO 81001. We'll be glad to answer questions about the B-24 etc. as we have former aircrew on our staff and some B-24 pilots from WW2. Ask for our B-24 Crew Info sheet by mail, e-mail, phone or FAX or see our Web site. ..." [09MAY99]

"VR-742 Summary Page"