VX-30 Aircraft
Lockheed DC-130A
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 DC-130A BUNO: 570497 "...C-130 crew preparing 2 LC-130s at Davis-Monthan for delivery..." Contributed by BARAN, ATC(AW/NAC) Richard "Shipwreck" geographer@wavecable.com [08MAY2002]
"...We had that aircraft on station in 2001-2002 (A/C was weighed 11/15/2001). The surrounding hangars and aircraft look too familiar for it to be anywhere but the Aircraft Center here in Greenville, SC..." Contributed by Michael Tedrick michael.tedrick@lmco.com [23JUL2004]
"...Not an LC-130 (they have the skiis), but rather a DC-130A (BUNO 570497)..." Contributed by LT Jim Carroll james.n.carroll2@navy.mil [27MAY2004]
Lockheed P-3 Orion
NOTICE: "...NP-3D's with the eagle are technically not VX-30. When they had the eagle patch it was Naval Weapons Test Squadron, Point Mugu (NWTSPM)..." Contributed by LT Jim Carroll james.n.carroll2@navy.mil [27MAY2004]
NOTICE: "...NP-3D BuNos - BH335 150524, BH340 150522, and BH341 150521..." Contributed by BARAN, ATC(AW/NAC) Richard "Shipwreck" geographer@wavecable.com [13JUN2002]
AIRCRAFT:  NWTS P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...NP-3D Circa July 1996 - Lionel Paul (Collection)..." Contributed by Stephen Miller f134kilmil@comcast.net [22NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  NWTS P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...NP-3D by David Steinbacher (Collection)..." Contributed by Stephen Miller f134kilmil@comcast.net [22NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...150499 (cn 5025) Large fin-mounted radar antenna is used to clear the offshore range prior to unmanned drone flights. NAS Point Mugu, California / Naval Bases Ventura County (NTD / KNTD) - More: USA - California, October 1999..." Contributed by Gary Chambers f4wso@att.net [18FEB2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...Buno is 150499. Side # 337--- a little different from the fleet due to the many different types of aircraft we have here (i.e., F-4s 100 series, F-14s 200 series, F-18's low 300s)..." Contributed by LT Jim Carroll james.n.carroll2@navy.mil [27MAY2004]
AIRCRAFT:  NAWC P-3 BUNO: 150499 "...Naval Air Weapons Center NP-3D (BuNo 150499) at Pt Mugu, April 1994. This was the first aircraft modified with the "Billboard" for the Extended Area Test System (EATS) radar in 1979 while assigned to PMTC. Photographed by Keith Snyder. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [10MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150521/150522 "...Former VXE-6 aircraft..." Contributed by BARAN, ATC(AW/NAC) Richard "Shipwreck" geographer@wavecable.com [08MAY2002]
"...I was looking through the Unknown P-3 pictures. Thought I send in a little identity for some of them. AM1(AW) Jeff Frey p3superb@aol.com..." [08APR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150522 "...NAS Brunswick, Maine..." WebSite: FenceCheck http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/ [07SEP2008]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150522 "...NAS Brunswick, Maine..." WebSite: FenceCheck http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/ [07SEP2008]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150522 "...NAS Brunswick, Maine November 21, 2006..." WebSite: FenceCheck http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/ [07SEP2008]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150522 Contributed by NETTLES, Bullet Bob bulletbob_1@email.msn.com [23AUG2008]
AIRCRAFT:  NWTS P-3 BUNO: 150524 "...NP-3D at NAS Point Mugu, California on 23 April 1999 by Craig Kaston..." Contributed by Stephen Miller f134kilmil@comcast.net [28NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 150524 "...Former VXE-6 aircraft..." Contributed by BARAN, ATC(AW/NAC) Richard "Shipwreck" geographer@wavecable.com [08MAY2002]
"...I was looking through the Unknown P-3 pictures. Thought I send in a little identity for some of them. AM1(AW) Jeff Frey p3superb@aol.com..." [08APR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  NWTS P-3 BUNO: 150525 "...NP-3D at NAS Point Mugu, California on 04 October 1966 by Craig Kaston..." Contributed by Stephen Miller f134kilmil@comcast.net [28NOV2012]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 158227 "...158227 Lockheed NP-3D Orion on the AMARC arrival ramp. Previously operated by the VX-30 based at NAS Point Mugu, CA. First delivered to the US Navy on the 15-NOV-71, this aircraft arrived at AMARC on the 29-DEC-03 and is allocated PCN AN2P0194. This particular aircraft was used to support base operations at Point Mugu and other bases around the world. It's missions included radar/visual safety surveillance, telemetry data collection and retransmission, time, space and position Information (TSPI), high resolution optical collections and general Fleet support. Picture © 2004 Philip Michaels..." WebSite: AMARC http://www.amarcexperience.com/AMARCArticleP3Orion.asp [12FEB2005]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: 15X337 "...Former VXE-6 aircraft..." Contributed by BARAN, ATC(AW/NAC) Richard "Shipwreck" geographer@wavecable.com [08MAY2002]
"...I was looking through the Unknown P-3 pictures. Thought I send in a little identity for some of them. AM1(AW) Jeff Frey p3superb@aol.com..." [08APR2004]
AIRCRAFT:  VX-30 P-3 BUNO: Unknown WebSite: GoNavy http://www.gonavy.jp/ [12SEP2009]
 "VX-30 Summary Page"